PreSeed Club: We finally did it! 50th BFP announced :)

Hello ladies, sorry i’ve been away for a while, needed some thinking time, how is everyone?

Michelle, and rntcc - congrats and FX’d everything will be ok
Sorry to all those who got their AF :hugs:
And londongirl, sorry to hear that damn :witch: is messing with you. I really hope that ‘glob’ was nothing and you get your sticky bean. Can i ask though, you said you’ve been taking VitB and Agnus Castus and your luteal phase has lengthened, how long were you taking it before you noticed a difference?

AFM - The letter from the doctors knocked me back even more than i thought it did at the time, a couple of girls at work commented that i seem to have lost my ‘vibrancy’ so i just needed to get my thoughts together. I know it’s not a complete dead end as far as my options go, it just felt so harsh to be cut off like that. What my big problem is though is how irritated i get by people saying “don’t worry it will happen” when i want to shout out “no, there’s a chance it WONT happen, and that’s what i want the test for, to find out!!” but on the other hand i get irritated by my DH acting as though it won’t happen and talking about IVF, and even maybe not being able having children at all!!!!. :cry: So not really knowing where my own head was at, thought i’d take some time out.
My epiphany moment came a few days ago i was watching telly, then suddenly for no reason (there wasn’t even anything about it on telly) i suddenly thought how amazing it would be to adopt a child and give it a second chance at life. So i think that was when a really thought that yup, i’m not totally out. We’re still TTCing and i’ve booked another appointment with my doctor to discuss a ‘compromise’ with my BMI.

On another note, i think my wish has come true! I’m CD18 and no sign of OV yet (i’ve usually OV’d by now) and my clerablue Digis are still negative. It’s DH’s last day of work today then he has a week off, so it looks like i might end up OVing during his week off after all, so yay for a lot of BDing sessions. Either that or the news from last week has stressed me out and threw off my cycles, in which case i’m back to where i was 9 months ago . . . i really, really, really hope it’s not that!!

Anyway FX'd and :dust: to us all x x x

Hi there. I just want to say I am amazed by how positive you are. Your my hero. I also wanted to tell you that I am a child of adoption and my mo
and Dad were the absolute best parents a girl could have. My dad had cancer when he was 24 and the chemotherapy really did a number on him and my mom had a few problems as well so needless to say pregnancy wasn't going to happen for them. They tried for a long time before deciding to adopt. Maybe they are biased because they love me but they say adopting me was the best decision they ever made. My birthmother was only 16 and not ready to be a mom. She handpicked my parents. They adopted my sister 3 years later. We are a really happy family. Just know, no matter what, whether you get pregnant naturally, end up doing ivf, or decide to adopt that you will be a great mommy. All that really matters is the connection your family has together. I will say prayers for you! You seem to have a really good head on your shoulders and if you hit a deadend you make another path.
Hi ladies congrats on all your bfps! hope you dont mind me crashing your tread - just a quick question - how did you all introduce your oh's to preseed? I think mine would think I was crazy and be grossed out by it.. I just dont know how to approach the subject.. he is more more ntnp!
Hi ladies congrats on all your bfps! hope you dont mind me crashing your tread - just a quick question - how did you all introduce your oh's to preseed? I think mine would think I was crazy and be grossed out by it.. I just dont know how to approach the subject.. he is more more ntnp!

i just told OH "a lot of girls got pregnant from using this stuff, so lets try it!"
lol he was totally on board. i didnt realize how much better it would make everything too, because i tend to get kind of dry :blush:
Hi ladies congrats on all your bfps! hope you dont mind me crashing your tread - just a quick question - how did you all introduce your oh's to preseed? I think mine would think I was crazy and be grossed out by it.. I just dont know how to approach the subject.. he is more more ntnp!

Lol - I introduced my DH to it this morning. I think I introduced it as something for 'him' that would make it feel nice rather than something to help ttc!!! Cheeky I know. :blush: I put it in before going into bedroom so he didn't see the applicator - think he would have ran a mile:rofl:

Good luck with that conversation Josephine!!! Let us know how it goes!!!
mommytobe we are at the same cycle stage and you have 32 length cycles right? mine are 33 so we'll get our bfps together just in time for xmas eve (fingers crossed)...

yay! a cycle buddy!

but ok, i didnt want to say this out loud or even type it for fear of jinxing something...but i have to...

so i thought i got AF yesterday. so i used a tampon and went on my way. well...when i went to change it, it was completely dry. so i figured i'll be spotting for a bit and used a pad so a tampon wouldnt be uncomfortable. i havnt had anything since and my temp went up AGAIN this morning :shrug: when i thought i got it yesterday, it was very little and brownISH. like, red/brown.

i'm totally probably grasping at straws here. and i REALLY shouldnt be doing this to myself only to be disappointed. but we'll see i guess.
Hi ladies congrats on all your bfps! hope you dont mind me crashing your tread - just a quick question - how did you all introduce your oh's to preseed? I think mine would think I was crazy and be grossed out by it.. I just dont know how to approach the subject.. he is more more ntnp!

I think i suggested it, or maybe even actually told him about it as i was buying it. He was fine with it, i think as long as i don't make him wear/eat/do anything that makes him uncomfortable he'll go with anything.

Thankyou Dukebaby, i feel staying positive is the only way really, otherwise i'd go crazy. :wohoo:
mommytobe we are at the same cycle stage and you have 32 length cycles right? mine are 33 so we'll get our bfps together just in time for xmas eve (fingers crossed)...

yay! a cycle buddy!

but ok, i didnt want to say this out loud or even type it for fear of jinxing something...but i have to...

so i thought i got AF yesterday. so i used a tampon and went on my way. well...when i went to change it, it was completely dry. so i figured i'll be spotting for a bit and used a pad so a tampon wouldnt be uncomfortable. i havnt had anything since and my temp went up AGAIN this morning :shrug: when i thought i got it yesterday, it was very little and brownISH. like, red/brown.

i'm totally probably grasping at straws here. and i REALLY shouldnt be doing this to myself only to be disappointed. but we'll see i guess.

Ummmm.... This is massive!!! Yay!!!!!! Awesome!!!! Keep us updated!!
Hi ladies congrats on all your bfps! hope you dont mind me crashing your tread - just a quick question - how did you all introduce your oh's to preseed? I think mine would think I was crazy and be grossed out by it.. I just dont know how to approach the subject.. he is more more ntnp!

I don't tell him when I use it :)
Hello ladies, sorry i’ve been away for a while, needed some thinking time, how is everyone?

Michelle, and rntcc - congrats and FX’d everything will be ok
Sorry to all those who got their AF :hugs:
And londongirl, sorry to hear that damn :witch: is messing with you. I really hope that ‘glob’ was nothing and you get your sticky bean. Can i ask though, you said you’ve been taking VitB and Agnus Castus and your luteal phase has lengthened, how long were you taking it before you noticed a difference?

AFM - The letter from the doctors knocked me back even more than i thought it did at the time, a couple of girls at work commented that i seem to have lost my ‘vibrancy’ so i just needed to get my thoughts together. I know it’s not a complete dead end as far as my options go, it just felt so harsh to be cut off like that. What my big problem is though is how irritated i get by people saying “don’t worry it will happen” when i want to shout out “no, there’s a chance it WONT happen, and that’s what i want the test for, to find out!!” but on the other hand i get irritated by my DH acting as though it won’t happen and talking about IVF, and even maybe not being able having children at all!!!!. :cry: So not really knowing where my own head was at, thought i’d take some time out.
My epiphany moment came a few days ago i was watching telly, then suddenly for no reason (there wasn’t even anything about it on telly) i suddenly thought how amazing it would be to adopt a child and give it a second chance at life. So i think that was when a really thought that yup, i’m not totally out. We’re still TTCing and i’ve booked another appointment with my doctor to discuss a ‘compromise’ with my BMI.

On another note, i think my wish has come true! I’m CD18 and no sign of OV yet (i’ve usually OV’d by now) and my clerablue Digis are still negative. It’s DH’s last day of work today then he has a week off, so it looks like i might end up OVing during his week off after all, so yay for a lot of BDing sessions. Either that or the news from last week has stressed me out and threw off my cycles, in which case i’m back to where i was 9 months ago . . . i really, really, really hope it’s not that!!

Anyway FX'd and :dust: to us all x x x

Hi there. I just want to say I am amazed by how positive you are. Your my hero. I also wanted to tell you that I am a child of adoption and my mo
and Dad were the absolute best parents a girl could have. My dad had cancer when he was 24 and the chemotherapy really did a number on him and my mom had a few problems as well so needless to say pregnancy wasn't going to happen for them. They tried for a long time before deciding to adopt. Maybe they are biased because they love me but they say adopting me was the best decision they ever made. My birthmother was only 16 and not ready to be a mom. She handpicked my parents. They adopted my sister 3 years later. We are a really happy family. Just know, no matter what, whether you get pregnant naturally, end up doing ivf, or decide to adopt that you will be a great mommy. All that really matters is the connection your family has together. I will say prayers for you! You seem to have a really good head on your shoulders and if you hit a deadend you make another path.

I think you're pretty amazing too, duke xx
Hi ladies, feeling a bit crap today. So today is cd16 which is usually the day I OV. Normally I get a + OPK on cd15 or 16. This month my OPK's have been crap, almost no lines at all. Today's looks darker than the rest (almost as dark as the control line), but nothing like my normal + which get darker than the control line. I've also run out of OPK's so can't check tomorrow's. Do I record it as negative on FF or do I put in positive as it looks like it would be positive later today or tomorrow? Will only - opk's confuse FF?

I'm really stressing out that I'm going to OV late and therefore, our baby making efforts have been pointless. We BD'd on cd10, cd13 and cd15.

Due to OH's condition we have to time two BD sessions each month in my fertile period as he can't manage more for now.

If we were normal, then we could just keep BD'ing, but we can't and I already feel like this month is out the window. This TCC stuff is really starting to get to me.

Feel like an idiot for crying about it.
Hi ladies, feeling a bit crap today. So today is cd16 which is usually the day I OV. Normally I get a + OPK on cd15 or 16. This month my OPK's have been crap, almost no lines at all. Today's looks darker than the rest, but nothing like my normal + which get darker than the control line. I've also run out of OPK's so can't check tomorrow's.

I'm really stressing out that I'm going to OV late and therefore, our baby making efforts have been pointless. We BD'd on cd10, cd13 and cd15.

Due to OH's condition we have to time two BD sessions each month in my fertile period as he can't manage more for now.

If we were normal, then we could just keep BD'ing, but we can't and I already feel like this month is out the window. This TCC stuff is really starting to get to me.

Feel like an idiot for crying about it.

:hugs: i'm sorry your opks are being crap. since you BD yesterday, could you BD again tomorrow and then on CD19? meaning, BDing on every other day? i dont know if that would be to much on him but it would still give you a great chance!
cry all you want! theres no need to feel silly. we alllllll do it! :winkwink: and we're all here for you.
thats what i love about the ladies on this thread, we're all so strong for each other when we cant be strong for ourselves (does that make sense?? :) )

keep your head up popcorn! :flower:
thanks hun, I love all you girls here! Totally get what you mean about being strong for each other. :hugs:

No, we can't BD at all any more this month...:cry: it's too painfulf for OH because of his condition. And it might stay like that for another 10 months...might get better too, but who knows.
:nope: i'm sorry you guys cant BD anymore. i'll be praying for you that that egg was caught and praying for super :spermy: !

:flower: thanks sweety. I know that it could be a lot worse as his condition doesn't affect fertility, but sometimes I just feel like TCC is stressful for even normal couples who can bd whenever and it gets so frustrating. 8 months now of tcc and I feel so fed up :cry:
Popcorn - that is soooo heartbreaking to read that you're feeling down - i don't blame you - it must be SOOO frustrating... that said, it does sound like today's opk is positive - or at least will be within the next half day, so that means you'll ov really soon, and that means if you BD'd yesterday, you will have BD'd 2 days before ovulation... and all the papers say the 2 most fertile days are the day before and 2 days before ovulation. so you're still in with a good chance :)
Aww hun, thats really poo about your OPKs, mine have been doing that for the last two cycles and it sucks because i basically have to do the same as you, pick two days in my fertile period to really 'go at it' (not for medical reasons but due to overtiredness because of DHs shift work) I feel for you hun and i often cry when i get frustrated, so you feel free and go ahead, we're all here for you x
mommytobe... your temps still haven't dropped yet... can we have an update pls!!!
Joycie I just read your lovely reply. this TTC is sooo emotionally hard isn't it? i'm so glad we have this website for support
quick update for me. cd3 and loving the stress-free time...
dh is very sweet and said "why don't we just 'bd' everyday for like 10 days over ovulation". i appreciate his support but the problem is - i have no problem conceiving - no problem whatsoever - my problem is sustaining (hence the chem pregs...). but i've got an appointment with the GP on Thursday. she ordered me to have some bloods and i got the form and ticked some extra bloods to get (!!) becuase she only did the core ones, so i added thyroid function, and some other relevant ones. so i get my results on thursday and i'm not leaving until she has referred me to every possible place to work out why my silly body wont sustain a pregnancy.
mommytobe... your temps still haven't dropped yet... can we have an update pls!!!

Well, I'm starting to get frustrated. Yesterday I had spotting once when I wiped, it was very light pick. I havnt had any spotting today.
I've been testing almost every morning and I thought maybe the ICs I was using weren't working so I tested with an IC and FRER this morning, both bfn.
I don't know what to make of it all. But OH and I decided we weren't going to get our hopes up and just take this as AF taking her sweet time. I'm also not testing again unless AF doesn't show for a week or so.
So, its still just a waiting game. My temps are giving me some hope, but only time will tell.

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