Quick clomid question

Mrs R

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2008
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Hi girls

I'm having my tracking scan in the morning, CD12. I've been on clomid 150mg this month, CD1-5. Just wondering what I should expect on the higher dose, am i likely to have more follicles or less, bigger follicles?

I usually ov later than CD14 so would this dose make earlier ov more likely?

Any advice appreciated, just want to know what to expect

Im no expert, all i know is that the earlier you take the clomid the more follicles/eggs you get. The higher dose , i would suspect means that you didnt ov at a lower dose so a bigger dose is needed for the same effect to take place as on a lower one.

Usually, you are supposed to ov 5-9 days after the last pill- however, clomid is notorious in delaying ov so ov later than this is totally normal too..

Someone who is more knowledgeble might chime in..but this is all i know :)

Good luck, chicken!
Hey Mrs R, how did your cd12 scan go? I'm also on my 4th round of clomid and I have really high hopes this month...the wierd thing is I never feel ovulatory pains.

How were your follicles at 150mg clomid? Any better?
Scan went well, had a 13mm follicle and FS told me it's still a little early for ov and to give it 3 or 4 more days.

I thought I would have had more follies, or at least a bigger one but FS told me that this is fine as she doesn't want the follicles to be too big too soon. Everything else such as lining looked good so Im happy.

I'm starting to see a pattern emerging in that I tend to ov a few days later than FS expects so I'll know to cover all bases this month.

Fingers crossed for us ...... 4th time lucky!
Hi ladies, sorry to butt in! I'm on 4th round of 50g clomid this month and have just ovulated today, well I had the injection after the tracking scan and felt the ovulation pain, but I'm still a bit confused by why I'm having the shots and what size the follicles are supposed to be to release a good egg?

I went on D12 for my scan and there was one follicle on my left side measuring 14mm, one on the right measuring 13mm, went back yesterday morning and the left one had grown to 17.5mm so they told me to come back this morning to have the HCG shot, thing is I have been ovulating with just the clomid anyway, and as I've been having this pain all day, chances are I've ovulated without needing the injection?

I just don't know if all this tracking and constant thinking about it is adding to the stress! sorry for waffling but I'm having one of those days where I'm trying to be positive, but wondering if it'll just result in a :bfn: again! Plus I've felt like I'm getting cystitis all day!

Hope it is 4th time lucky for us!

hey jessica I'm also on 4th round of clomid! I'm exactly like you....not sure why get the hcg.....last month i went too early and like you the follicle wasnt quite ready and then when i went back 3 days later it wasnt there so we think i ovulated myself....so mayb the hcg is just to make sure you ovulate? but you have a good point...what if its interfering more?!
Hi ladies, sorry to butt in! I'm on 4th round of 50g clomid this month and have just ovulated today, well I had the injection after the tracking scan and felt the ovulation pain, but I'm still a bit confused by why I'm having the shots and what size the follicles are supposed to be to release a good egg?

I went on D12 for my scan and there was one follicle on my left side measuring 14mm, one on the right measuring 13mm, went back yesterday morning and the left one had grown to 17.5mm so they told me to come back this morning to have the HCG shot, thing is I have been ovulating with just the clomid anyway, and as I've been having this pain all day, chances are I've ovulated without needing the injection?

I just don't know if all this tracking and constant thinking about it is adding to the stress! sorry for waffling but I'm having one of those days where I'm trying to be positive, but wondering if it'll just result in a :bfn: again! Plus I've felt like I'm getting cystitis all day!

Hope it is 4th time lucky for us!


Hi hun, I had exactly the same treatment as you :) I had to have 1-4 follicles at 18 - 24mm before I got my shot (month 1 - 1 at 18mm and month 2 - 1 at 16mm and 1 at 20mm) The reason they have asked you to go back is to give that follie a bit more growing time, but, there is def every chance the clomid has done its job for you and you OVd on your own (alot of people don't get scans or HCG so this is far from abnormal!). When you go for the shot today, they will prob just check your follie and make sure its not popped all on its own, if not then the shot will make you OV 24-36 hours later :D Happy BDing :D

And don't forget, if you do have the shot, make sure you don't test early as the HCG in your system could give you a false +ive :)
Hi girls,

i have jsut finished my 6th cycle of clomid, 150 day 2-6.........this cycle a bit different, as changed doctors and now see someone at a fertility clinic. this cycle i was finally told i would have my follicles tracked and was offered to take HCG shot (pregnyl) i was estatic to hear this option offered to me, as i have not had my follicles tracked with all my previous 5 rounds, had scans but no tracking, guess it was down to being referered to a consultant that was not very good, very frustrating but you live and learn

as mentioned i am now with a fertility expert and is very good.

i had my follicles tracked yesterday (thursday) cd12 i only had one good follicle on my left overy measuring 13mm my lining was about 5 (was told a bit thin but still time to grow)

i did have about 10 other follicles on each ovary but none were bigger than 8mm quite dissapointing

i thought i was going to go back tomorrow to have another scan but got a call today to say leave it till monday to have scan again, shame really as i would have liked to have know how much they have grown (fingers crossed) oh well....

hopefully monday will bring good news and i can give myself the trigger shot.....i just really pray this month brings good news, i have never shown that i have ovulated on my 21 blood work, or maybe i just ovulated later, i dont know...........

just thought i would share my story with you, and i pray, hope and wish that we all have happy endings very very soon xx

It would be good to keep this thread going if anyone would like? as i have found it hard to find others who are doing the same and to keep each other positive, its nice to talk to people who are in the same postion xx
Hi again girls, thanks for the replies, since having the shot, I've had what I thought was Ovulation pain, but its never lasted this long before, and seems worse today! its even painful to walk! I posted another thread to see if anyone else has experienced the same thing, its just very odd and so uncomfortable! fingers crossed that this difference in my cycle means somethings happening in there!

Hope you're all doing well! baby dust to everyone!



On answering the question why are we given the HCG. I asked the consultant why am I given the shot when they know I ovulate. He siad it is to give a time table when to:sex: so there is no guess work. I do worry about having strong drugs unnecessary but they are meant to be the experts.
I'm on round 4 of clomid and even though I am not oving regularly, I'm not being offered any trigger shots.
The follicles are there at the scan on CD 12, but they are not released when the FS expects. If I don't get the result Im hoping for this month, I'm gonna start asking some questions and making some demands.
I'm no further on than I was 7 months ago when I find started attending the fertility clinic : (
Hi Ladies, well since my last post yesterday, the pain got so bad I was doubled over in agony, so much so my DH forced me to go to A&E to get checked out, I was there 4 hours in total, only for them to give me a pain killer (which by that time I welcomed!) and sent me home, they didn't even do a scan, as because of what I'm taking and the fact that I had a scan on Wednesday, there was nothing to report there, that it could just be ovulation pain! well I'm not satisfied that it was, there was definitely something going on, I'm phoning the docs today to ask for a scan cos I just want to make sure nothings wrong. I think it could be hyperstilmulation after the HCG shot, you'd think they'd want to monitor you carefully not just send you home!

Mrs R I'd advise you continue with the scans, and ask them about the shots as at least you can pin point when you would ovulate, but just be careful, and if you notice anything different like pain after the injection, make sure you get it checked out!

I'm so tempted to just have a month off clomid and not even go for the scans this month, but am concerned I won't ovulate on my own. I'm just so fed up with it all, I think I need a break!

wow Jessica, seems like you have been through the mill, i cannot believe they didnt scan you, thats really terrible, Hopefully you will get your scan to check everything is okay and for piece of mind, let me know how you get on hun.

Mrs R.....the only reason i got offered the trigger shot, was probably due to luck than anything.

When i had my last appointment, i said to my consultant are you going to track my follicles seeing as i have just had chlomid? (would you believe i had to ask if this was going to be done) with that she said oh, yes ok, and something must have triggered in her mind, as follicle tracking can go along side a trigger shot, with that she then said, let me give a prescription for the injection..... i sat there gobsmacked i could not believe i had to be asked to be monitored to track follicles and if it wasnt for me asking if she was going to do this, it would not have made her thought about the trigger shot...... so frustrating.

Do you have private health care or are you doing this on the NHS?

Becasuse i am covered under my private health care, i tend to demand things and throw in, 'well i am paying for it,' however you also pay your national insurance so in retrospect you are paying for it through the NHS, sorry to be so harsh but i get so angry when consultants dont offer what you are entitled to.

oh actually i have just thought........ you may not even live in England, therefore your health care may differ from ours, sorry.

Update on me -

i was told on Friday to have a scan on monday, but by the time i phoned my fertility department back they had gone, so i thought how i am supposed to have a scan on monday without them booking me in.... so i basically took the balls by the horn and phoned up the scanning department and booked my self in, lucky i did as i am still waiting for someone to call me back to arrange a scan grrrrr.

anyway had my scan today, my one follicle that was 13mm on thursday has grown to 22mm i was pleased with that, but dissheartned others have not grown, so hopefully this one follcile with be my miricle this month (praying)

i asked how my lining was doing, i was told it was still thin at 5.5.......

again i decided to take control of the situation and when i took my follcile tracking to the fertility department to be reviewed i asked if i could have some progesterone aid to help increase the thickness of my lining. (why i had to ask for this, and not be offered it from a qualified professional, i have no idea)

they should have known from my previous scan that the lining was thin and advised me to take some suppliments.

anyway the nurse has taken what i have said on board and will ask the Doctor, i will find out tonight what my next step is.... to take the shot, to wait, to take progesterone!!!!

Like you Mrs R up untill now i was in the same place as i was nearly a year ago and if it wasnt for me, stamping my feet, asking (demandin) for tracking, progesterone, trigger shots etc, who knows where i would be right now.

i guess to the consultants we are all just a number, and you yourself and no one else can shout out your number the loudest - which in my case, got me a tiny, tiny bit further down the line.........

i aslo guess if it wasnt for my hours upon hours of research i would not have been any the wiser to ask about trigger shots, tracking, progesterone suppliments etc.

And with all due respect i really shouldnt have to, that is what i thought the job/roel of the proffessional was for,,,,, clearly i have been proved wrong, but i am gald i found out sooner rather than later.

i am anxious about taking the trigger shot, just holding out now, having to wait to be told when to take it, i just dont want to get my hopes up but also hope i dont experience what jessica did as that must have been awful (hope your feeling better now)

sorry to go, just thought my info might help you.

Stay strong and i am here if anyone has any questions or just someone to chat to and to help along the way xx :hugs:
thanks so much hopeandfaith, I feel better, but have still not had a scan, the doctor examined me today and said my abdomen would feel distended (whatever that means) if there was anything still causing me problems and that it was probably a ruptured cyst which can happen around ovulation- yeah great, thanks for that, they are just totally unsympathetic!

I agree you shouldn't have to ask for things, but it seems like unless you put up a bit of a fight you don't get anywhere! The pain has subsided, but there is still a bit of an ache there, just hope I feel better by saturday as I'm going away for a week to try and relax! Although I'll probably get AF :witch: on holiday knowing my luck this month!

Let me know how you get on hopeandfaith, and you know I'm having acupuncture which can help people going through fertility treatment, it increases the blood flow, and this time, my lining was just right at 8 (although my dominant follicle was only 17.5mm, maybe when I had the injection it had grown to 18 or 19 but I've not had one at 20mm+ yet!) so maybe the acupuncture has helped my lining get thicker, who knows, but might be worth exploring all the options?

Keep in touch ladies

Hi hopeandfaith, the NHS works the same here as in England -crap as ever lol

I have some of my appointments privately and some on the NHS, but the consultant reviews are few and far between. My next one prob won't be til August after my 6th round of clomid and they won't review my treatment til then, even though it's clearly not working.

One thing I can't complain about is my lining, it's always quite thick - it's usually around 1cm on CD12, even though my follicles usually aren't that big by then - 13 mm the last time. It seems that we can't get thick lining and big follicles together - that's our problem!!
Hey jessica,

i am glad you are feeling better and thank you for the accupuncture infomration, i have read up about this and if all fails this month i will look into it for next month.

What chlomid cycle are you on now? am i right in thinking you are in your two week wait now? seeing as you had all your shots? have you always, on all your chlomid cycles had the tablets then just 1 HCG shot (what shot is it you take)- just trying to see what meds you take and if we are the same? have you ever ovulated on the shot?

A break away will be nice, i would love to do the same, but with so much going on i would rather be around for scans, shots, feed back etc. i hope you have a lovely time. are you in England? or else where?

ok my update -

i had a call from the fertility centre yesterday to tell me to take the shot that night, as my follicle was 22mm, i was literally shaking on the phone, i had never been at a stage like this before. i was told they would not give me anything to increase lining as they say it will grow once shot is taken.

having got the injections at home already, i started to panic thinking am i going to inject it right etc, so i rang the fertility centre and my nurse was happy for me to come up and let her do it, i was so happy.

So last night i had the injection, stung a little but nothing as bad as i thought it would be! she then told me i would definitley ovulate within 72 hours. yea i tought ill believe it when i see it :)

So we did the bd last night! and got told to again on wednesday, bit concerned by leaving a day in between, but i guess it has to do with good sperm quality!

Around 10am this morning i decided to do an ovulation test on a stick and to my shock it was positive already which means i am due to ovulate.

In nearly over a year after many, many poas with ovulation tests i have never seen a positive result so you can imagine my delight, that something finally was working.

My only frustration is, that i am so gutted that i was not put on the trigger shot (pregnyl) sooner, as i said to my husband last night, why give me 6 rounds of chlomid when clearly they are not making me ovulate - only then to take one trigger host and *bang* it did make me ovulate, or going to!

why do these doctors put us through all of this. ok i understand you have to try certain things but surely they should only keep you chlomid for like 3 months max then move you on.

i could have saved so much time - but i guess if i had come to my current FS straight away instead of the gyny doctor who put me on 6 cycles of chlomid, maybe things would have gone quicker. if i had known about the fertility centre i am at now or was advised by my GP (knowing i had private health care) maybe things would be different, but there is no point in crying over spilt milk i guess.

Sorry raging on there a bit, but it is so annoying.

anyway......... i guess i will know on friday if i have definitley ovulated as i have a 21 day blood test. so nervous, i just hope the levels are high,my previous one was only 2.1, so, so low!

i have been told to do a HPT in 14 days.

when in the FS office last night i asked my nurse god forbid this cycle doesnt work, what are my options after.

She told me that they will not give me any chlomid as i have had 6 cycles and that is enough for now (should not have anymore than 12 in a lifetime)

i was told there are other injections i can take weekly and then the HCG shot. this made me feel a bit better as i was concerned of next steps.

i did forget to ask the cost of these injections, i am not sure if they are going to be more expensive. as i was shocked to know the prenyl hcg shot was only £16

I have my NHS appointment tomorrow been waiting a month for this, so will see what they suggest tomorrow, probably IUI hopefully we wont need it. but i wanted to cover all angles.

Mrs R you really should ask about the trigger HCG shot, why dont you phone them today and see what they say, no harm in asking hun.

keep in touch ladies and stay strong. xxx :hugs:
Hi hopeandfaith, so pleased for you that you had the shot and I think you'll definitely have ovulated this month so fingers crossed for you!

well I woke up in the night to discover the cystitis had come back! great! I've been off work again this morning and am just about to go to the docs to pick up another perscription! I have a consultation with my FS tomorrow thank goodness so am going to bombard him with questions! Just hope this infection isn't linked to the possible ruptured cyst, just typical its all come at once! feeling so fed up today and really don't think I'll have conceived this month, my period is due next week while we're away, oh joy!
I'm currently on cycle 4 of clomid, the first 2 I just had the day 21 tests to see if I ovulated, (which I did) then when I changed FS, he put me down for the scans and HCG injection, so this would have been my second, I have another cycle with the scans and injections, then one last cycle just on clomid, after which if I'm not pregnant, I suppose I have to have a break off clomid then see about going back on it. I suppose I'll be concerned I might not ovulate without the clomid, but Im going to continue with the acupuncture and see if that helps. I hope whatever is going on with me at the moment clears up! I really need a break and don't want to cancel the holiday! but I can't go away if there's still something wrong!

Anyway, hope you're all ok, I'll try and log on again later and let you know how I get on.

Take care :hugs:

hi ya Jessica, i am so sorry to hear what you are having to cope with, its hard enough to be coping with the fertility side of things let alone cysts and cysitus.

i so hope you get to still go away i am sure you will and hopefully time to relax and destress dont think people realise what we put ourselfs through!

So i went to My NHS appointment today and saw the FS there for the first time.

he was really nice and first question he asked was "why have i been on 6 cycles of chlomid, was i scanned was eggs looked at etc etc, when i responded no to all questions and the gyny just kept giving me the tablets, the horror on his face was unbelieveable. (finally someone who agrees with the stupidity of my old gyny)

i asked him if chlomid can affect the linning of the uterus, he said yes it does, with that i just started crying, i think all my anger and frutration from being given wrong infomration not being tracked etc etc i just broke down (first time i have done this in fromt of a doctor)

he was really nice and conforting and he said we have to move on from what you have been through and we need to get you pregnant.

what made me laugh was the the gyny i first saw actually also works on the NHS and he knows her, i dont know how these doctors get away with things.

he just replied i cant comment (clearly he agrees with me) he said what you have to remember is gynys arent Fertility specialists, so i replied then why are they allowed to get away with things and waste womens time, i told him i could have been so further along the line by now.

again he agreed with me. and basically could not slag the gyny off even though i could tell he wanted to.

So anyway after the tears stopped i could told i coul either pay for a new medicine which is not available on the NHS and is like a stronger form of chlomid! the only way to get this is to pay him privately...............i point blank said i do not want to take any more chlomid or anything like it as i feel it has already thinned my linning and too much of it is not good.

with this he said so how do you feel about IUI hoooooooooorahhhhh of course i said yes straight away. (hopefully i wont need it mind you as still hoping for ood news htis month after my trigger shot)

Where i thought there would be a big waiting list for this, it seem not! we have a class on the 15th to be taught how to do the injections and then can start straight after.

i was really shocked i thought we would have to wait for ages. i am still going to be asked to be put on the IVF waiting list, not sure if they will do this, until they know IUI is not successful - but i can only ask - to cover all angles!

the other thing the FS said is there is no point in testing just on day 21 to see if a woman has ovulated, its like waiting for a train that could have come and gone and you have missed it but it has passed through, er isnt this what i have been saying to every doctor i see ( so annoying)

Jessica i do hope you are holding up okay, please let me know how your appointment goes, ido hoope it is good news hunny and that you are able to go away. are you in UK by the way.

Have you asked your doctor about IUI maybe you could ask about this and learn from what i have been through to help you get further down line quicker instead of having to go through rounds of chlomid when clearly its not working - i think you need to ask hun.

i look forward to hearing back from you soon, sending a big hug xxx stay strong

MRS R how you getting on, how are things x
Hi Hopeandfaith, I'm glad to say they finally did the scan and there was nothing to report! I said what could possibly have caused all that pain and they think it was just over stimulation of my ovary! I told them I didn't really know why I was having the injection anyway as I ovulated before with just the clomid, so now they say I can either have a month off completely and see if I ovulate on my own, or try with just the clomid next month, I'm still hopeful we may get pregnant this cycle (AF is due in a week) but after all the stress and problems this week, its unlikely!

Anyway I'm off to Spain tomorrow ( I live in Lancashire by the way) and I'm going to completely relax for a week! I have my fingers crossed for you that it will work this cycle for you! but if it doesn't at least you know you can try again and you probably at least feel more positive that things are moving quicker now you don't have to wait ages for IUI! I may ask about that myself, have a consulation late July if I'm not pregnant by then, I'l ask about it.

Stay in touch and thanks so much for your messages!


Hi Jessica

not sure if you will get this before you go away. wow wish i was heading to spain right now.

im glad there was nothing too serious from your scan but i guess for piece of mind you needed to make sure nothing un towards was happening.

i wont ask loads of questions now with your treatment :) ill catch up with you when you get back.

think we could nearly be cyclye buddies if i am correct.i had my 21 day blood tests so will see on monday what the results were, fingers crossed x

i hope you have or had a fantastic holiday and you got to chill out and breathe for a while.

speak to you when you are back hunny xx:hugs:

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