Quick clomid question

Hello you

glad you had a lovely weekend hun

i am with you on that one - not knowing my body when it comes to concieving, thought i was the only stupid one! if only they taught us this in school instead of watching some silly video, alot of women would be alot wiser.....anyway ill get off my soap box lol

my weekend was okay, although i was exhausted, went shopping with hubby and said to him i really need to go home, i ended up sleeping for 3 hours, must have needed it i suppose.

we had a party that night, although i only had a spritser, funny really, im not wanting to drink, maybe an in the head thing, but an occasional glass of wine, doesnt seem to have the same effect anymore.

my pain seem to subside after a few days, having read up on it, it could have been that i was just from the iui etc......

i am 7dpo now and dont feel any different, so not sure about this month, i am just really tired but i think that is normal for me!

wow how amazing would that be if you did ov without assistance, that would be great, have you had your bloods done yet?

speak to you soon x
Hello! How's you? I'm good just full of a cold, how silly is that in July! You must have been tired to sleep for that long! like you say you probably needed it, think it takes it out of you all this stress and baby making! lol! Glad your pain went away, its worrying sometimes not knowing what to expect! Don't worry about not feeling anything yet, might be too early for symptoms, although my friend who was pregnant said that was the first thing she noticed that she was tired all the time, still got my fingers crossed for you! :thumbup:

Having my bloods done on friday and going for my appointment next tuesday so its come around pretty quickly! I'm out for my friend's birthday this weekend, but think Ill end up driving, I like the occasional glass of vino but wouldn't be bothered about not drinking, think sometimes its just a social thing! What are you up to this weekend? Have a good one and catch up soon

hi sweetie

how are you feeling has your cold gone now> yes mad to have a cold in july lol, hope you are feeling better

i had a realy good weekend, i decided to put everything to the back of my mind as best i could, friday night we went to see madness which was really good fun and on saturday we went camping and had a friends party in her dads field which was great fun, so lots of air for me this weekend lol

how did your bloods go on friday hun?

good luck with your appointment tomorrow, i hope all goes how you want it to go, and please let me know how you get on hun

Hi hun how are you? glad you had a good weekend, sometimes its good to take your mind off things! My cold didn't last long thank goodness! Although there are now 2 people off work with swine flu! So I'm steering clear!

Had my bloods done on friday and guess what, they showed I had ovulated and the level was 53! And thats without the clomid! Little mini battle won! :happydance: On top of that, I actually can't believe it, but they've decided to put us on the IVF waiting list! So maximum we should have to wait is 6 months! They said we could try IUI first but we may as well go for IVF and keep taking the clomid in the meantime just in case I manage to get pregnant naturally. I'm actually really happy if a little freaked out at the same time! I just feel really positive that one way or another we will get our little miracle, :baby: who knows maybe even 2! I know IVF might not work first time, but I think we have at least 2free attempts. I just have to hope and pray that something works!

How are you feeling? Still hoping its good news for you this month! I won't ask when you're due to test cos probably best to try and not think about it! But hope you're well and hopefully hear from you soon. :hugs:


wow, that is fantastic news, ov without meds, thats brilliant, i bet you were well over the moon hunny xx

thats also great news about IVF, did they say why they have offered you this and not iui?

i now you said that you can try iui, does this mean you can do that while waiting to start IVF?

me, i am doing okay thanks hun, not long till testing but i will be sure to let you know hun xx

you up to anything nice at the weekend?

oh so you still have a chance this month then dont you?

Hiya sweets, I really was pleased that I'd ovulated, and went for my acupuncture today and she's said she'll see me for another cycle then I'll just need to go once a month instead of every week, so things seem to at least be settling down. :happydance:

What did they say to you about starting IUI first instead of going straight to IVF?
I think to be honest every healthcare trust is different, did you say you were private? They said to us the chances are better with IVF, and I suppose as the waiting list only 6 months they felt it would be better to go straight on to the waiting list. I have heard other people having to wait over a year so I guess we're pretty lucky things are moving quickly, obviously hoping for a :bfp: just using the clomid, but at least there's another option if the clomid doesn't work. What have they said about your options? Have you thought about IVF if the IUI doesn't work? There are a few people on here though who got pregnant first or second time with IUI so you never know! Got everything crossed for you! :thumbup:

I'm already on day 33 of my cycle so its longer than when on clomid, but my cycles were always long! but I only felt like I was ovulating a week last sunday, so don't expect AF til the weekend, if it doesn't come I'll be testing too! Not too confident though as we weren't really trying or timing it, but maybe that'll have worked! who knows!

Nothing really planned for the weekend, hope the weather's nice had enough of this rain! How about you? Have a good one whatever you do! Talk to you soon! Glad we've got this little thread to ourselves! :hugs:

Hey you,

firstly i apologise for this long thread lol :flower:

i think you are right every clinic is different, but i guess they go with the individual needs and its not just one thing they take into consideration its everything. i think you are very lucky to only have to wait 6 months, and i am very excited for you. :hugs:

i know some clinics wont let someone wait for IVF and do IUI in between.

if they say they feel your chances are better with IVF, who are you to say anything lol, its exciting!

and you never know you may not even need it, as you may well have done the BD at the right time this cycle, sometimes when you relax and dont plan, its just happens hunny x so everything crossed for you.

i did allmy 6 chlomid cycles privately, but did IUI on the NHS we didnt have to wait any time, which leads me nicely on to tell you some news................................


I REALLY really cant believe it, i took a test last wednesday i think 6dpiui, and there was the faintest of faintest line that made up a '+' of course part of me thought ooh could i be, but its not until now that i realsie that it was obviously the last bit of the trigger shot still in me. lol :wacko:

i took one again 9dpiui and there it was two lines, this came up really quickly and i didnt have to sqint my eyes hold it up or anything, not like i did last wednesday. (i used first response, boots and clear blue lol alternate times that i tested, lol mad i know and now broke lol )

i decided, like i told you to let my hair down over the weeknd. on monday and tuesday i took tests with two different brands and they still gave me positives!

i decided not to tell my hubby about any of this as i really wanted to be sure, so i knew i could cope with the result, whatever it may have been.

anyway last night i said 'right are ready to test in the morning' he was like maybe we should wait, i dont want you to be dissapointed' (oops lol) i said i would be fine.

anyway did a first response test this morning and i made him read it and he was speachless totally and my husband loves to talk. :happydance:

i also then tested with a clear blue digital and there it was as bright as day, the word pregnant and 2-3 weeks!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhhhhh oh myyyyyyy ahhhhhhhhhhhhh :headspin:

hunny i really cant believe it, i really cant even to the run up of this morning and knowing that i was, it was still hard to rcomprehend and even hubby said should have i reacted better, i was like hun this is a major shock lol

anyway i phoned the hospital and it was so strange hearing someone wish me congratulations lol.

i went in at 9am this morning and had a blood test and get my results tomorrow am. i just hope everything is okay i really do xx i just pray and pray and pray i have a healthy 9 months, its such a worry x

strange timing, but i am going to see a psycic tomorrow in london, so it will be very interesting to see if she picks up on it!! xx

Symptoms - apart from really bright yellow/orangey wee sorry if TMI lol, forgetting things, (badly, which is not good in my job) and waking up at 4am/5am starving hungry and i guess tired, but i am always tired so cant really tell lol, i havent had any symptoms so far, but bring them on i tell you lol

when i say i am hungry all the time i mean i am hungry all the time lol, and when i used to hear girls say that, i used to think yea ok, but believe me i know now lol, just making sure i have fruit and not chocolate near me.

ok thats enough rambling for me, i really wish you all of the luck in the world and i am sending it your way, i will be staying on our thread lol so dont think i am going anywhere :hugs:

i guess this is a good time to just say the biggest thank you for supporting me and being here to listen to me rant and rave, and i know you know i am here for you hunny. :hugs:

still in shock, so i better get on with some work as everything is taking double time right now lol not that i am complaining cause i am so not x

lots a love and you stay positive xxxx :hug: PLEASE STAY IN TOUCH XX
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I think I'm speechless too! That is so fantastic! First time too! Oh I'm so happy for you! :happydance: I just know it'll happen for me too at some point, I just have to be patient! I really want to send you the biggest hug!

:hugs: :hug:

You really deserve it! And try not to worry (although I'm sure I'll be the same!) just relax as much as possible, it obviously worked for you! I know it'll probably seem like an age until you go for your first scan, but you have to put a photo on here when you've been! And you better not go anywhere lady! I need you to listen to me rant and moan until it happens to me! lol! :laugh2:

Best of luck for tomorrow and keep me posted. Hope your little bean grows in to a healthy little baba! :baby: I still can't believe it! Guess good things come to those who wait!

Love and hugs! :hugs:

OMG hun you'll never guess! I just got my :bfp:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I took 2 just to be sure, the first one showed a definite line, but I thought I can't be, we weren't even trying, so I waited a bit then took a clearblue digital and there it was Pregnant 1-2! so its still very early, and I'm so nervous and excited and worried and happy I can't tell you! :happydance:

I'm having cramps which is worrying me, but I don't know if that's a nervous thing! Anyway I wanted to tell you cos we've supported each other over the past few weeks and I just can't believe we've both done it! Just hope and pray it sticks and I've not dreamt it! Speak to you soon! :hugs:

hello you, how are you huny? nice weekend so far?

mine was okay did loads of DIY around the house, having my mums 60th suprise party here next saturday, timing huh lol, just need to get that out of the way then i can chill lol

had friends around last night which was nice, i have to tell you what we did.

my friends know that i like a glass of red or rose, so my hubby emptied a bottle of rose and filled it up with RIBENA lol lol how funny is that, and it worked lol he would say do you want some lemonade in that, and of course i said yea okay lol so the colouring looked perfect lol good tip for you hunny xx

went to see that phsycic on friday and blow me down she said, are you pregnant when i said yes, she said you are about 2 weeks arent you? spot on lol and very freeky lol

the freind i went with her son has just been diagnosed with swine flu!!! bless him so now i am worried, the whole thing worried me to be honest, but you have probaby gathered i am a worrier lol xx i constantly walk around witht hat no germs spray lol

YES it will happen for you and i cannot wait for those words to come from you, i really cant, stay strong and postive, will you be testing this month, just in case?

it really really has not sunk in for me.

i got my bloods back on friday and my nurse rang and said yes you are def pregnant, said my progesterone levels were really good 190.7 and said they were high so she doesnt need to worry about me, i was very pleased with this as i was worried they might be low.

trying to look for meanings on numbers but i know there are two different measurements when they test prgogesterone nmol and dont know what the other one is, so not sure if i will find correct info.

i got told i will not have a scan until 12 weeks, 12 weeks omg!! although she did say i could ask GP to have an early pregnancy scan, (cant believe i am writing this lol) so hopefully can have one think it might be around 6 weeks.

i am hoping that i can have my appointments at this hospital where i had treatment as its not my local hospital but still as close, just feel happier there, i hope gp sorts that for me.

i will be here for you to rant and rave lol and i cant wait to be speechless too xx its gonna happen it is, it is. are you taking evening primrose oil hun and i also took angus catcus hun, i also drank a glass of pineapple juice in two week wait but NOT from concentrate, got something in it apparently xx

its lovely talking to you, as i am not telling anyone untill 3ish months, it was so hard on friday as i saw my mum and i just wanted to run up to her and tell her but i am stopping myself, she always said it would be the best birthday present, but when i tell her i will say its a belated one lol

how was your weekend hun did you do anything nice xxx
You didn't see my second post did you?! I'm pregnant too! I can't believe it!

:happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
OH MY GOD OH MY GOD OH MY GOD :happydance::happydance::happydance:

I literally have tears streaming down my face here, omg, omg, i cant believe it i am soooooooooooooooooo soooooooooo happy for you, how amazing is this, totally amazing, how did i not spot your second post!!!! i must have assumed it was the same one, i cant believe it, i really cant, i was saying to my huby only yesterday how lovely it would be if you fell pregnant as well, we could be bump buddies, and you are, i told you didnt i, you fall when your not even trying...........:flower:

what did your hubby say, are you going to the doctors for a blood test hunny.

cramps - i had these too, around my pubic bone and lots in my tummy, my nurse said this is normal as its making room, i cant believe it i am so exstatic for you i really really am sweetie.

have i asked you this before.... are you on hotmail msn or facebook or anything hun x

How fantastic is this! We can definitely be bump buddies! Ha! I still can't believe how lucky we are, I'm hoping and praying for both of us that our little beans stick! :baby: I'm off to the doctors tomorrow morning, (first appt I could get -how rubbish!) really hope my hormone levels are still good, I'm so so nervous, keep thinking I'll wake up sometime soon! But there's no mistaking it, my boobs are really sore, I've started to feel nauseous in the morning, and I'm hungry all the time! and I keep needing to pee! It's mad! :happydance:

My hubby didn't believe me, I think he was in shock! he made me take another test the next day and there it was again..pregnant..I said do you believe me now? It was so lovely and funny and unbelievable at the same time!

Maybe we brought each other luck eh? we both wanted each other to get pregnant and now we are! I'm on facebook and have a yahoo address - so weird we don't really know each others names or ages or anything! I don't care though you've been fantastic throughout and I just know we'll keep in touch. My username on here is actually a pet name, my name is Helena, what's yours? Can't wait to get to the milestone 12 weeks! I might start enjoying being pregnant then as I can worry a little less!

Let me know if you want my contact details, although I won't be making any announcements just yet, can't wait though! My brother in Australia rang me the other day and said my SIL is pregnant again, due in Feb, and I wanted to say I'm pregnant too due in April! (At least I think that's when I'm due!)
So excited for both of us! Really strange how its happened at the same time!
Take care hun! And My bean says hello to your bean!

Speak to you soon xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


hey you xxxxxx

i am so thrilled for you i really am.

wow your boobs hurt already mine are only just starting too, well my nipples to be precise, and i said to my hubby yay my nipples are sore, he was like why are you happy about that, so i replied because its just more of a conformation that this is REAL, because like you it so doesnt feel it.

i guess i am just waiting for my 12 weeks like you hunny and then i think i can breathe a little better, i am still hoping they will let me have an early pregnancy scan, fingers crossed.

wow your feeling nauseous, i havent got that yet, but bring it on (i am sure i will regret saing this lol) i am so glad you are hungry too lol i thought it was in my mind, today i held out till 11.45am for lunch lol was ravenous lol and now i have nothing to eat lol

and yes peeing lots but not sure if thats the water i am drinking, remember to drink lots of water,you need to keep hydrated.

i keep reading lots on the internet, i just want to make sure i am doing all i can, crazy huh lol xx

yes i am sure we did bring each other luck, whatever it is its great and i am a firm believer that everyone comes into your life for a reason hunny xx

wow i bet you cant wait to spring that on your brother, (wiered my bro is looking to move to oz, he has just been there for over a month spooky lol)

i am not telling anyone either so its so lovely to be able to talk to you about it, i am itching to tell my mum i really am, she knew i was having IUI and a few days after she kept saying subtly hows your tummy, in the end i just said mum, if theres any news you will be the first to know. its her 60th on saturday, what a great present that would be but it will just have to be belated lol

when i saw the nurse she got out a 'date wheel' where she looked at last period date, date iui took please and came out with the date of 31st/1st April 2010, it be funny if it is in march as me and hubby are march our nephew best friend and whole lot of other people, but april will also be great :-)

i then went to gp he did exactly the same wheel and came out that i was 4 weeks gone and due at a completely different date, so i said to him thats impossible as i know when i had the iui done ( he was rubbish) all he kept saying was 'oh you concieved very quickly' and i was thinking yea and your point is' he really annoyed me, so going to forget about him.

i would love your contact details and dont worry your secret is safe with me xxx

my bean also sends your bean a big hug lol xxx

lots of love Sheryl xx
Hi Sheryl! Hey we're on first named terms! how funny! ;) Went to the doctors this morning, I handed in a urine sample, but he said you've taken 4 tests, you have no period, and you're experiencing symptoms, I don't think you need me to confirm it, congratulations! so all a bit strange, but he was really nice and put my mind at rest, he's referred me to a midwife so they will contact me for bloods and my first scan which should be in about 4-5 weeks!
He put me at between 5-6 weeks already, but I said according to the conception digi I was only 4 and a half weeks? They're not sure cos I conceived on my month off clomid and so my cycle wasn't as regular this month, so I might get a scan at 10 weeks? I don't know, I'm going to wait until the midwife contacts me then bombard her with questions! lol!
My hubby bless him keeps e-mailing me at work asking how the bean is, think he's totally chuffed! I have to confess, I told my parents the other day cos I just couldn't keep it in! But we're not telling friends or anyone til after the first scan.
I'm so glad we're going through this together, I haven't put an announcement on B&B yet as I want to wait til a bit further down the line! My e-mail address is [email protected] and I'm on facebook too. Take care hunny and I'll talk to you soon! Lotsa love n hugs! :hugs:

Morning Helena :flower:

wow you told your parents, tell me their recation, what did they say? were they shocked, did they know you were going through some trouble with trying to concieve?

Another wow, your doctor put you at 4-5 weeks? wow, so doesnt that mean you would then have concieved when you had those pains in your stomach, when you ended up at hospital? or is he going by your last period? did he get that wheel thingy out?

so where you live am i right in saying you have scans at 10 weeks?

on nhs we dont get them till 12 weeks, although still waiting for letter to come through re: where i am having antinatel and see if i can have an early scan, just hope i can have my appointments where i had my treatment! no holding out as the gp was not very attentive!!:dohh:

i have found out that you can pay about £25 for a private reasurance pregnancy scan so may do that.

me - i am doing okay, boobs hurt on and off not sleeping well at all, hips and lower back really hurt and wake up really stiff, peeing during the night,,,,,so i am tried from not sleeping.

put a marquee up last night (well not me) for my mums party, which is on saturday and got loads of running around to do for that, i am looking forward to it, but i wil be pleased when i can just relax!!:happydance:

my hubby keeps doing the same, emailing and texting and already touching stomach like yours he is so excited and i think still in shock, at the moment he wont let me do anything lol lol its very funny, i am sure it wont last :haha:

how are you feeling?

lots a love look after yourself hun speak soon xxx:hugs::hugs::hugs:
Me again, i added you on facebook, i hope i have the right you lol, if not i am sheryl brill-shaw hun

oh like you i am not making any announcements either so obviously no one on face book knows lol

speak soon you xxx
Hello! You looking forward to your mum's party?! I bet you'll have a fab time, I just seem to be happy all the time, even though its raining and miserable!

I was considering having an early scan too, but I've just tried to relax a little and stop reading stuff on the web its driving me mad! My doctor said they go off the date of the last period, which for me was 19th June, but if the date is a bit ambiguous, they can do a "dating" scan from between 10 and 12 weeks, so I'm hoping for an earlier one! But the midwife has still not contacted me yet. May be next week. Funny thing is I got my letter through about going for IVF! Of course I'll have to ring them and let them know! :winkwink:

I'm supposed to be going on a hen weekend next weekend but don't know if I should go, I'd have to say I was antibiotics or something cos I can't drink, they've booked activities like cycling and raft building (don't ask!) for the saturday and then dinner and more drinks saturday night! Not sure how I will be able to go without people guessing, and it's too early for me to tell people yet, may have to say I've not been feeling well so I can't go. Its a shame cos I was looking forward to it, but this is so much more important, and I'm sure she (the hen) will understand when I can finally announce I'm pregnant later on. :happydance:

Anyway, if you want to carry on e-mailing on here that's fine, otherwise message me on facebook, I tend to go on there more often

Have a fab weekend hun and enjoy your mum's party! :flower:

Hi ya

how are you, did you have a good weekend hun?

i think i am being a bit supersticious here...... but think, if ok with you will post here and on FB as well, as i dont want to break the spell of goodness lol mad i know lol.

my mums party went really well, she was totally shocked, we had tears and everything, i did not stop all night and still had to tidy up yesterday. was up at 9am cleaned up the last bits, then went back to bed, which was nice and just chilled in Pj's all day, i was so exhausted and ached all over.

it was a great night, but i am glad its done now, so my body can rest!

Did you end up going away at all? we are looking to take a week off work, would love to go somewhere hot, but i dont think i want to risk flying~! so i think maybe a few days in a nice hotel somewhere might be on the cards, id love a bit of sun right now but think its best to be safe.

i got my first midwife appointment to book in with her on 9th September and then my first scan on 21st September, seems like ages away but i know it will be here in a flash, (i hope) very strange reading that letter i tell you.

the appointments are not at the hospital where i received treatment as my gp comes under a different hospital, i will show them the letter i got and see if they will let me carry on appointments with the hospital i had treatment done, if not well its not meant to be and im not gonna worry about it, glad i have any appointment to be honest, so who cares where it is lol

so from your period date i think that makes you exactly a week before me, but i guess we both wont really know until our scans ahhhhhh cant wait.

your hen weekend!!!! have you decided what you are going to do hun? i think if it was me i would say i was ill, but its up to you, go if you were looking forward to it, just put some tic tacs in a bottle hahahha.

any symptoms as of yet? oh my hubby bought me a great book, i will give you the title its full of lots of great things :-)

i better go i have a BIG report to write, and i have been putting it off for weeks, so dont want to do it grrrr

speak soon hun xxxx
Hiya hun, glad you and your family had a good party! bet you were knackered though! We went to the Lakes on Saturday just for the day, had lunch out, went for a walk, it was really nice! Although had to come home in the afternoon for a sleep! I don't seem to have much energy at all at the moment! I'm so tired and nauseous all the time! I've not been sick though, so maybe I'll just get nausea. My boobs are still really sore!

I've not been contacted by the midwife yet, hopefully this week I'll get a letter. Seems like such a long way off doesn't it! I'm hoping it'll fly in a way, on the other hand I want to savour every minute of being pregnant cos I still can't believe it!

Yeah I should be a week behind you still can't believe it! I'm so glad we are experiencing this together! It really helps cos I can't really talk about it to anyone else!
What's the book called? My doctor gave me a small magazine type book called Emma's Diary and its got loads of good info in there, but I was thinking I might get a book. I've decided I've got to stop looking up every single little twinge on the net cos I'll stress myself out and drive myself mad! And I'm not going on the pregnancy forums on here yet either, cos some of the threads on there you just dont want to read at this early stage! I just keep thinking - an you must too - we're young, fit and healthy, chances are we're making a healthy baby, :baby: just got to relax and take it easy for the next 5 or 6 weeks. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us both! :thumbup:

Anyway take care and sounds like a good plan to go away for a few days, I think we would if we could get the time off! Speak to you soon!


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