Hi ya Jessica, welcome back, how was your holiday, was it a nice break, what was the weather like?
funny really as i was thinking about you today and you left a message, spooky lol
sorry to hear Af arrived its not easy as i am sure you know, at least it didnt arrive on hols

sending a big hug and you must stay positive xx
yes its a good thing to take time off chlomid as its not good on the linning, you never know your next cycle might be your lucky one, off the meds, this happend with loads of people
I cant rememeber what i told regards to me, well i basically had the Pregnyl triggershot on the 8th i had bloods done on day 21 and came back that i had ovulated, 30.9, i was over the moon that i had ovulated, first time since september, although i was a bit concerned the level was low, but other girls have assured me that it was a good level.
so clearly the chlomid doesnt work for me but the HCG trigger shot (pregnyl) does, just wish i knew this months ago. i even had average size follciles. its so frustrating.
anyway the same week i had my NHS appointment and the doctor said to go for IUI, we then had to go and book in for classes, which i went to last monday, very strange sitting around a table with ten other couples learning how to inject yourself, very surreal.
i am hoping i dont have to use them as still holding out for good news this month, this has been my first real 2ww and its been really hard, i am due to test tomorrow but think i will wait till wednesday as i am still not entirely sure when i ovulated could be any where from the 8th-10th.
i stupidly caved in and took one on friday and on saturday, but not suprisingly it was negative, i cried all morning on saturday and had a really low day.
i am not feeling to positive about getting BFP as i have had no symptoms etc, but i know i need to stay positive, all i know is i have not stopped eating and i know this is proabably comfort eating, but its got to stop!!!
i amnot sure if i have asked you, if you are doing your treatement, privately or on the NHS?
so to recap really, i have IUI injections by my bed and HPT in my bathroom cabinet!!!!!!
really glad to have you back, as you can see, this thread seems to have gone quiet
it was nice to get a message from you x
please stay strong and remember to BD every 2-3 days this cycle as you just never know. chlomid can also make CM hostile so preseed is really good, again not sure if we have spoke about this lol
good luck with your acupuncture, you are braver than me, but i guess i would try anything, such as the disgusting angus cactus i have been taking all month.
stay in touch hun and keep positive (funny really, if only we listened to our own advice)