Quick clomid question

Hi Hopeandfaith, got back today, had a lovely relaxing break, just what we needed, but unfortunately :witch: arrived last night, although I'm not really surprised after the stress we had before we went away! I've decided to have a break from clomid this month and not chart or anything, just to see if I can ovulate on my own. I'm still going to go for the acupuncture, but I think I'll just get back on the clomid next month and have another couple of trys. If not I think we'll be going down the IUI route too! Did you get your bloods on Monday? Hope you're doing good catch up soon hun.


Hi ya Jessica, welcome back, how was your holiday, was it a nice break, what was the weather like?

funny really as i was thinking about you today and you left a message, spooky lol

sorry to hear Af arrived its not easy as i am sure you know, at least it didnt arrive on hols :hugs: sending a big hug and you must stay positive xx

yes its a good thing to take time off chlomid as its not good on the linning, you never know your next cycle might be your lucky one, off the meds, this happend with loads of people

I cant rememeber what i told regards to me, well i basically had the Pregnyl triggershot on the 8th i had bloods done on day 21 and came back that i had ovulated, 30.9, i was over the moon that i had ovulated, first time since september, although i was a bit concerned the level was low, but other girls have assured me that it was a good level.

so clearly the chlomid doesnt work for me but the HCG trigger shot (pregnyl) does, just wish i knew this months ago. i even had average size follciles. its so frustrating.

anyway the same week i had my NHS appointment and the doctor said to go for IUI, we then had to go and book in for classes, which i went to last monday, very strange sitting around a table with ten other couples learning how to inject yourself, very surreal.

i am hoping i dont have to use them as still holding out for good news this month, this has been my first real 2ww and its been really hard, i am due to test tomorrow but think i will wait till wednesday as i am still not entirely sure when i ovulated could be any where from the 8th-10th.

i stupidly caved in and took one on friday and on saturday, but not suprisingly it was negative, i cried all morning on saturday and had a really low day.

i am not feeling to positive about getting BFP as i have had no symptoms etc, but i know i need to stay positive, all i know is i have not stopped eating and i know this is proabably comfort eating, but its got to stop!!!

i amnot sure if i have asked you, if you are doing your treatement, privately or on the NHS?

so to recap really, i have IUI injections by my bed and HPT in my bathroom cabinet!!!!!!

really glad to have you back, as you can see, this thread seems to have gone quiet :-)

it was nice to get a message from you x

please stay strong and remember to BD every 2-3 days this cycle as you just never know. chlomid can also make CM hostile so preseed is really good, again not sure if we have spoke about this lol

good luck with your acupuncture, you are braver than me, but i guess i would try anything, such as the disgusting angus cactus i have been taking all month.

stay in touch hun and keep positive (funny really, if only we listened to our own advice)


Hi again! Holiday was lovely so hot! so good to hear from you! That level is good, pretty much anything over 15 I think means you ovulated, and anything over 20 is good, so I have my fingers crossed for you! I'm so sorry you've had a bad day, I totally understand the disappointment! you know the funny thing when I was at the hospital and they did all the blood tests etc when they were checking what was wrong with me, they said your pregnancy test is positive, and I explained it was the HCG shot still in my system! It would have been so nice that my first :bfp: was not a false positive!
When I was on holiday, during the last night, I had a dream, it was so real, that I got back and took a pregnancy test and it was positive, and I ran to tell my DH we'd done it, we'd finally got pregnant, and when I woke up, I can't tell you how disappointing to realise it was a dream! It must have been a deep sleep! AF came later that day :cry:

Some people don't get symptoms straight away so there's still a chance you could be! How long is your cycle or are you not sure? I'm wondering if I'll ever have a clue anyway before testing cos I get really sore boobs a few days before my period, and a bit of spotting the day before, apparently these are also pregnancy symptoms! I guess everyone's different, a friend of mine didn't know until she was 4 days late and took a test as she had no symptoms!

Anyway, I do hope you get your BFP, but try not to despair if its not your month this month (harder said than done I know) but at least you have the IUI next time, there's always another chance round the corner, that's how I'm trying to see things, its just hard when the :witch: comes round! Let me know how you get on hun and stay strong, if it is good news you'll have to let me know! Its always good to hear positive stories when you're feeling down, from people who've been TTC for a while and finally get their :bfp:! It will happen for us I'm sure, we just have to wait a little longer than some! I'm sure we'll appreciate our bundles even more when they do arrive!

Take care and catch up soon xx :hugs:

Hey you,

really glad you had a great holiday and weather was good. looks like you bought some back for us lol

i have had many dreams like that myself, cant wait for the day when it is real!!!

my cycles are all over the place, i am on day 32 at the moment, but have been known to have 45 day cycles!!!!

thank you so much for your encouraging words, it helps, just having a really hard couple of days - hopefully it will pass soon.

i will be sure to let you know any news, but like i said i am not getting my hopes up hun.

is your treatment private or NHS hun ?

hope you are okay and speak to you latter sweetie xxxxx
Hiya hun, my cycles were like that before I went on clomid, and then they came down to every 30 days first two cycles, since starting the acupuncture, they've been 28 days for the first time in my life I think! We're on the NHS, how about you? Can't remember if you said where abouts you are in the UK?

A girl at work has just had her baby 7 weeks early, so bit of a shock, but to be honest, (and I know this sounds selfish) its been so hard seeing her grow every day and hear her talk about her pregnancy, no one knows that I am trying to get pregnant or have been for 18 months now, so I have to admit I was jealous when she announced she was after only being married for 6 months, does that sound awful?! I'm glad the baby is doing well, and I really am happy for her, but I can't help this jealous feeling either! Another girl on here has just announced she's pregnant and she was just about to start clomid. I know I just have to be patient, I'm sure it will happen one day, just want it to be soon!

Anyway, enough of the rant, glad I can off load on here, and its really good to get a message from you, think we're both going through the same emotions at the moment!

Take care and stay positive :hugs:
speak to you soon


Hi ya

i know exactly how you feel hun Re; girl at work, you are only human and no its not awful at all, so dont you dare worry about that, its just emotions all over the place.

I live in essex hun. Has your Doctor mentioned IUI to you at all, i was lucky enough to miss out all the waiting game with NHS as did the chlomid privately, i know how long the waits can be sometimes with the NHS.

yea i think we are in the same boat at the mo, emotions wise, its not good, but like i say hope it passes.

my best friend is is 3 months pregnant and i have seen her once since she told me at a kiddies party, we used to see each other every weekend - it hurts, she has asked me what is wrong but i said nothing its fine, she knew i had the lap and dye back in april but since then she has not asked me how i am, everything ok etc. so i am a bit upset with her, yes i know she is excited about her second baby but she can not be that self absorbed to not realise i maybe having some problems!

its not something i can stress over, yes i miss her, but i need to keep stress levels down as well. maybe she doesnt have a clue and i am being too hard, well deep down i dont think she can be that clueless!!

i dont know how i am going to feel when her baby arrives i so want to be apart of things but i just cant - selfish, yea probably but i cant help how i feel.

anyway gonna stop ranting on.

when you back to see the doctor hun?


funny enough i just got a letter from my NHS hospital giving me an appointment for December 2009!!!!! what the hell is that all about.
Hiya hun, its so weird that's kind of happened with one of my best friends, we used to do everything together, even got married in the same month! But I don't see her much anymore since she's had two kids, the first one I was really surprised and happy for her, as we weren't trying then but when we started thinking something was up, I just felt distant from her, then she announced she was pregnant again when she knew we were having all the tests and I felt so down, why was it happening so easily for her, crazy emotions hey? She has 2 beautiful girls and I'm Godmother to one of them but I tend to see my friends who don't have children more! just find it hard so I know exactly what you mean. I think sometimes people just don't realise they're being insensitive!

I had another acupuncture session the other day actually, I usually have one every week or week and a half, first one she took down my history, asked about my diet, my exercise, my periods etc. and I had a few needles in my legs and arms. Sometimes they're not where you'd think! Depending on the time of the month, she either focuses on my blood flow, or my "chi" as they call it, whichever points need working, I sometimes have a couple in my feet, but usually legs and arms. When she inserts the needles its quite quick, you can feel it, but its a strange sensation, more like a dull ache initially, then she leaves me for about 20 minutes to just relax and I can't feel a thing, sometimes one or two can feel a little like pins and needles? but thats it really. It might not be for everyone, but I swear it was the only thing that got rid of the pain the other week. It has quite a high success rate for people trying to conceive and especially those going through IUI and IVF apparently, you could always look in to it? Not cheap but so far its been worth it!

Back to the docs in July around 21st I think, so I'll see what my options are then. Good job you're going private if your appointment was December! Ridiculous!

Have a good week and talk to you soon :hugs:

Hey you

freeky, exactly the same as me, i am god mother too and i am so scared i wont be as close the next baby, i also feel guilty that i feel like i can only be truely happy for her when my miricle happens, how bad is that, and i dont want her to think 'oh your only happy not cause you are pregnant/had a baby' why does everything have to be so complicated.

i know that when my time comes hopefully we will be close again but again i feel guitly cause we should be close now and you cantjust not be close with a friend just cause you havent got what you want! i guess i need to start building some bridges, but i still state she has been insensitive, can you see i am going in circles here lol

acupuncture - wow not sure if i can cope with that! ill have to see.

you have any nice plans for the weekend hun.

i guess i should really test but so feel like AF is just around the corner........i just keep reading stories of how girls didnt have a bfp utill 20dpo or more or even never until they had a blood test.

guess i am clutching at staws xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

my friend said when she had hers done they put needles in her stomachand just above pubic bone? i guess all are different, but i am not sure i can cope with having my stomach out like that lol
Hello again! Well I'm going to Take That tomorrow so that should be amazing, and definitely no babies there! Although we do have the christening on sunday of my friend's second child, so no doubt there will be loads of people with babies/pregnant and asking when we're having one! Still I'm sure I can cope with one afternoon.

What are you up to this weekend? How many DPO are you now? Maybe take a test over the weekend, its been a week since you last took one isn't it? I really have my fingers crossed for you, and I really won't be jealous! Ha! I think you deserve a bit of luck hun, we all do, so let me know if you do take one how you get on, and try not to get upset if you're not, you can always talk if you need to. :hugs:


Hey you're back! missed you this week! although haven't been on as much either, having as much of a break as possible, but think I'm addicted to B&B! How was your weekend? Up to much this weekend? It's our 5 year wedding anniversary tomorrow, so going out for something to eat which will be nice.

Went to that christening last sunday and as expected, someone told me they were pregnant, a friend of a friend, I had a feeling someone would announce they were pregnant! Really hard to be happy for them, and I am, just fed up its not us! Still she said it's taken them 18 months and the month they didn't try, and she got another job, she fell pregnant! weird eh? Anyway how r u doing hun? Hope you're good catch up soon :hugs:


Hey sweetie,

lovely to hear from you again, and congratulations on your 5th anniversay, it goes by so quick huh!! oh how was take that, i bet it was amazing hun?

just typical of what happened at the christing, but i guess its bound to happen hey, but its done with now, hopefully there wont be a next time xx

i am not too bad, AF showed up without me having to test again last friday had a pretty bad weekend, but i had to pull myself up for my DH sake.

we were invited to a BBQ of another friend who is pregnant, i decided to go, so my hubby didnt have to stare at my miserable face, i actually find it easier to be around this particular friend than the other one, as she knew i was having problems without me having to say anything, so its kind of easier and she is really good.

she sometimes asks if i want to talk and i can trust her which is a good thing.

Sunday night i started my IUI injections, it was a bit of a comedy act to be honest lol, my husband was doing the injections, and i kept saying, ok do it now, no stop, ok now, no wait lol this went on for sometime lol, it didnt hurt that night, but monday, and tuesday it stung, but bearable last night was okay too!

i went for my scan today i have one good follicle, measuring 13mm (cd 8) bit upset as i was hoping for more than one, but one is better than none. i go back monday to see if i am ready for shot and insemination (i actually cant believe i am going through this, and i am writing it, very strange)

i did notice that on my last cycle when taking chlomid my follicles did not measure 13mm until cd 12 i asked my nurse why, and she said the injections cook them faster. she even told me she had two girls in before me on iui on cd 8 and they were ready, and she thought i would be her lucky number 3 (grrr why did she tell me this)

anyway so thats my low down.

this weekend i am braving it and going to a bbq at the my best friends house the girl who is pregnant that i told you about.

i thought i better make the effort and break the ice as its not a nice feeling and i miss her. i guess i know that she is clueless but at least i know and can hopefully not hold it again her. i dont want to just be friends with her again when i get my miricle, that would not br right and i do miss her, so i am going to have to put my happy face on and be brave.

even if she asks now i dont think i would want her to know my issues as its a little bit too late, but i miss her so i have to do the right thing and be the better person.

anyway enough of me rambling on lol, what are you up to, or you still got an appoinment on the 21st hun xxx

looks like we have this thread all to ourselves lol xxx

stay in touch and if i dont speak to you have a FANTASTIC ANNIVERSAY xxxxxxxxx
Hi hun, thanks for the message! We had a very nice anniversary thanks, and had a BBQ last night with some friends so really nice weekend. Take That was amazing last week too, nice to enjoy things without being reminded of what we're trying to do!

Had a message this morning to say one of our friends had a little boy last night (her second) so thats another one! Still I just keep thinking well we're having a break this month try again next month. We basically have another 3 cycles of clomid, but maybe when we go for the appointment on 21st they'll talk through our other options.

Can't believe you've started your treatment kind of exciting huh? I have everything crossed for you, it would be different if you got your :bfp:, its strange how jealous other people getting pregnant can make you, but we're in a different situation, it would give so much hope to those who have been TTC for so long, and I think you deserve it! Don't worry too much about your follicle size although it is annoying when they say stuff about other women! I didn't know that the injections would make them grow that much quicker! I think I will ask about IUI at the appointment just to get information about it, and see what the waiting time is, but I read a thread on here about instead cups, so might give them a go next cycle, I'll try anything I think!

Suppose I now just have to wait and see if I actually get AF this month at the right time, might be a longer cycle this time, not felt any ovulation pain this time, so chances are I'm not ovulating without the clomid, so feel a bit down about that, just annoying I don't work properly! ;) Anyway, hope tomorrow goes well and let me know how you get on! Take care hun and speak to you soon
xx :hugs:


so glad you had a good anni, and take that sounds great, saw some pics of my friends who went, it looked amazing!

how many cycles of chlomid have you done now, (sorry if i keep repeating myself) i would really ask about IUI hun, just trying to get you ahead of the game, like i wish someone told me! your on the NHS yea?

well i went for my scan on monday to see how my follies were doing - the first one grew to 19mm so was really happy with that, and while i was looking at the screen i said, is that another one i can see on the left, my nurse laughed and said give me a minute lets just finish looking at your right side lol

and blow me down, from friday to monday i had grown another follicle measuring 16.9mm i was shocked as it was not there on friday and had grown so quickly, goes to prove how better the injections are hun xx

anyway my nurse said they obviously would like one folly but prefer two anymore they are not happy with, so i came out feeling a bit better, you get so used to bad news and when you get positive news you dont really know what to do with it.

anyhooo, my husband gave me the injection last night, which stung really bad, but i think this was because a)it had to be in the fridge and it was cold and b)it was done free hand not with a gun, my hubby felt so bad bless him.

so tomorrow i go in for the actual procedure and the nurse does it, so that makes me a bitmore relaxed as thought it would be some doctor i had never met!!

so i guess we will just wait and see, its so hard not to be too positive and its hard not to be negative, i didnt sleep a wink last night.

i said to my nurse its my mums birthday next month that would be a great present and she replied well we have to get you pregnant beofre i retired, i was like 'waht' your retiring and she said yes in december so we will get you pregnant by then.

she is such a saint my nurse and even people have wrote about her on websites - lets hope god hears her words, and mine for that matter.

speak to you soon hunni xxx
Hi hun, that's really good news! sounds like the injections are much stronger!

I finished cycle 4 of clomid last month, and obviously not taken it this month, so no idea when AF is due, but should be in about 11 or 12 days, but chances are my cycle will be longer as I don't think I ovulate without it. I actually have 3 more lots of tablets to take if I choose to, and so will ask the consultant what he thinks when I go and see him, but he probably sees so many couples, I'll probably have to ask myself about IUI! I sometimes wish I could go private, cos chances are if IUI is the next step, there'll be a long waiting list, but I think they have to offer this before offering IVF. I hope I don't have to go down that route if I'm honest, but at the end of the day will do anything to get my miracle! :baby:

Sometimes it seems so long off and so strange even, to think we're going to be parents, its exciting but scary at the same time don't you think?! I read somewhere the mind plays a big part in it, there was a woman who was trying for years without success, she went for hypnotherapyand they discovered she was subconsiously afraid of giving birth! a month after realising her fears and dealing with it, she fell pregnant! So weird. Anyway, enough of my rambling! Good luck for tomorrow, hope it all goes well! Let me know how you get on! :hugs:

He you

how are you?

well today was an experience, i wont go into detail but put it this way i can just about have a smear test so you can imagine what i was like today.

i kept teling my self to relax as not to hinder the procedure, even my lovely nurse said i was tense. but i think i am an individual case when it comes to things like this.

nurse said dh sperm definitly had a purpose and were great swimmer and put a large amount in me!

after the procedure i layed there for about 20mins, and was allowed to go, very sureal i tell you.

we went for a qucik bite to eat, then i came home and slept for 3 hours, i think i was mentaly and emotionaly drained.

so will just have to see.

will your cons scan you when on your chlomid hun?

well my theory is, ask you cons about iui cause if there is an option for it you could ask to go on the waiting list to save time.

with my hosp which is nhs i did not have to wait, went for classes the same week i got told i can go ahead and stated injections following week, so you never know hun, and it wont hurt to ask, if it wasnt me putting my self foward i wouldnt be wear i am now, i just know i wanted not to waste time.

it depends on your situation with regards to being put on iui or ivf, but please ask the question when you go, and even say if it hasnt worked so far what is saying it will and you are concerned as to what it may do to your lining hun.

i was also told you can not have more than 12 cycles of chlmoid in a life time, and also you have a right to say what treatment you want hun dont forget that.

if you google the following info it may help if there is a waiting list.........

i was told that the governement have bought in a protocole that anybody starting any treatment of what ever kind must start there treatment within (i think) 16 weeks from the date the decision was made.

i agree with you with scary but exciting bit of being parents, so close, but yet so far, i cant wait, for everything lol xx

sending hugs your way xx

just found this....


Hi sweets, how exciting about your procedure! So I take it you have to wait 2 weeks still before you can test? One question, so they deposit the sperm closer to the cervix than would through normal intercourse? Not really sure how it all works! But I'm definitely going to ask about it when I see him. Only a couple of weeks til the appointment.

My DH actually said its been nice this month not trying, so I think he was feeling the pressure too. We'll be more ready now to try again properly next time, well if AF shows up anyway! Don't really want to be taking anything to bring it on in order to start the clomid again! But I'm still having the acupuncture so we'll just see.

I'm going to stay with a friend in Swindon this weekend so looking forward to a girly weekend! Hope you have a good weekend and I'll catch up with you soon.

Keepin my fingers crossed for you! :hugs:

Hello toot lol (that reminds me of that song in chitty chitty bang bang, toot sweets, toot sweets lol)

they basically put one of those thigs in, like they do for a smear test and open up the neck of the cervic, this did hurt me but like i said this is just me!

she then injects the sperm, in our case 48 million of them lol the a very thin needle type thingy through the instrument they use for the smear

yes definitly ask your con.

i know what you mean when you say its nice not to be trying, it really does take the fun out of everything!!!! thanks heavens for pre seed is all i can say.

im slightly concerned today as i have had really bad pains all morning on both overies and i should have ovulated by this wednesday just gone, cause i took the trigger, just really worried i ovulated late, but i was assured i would def ov by wednesday, now i am worrying about this grrrrrrrrr

yes i have to wait 15 dpiui i cant begin to tell you how i am feeling i really cant hun.

i hope you have a wonderful girlie weekend hunny you relax and have a glass of vino for me xxxxxxx
Hi hun, had a lovely weekend thanks, although didn't quite manage to "not" think about babies as I met my friend's friend who is getting married in 3 weeks and is going to start TTC straight away, she was so excited bless her and was asking me me all sorts, I didn't want to put her off by telling her how difficult it is, but she wanted to know everything and you forget just how little you know when you first start TTC! She didn't know about ovulation, when to BD, about cycles at all really and I remember thinking I was pretty much clueless too! Now I feel I could write a book on it! lol!

Anyway, it was lovely weekend, had lunch, went shopping, had a couple of glasses of wine - she said she was giving up alcohol all together after her wedding, I was thinking maybe I should too, then I thought, nah, a couple of glasses of wine won't hurt, most people who don't know they're pregnant have drunk until they find out so I'm not too concerned, its not like I'm going out getting p*ssed every night!

Anyway, how's your weekend been? Do you normally get ovulation pain? cos this could be something different if its happening on both sides? but even if it is, and you ovulated later than you thought, then the sperm will still have been close to the egg on its release which is what you want to happen, so I wouldn't worry too much :)

I've actually been experiencing a pain on my right side today, and I'm convinced its ovulation pain (which I do normally get since taking the clomid) so if it is, although its late, I've ovulated without clomid so a small achievement! Must still be in my system! I'm going to have a blood test this week to check, then will get the results when I go and see the doc.

Have a good week hun and catch up with you soon :hugs:


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