Quick clomid question

4got to ask about evening primrose oil...bought some today as i dont seem to get alot of ewcm & heard that epo can help in that deprtartment especially if husbands sperm isnt brilliant??? its ok to take with clomid? xx
hi....hope u dont mind me joining this thread....im taking my 1st clomid pill tonight, 50mg. Its my first cycle & been told to take it days 2-6.....heard somewhere on here night time is best time to take it so thought id leave it til tonight .....is this right?? Im booked in for my first scan on fri ( day 6) then have been told i will have more internal scans the week after but i will find out after this scan .....will i be given this trigger shot?? my fertility specialist didnt mention it but to be honest she didnt mention much...just wrote the prescription out 4 the clomid & said read the leaflet on the follicular scanning & book urself in 4 a scan when you come on next. Im really hoping i do get the trigger shot as we have been ttc for 15 mths now & altho my husbands sperm has improved id like to know the best time to DTD.....dont want to be at it like rabbits & waste the sperm if u know what i mean!! lol.... xx

Hi DancingKaty1 - I'm on my first cycle and I have been taking it at night, just in case there are funny side effects. It seems to have worked ok - only headaches, tiredness and weepiness during the day, not nice but bearable. I have my first scan tomorrow (day 12) and I don't know about trigger shots - I don't think they are standard, but I guess you could ask on day 6 to see what is available at your clinic. It's tough to know when to DTD on this kind of cycle - I'm not sure if it effects when ovulation happens but we have decided to go for it every 48 hours from day 9 (unless the scan tomorrow shows I'm just about to ovulate or something in which case we'll up it!)

I guess its just best to store up a list of questions for them on your first scan? Good luck with everything anyway!

hi ya

some girls took the chlomid at night, because of 'headaches' i used to take mine in the morning but it really doesnt matter as long as you take it.

have you read about the side affects?

we used to DTD every other night.

chlomid did not work for me after 6 cycles, IUI gave us our growing miracle

trigger shots - this depends on each ferrtility specialist i only had this once on my last go and this was private, i would assume they would have told you if they were going to give it to you as you. or they may be waiting to give it to you once they know your folicles are ready!

are you doing this on the NHS or privately?

are you aware that chomid can sometimes make your CM hostile to sperm, so we used 'preseed' you can get it off ebay!

i also used something called angus cactus - not sure if this helped.

my first gyny was a nightmare never explained anything etc.......so once i moved to a fertility specialist i asked all the questions in the world, and it was actually with me asking baout the trigger shot, that she said, 'oh yes lets try that' grrrr.

please make sure you ask anything you want to and why not phone her tonight on the clinic and ask, its your body you have a right sweetie.

anymore questions, am here and so is Jessica

good lucj stay positive. Also ask how many rounds of chlomid you will be on so it will give you a mile stone, i believe if it doesnt work after a certain time it never will and there are other ways

take care x
thanks 4 ur replies.....

BabyChristie.....good luck 4 ur scan 2moro...

Hopeandfaith....read alot on here about the side effects & the leaflet they came with.....took my 1st one about 2 hrs ago so hoping i will just sleep through any side effects 2nite :) We are on the NHS at the moment...she said she would try us with 3 mths worth of clomid which ive now got & then unfortunately the next step which is iui isnt done at my hospital on the nhs...we would have to go private...& it starts at £800+......i phoned my fs receptionist today but got a voicemail saying she was away til the 7th nov!!! spose i will find out fri if i will be offered the trigger shot or not...i hope i am!
we have got pre-seed which we will prob use again this mth but wanted to try the epo....dont know if it will help....i hate taking tablets & they are quite big capsules!!!

Hi Dancingkaty1, I was on clomid for 4 months after having been TTC for almost 18 months before I had a break. I also took it from days 2-6 but in the morning and didn't suffer any side effects really. I had a day 21 blood test the first 2 cycles to see if I'd ovulated and I had but I was still offered the follicular scanning and trigger shot on cycles 3 and 4 even though I was already ovulating.
Unfortunately I had a bad reaction on cycle 4 and suffered hyprestimulation and ended up in casualty cos they gave me the shot when I had already started to ovulate. I would say if you find you're ovulating on your own with just taking the clomid, you don't need to have the shot, but everyone's different hun. I decided to take a break from clomid and got pregnant on the month we stopped trying! I believe not thinking about it and just BD when we felt like it really helped! Plus I was having acupuncture which I believe really helped me and my circulation/blood flow to my uterus (sorry if that's TMI! lol!)
I wish you lots of luck and baby dust!
oh i took epo too, i tried everything, good luck to you. you should look in your area for other hospitals that do IUI, hopefully you wont need it

sending baby dust your way xx
Hey Jess,

lll speak to you tomorrow hunny, hope all goes well.

just noticed my ticker is 4 weeks behind lol

DancingKaty1 - thanks for the good luck message. Scan went ok - had a large follicle on one ovary and 2 medium sized ones on the other, but OPT was negative so I have to do another two OPT's tomorrow and Thursday and then go in for another scan on Thurs if I haven't had the surge. They will then give me the trigger shot but they said they would rather I do it naturally for now if I can.

So I guess maybe the trigger might depend on the scans you have a bit further on in your cycle? They never mentioned it me before I started, so perhaps they just wait and see?

Hope you are feeling ok...

Hi hun, went well today, the midwife was so lovely and she checked me over and I got to listen to Bean's heartbeat! :baby:
I don't have to go back til I'm 24 weeks now. I've been feeling the movements more each day, I am starting to recognise the fluttering and quickening as they call it and the stronger movements seem to be on the left! He or she must be comfy there! Some don't feel anything til 18-22 weeks though so don't worry hun, but I'm sure you'll feel something soon! Don't do what I did though and mistake it for wind! lol! :wacko:

I asked her about having the swine flu vaccine and she said she hadn't even had it yet and it would be the GP's offering it out, she wouldn't be administering it, but she had a flu vaccine and was quite ill from it, maybe last year or the year before.

She couldn't advise one way or another if I should take it, she said best wait til you get all the information from the doctor, or research as much as you can on the web. She said to weigh up the risk of taking it against the risk of not taking it. I could not have the vaccine and get it, but most people only suffer from mild cases, but then there are women who have become really ill or even died.

I watched a program on tv I had taped about swine flu and the doctors and scientists on that were adamant that the vaccine was safe as it was made in a similar way to the winter flu jab, but when they interviewed pregnant women the majority said they wouldn't take it. SO confusing! I'm going to see if I can speak to the doctor about it when the letter comes through.

Anyway! I'm sure everything is fine and will be fine, I'm so glad we have each other going through it at the same time! Speak to you soon darl, love and hugs! :hugs:

Hey you and bean

woo hooo thats fantastic everything went well and you got to hear beans heartbeat, i am so thrilled for you, i really am.

24 weeks is such a long wait huh! i have been used to all the waiting lol. when is your scan i cant wait for mine grrrr

wow, you feeling more and more movements, i havent felt anything, but like you said will try not to worry, maybe i have more fat that you lol lol lol

i really dont know what to do about the swine flu jab, maybe we will do a joint task and do some research and let each other know lol ill ask my midwife when i see her lol

i turned over yesterday morning and remember we spoke about those pulling, cramp, twisting feelings way back, well i had one yesterday, turned over and felt i had twisted something and had to lay striaght and grit my teeth before the awful feeling went.

not sure why that happened, rang midwife but she was not at all helpful, maybe i will move near you as you seem to get more suport up there lol

at times tummy feels heavy inside and a tight feeling, does that makes sense? but i know thats just growing stuff going on and natural. well it feels it lol

apart from that, no news this end, work is work, cant wait for the weekend, boys are playing golf so having lunch with my friend and mothercare browsing lol

sunday a big panic on as still have no dress to wear lol

oooh if you open up a mothercare account card (which i did lol) you get lots of money off vouchers, i got £5 off maternity clothes, they have lots of others, it all helps.

speak to you soon sweetie xxxx give bean a hug from me xx:hugs:
Hi sweetie, hope you're ok, sorry to hear you had the pains again, I have been told its completely normal though, as its the first time we've been pregnant, so everything's stretching and growing, and I suppose if you've been asleep as well, things just get in a certain position and you have to stretch out in a morning. If you're ever worried about anything though and the midwife isn't helpful, ring the doctor, don't hesitate, I wouldn't! But like you say, so far its been ok with me, they've been very nice, but you do hear horror stories of awful midwives!

Oh and I have that too with my tummy, it feels tight and heavy, i feel like I need to put my hands under it to carry it lol! We may start feeling the tight feeling more and more as we get further along too, those Braxton hicks contractions, but I think that's after 20 weeks.

I was sick at work today! Just when I think the nausea is passing, it comes back with a vengeance! First time I've been sick at work though! Ah well, just something I have to put up with I suppose! As long as Bean's ok though I don't mind! :baby:

Thanks for the tip on Mothercare I might do that! Hubby and I are going shopping after our scan providing everything's ok, its 2 weeks tomorrow! :happydance:

Have a good day hun and hope you find something to wear on sunday!
Speak to you later xxx :hugs:

hey you,

i am so sorry about your sickness, i cant imagine what you are going through, i just so hope it passes soon hun i really do.

2 weeks for scan i bet you can wait, i have 4 week wait from today, i so hope it flies by

my anniversary was lovely had a really lovely day, i got lovely presents and also one of the exercise balls, which will come in handy!

hubby also took me back to where we got married, they have turned the downstairs part into a restaurant, it was so lovely and to think that this time 3 years ago we were there dancing away

i hope you have a lovely weekend hunny xxxx

try and rest and i hope sicness stays away x :hugs:
Hi hun! Glad you had a good anniversary, that's so lovely of your hubby, my hubby took me back to the place we got married on our one year anniversary, not much romance since mind! only kidding he's a love and he's so cute with Bean already! :baby:

Can't believe the sickness is getting worse! I actually had to vomit thursday and Friday but thankfully not since, I've been sucking on crystallised ginger which isn't very nice but seems to help! How are you feeling? I'm finding I can't sleep very well! Can't seem to get comfy so I've been putting a pillow behind me, and I find I have to roll out of bed now as my bump is expanding! lol! :dohh:

Had a bit of a bad day on friday, don't know why, maybe cos Mike had gone out for a leaving do and I was picking him up and I was feeling so tired and sickly I just got all teary! Silly really but I think I'll feel a lot better after the scan and if this sickness starts to get better! I'm sort of used to it, but every morning I wake up and think am I going to feel better today...? no? ah well maybe tomorrow!

Anyway best get on with some work, not that I really want to! Speak to you later hun, hope you and pickle are doing good! :hugs:

:hugs:Arr hun sending big big hugs your way (((((((hug))))))) :flower::flower:

funny really, i had a teary eveningon friday, i think like you, i was just so, so tired and everything just got to me!

have you got one of those long pillows? i find that helps sometimes, and yes i have been rolling out of bed for some time lol. (are you sleeping on your left?)

still dont think i have felt pickle move!!! but i am sure it will happen.

19 weeks huh how time is flying. i have noticed that, bump is different in size at different times of the day lol not sure if thats just me lol

how long have you been married hun?

did you get up to anything nice at the weekend?

speak to you soon lets hope this afternoon zooms by xxx
Hi hun, hugs back to you and pickle!! We need to live closer! lol! :flower:

I've had a better day today, even though I've been with customers most of it, but mike got me some acupressure wrist bands so I tried them and I think they really helped! I didn't feel as sick, felt a little nauseous but no where near as bad as last week! Woo hoo breakthrough! :happydance:

Maybe you've felt pickle and didn't realise! lol! I didn't for a while, but recognise the strange little feeling now, its difficult to describe, but it is like somethings fluttering around inside you, or like you have wind but nothing happens! lol! Some of my friends didn't feel anything til 20 weeks at least though so don't worry. If you are worried you could always book yourself in early to see the midwife like I did! It was so lovely listening to the little heart beating away! :baby:

Have you had anything through about the swine flu jab yet? I'm slowly coming round to the idea that maybe I should have it, cos then Bean should also be protected when he or she is born, but I'll make the decision when the letter comes through from the doctor.

Yes I'm sleeping on my left mostly, but sometimes on my right too if I get uncomfortable, might get one of those pillows because mine is a little thick, if I surround myself with pillows mike will eventually have to go in the spare room! lol!

Can't believe it but we've been married for 5 years, 4 months now! Its flown! And yes my bump sometimes seems bigger when I'm sat in bed or on the couch! My hubby thinks its growing by the day! lol! :bodyb:

Hope you're having a good week sweetie and I'll speak to you soon! :hugs:

hi ya:hugs:

could so do with a glass of :wine:

i am glad you are feeling a bit better,:thumbup: how you feeling today hun?

i have had a couple of rough days, just not been myself and being tetchy etc. Think i just need a break, roll on christmas hols i tell you x

i still cant find anything to wear for the weekend, and its now thursday, i am fed up of shopping to be honest, i have a black dress but more day wear and i have bought a sparkly boloro, it will have to do but not very 'bally' oh well.

yes, i think i will have the jab, if my doctor ever decides to write to me, i will leave it a couple of weeks and then contact them

what you up to at the weekend, anything nice?

catch up with you soon hunny lots a love xxxx:hugs:
:hug:Hi sweets how was your weekend? and your ball! Must have been nice to go to something like that! We just mainly did a lot of cleaning and clearing out, did the food shopping, went for a walk etc. and bought a carpet for Bean's room! Things are coming along slowly but surely! :thumbup:

Still feeling nauseous, but at least its more bearable with the bands, might be like this for another few weeks yet! Can't wait for the scan on friday in one way, nervous about it in another, just praying everythings ok! :baby:

Had a bit of bad news from my sister about my nephew (they live in Australia) he is only 10 weeks old and in December he has to go for an operation on his skull as his bones have started to fuse together too early, you know there is a soft part the fontanelle on the head which remains soft until the baby's head and brain have grown, its something to do with that, its a condition which left untreated would mean he would have an abnormally shaped head, or worse his brain wouldn't be able to grow enough, so scary, especially as its so rare. But the good news is the operation is straightforward and only lasts 45 minutes and he won't even need to go in to intensive care. Poor little mite though, but its amazing what they can do these days.

So can't be bothered with work today, we've actually been interviewing for my job already, they want someone in to help out then take over when I go off, cos its mad busy at times, but 2 people we've offered the job to have accepted then turned it down a day later! so we're back to square one! :dohh:

Anyway let me know how your weekend was, speak to you soon hunny. :hugs:
Hey you. :hug:

so sorry to hear about your nephew hun, but like you said it is amazing what they can do these days, and science has come along way xx

my weejend was good and it started briliantlly!

was very worried about pickle not moving, like really worried! all week i was workingmyself up into a state, so hubby kindly booked me into have a resurrance scan, which was so lovely of him:happydance:

so saturday morning we went for a scan back at the place where we had our 8 week scan. .....................and there was pickle fast alseep all curled up i felt the weight literally lift off my shoulders! heart beat was great, she said all was fine with baby, he/she is swallowing well and heart beat is strong, placenta is all good and fluid is good too.:happydance:

cant tell you how lovely it was to see pickle, and his arm was waving around again and she scanned over his feet, and i saw his feet tapping away lol

we also had the option of having a preview of the 4d scan, we jumped at the chance! hun it was amazing so amazing, i know pickle will change lots and lots, but seeing his/hers features blew me away, i cannot stop looking at it. i had a normal scan too which is so lovely and so much clearer than the NHS scans.

i dont think we will have a 4d scan now we were going to but now we have had a glimps, that moment will last forever and it will keep us going until march.

would you like to see?

glad you had a good weekend, doesnt it feel good to clean and clear out. oooh carpet for bean how lovely. i have seen a nice pattern in mamas and papas, we actually have a mamas and papas wear house down the road where i work might go there and see how much cheaper it is.

cant wait for my scan either, cause i know that will give me the green light to shop, shop, shop. will you be finding out?

how was your mums birthday hun

wish my job was a proactive as yours i keep saying we need to sort my cover out or things will just go to pot, and i will have to deal with the cra* when i return!!!!!!!!

anyway i hope your day flew by, i cant wait to get home xxx :hugs:
Hi hun! aw I'm sooooo pleased everything is ok! :happydance:
I wasn't worried for you though I knew it'd be ok! I have a good feeling for both of us! And some don't feel it moving til much later I'm sure you'll start to feel something soon! Especially now you know everything's ok! :flower:

I can't help worrying about Bean though so I know exactly how you feel, and yes I want to see! send me the picture! I can't wait for Friday, fingers crossed, everything crossed its all ok! :baby: I think we will find out if Bean's in a good position, but I really don't mind either way. There's a Mama's and Papa's outlet not far from us too so we might go and have a look, and I got the catalogue the other day with a £5 voucher, not that that's going to go very far! lol!

It was my Dad's birthday and it was really good thanks! Nice to see my brother and his girlfriend. Weekend went too quickly though!

I'm going to go to bed now hun tired already and its only Monday! Speak to you soon! Love and Hugs xxx :hugs:


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