Hey you.
so sorry to hear about your nephew hun, but like you said it is amazing what they can do these days, and science has come along way xx
my weejend was good and it started briliantlly!
was very worried about pickle not moving, like really worried! all week i was workingmyself up into a state, so hubby kindly booked me into have a resurrance scan, which was so lovely of him
so saturday morning we went for a scan back at the place where we had our 8 week scan. .....................and there was pickle fast alseep all curled up i felt the weight literally lift off my shoulders! heart beat was great, she said all was fine with baby, he/she is swallowing well and heart beat is strong, placenta is all good and fluid is good too.
cant tell you how lovely it was to see pickle, and his arm was waving around again and she scanned over his feet, and i saw his feet tapping away lol
we also had the option of having a preview of the 4d scan, we jumped at the chance! hun it was amazing so amazing, i know pickle will change lots and lots, but seeing his/hers features blew me away, i cannot stop looking at it. i had a normal scan too which is so lovely and so much clearer than the NHS scans.
i dont think we will have a 4d scan now we were going to but now we have had a glimps, that moment will last forever and it will keep us going until march.
would you like to see?
glad you had a good weekend, doesnt it feel good to clean and clear out. oooh carpet for bean how lovely. i have seen a nice pattern in mamas and papas, we actually have a mamas and papas wear house down the road where i work might go there and see how much cheaper it is.
cant wait for my scan either, cause i know that will give me the green light to shop, shop, shop. will you be finding out?
how was your mums birthday hun
wish my job was a proactive as yours i keep saying we need to sort my cover out or things will just go to pot, and i will have to deal with the cra* when i return!!!!!!!!
anyway i hope your day flew by, i cant wait to get home xxx