PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Woweeeeeee! 3 Bfp's in 2 days!!!!
Worth waiting for!!!!

Praying for sticky beans all round!

London- so excited for u! Think its only right u get your Bfp now as you're always
so supportive to everyone else and as starter of the thread!!

Girls please stick around on the thread as would love to know how it all goes!
Wish we all lived close as would be fab getting together! You all feel like friends now!!

I'm aiming for a valentines Bfp as mh body should be ready to try again in 6 weeks!


A valentines baby would be so wonderful!! Your LO is just around the corner.:hugs: I'm excited :happydance: to share information with everyone, and of course want to know how everyone is doing too! I'm sure I will be seeing everyone in the pregnancy threads very soon! Just poked my head over there today, but not sure I want to join too much till I get my blood work back. Hopefully I will be doing it on Monday.

I hope everyone has a great weekend. I'm looking forward to seeing my dad and step-mom today and having dinner with everyone, but worried about how to conceal my pregnancy since I know wine will be flowing. Thinking I might tell people I'm trying to lose weight and so drinking way, way less. (I have been known to have a few glasses around friends :haha:) OH is still sleeping and waiting for the Stanford game to start but I think I will get him up to start on that cleaning we talked about earlier. Also, I want to be done before the Sharks Hockey starts! :hug: to everyone and lots of :dust:
Just thought I would share this with you guys, this was my first month trying pre-seed, been trying now for no1 for 23 months, had an ectopic back in march-april time and November the 17th was my due date that just passed :(

When I woke up on the 17th November from a dream that I had the strongest positive I had ever seen on a pregnancy test, made me want to test and when the post man came to my door he delivered a small parcel from Avent, which when I opened was a newborn baby bottle as they had my due date. I seen these both as signs that I must test and did, didnt get the blaring positive I seen in my dream but got a positive none the less and I am hoping that these were really good signs that this is now the right time :happydance: xxx

Forgot to say a big thanks to Pre-Seed would definitely recommend trying it
I am crying at all these bfp's this is a seriously happy thread! congrats to all of you! I would like nothing more that to have a bfp by xmas.
Hi girls
Absolutely loved reading the above posts... Made me so happy..
But for me - 2 days late and after 2 questionable/v v v faint BFPs - I went to the toilet tonight and a blood glob came out. I don't know what the hell it was and I dont have a normal flow after it but I just know I'm out.
When I thought I had a BFP this cycle I figured id get my 8 week scan done and put it in the future grandparents' (my and dh's parents) Xmas cards... Looks like that's not gonna happen now.
I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now I think.
I'll see all you beautiful girls in the morning when I'm in a better headspace xx
Hi girls
Absolutely loved reading the above posts... Made me so happy..
But for me - 2 days late and after 2 questionable/v v v faint BFPs - I went to the toilet tonight and a blood glob came out. I don't know what the hell it was and I dont have a normal flow after it but I just know I'm out.
When I thought I had a BFP this cycle I figured id get my 8 week scan done and put it in the future grandparents' (my and dh's parents) Xmas cards... Looks like that's not gonna happen now.
I'm going to go cry myself to sleep now I think.
I'll see all you beautiful girls in the morning when I'm in a better headspace xx

:hugs: i teared up reading the last part of your post. i'm sorry AF is playing with your head so much! i was driving to work today very optimistic from my high temp and not getting AF in the morning and was imagining OH and i telling our families on christmas....then all of a sudden i felt like AF came. and of course, i get to work, go to the bathroom, and shes there.
i felt like i shouldnt even be on here today because i didnt want to spread my negative energy. but i know all you girls are here for me and understand how much it sucks.

feel better, london. have a good cry (i'll be doing the same) and maybe a nice warm bubble bath. we're all here for you :flower:
Congrats to all the new BFP's...that is so exciting! :happydance:

Mommytobe and Londongirl ~ i'm so sorry AF came for you girls. I know how you feel. AF just left for me, i haven't been on here in a while b/c i've been so down lately about it and didn't want to just be a whining nelly....Starting to wonder if it will ever happen...OH (bless his heart) has to talk me down off a ledge everytime AF comes as i get so dissapointed. He reminds me that it will happen in time and we just have to be patient and keep at it.

I'm really debating on not going home for the holidays as i'm ovulating during that week...but then again, i don't know how i'll feel being without family on thanksgiving...grr.

Still using the CBFM on CD8 and still getting low's....
Congrats to all the new BFP's...that is so exciting! :happydance:

Mommytobe and Londongirl ~ i'm so sorry AF came for you girls. I know how you feel. AF just left for me, i haven't been on here in a while b/c i've been so down lately about it and didn't want to just be a whining nelly....Starting to wonder if it will ever happen...OH (bless his heart) has to talk me down off a ledge everytime AF comes as i get so dissapointed. He reminds me that it will happen in time and we just have to be patient and keep at it.

I'm really debating on not going home for the holidays as i'm ovulating during that week...but then again, i don't know how i'll feel being without family on thanksgiving...grr.

Still using the CBFM on CD8 and still getting low's....

aww my OH has to do the same thing. i have to remind myself hes just as disappointed as i am.

do you have to go far if you go home for thanksgiving? i'm assuming since you're still debating the decision you're family doesnt live too close. i had to skip out on a road trip/vaca with my friends in december because the week they're going is my O week. :brat:
Congrats to all the new BFP's...that is so exciting! :happydance:

Mommytobe and Londongirl ~ i'm so sorry AF came for you girls. I know how you feel. AF just left for me, i haven't been on here in a while b/c i've been so down lately about it and didn't want to just be a whining nelly....Starting to wonder if it will ever happen...OH (bless his heart) has to talk me down off a ledge everytime AF comes as i get so dissapointed. He reminds me that it will happen in time and we just have to be patient and keep at it.

I'm really debating on not going home for the holidays as i'm ovulating during that week...but then again, i don't know how i'll feel being without family on thanksgiving...grr.

Still using the CBFM on CD8 and still getting low's....

aww my OH has to do the same thing. i have to remind myself hes just as disappointed as i am.

do you have to go far if you go home for thanksgiving? i'm assuming since you're still debating the decision you're family doesnt live too close. i had to skip out on a road trip/vaca with my friends in december because the week they're going is my O week. :brat:

yea, my family is 3 hours away and there will be alot of family and alot of dogs and OH isn't comfortable BDing at their house...don't blame him, it's not that SO, originally i decided to use work as an excuse and stay home as that will be when i'm ovulating. lol

I know what you mean about OH, i have to remember that he has feelings to about it and is just as dissapointed. He told me last cycle that he is starting to worry it might be his sperm issues and asked me to start buying him boxers instead of i love him.
Congrats to all the new BFP's...that is so exciting! :happydance:

Mommytobe and Londongirl ~ i'm so sorry AF came for you girls. I know how you feel. AF just left for me, i haven't been on here in a while b/c i've been so down lately about it and didn't want to just be a whining nelly....Starting to wonder if it will ever happen...OH (bless his heart) has to talk me down off a ledge everytime AF comes as i get so dissapointed. He reminds me that it will happen in time and we just have to be patient and keep at it.

I'm really debating on not going home for the holidays as i'm ovulating during that week...but then again, i don't know how i'll feel being without family on thanksgiving...grr.

Still using the CBFM on CD8 and still getting low's....

aww my OH has to do the same thing. i have to remind myself hes just as disappointed as i am.

do you have to go far if you go home for thanksgiving? i'm assuming since you're still debating the decision you're family doesnt live too close. i had to skip out on a road trip/vaca with my friends in december because the week they're going is my O week. :brat:

yea, my family is 3 hours away and there will be alot of family and alot of dogs and OH isn't comfortable BDing at their house...don't blame him, it's not that SO, originally i decided to use work as an excuse and stay home as that will be when i'm ovulating. lol

I know what you mean about OH, i have to remember that he has feelings to about it and is just as dissapointed. He told me last cycle that he is starting to worry it might be his sperm issues and asked me to start buying him boxers instead of i love him.

aw man, maybe you two could sneak off for a walk or a drive. lol so romantic, huh? making a baby in the back seat of a car proooobably isnt ideal :haha:

i love when they say cute little things like that. i hope neither one of you has a problem and that little baby is just waiting for the perfect time to make an appearance!
Hello ladies, sorry i’ve been away for a while, needed some thinking time, how is everyone?

Michelle, and rntcc - congrats and FX’d everything will be ok
Sorry to all those who got their AF :hugs:
And londongirl, sorry to hear that damn :witch: is messing with you. I really hope that ‘glob’ was nothing and you get your sticky bean. Can i ask though, you said you’ve been taking VitB and Agnus Castus and your luteal phase has lengthened, how long were you taking it before you noticed a difference?

AFM - The letter from the doctors knocked me back even more than i thought it did at the time, a couple of girls at work commented that i seem to have lost my ‘vibrancy’ so i just needed to get my thoughts together. I know it’s not a complete dead end as far as my options go, it just felt so harsh to be cut off like that. What my big problem is though is how irritated i get by people saying “don’t worry it will happen” when i want to shout out “no, there’s a chance it WONT happen, and that’s what i want the test for, to find out!!” but on the other hand i get irritated by my DH acting as though it won’t happen and talking about IVF, and even maybe not being able having children at all!!!!. :cry: So not really knowing where my own head was at, thought i’d take some time out.
My epiphany moment came a few days ago i was watching telly, then suddenly for no reason (there wasn’t even anything about it on telly) i suddenly thought how amazing it would be to adopt a child and give it a second chance at life. So i think that was when a really thought that yup, i’m not totally out. We’re still TTCing and i’ve booked another appointment with my doctor to discuss a ‘compromise’ with my BMI.

On another note, i think my wish has come true! I’m CD18 and no sign of OV yet (i’ve usually OV’d by now) and my clerablue Digis are still negative. It’s DH’s last day of work today then he has a week off, so it looks like i might end up OVing during his week off after all, so yay for a lot of BDing sessions. Either that or the news from last week has stressed me out and threw off my cycles, in which case i’m back to where i was 9 months ago . . . i really, really, really hope it’s not that!!

Anyway FX'd and :dust: to us all x x x

Michelle, I want to do this :happydance::happydance::happydance: :yipee::yipee::yipee: for youuuu again! xx

Dukebaby- yes, a Christamas BFP would be amazing, FX for you! This thread is amazing for BFP's they seem constant! xx

Londongirl- :hugs::hugs::hugs: how are you today? Any sign of proper AF? I really hope not hun. Your post made wish I could give you a real life hug. You deserve your sticky bean and if AF does show, us girls must make sure we hide the witches broom stick better next time. I hope you are OK. We are all here for you. Big love xx

mommytobe- this thread is for all us ladies, through our good days and bad! don't worry about being negative, it's part of the process with TCC. It's impossible not to have the lows following the excitement of a possible BFP. Hope you are feeling better today. :hugs:

mammawannabe- could you not BD in the morning prior to going to see your family? Otherwise, I say jump your man in the night even if you're there! (Maybe you could think of it as exciting and naughty BD'ing in your family house) xx

Joycie- hi hun :hugs: good to see you!:hugs: I can only imagine how difficult the letter must have been, something like that would definitely knock me back big time. I love how strong and positive you still are, it's inspirational. I hate it when everyone says not to worry and that it will happen. Not helpful at all when going though this.

I'm sure your DH means well. One of my friends who recently had a baby (got pregnant first month trying) said that to me. She said: "Not that you need it yet, but why don't you apply for IVF?" She means well, but it does feel crap when people say stuff like that. You will make a wonderful mum :hugs: you are definitely not out!!

Rally hope OV conveniently shows up during your DH's week off- plenty of time for some serious loving! :happydance: xx

Hi everyone else! :hugs:

Today is the last day of this month's BD'ing for me. I've yet to OPK today (hate having to not drink water and hold in wee, but what can you do...), so hopefully it will be near positive or positive. Should be OV'ing tomorrow. OH and I are going to go for Moroccan food in the evening and I shall be dressing to seduce! Come to think of it, drinking wine tonight might mess with my temps, but I can't be bothered to not have fun, I'm almost certain i will OV tomorrow as usual (cd16).

I don't feel this will be the cycle for some reason, but we will see. In someways, waiting each month in the TWW seems really long, but it seems like it was yesterday I was staring at my triphasic chart getting excited. Can't say i'm looking forward to the TWW.

Gosh, that was a mammoth post! Here is some cake for getting through it (serves cake)
Hi everyone, huge congrats for all the bfps!!
so sorry to hear about the af's any more news Londongirl?
Popcorn I hear u with not looking forward to the tww again either!

Afm cd10 and away for work so won't get to bd till cd16 when I get back! I tell u if I O before that Im going to be pretty upset! But did an opk today and was the first very faint line as previous days had no second line, so hoping I make it home in time!
Hi everyone else! :hugs:

Today is the last day of this month's BD'ing for me. I've yet to OPK today (hate having to not drink water and hold in wee, but what can you do...), so hopefully it will be near positive or positive.

I hate that sooooo much, what i hate most is that i'm supposed to drink plenty of water because of my CM, but i'm also told not to drink anything for about 4 hours before i POAS, soooo confusing :dohh:
Hi There,

I it OK if I join this thread?

This will be my first cycle using Preseed, I'm on 50mg Clomid CD2-6
haha..i don't think i could bd at my parents house...OH will never go for it. He's afraid of my dad. lol. Also, we are going for a few i prob won't go and give it a good ole try this month here at home.

Joycie~ i know how you feel. when i discussed TTC with my PCP we had a big discussion about my weight and before i even started to TTC she was worried that it would affect my chances of getting preggers. I was only about 50-75lbs overweight. I decided to have lap band surg to help since diet/exercise alone just wasn't doing it for me. UGH. I know it's not an option for everyone, but i just wanted to let you know that i know how you feel. I'm here if you need to talk. :hugs:

Londongirl~ whats going on today??
Hi everyone

well... AF is here in full force- and i mean full force - very very very heavy and terrible cramps. it was SUCH a weird cycle in that way, because the luteal phase was 2 days longer than usual - I don't know if that was cos AF was 'late' (?a chemical) or because of the vitamins i'm taking.

Joycie - i started agnus castus, primrose oil and vit b complex (on top of folic acid of course) at the beginning of the cycle just gone. and its the earliest i've o'd since i started charting 5 months ago (i o'd on CD 20, where usually on 22 or 23), and the longest luteal phase ive had (it was 14 days, usually 11 or 12 days). so overall the combination of vitamins seemed to make my cycle more 'balanced. i guess the only thing i'm perplexed at is that my period came on differently than usual too, with the horrible cramps, which did make me wonder whether it was a chemical. i hope not... but Joycie i sooo hope you Ov during your hubby's week off... it will be nice relaxing bd then... and ohhh imagine a bfp and you can tell that stupid doctor to go shove his head where the sun don't shine :haha:

bearsmummy, welcome to the thread. i hope you get your Xmas BFP :) how long have you been ttc?

lolalei, i hope ov holds out. if it's very faint now, i think you have every chance it will hold out for you cos my opk sticks take days and days to go from faint to dark :) in the meantime, just focus on keeping yourself chilled and eating and drinking well and you should be good!

dukebaby welcome :) how long have you been ttc?

mammawanabe - no excuses - i don't care how uncomfortable he is bd'ing in that house, you wll have a wonderful session and it will be just at the right perfect time!!

mommytobe we are at the same cycle stage and you have 32 length cycles right? mine are 33 so we'll get our bfps together just in time for xmas eve (fingers crossed)...

popcorn - thanks for the 'mammoth' post! i hope you have a raunchy dinner and after dinner treat :winkwink: thanks for the lovely words. i'm just interested - why do you feel this isn't your cycle?

as for me well...... as promised, i woke up feeling WAY better than i did last night. a bit hungover i think cos i had 3 massive glasses of wine when AF arrived (and trust me, at the moment in my mind the F in AF does NOT stand for FLO...!!!). but i do feel quite ok today. my only sadness is not to be able to do my idea of printing the scan and giving it to the parents as a xmas card. but heck - who cares. i realised, in the grand scheme of things, one month, 3 months, is NOTHING in the grand scheme of things. when we have our little baby, and then he/she is at preschool, growing up, etc, it'll make no differene that we had to wait an extra month or so.

i don't believe in superstition, but i got a silly reading from Ruby and she said i'd conceive or get my BFP in december 2011. i dismissed it at the time because i really FELT like this month was it. but maybe she'll be right after all! when i woke up DH said to me that he wants to do what my friends did when they got their BFP - BD everyday in a row for 10 days straight! so that's what we'll be doing this month. i'm also going to keep taking agnus castus, primrose oil, vit b and of course my lovely preseed.

i know i'm rambling, but i just find it therapeutic - i also wanted to say - i've decided to be positive and see the positive side of my bfn. positives are: i now get to go on the BIG girls' night out planned for friday night :) and i can have a drink for our xmas party, which will happen before ov, it also means we get an extra month of my pay (ie because i'm not preg), which can help pay for a nice holiday. i've said it before, but my favourite time of the month is the period week and also the ovulation week cos you get to have lots of sex! i hate and i mean HATE the 2 week wait - esp the final week.

that's it from me - i'm so excited to see how many bfps we get between now and xmas eve :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Londongirl- not sure, I have a feeling it might be because whenever I have a "this could be it cycle" the next one I think "no way". And I suppose no matter how much I think it only takes one, I worry about not being able to BD more than twice in my fertile week. but hey ho, you never know xx
londongirl- So sorry about Af turning up ,:(, good thing that you're staying positive,x
Congrats to all the BFP's!!!!:baby::baby::baby:

londongirl when you said you were going to cry yourself to sleep my heart broke bc that is exactly how ive felt since af arrived. i just really got my hopes up way to high bc i was 6 days late and it just really really crushed me. feel better hun:hugs:

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