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Rainbows after the storm (late loss/stillbirth/neonatal loss/sids)

Will come on properly tomorrow but wanted to wish Dexter a very happy birthday. It was a beautiful day here. Lots of snow, I said a little happy birthday to your man.

I hope the day was as gentle as it could be. We have the girls coming up soon, I'm so scared of it.

sorry dextersmum oi thought i had left a message saying happy birthday yesterday but i didn't :(

had a bad day of hormones so must just have forgotten to press enter. I have a scan to check bean and my cervix tomorrow fx is good news
Hi ladies. Glad everyone is doing okay. Dextersmum hope his birthday went okay. My husband had wanted a party for Taylor's, but we ended up not really doing anything.

I've been nervous lately when I don't feel the babies move for a bit. I know everything is likely fine, but I just can't help but think something is wrong. We go to the doctor on Thursday and I know that will make me feel better, at least for a few days and then it will come back again. It's just so horrible when you've lost a baby so late. I'm glad she was okay with us keeping the 2 week appointments as I would be totally freaking out if a month went by. DH won't be able to go to this appointment and I know that makes him sad, but his job is getting mad about the all appointments (and so is mine, but to that I just say too bad). I'm hoping she will sign me off soon (and would have already asked if I didn't have the getting my shots issue, as it's easier to do if I go to work as someone there will always help me out). I have to meet with my principal on Wednesday to discuss why I have to be out so much. :(
Amjon i feel the same when i don't feel baby move for a while. I hope the meeting goes ok - it's not like you'd have such regular appointments if they weren't needed. They have to understand that? We'd all much rather have innocent, straight forward pregnancies again! What do you do?

Hope everyone is ok.
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow at 10.40. Am terrified that they will find something wrong but looking forward to finding out what we're having. I'm still convinced girl but we'll see tomorrow!
Amjon i feel the same when i don't feel baby move for a while. I hope the meeting goes ok - it's not like you'd have such regular appointments if they weren't needed. They have to understand that? We'd all much rather have innocent, straight forward pregnancies again! What do you do?

Hope everyone is ok.
I have my 20 week scan tomorrow at 10.40. Am terrified that they will find something wrong but looking forward to finding out what we're having. I'm still convinced girl but we'll see tomorrow!
I'm a teacher. The principal is complaining because she thinks my students are missing too much instruction (even though they are with their classroom teachers when I am not there as I do pullout for 30 minutes at a time 2 days a week). She knows I lost my daughter and had another MC after that and that I have several risk factors. I told her when I was 5 weeks because I thought she would understand more given all my risk, but she seems to think I shouldn't need to see the doctor more than anyone else.
Not good news from me. Saw my cons yesterday and he did a scan. Our Dot is measuring about 3 weeks behind. I've got another scan next Friday and I guess they'll go from there. I'm so scared. Frightened that she is going to die inside me, that she's so tiny she'll have a very rough road ahead of her or She won't make it out of NICU. I'm so flipping angry too, why can't I just have a normal pregnancy. GRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I should be measuring 26ws tomorrow instead I'm just over 23. :nope:

Nicola - I'm excited about your scan. Cant wait to hear what team you are on. I'm guessing pink!

Amjon - Your work are completely out of order. I can't believe they are behaving like that. Hopefully you will get signed off soon.

SweetButHyper - Hope the scan went well!

Dextersmum - Hope you are doing ok.:hugs:

Oh Spring, how worrying. I really hope the next scan shows that dot has had a growth spurt and caught up again. At least they've picked it up early and can do the best they can for you and baby. Is the next scan friday 1st? :hugs:
We are team pink!!
Everything looked good and placenta is posterior now and not low :yipee:
Yeay for team pink!!! Ohh no you can properly think about names! So pleased to hear all is well.

Yes scan is on 1st. Feels like a long wait...
Hi everyone! Im pregnant after recent loss... i delivered july 5 and got pregnant about 6 weeks later (not on purpose but i now know it was meant to be :))My rainbow baby is due May 21st :) I know Nicola from other thread.

Have high risk pregnancy again.... but.... Trying to stay positive... 24 weeks is a week away which was my recent goal and now next goal is 28 weeks.

My angel Chrisna is watching over us so I know we will make it full term this time :)
Scan went well baby is fine although was a sleep and didn't want to uncurl, cervix is looking good gone back up to 3.6 rest seems to be working so sticking with it back in 2 weeks for another cervix check then the week after for 20 week scan
Thanks Nicola :)

Sweetbuth congrats on your length check. :) I get mine every two weeks also and have my appt for it tomorrow. I pray mine is good! I wish you all the best sweetie
Sweet that's great news! The rest is doing the trick then, just keep doing what you're doing and you'll reach term i'm sure. :thumbup:

Mizzpod good luck for tomorrow. What was your cervix length at the last one?
It was 3.7!!! From 2.5 cm to 3.7cm in two weeks. That's when docs said stay on bedrest til delivery among other reasons. But since my uterus is prolapsed laying down prevents it from sitting and weighing down on my cervix which is what they think started the funneling. Speaking of, he is checking that tomorrow too. I hope everything is good and it's still thick closed and firm.
It's just nerve wrecking at times because when I went into preterm labor before, I had no contractions...:( the way I found out was going to use the restroom and I felt something coming out which was my amniotic sac.... So I look forward to the cervix checks every two weeks. I'm sure I'm not the only one but after passing my baby girls due date in December and my delivery milestone from last time, I'm just now starting to enjoy this pregnancy and relax. But I'm still gonna be on edge even after the baby's born; that's just my motherly worry lol I think it never goes away.
i understand the worry mizz i did have contractions but didn't know at the time was told they were braxton hicks or a water infection 2 days after start of pain i went to the toilet to throw up coughed and passed blood was rushed in to hospital and was having contractions. I think i will be less worried when i pass the 23 week mark which is when i lost my boy. Until then knowing my cervix isn't giving out with fortnightly scans is keeping me sane.
Wow that is tough! I have you and your little rainbow baby in my thiughts.:hugs: are you on the progesterone? they put it on me from 16 weeks to 36 weeks, and so far so good! I pray your body keeps cooking the baby :D

I wonder if the pains I felt the night before were contractions... With dd1 I knew what the contractions were because they were terrible and I guess I didn't view the pains as contractions. We drive ourselves crazy with all the what ifs... I'm much better about that but I still need some type of counseling to get closure. They told us we delivered a boy and for weeks we were thinking we lost a boy but at my 6 week post they said we had a girl. :( so everything is under a boy name til this day including birth and death certificates, even social security card! That's what is stopping me from truly finding closure. I made a ern in her name and decorated it because of course the one we got has a boy name. We r still waiting for them to change everything to her name
Spring I am really keeping my fingers crossed that everything is ok when you go back in a couple of weeks. It feels like the consultant is not that worried if they are waiting for 2 weeks? how often have you been going for scans? is this the first time they have said baby is not as big as the number of weeks you are? so many questions sorry I just want everything to go well for all of us after everything we have been so please try to remain positive and calm and keep us posted :hugs:

Nicola congratulations of being team pink :pink: and finding out about your baby girl your intuition was right :winkwink: how does your oh feel about it being a girl??

welcome Mizzpod to our lovely group so sorry about your loss. Its good that you are setting your self short term goals to get through, being pregnant after a loss is so hard so every milestone is great.

Sweet good news about your cervix measurement :happydance:

Amjon i am so glad that me and hubby are self employed so we only have to answer to ourselves if we take time off for appointments as it would be a lot to explain with the number of appointments. I hope your principal is understanding when you have your conversation as it is a hard enough time for us to have the stress of pressure from others. What happens if you do get signed off work? will you still get paid?

AFM I am now in my 19th week and feeling more from the baby from stronger bubbles to light kicks and punches which feels great. But like you Amjon and Nicola I then worry when I don't feel it for a while. Every little thing is a worry isn't it when you have been through what we have been through.

my sickness came back again today (not had it for a while) had an early start and don't know if it was a shock for my body and then I had mcdonalds for my tea - bit of a craving but have felt ropey ever since and I am really sensitive to smells and our dog has been a bit stinky and I ended up having to run to the kitchen sink to retch :wacko:

I have been injecting the fragmin into my thighs and I have been getting bigger bruises and hard lumps under my skin and then a couple of days later my skin gets really hot and itchy where I have injected. Is anybody else getting this??

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