Quick clomid question

Hello you.

i cannot believe christmas break is nearly upon us.:happydance:

heating has broken in this office it is freezing!!! havent had a hot flush today mind you lol

hows your week been hun?

you all set for christmas now?

my midwife appintment was another let down. i walked in the room, i didnt even get a hello, all i got was............... have you not donea urine sample, no i havent, why havent you, er cause i didnt know i had to and where would i have got the bottle from?????:growlmad:

she was really rude head in my notes not even looking up to make eye contact!!!

thankfully Jay was there, as sometimes i think i imagine things, even he was appalled! i just dont get it, if i treated my clients like that i would get the sack!

she measured my tummy and measured me at 26 weeks which was correct at the time, at first she couldnt find pickles heart beat and had to prod around but eventually did.

cant believe i have to deal with her now through out.

i go back in three weeks time.

we start our NCT in Jan so hopefully i will feel more comfortable asking that midwife stuff than this one. i had things i wanted to ask but i didnt feel i could, thats terrible isnt it!!!

i read up on the internet about you said - baby maybe facing back i think you are right :-) i am also feeling movement vibrations down my back and out my bum lol its the most strangest feeling ever, i guess where i felt the kicks through tummy they are now vibrating down sorry if TMI lol lol

at least i am feeling movements, lets hope pickle turns soon lol

thank you for christmas card hun, i hope you got mine xxx

i hope you have a lovely evening, i am sure i will catch up with you over the hols, oh do let me know what your mums reaction is like once you tell her xxx

lots a love and a very merry crimbo to you all x:hugs:
Hi hun, Hope you're having a good Christmas, I've had a very relaxing one so far! Not done much which is good I needed a rest! Went to my mum's for Christmas dinner, and she opened her present, and just looked at us, then back at the bib and I said yes its pink and she's so excited, she was excited anyway but now she's gone oer the top! lol! :flower:

Went to Mike's mum and dad's on Boxing day and went for a long walk, we do it every year, but this year was a lot harder, Bean was sat in an akward position again, typically when I'm walking around! And it was really icy so had to watch where I was walking. We were out for an hour and I really felt it by the time we got back, my back was killing me! :wacko:
Still it was good exercise! Then Mike's mum said we've got you another present, but you have to choose which one, there were 2 plants, one with a pink ribbon, one with a blue! So sneaky, so when I chose the pink one Mike's mum was super excited and really pleased as was his dad. I think they would have been anyway, but they all know now! We're still going to keep it a secret from most people though.

Sorry you had such a rubbish midwife, the ones I've seen so far have been lovely, but I wouldn't hesitate to say something if I felt they were being rude, or even complain to the trust, that's ridiculous! :growlmad:

I'm glad pickle is ok, and I'm sure he'll move soon, its funny though isn't it how they seem to know their own minds already, they know what's comfy and they're staying put! :baby:

Got your card thanks hun, I wanted to send something (from Bean!) to Pickle, but didn't know if I should because Jay still doesn't know! Maybe I'll have to wait til he's born.

Anyway I'm going to go to bed now, going to look at the cot we ordered tomorrow and hopefully it will be right! Then getting some more baby stuff, new year's eve at friend's then its Mike's birthday New Year's day, but aside from that we're not doing much apart from catching up on Prison Break! We're sad, lol! We're on to series 3 now!

Take care and speak to you soon :hugs:

hello you, happy 2010!!!:flower::flower::flower:

cant believe we are on the home run now......so exciting:happydance:

i am glad you had a relaxing christmas, i think i did lol - it just went so quickly.

getting up for work this morning, was not easy, we have been having very long lay ins.:sleep:

how was your news years eve? ours was nice, my friend had her baby boy 8lb.9!!!!!!!!!! big baby, ended up having an emergancy C section, but all is well. he is lovely and made it more real for me.:happydance:

we had a nice takeaway at friends, still had a late night which did me in the following day lol

jay has done the most lovely job on the nursery it is lovely and i keep going in there. however he decided to accidently spill half a put of pain all over the carpet, so now we have to get new carpet (i did keep calm lol) so i am not moving everything back in there until we get that.

i think i will put the cot up next month, so exicted to see everything in its place.

because my best friends baby is so big already, she has said she has lots of bits for me, worked out well huh lol......... so i dont think i will be buying any more clothes.

my sis in law has also given me two bin liners of cream and white clothing. i think i am going to be doing lots of washing while i am off lol.:coffee:

arrr i bet your mums reaction was picture perfect, i am glad it was a nice suprise.
i have a blood test this afternoon, consultant tomorrow, start NCT classes tomorrow night and midwife friday - so a busy week.

i am suffering from like dull, heavy, led feelings in my legs at night, its not cramp, they just feel like led poles, from feet to tops of thighs, so will ask both consultant and midwife.

so how are you feeling, whats news your end hunny? how is bean doing.:thumbup:

i hope you are well

lots of love xxxx:hugs:
Hi hun, Happy New Year again! Can't believe there's only 12 weeks to go! Unless we have late babies! They might like it in there! lol! I'm just pleased we're both doing well and Pickle and Bean are ok! :baby:

That's lovely news about your friend, I have two friends who are due any day now, only a week in it, so just waiting on them. Another friend has just become a dad, a little boy, which was lovely, so its babies all round!

I'm not sure I've had the same leg thing, but I've had a strange leg thing for a while where if I'm tired, my legs seem to get restless, like I have to stretch them all the time, and I can't get comfy, and if I didn't keep moving them, they would cramp up! weird!
Main thing with me at the moment is just getting used to the heavy feeling! I keep getting back ache, but not my lower back where I would expect, but middle of my back, or in between my shoulder blades. Also feeling quite breathless as my stomach, or uterus, is so high up! Its lovely this pregnancy in so many ways, but there's a lot to get used to! :wacko:

Trying to sort my birthday out at the minute, can't believe that's only 4 weeks away, and my friends keep asking me if I'm having a baby shower?! are you having one? I've said I'm not organising one, but if they want to I'll come! lol! Actually Mike's sister said she would do it, so that will be fun! :happydance:

That sounds lovely that the nusery is almost done, and yes sounds like you need a new carpet! We got a lovely one from this carpet place near us and wasn't too expensive either! Think we'll have the cot delivered in the next couple of weeks, then put it up beginning Feb. We finally found one that matched the furniture!

Oh did I tell you my brother bless him bought some baby things for us as part of our xmas present and included was a Dior Sleeping bag and Dior baby gro! This baby's going to be posh! lol! I said it's not going to be that white once Bean's been sick on it! lol! Still it was a nice thought and it is lovely stuff!

Right I'm going to go to bed, let me know how everything goes this week, I have my injection on Thursday for the rhesus negative thing, then midwife next tuesday. Still not sorted our classes, will have to get on to that!

Speak to you soon sweets.
Lotsa love. :hugs:

hi you:flower:

wow tired today, i knew it would be harder to get up today that yesterday!!!!

i think i have decided to stop working end of feb and take the whole of march off as holiday so start maternity beginning of April. well that was the decision this morning lol.

what i think you have is somthing called RLS = restless leg syndrome it popped up all over 'google' when i was researching my legs. Nothing really you can do, have a read up on it.

i had a warm bath last night and hubby massaged my feet and it seemed to help........ although i was wacked out last night so not sure if i would have noticed it.

nervous about my classes tonight, thankfully i will not be on my own, i am sure it will be fine.

thats so sweet of your brother doing that, what a lovely thought x

like you i am trying to get used to the heaviness but mine is mainly heavy in the front as it should be, lol i find it hard getting up especially out of bed, but hey ho all good

oooh yes your birthday that will be around quick, then its mine and then it will be upton us lol.

i am not having a baby shower dont really like to do things like that before buba is here, and no point in doing it after, so no not having one,

my friend had one, it was nice, played silly games and some lunch, it was fun.

off to see consultant today, so ill let you know how i get on, thats if i actually get to see him, as last time he was in meetings and had to see a different one!

hope you have a lovely day ill speak to you soon hun xxx:hugs:
Hi hun, hope you're having a restful day! I'm actually doing very little, did quite a bit of tidying and washing etc. yesterday but today I'm completely chilling! might put a film on later!

My mum popped over earlier, she's been to see a specialist today and is going for all sorts of tests and a scan as they think there is something wrong with either her digestive system, or her colon, of even her gall bladder, she basically doesn't have normal bowel movements, sorry if TMI! I'm trying not to worry, but will be better when she's had all the tests.

How did the consultant go? and the NCT classes? Looking forward to starting mine, need to sort them out still! :wacko:

Have a good day hun and speak to you soon :hugs:

Hi you.
How are you sweetie? is the dreaded sickness still there? its so strange that is comes back!!!!

i am back at work today after a few days off, my back was so bad was told not to come in! it was nice to rest, but getting up this morning was not easy at all. oh well only 5 weeks and counting!:happydance::happydance:

have a meeting with my line manager tomorrow, about handing over, i bet you a million dollers, i have to handover to her then she will have to handover to the person taking over, ridiculous, well i have told her how appalled i am and that if the borough doesnt care why should i.
anyway moan over lol.

how was your weekend hun? ours was very quiet, although i got no sleep friday night, hubby went out to wet babys head of our friends, didnt stroll in till 2a,, with no key may i add! then he was snoring and hicupping all night, think i fell off to sleep about 5am grrr i was not impressed, but made him suffer the next day lol.:haha:

we went out for a nice meal on saturday night, then sunday did totally zilch!

not long till the big 30 hey lol, i was dreading mine, but now i dont know what i was bothered about lol

i do hope you are okay hun and your day is going quick.

lots a love to you and bean xx:hugs:
Hi hun, thought I'd send you a message on here seeing as I haven't been on for ages!
How are you and pickle? We've had a lovely weekend, the antenatal class was really good, 3 hours long but it didn't feel like it, then today we've been to the cinema to watch the Valentine's day film! it was actually quite good and was a nice easy film to watch!

So the class is done, we don't have any more to go to, it was really informative, questions and answers, baby positions, birthing positions, all the stuff you've probably already covered, but they showed us round the labour ward too, there's only 3 delivery suites and one birthing pool, but its more like a birthing unit not a hospital, so I really want to be able to give birth there. Only thing is they don't do epidurals bt I was dead against having one anyway, well until saturday!

The thing that put me off is I thought it would slow labour down, that I wouldn't be able to feel when to push and that you can't move around, you're confined to a bed, but they told us they only put low doses in every 15 minutes or so, so when you're ready to push, they let it wear off. Also it can actally reduce the stress to the baby if the mother is in distress beause of the pain, as the mother won't be in pain anymore so therefore not stressed out! Anyway, if things don't go to plan and I'm really not coping, or there are any complications, I'll be sent straight to Preston hospital anyway. Its really opened up a lot of options and it means I don't feel as pressured or worried about giving birth now! I'll probably change again by the time it happens! Oh and I thought this was interesting too about Rasberry Leaf tea:

"Consuming raspberry leaf tea not only helps mother and baby to get all the nutrients they need but can also help to replenish a new mothers stores after the birth.

Raspberry leaf tea also contains the alkaloid 'fragine' which is said to strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus, helping them to contract more efficiently during labour. Research has found that taking raspberry leaf during the weeks prior to delivery helps to shorten the second stage of labour by making contractions more effective. Some studies have also found that it reduces the need for an assisted delivery (i.e. an emergency cesarean or use of forceps or ventouse).

Sipping raspberry leaf tea during and after the birth is also said to help the uterus contract back down to size, reduce after birth bleeding and help initiate the let down of breastmilk.

While there hasn't been a huge amount of research into this area, the general consensus does seem to be that drinking raspberry leaf tea during the latter stages of pregnancy can help to make for a 'better' labour with few side effects. "

I'll try anything I think! lol! :thumbup:

Anyway hope you're good, not long at work now! :happydance:

Love and hugs :hugs:


What I have understood is that the doses of clomid depend on the # and growth rate of the follicles. So depending on you, they'll give you more one day and less another day.
Hi ya:flower:

so glad that you enjoyed your antenatel class, and you got a lot out of it........ im not too sure on knowing there is no epidural available lol, think id like to know its there if need be lol.:wacko:

how lovely that it is more like a birthing centre, i bet thats nicer!

i am goign to be getting the raspberry leaf tea this week and start taking it next week i think, lets hope it tastes nice.

we saw valentines day on sunday too, we paid extra for VIP seats, which was sooooooo lovely and confortable lol.. funny how you describe it as 'an easy film' thats exactly how i described it to my mum, spooky hahaha.

i am ok, got terrible heart burn right now urghhh, quite painful! i have no enthusiasm for anything at all but still lots to do at work.

i decided to do wash all the babies clothes yesterday, it was very strange and sureal to see baby clothes hanging on on the dryer lol, so cute tho, just one more load and all done!:baby:

then when i am off i just have to sort out where everything goes.

will be packing my hospital bag as well i think.

we are off to the baby show on saturday hubby is very excited lol it will be nice to have a walk around and spend the day there together.

still trying to get baby to move from back to back, but even if it has i wouldnt know, althought he last two nights baby has been kicking in my sides like i have never felt before, usually i can sleep through it but not this time.

hopefully midwife will be able to tell me if its turned next friday.

i am also finding it very hard to drive to work, i cant get my legs close enough to use the peddles, very strange, i think its the head preventing me from doing that, lol i have my dads car today which is automatic which is better lol

i hope you are okay hunny and bean is behaving xx speak soon xx:hugs:
Hi hun! Are you enjoying your last week? SO excited to be finishing soon, only another week for me after this one! :happydance:

Did you have fun at the baby show? I really wish there had been one near me! I had a girly day on saturday had a couple of friends over then had a relaxing day yesterday, apart from we washed all the baby stuff as well! its so strange isn't it seeing all the baby grows! Even mike went in and said aww look at how small they are, he's getting excited now bless him!

I'm feeling better, cold isn't completely gone but much better than it was. We have the midwife again tomorrow so will see what position Bean is in! I can tell the head is down, but not sure if she's back to front or back to back! Yes I'm going to get the tea when I'm 36 weeks too, should be ok to take it then.

I'm having a sort of baby shower on 5th March, mike's sister has arranged it bless her, but I've said no presents cos people will buy stuff when the baby's born anyway, so its just going to be a girly night with drinks and nibbles and daft games apparently! Including put the nappy on the bear blindfolded! lol! My mum's looking forward to it though so it should be fun! :happydance:

I'm also getting kicked or punched left right and centre! It was funny last night cos a friend of ours has given me a baby heart monitor she said she only used it in the late late stages cos there isn't as much movement, but you can still feel them squirming even if they aren't kicking as much! Anyway we tried to find Bean's heartbeat but every time we moved it around all we could see and hear was her pushing it off! It was really funny, so I don't think we'll be able to use it, as she doesn't seem to like it! :nope:

I seem to have developped another pregnancy thing, apparently its Carpel Tunnel syndrome, have you heard of it? I basically have pins and needles in my left hand and in the night its worse, my hands feel sort of stiff round the knuckles. It should go after I give birth, but its still odd, something to do with the nerve in your wrist? I'm going to ask the midwife about it tomorrow.

Anyway hope you and pickle are doing ok, just think after friday you can have a rest! And you won't have to worry about driving here there and everywhere! I'm not too bad cos my legs are longer than the top half of my body, but its certainly not comfy driving too far anymore! lol!

Have a good week hun and speak to you soon :hugs:

Hi you,:hugs:

arrr you washed all the clothes, its a great job to do isnt it!

that lovely that mike is getting exciting, it does make it all real, seeing things around the house.:thumbup:

a 'kinds' baby shower will be nice, we played that game, but it was pin the dummy on the baby blindfolded lol.....5th march that is hubbys birthday.

Bbay show was good, not as big as the last one, which was good as i ached so bad after walking around for so long, but i was pleased for the excerise, hubby loved it and he was like a kid in a toy shop lol:happydance:

im glad you are feeling better hun, my cold has nearly gone, still got sniffles and throat has started to feel sore now, but ignoring it as i dont want to take anymore anitbiotics!

carpel tunnel, yes i have heard of it during pregnancy, my friend has it and it will go after, lucky you are stopping work and wont type with it everyday! just try to rest it as much as possible

i am getting kicked mostly in my left side at night, but baby seems to be laying on left so cant work that out, i occassionaly get kicked on the right.......

let me know what midwife says about position......i am seeing mine on friday, so be interesting to see if pickle as turned over, i think it may have as i dont have a digging feeling by my belly buttin anymore, which she says was the knee, i just hope i am right! i have done all i can to stay sitting up right!:sleep:

driving is proving to be a nightmare, although hubby has my car while his is in for works and i have been driving my mums automatic which has been a god send, i dont need to keep legs together for two peddals lol...............

i feel like i am getting fatter and fatter and not earting rubbish so a bit disheartened about that, but think its just my build, not long now and it will all be worth it.

yes i am pleased it is my last week, i have my appraisal tomorrow, leaving doo wednesday, thursday in office, and friday midwife, then out of here lol

i still have one big task left to do, but keep putting it off, at present i am looking for moses baskets, I NEED one lol Now LOL, just so many to choose from!:wacko:

thats funny about bean not liking the monitor, its so funny what they are capeable of inside you , isnt it. lol

ok hun let me know how you get on tomorrow.

oh i got my tea from holland and barret and she said only to take it 4 weeks before so will take from next week, they had a special offer on in there.
Hi hun! Midwife's appt was fine, blood pressure's fine, she was listening for Bean's heartbeat and she did the same thing to the midwife, as if she was pushing it away! I go back in 2 weeks.

As for the position, her head is down, her back is running along my right side bum up near my ribs and legs on left side, so she said that was fine, cos as the head engages, she's supposed to just move across my belly, she seems to think it will be fine by the time I'm ready to give birth, so that's good. I'm sure pickle will have moved in to the right position, unless the little monkey is comfy! Bean seems to have been in this position for over 3 weeks now, so she must like it! Its like they have their own personality already! :baby:

Don't worry about getting bigger hun, I really do feel huge and keep being told I'm going to have a big baby and that I look massive despite having 5 weeks to go! The midwife just said ignore these people! As long as what she measures is about right, then no one can say how big the baby is going to be as everyone carries differently. Just revel in being big cos of the baby and I'm sure you'll lose it afterwards! :munch:

I don't think I feel kicks so much anymore, more like squirms and punches! yesterday she just didn't keep still! it was like she wasn't comfy and was moving around til she was settled which meant I was really uncomfortable most of the day! Its been better today though thank goodness!

I went swimming the other day too, it was really nice to feel light in the water! Even if my costume looks like it could fit 2 people not just one! lol!

We got our moses basket from Argos, only because Bean's going to be in a baby sleeping bag anyway, so we weren't too bothered about the design, (although its a Winnie the pooh one and quite cute!) and they were on special offer, but I got the stand from babiesrus.

Have a good leaving do hun, I've got mine next wednesday too! As for my appraisal, under the section what are your aims for this coming year, my boss just put to give birth! lol! :dohh:

Have a good last few days and let me know how it goes on Friday! :hugs:

hey you:flower:

thought i would write a quick note on here as who knows when we will have to time next lol

i woke up this morning, not only greatful for it being friday, as i find time at home on my own is getting to me a bit and i live for the weekends when hubbyh is about! but also the date and how quick time has flown by!!!

i think for once i am lost for words and still trying to get my head around things, dont think i ever will till pickle is finally here at home with us

how are you doing hun not long now hun, i just hope i dont get induced as it slows things down, but i guess whatever is for the best.

i look around the house and i think wow we finally have everything all we need now is the bundles of joy:baby::baby:

i hope you are okay hunny, and i guess it would probably be an apt to just say a big thank you for being my support, shoulder to lean and basically someone to share this journey with, a friend i know you will be for a very very long time:happydance:

lots a love 'sweets' speak to you soon xxx:hugs::hugs:
Aw Hun I never saw this! And now our little bundles are finally here! This has probably been the strangest way to meet a friend but I think we'll always be close even though we're far away lol! The support will always be there and I hope we do stay friends and can't wait for our little ones to meet! Big hugs hun and I'll speak to you soon! xx
Hiya Jessica and Hopeandfaith - Well I have spent hours reading this thread and all your stories. Thank you for all the brilliant information. I am about to see my FS on 14th October and I have no idea what he is going to put me on. I am ovulating on my own and have been since I came off the pill in January this year but nothing has happened since then and we have been TTC all this time.

Jessica - I love your story about how you became pregnant when you were on a break from Clomid. How cool is that!

Hopeandfaith - And your little miracle is from IUI!! So brilliant.

What I love about you both is how you both kept at it and went through all you did. I know a lot more about clomid now I have read your little messages between each other. What's even more lovely is how you both ended up friends and preggars at virtually the same time. I think it's lovely. And I just wanted to tell you this.:thumbup:

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