Quick clomid question

Hey hey,

sorry meant your dads birthday lol do forgive me, i have preghead lol:wacko:

Did you open a mothercare account hun? you get vouchers for there too and also a pound back for a pound spent xx

i will send the pic to your email. remember it has a lot of fluid around him/her lol

so excited for you, for friday i bet it cant come quick enough, what a great end to a working week huh xx

ok ill go email now hun x
Hi hun! Hope you've had a good week! I've been so busy today, mad mainly because I'm off tomorrow so had to get everything finished today! Will open a Mothercare account now I think, did you join the Boots parenting club? I've got a few vouchers through already so that should be good too.

So can't wait for tomorrow morning! Will let you know as soon as I can how it all went! Fingers crossed! Hope you and pickle are well! :baby:

Speak to you soon! :hugs:

OMG, such a bad bad friend, i was meant to email you last night to wish you luck for today, but went out to dinner with my dad, and completely forgot, i am so sorry.:nope:

so tell me??????????????????????? i am on tender hooks here hun xxxxxxxx

sorry again do forgive me xxxx

Hi hun! Sent you a picture of my littel girl today hope you got it! I'm still smiling all the time at the thought of it all! Can't wait til yours! :hugs:


Hey you,

i responded. one word AMAZING!!!!!!!!:happydance:

How far we have come from those little round miracles in our very first scans.

i bet you cant stop smiling and i bet it has sunk in now as to what you are having, so very happy for you hunny.:cloud9:

how was dinner with your parents the other night?

oooo and how is the nursery coming along hunny?

i think we will start doing ours over christmas, may go shopping on saturday for the paint, shelves etc. cant wait!!!!!!!!!

how quick do the weekends go? work is really bothering me at the mo, it takes me the weekend to destress then i come back to it all again!!!!!

do you have an idea when you will be finishing work at all?

still thinking about your scan, was amazing so defined!!

ok hun, i hope you have a good day and it flies by

lots a love to you and bean'ett' lol xxxxx:hugs:
Hi you

thought i would send you a message on here.:hugs:

how are you hunny, did you have a nice weekend, what did you get up to?

we cleared out the baby room, so its already to go for decorating, we just need to decide on the theme, there is just so much about, it makes it hard to chose lol.:wacko:

once we had moved everything out, of course we needed to find a place for everything in the other spare room lol, it was a mission but i was routhless and got rid of a lot!

sunday we didnt do much we were shattered from saturday.:sleep:

didnt feel too good yesterday i was pale all day, think i may have over done it a little, so i had a well deserved guinn:winkwink:ess as i think my iron levels were low, it was scrumptious lol

i am feeling pickle moved a lot now, mostly when i am laying down, but as i sit here at work, for the first time in the sitting position i have felt pickle move, its lovely and it actually makes me giggle lol:happydance:

i hope you are okay hunny, speak to you soon
Hi sweetie! That's so good you can feel pickle now so much more now! Its so lovely isn't it, I sit there smiling to myself too! And only a week to go and you can see what pickle is! :baby:

I had a good weekend thanks, we got the carpet for Bean's room fitted on Friday and put the furniture up and its all coming together now! Just have to get the cot and baby accessories! I know what you mean though its so hard choosing colours and a theme etc.! :wacko:

I went to mothercare and got 2 bras (not very exciting when I wanted to get all these pink baby things!) and well you know we've decided on the buggy now. Funny how your Jay knew of that website, it was Mike who did all the research on line to do with the buggies! I prefered to go and look at them lol!

Had a busy day today at work, had customers over from France, and was only supposed to be in a short meeting with them this afternoon before going out to dinner with them, but 2 hours later, I had a pile of stuff on my desk to do and it was half 5! So we had to take them to dinner and we have to finish off discussions about this that and the other tomorrow on top of everything else I have to do! I'm supposed to be having a day off on Friday but at this rate I won't be! I also have 3 more days to take before the end of the year, the new person is starting next week and so I'll be training her, then there's only 2 weeks to Christmas! arrgggh! :growlmad:
Soo can't wait for the Xmas break! Do you have time off hun? We close for xmas so we have a week and a half to relax! :happydance:

Anyway I'm off to bed, speak to you soon hun! :hugs:

Hi ya,

is it just me, but i am suffering from hot flushes lol...........:wacko:

wow you did have a busy day, i hope today wasnt as bad!

oooh carpet and furniture is all up, how exciting, i bet it looks lovely hun, so surreal huh!

i keep walking passed the baby room, with all the stuff in and having to take a second look lol. :happydance:

oh next time you are in mothercare, check out the 'expandable hangers' i thought they were a great buy, they expand with the size of clothes.

my holidays start April to April, which is very handy for me hahaha! i still have 4 weeks 3 days, so will take 2 days off between xmas and NY, (they give us a day off as a gift as well) so wont have to come in, in between.

then what i think i will do, is take four weeks holiday starting in march, then i dont lose any maternity leave at the beginning, i also get holiday while i am off so will have an extra 5 and half weeks at end of materninty to take as well, so prob wont end up returning until about June!!!!!!!!!!!!

between now and then i will probably have flexi time that i will have to take so may be able to take off 2 or 3 days between now and march.

when do you think you will stop work?

i have never wanted the xmas break to be here so much as i do this year, so cant wait to relax, sleep, veg out and not rush around.

i hope you and beanie are okay and i will speak to you soon hun

Hello you, I get those sometimes, just another joyful pregnancy symptom! Did I tell you I've invested in a large bottle of Gaviscon for the heartburn?! lol! and I'm still, yes still feeling sick in the mornings! Not to worry, I'm still loving every minute! :happydance:

I'm going to get my MATB1 form from the midwife when I go on 8th December so hopefully then I can discuss with work how best to do things, I will probably do the same take a couple of weeks holiday at the beginning so I can finish beginning March, so I have time to rest etc. and just in case baby's early, although I had to be induced so don't know if this little one will be late too! That's so good you can take all that time off! I may have to come back in January which will be rubbish! But I'll see when I talk to work about it all. :shrug:

So looking forward to Christmas too! Can't wait. Love to you and pickle!
Speak to you soon! :hugs:

Hi hun, thought I'd send you a message on here not been on for a while! That's so lovely you're having a little boy! :baby:
Really pleased for you, hope you're feeling better now! We all get down and emotional so don't worry.
Anyway text or e-mail if you need anything sweetie, speak to you soon! :hugs:

:hugs:hey you. :kiss:

had a horrid day at work yesterday my line manager is a complete nightmare cant wait to get away from her!!!!

think she is panicking cause i dont think they are going to replace me due to money!!!

now she is worried cause basically i keep this place ticking over and she doesnt know how to do anything, well its her own fault she should have done her own job in the first place!!!

anyway moan over lol........................
i am feeling better, think i was in a little shock as well after the scan it made it very real knowing, and i think it just all hit home all at once and all these emotions were coming in all directions!!!!!!!!!:cry:

slept better last night which was good been in work early so hopefully i can leave early too.

have you got my parcel yet? i had to re use a box so care ful of some glitter at the bottom lol i did try to cover it up with paper lol

the box is actually a box i used for my hen night items, you can imagine lol

i said to hubby last night, right.......boy or girls names he was like what? so i said tonight we look at boys names, tomorrow we look at girls lol

just so he doesnt get sussed hahahahaha! i tell you boys names are so much harder:haha:

anyway, how are you feeling hunny? i see you are starting to organise your 30th, how exciting xx :flower:

have you ordered your pushchair yet! we are ordering our cot today, saw a special deal on kiddycare with mattress too.

the britax base for car came yesterday, so all thats really left is, baby bouncer, clothes for buba and a few bits and pieces, oh and decorate the nursery :baby::baby:

Hi hun! sorry you had such a rubbish day! Management can be so annoying, I don't think people realise how much you do til it actually comes to light you're not going to be there! Just think you've not got long, only a couple of months and we'll be off! :happydance:

Its so exciting knowing but keeping it a secret at the same time, I don't think I'd manage to keep it a secret from mike though! Do you think he'll just ask you one day? I'd just be bursting to tell him!

We're buying the buggy this weekend and having another look at cots, the problem is, we've bought maple coloured furniture, which is really light, so trying to find a matching cot is a nightmare! We didn't think this through! lol! We have found a nice one and its a cot bed so might be the best option!

Yes I've sent out an invite thing on FB for my birthday, I know you might not be able to come hun as it would be a hassle coming all the way up! but I didn't not want to invite you! It would be lovely if you did want to come :flower:

What are you doing this weekend? we're having a quiet one after last weekend and we have a busy one next weekend, but we're out for a meal just the two of us tomorrow night which will be nice!

Anyway I'm off to bed, so glad its friday tomorrow! Speak to you soon hunny, love to you and baby boy pickle! lol! :baby:


morning hun x :sleep:

yes thank heavens it is friday - i am wrecked!!!!! slept terribly last night, cannot wait to lay in tomorrow.

i am sure a lot of internet sights do the mapple colour, actually look on kiddy care, the cot we are getting is called 'jessica' think that comes in a maple colour too? i am sure it will look so, so lovely.:baby:

last night i said to hubby, you know its funny i am the only one in the world who knows the sex of our baby, do you not want to know, he laughed and said why do you wanna tell me, i said no, not if you want it to be a suprise lol he just said no i dont want to know.

i really thought he wouldnt even last this long, lol he has shocked me lol, ill only tell him if he really wants to know.
i have my friends baby shower tomorrow (seems to be the new thing) then a quiet evening, shopping for buba sunday and going to friends for a take away...... then its monday again boooooooo.

i have hospital appointment on wednesday have to have blood test, drink this drink stay there for an hour or so have another blood test, to see if i have gestational diabities. are you having that, aparently its what they do?

Next week, i also get to finally see my midwife, cant believe how long i have waited.

did you get parcel yet?>

i hope you have a lovely weekend, i hope your day flies by.

lots a love and give beanie a hug from us xxxxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Hi hun sounds like you had a fun weekend planned! Hope it was as good as it sounds! We had a good weekend, had a lovely meal Friday night, went to Ikea saturday and then this little shop near where we live that has lovely baby things then saw some friends today for afternoon tea! How civilised! lol! Also put the tree up so feeling festive now! :happydance:

I'm seeing the midwife Tuesday so will ask her about the blood test and things, not sure what I still have to go for, think they test for anaemia at some point so maybe they do that at the same time.

Anyway speak to you soon hun, have a good week! xx :hugs:


glad you are feeling all festive, its is coming around so quickly!

we went to ikea at the weekend too lol, did you get anything nice?

baby shower was nice, went back to my friends for soem dinner, then sunday did lots of running around.

having thought about it, i may be having this test, as my dad has diabities - maybe they only do it on preg women who have relatives who have it, not sure, but yeah ask midwife.

i had my hand on stomach last night and felt baby move - was lovely.

i so hope this week zoooooms by, just counting down the weeks now until christmas, cannot wait to relax

speak to you soon hun xxx :hugs:
Hi hun how are you? Had a day off today which was nice, but I've not stopped! we had a busy weekend so couldn't do the usual cleaning and washing! So I did that then ordered a couple of things and wrapped some presents but it was nice being a home for a day instead of work!

How's pickle? Hopefully catch up more with you this week! :hugs:

hey you.:flower:

its always the way, day off and you do stuff, feels good to get thigns done though! i did lots of things around the house last weekend.

we now have all our nursery stuff delivered, check out the sydney and lola range, lollipop lane, i think its really sweet. just need to decorate now.

i have visions of me in dungarees, bandanna, paint on my nose hahaha think i live in the movies sometimes hahahaha, yes i am mad, dont even own a pair of dungarees! although i always wanted to when i was preggers!:haha:

sunday i didnt feel that good, just so tired, hardly sleep at night, think it just all hit me, ended up sleeping most of the afternoon!

my best friend went into hospital, (due next week) she has high protien in her urine, think she is coming out today, they are going to induce her on Thursday. exciting!

think i am finally all set for christmas i am so looking forward to not working. i get to see my midwife on friday be nice to finally meet her.

i think i am going to finish work last week in feb use my 4 weeks holiday and start actual maternity end of march, i cannot wait.

you all set for christmas hunny?

speak to you soon xxx:hugs:
Hi hun, how was your day? We're so busy at work at the moment, hoping by next week I can get finished and tidied up before Christmas! I've been quite tired today and Bean seems to keep positioning herself right next to my belly button on the right hand side whether its her back or head I don't know but its soooooo uncomfortable! so much so I couldn't concentrate at work! I had to lie on my side as soon as I got in. She moved eventually for a little bit then after tea moved right back again! I think its only going to get worse! lol! I get a bit of relief when I lie down but this afternoon, its been really tight and uncomfortable for about 4 hours! :wacko:

Anyway enough of my moaning, its fine, just something else we have to put up with! As long as she's still moving around its all good! :baby:

Can't believe only a few weeks and we'll be in the 3rd trimestre! So amazing!

Anyway hope you're having a good week and pickle is behaving himself cos bean is being a little monkey! lol!

Speak to you soon :hugs:

:flower:hi ya

ooo so sorry you are feeling uncomfortable hun, but like you said bean is moving so thats all good.

i am ok, i am completely wrecked so much so i nearly rang in this morning to say i wasnt coming in, but like you i am so busy - trying to keep eyes open and have a headache!:sleep:

never mind.

i have my friend over for dinner tonight, hopefully ill be able to just lay down for half hour.

my friend should be being induced today, so excited but so nervous for her.

did my last bits of shopping last night, everything seems to take so much longer i am like a snail in a daze couldnt believe i had shopped for two hours and only got a couple of things, i got in and my feet were throbbing and ankles swollen, all good fun lol

think we are going to get paint this weekend, we now have everything we need, i just need to get moses basket and blankets.

oh i was in debenhams yesterday and you know Jasper conran? well they do a baby range, and wait for it.........its called 'juniour J' i dont have to tell you how i oooed and arrrred at it and yes i spent a small fortune, how could i not, it was so apt. they do it in white, pink and blue, i got the white stuff and hope to bring pickle home in what i got, i was able to show J as it was white its so lovely.

are you telling your mum at christmas what you are having?

i see the midwife tomorrow looking forward to that then i am going to chilll i think

lots a love you take care x:hugs:
Hi hun how was the midwife today? Did she measure you? Mine didn't cos she said she would start next time, I only have to go back on 12th January, seems a long way off but its not really! When do you see her again? Seems like we only see them every 4 weeks.

Ooo don't tell me about baby stuff I could spend a fortune too! I found a gorgeous little outfit with matching bib all winnie the pooh stuff, which I loved growing up, so of course Bean will be having that too! I need to get baby grows and a baby sleeping bag and we have the moses basket, but need the matress and covers etc. Still seems like we have loads to buy! :wacko:

Bean has taken to getting herself in this position on a daily basis now, seems to be every afternoon in to the evening, only way I can relieve it is by lying on my side or getting on all fours and mike rubbing my tummy til she moves! must be her back or head or something cos its really hard and quite painful if you press! In the morning its fine cos I'll have been on my side all night and she's moving and kicking away lower down, its during the day she must decide its comfier further up! :baby:

Anyway I'm going to finish my wrapping tomorrow, I know what you mean about being tired and everything taking longer though, seems to take forever to walk up a flight of stairs! As my tummy grows, it seems to be more difficult to get my breath back!

We need to get some pictures on FB of our bumps! Mine seems to have grown overnight, I look fat until you see the bump! lol! :happydance:

Can't wait til next week when we finish! And yes I bought my mum a pink bib that says I love my nana on it after your suggestion! Can't wait to give it her! :flower:

Anyway have a good weekend hun and speak to you soon. :hugs:


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