Hi Ladies!
Jlove: sorry about

hun. That stinks!

Well, I guess now you can have crazy fun at the wedding!
im_mi: Things are looking promising for you! Hopefully by Tuesday you'll have that

! I hope your cold gets better! It's no fun being sick, esp. when you have a little one running around!
loobi: How are you doing, hun?
bumble_b: I'll totally pop over to the new thread; sounds like fun!
welshrose: okay, you can get your computer back anytime...I miss you!! Hope all's well and that you're gearing up for O time!
Well, not much new here. I think I'm about to O, so DH is coming home for lunch today so we can "take care of business." My opks yesterday were negative, but the one from last night was close to positive. I bet when I do one this afternoon it will be positive, so yay for O!!! I'm really hoping that the antibiotics that DH's on take care of his motility problem like they did last time. Keep your fingers crossed!
So is anyone dressing up for Halloween? Welshrose, im_mi, what are your boys going as? Alex is going to be a ladybug. Her costume is pretty cute; it came with little wings and an antenae headband. I'll post pics later this weekend.
Well, I got up "early" to grade papers, so I'd better get to it before Alex gets up. I'll pop back on later to let you know the opk results. Have an awesome day everyone!