Rainbows after the storm (late loss/stillbirth/neonatal loss/sids)

great scan photos amjon and glad things are back on track for you. Will you have weekly appointments until the birth now?

I have a few ailments that I was wondering if anybody else is suffering from? I have restless legs which seem to get jumpy and I need to lie down and go to bed to get them to rest anybody else have this?

I am now on my 5th perscription since december for thrush it seems not to be clearing up or going for a few days and coming back. My doctor said it might be linked to gestational diabetes and I am to talk to my consultant next week to see if I should move the glucose test forward

I am also suffering with cramp in my legs in the middle of the night??

anybody else getting any of these and got any advice
great scan photos amjon and glad things are back on track for you. Will you have weekly appointments until the birth now?

I have a few ailments that I was wondering if anybody else is suffering from? I have restless legs which seem to get jumpy and I need to lie down and go to bed to get them to rest anybody else have this?

I am now on my 5th perscription since december for thrush it seems not to be clearing up or going for a few days and coming back. My doctor said it might be linked to gestational diabetes and I am to talk to my consultant next week to see if I should move the glucose test forward

I am also suffering with cramp in my legs in the middle of the night??

anybody else getting any of these and got any advice

We'll be weekly with the MFM (until she changes us to twice weekly, 28 weeks maybe?) and the normal schedule with the regular OB (I think every 3 weeks until 28 and then every 2, but not 100% sure).

My legs have been a bit restless, but more when I'm lying down. I haven't had an issue with yeast this pregnancy (thrush), but I was diagnosed with GD at 8 weeks and have been on insulin to control it since then (just had to get my insulin changed today). I would definitely have them look at it. Here is it standard for everyone to have the test around the beginning of the 3rd tri. The endo and the MFM both stressed that blood sugar issues are the biggest cause of stillbirth and highly suspect it had something to do with our losses (both stillbirth and MC). I've also been getting a few minor leg cramps, so I tried to up my banana/ potato skins a bit to help and it's a bit better.
Hello ladies just sending a quick update from hubby's phone I was rushed into hospital yesterday with bleeding and I am being kept in for monitoring as they don't know why I am bleeding baby is kicking away and good heartbeat they check every 4-6 hours and on scan she has grown and everything else looking good placenta etc and all my obs are good. And I have no pain so not in early labour but will have to stay in hospital until bleeding stops or to be monitored for signs of labour or baby in trouble. So as you can imagine I am a nervous wreck and hope things calm down and baby does not need to come out until at least 10 weeks time
Hello ladies just sending a quick update from hubby's phone I was rushed into hospital yesterday with bleeding and I am being kept in for monitoring as they don't know why I am bleeding baby is kicking away and good heartbeat they check every 4-6 hours and on scan she has grown and everything else looking good placenta etc and all my obs are good. And I have no pain so not in early labour but will have to stay in hospital until bleeding stops or to be monitored for signs of labour or baby in trouble. So as you can imagine I am a nervous wreck and hope things calm down and baby does not need to come out until at least 10 weeks time

I'm sorry to hear this hun, but glad all seems well with baby and that shes giving you soon good kicks. Hopefully the bleeding will stop and you can get back home soon :hugs: xx
Oh no Tracy. I hope all's ok.
I'm glad all looks fine with Lexi, hopefully it will just stop and she will stay put for at least another 10weeks. Thinking of you lovely. Xx
dextersmum sorry to hear about the bleed hopefully its nothing, try to stay positive your nearly at v day and the haven't found anything wrong which a good sign :hugs:
Hello ladies just sending a quick update from hubby's phone I was rushed into hospital yesterday with bleeding and I am being kept in for monitoring as they don't know why I am bleeding baby is kicking away and good heartbeat they check every 4-6 hours and on scan she has grown and everything else looking good placenta etc and all my obs are good. And I have no pain so not in early labour but will have to stay in hospital until bleeding stops or to be monitored for signs of labour or baby in trouble. So as you can imagine I am a nervous wreck and hope things calm down and baby does not need to come out until at least 10 weeks time

That's scary, but one of my co-workers had a major bleed at 25 weeks with her son. She went to the hospital and all was fine. He was born at term and fine, so it's likely you'll be the same.
Thinking of you and your rainbow Tracy! Keep us updated!
Still in hospital bleeding has now turned to brown spotting which is very slight so staying in again tonight to talk to consultant tomorrow and hopefully everything will clear up as have no pain or early labour signs and lexi is moving and kicking
So glad things seem to be settling Tracy. Have been thinking of you all day hoping all was well. :hugs:
Great news Tracy! So happy you and Lexi are doing well!
hello ladies I am home from hospital and am rather nervous. The bleeding and spotting has completely stopped so consultant was happy for me to come home. I had the have the steroid injections to help baby's lungs develop incase she is born prematurely. I was regularly observed in the hospital and they listened to baby's heartbeat at least 4 times a day so as you can imagine being at home and not in the safety of the hospital is a little scary and I am sure it will take me a few days to get rid of my nervous and I am just praying that it was a one off and everything else goes well in the pregnancy. I had to talk to the neonatal doctors to be told all the stats about survival rates of premature babies and all they kept saying was baby stands the best chance after 28 weeks. Well Dexter was 28 weeks old when he was born and he didn't survive was all I kept thinking.

I know it is a good sign that the bleeding has stopped and there were no signs of early labour or baby being in distress and she has grown correctly so far but it is hard not to feel anxious. I have another scan in 2 weeks and then will continue with my planned scans and consultants apts I am just hoping with all that I have that Lexi continues to grow and develop as she should with no further issues in the pregnancy and that I am not a nervous wreck for the next 14 weeks.

Hope everybody else is well and worry free
Having had complications I can relate dexters mum it us so worrying I want this week to pass quickly, I'm being tested for obstetic cholestasis tomorrow coz my itching is driving me insane, I worry daily at the min that the stitch will fail but know I've done all I can to keep Bean safe at the min.

Its good lexi is doing well so far fx it stays that way
God Tracy what a nightmare. I know Dexter was 28 weeks, Marnie was 29 weeks and our lovely babies didnt survive. You know what that has talk me? That stats really dont matter. Honestly during our time I saw so many 23 weekers survive. Ignore the stats. Lexi is wriggling around in there, hang on to that. Keep hanging in there:hugs:

Loraloo - Welcome to our group and congratulations on your bfp!

Will write more later, as usual I'm sneaking on when I'm supposed to be working.:haha:
thanks Sweet and Spring.

Being in hospital with other mums who are either bleeding or in early labour etc has also been an eye open to find out it is quite common and I wasn't alone.

Feeling quilty at moment as husband has cooked tea, done the dishes and now took dog out for a walk. But I have to let go of that guilt and look after myself and Baby for a while
Tracy...Don't feel guilty! You let your hubby take care of you and that sweet little babe! I am hoping that this pregnancy goes by stress free and problem free! I know that you can't help but worry just know that we are all here and are thinking of you!

LoraLoo! Welcome and congrats on your BFP! I love that this group is just growing and growing! :)

I can't believe how far along you all are! I am so happy and excited for all of you! Can`t wait to meet all of your precious rainbows!

Here are some pics of my little boy! He is 12 weeks old and growing way too fast! He is already 13 or so pounds and smiling up a storm!


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loving the photos krippy can't believe baby is 12 weeks old already. Give him a cuddle from me.

Sweet hope your apt goes well today and you get something for your itchy skin
Oh Krippy, Raif is gorgeous! Thank you for posting the pics. It always gives me hope to see those sorts of pictures. He looks lovely, a very contented little chap. I hope everything is going well.

Tracy - Any update? Hope all is good.:hugs:

Sweet - Good luck for your appointment.

Nothing much to report my end. Will be 31 weeks tomorrow. I have a gorwth scan on Friday to see what the little lady is up to. I really dont feel like she is growing. My tummy feels squashy. I keep saying this to my cons but he keeps telling me its because I'm used to twins. Maybe:shrug:

Anyway scared the crap out of my oh at 4am. I was fast asleep and got woken up but such a horrid pain in my leg. I was properly screaming. Oh came dashing in, he thought I was giving birth! Was very relieved to hear it was just bad cramp - haha. We arent in the same room at the moment as I feel I need a whole King size bed all to myself! haha. Can't believe Indy didnt wake up at all.

For those of you working when are you thinking of stoping? I' planning on working until 1 MAy (all being well) as I doubt I'll got back so want to get the dosh in while I can. But I'm not sure I'm thinking maybe I should stop earlier, but having said that. all I do is sit on a chair for 3 days a week. If I'm not working I'll look after Indy, but it's getting very hard as she's a big girl and not crawling/walking yet. Hmmm.

Hi Spring I have had a quiet day just resting, watching tv and trying not to get annoyed with my puppy who keeps digging up the garden and bringing mud back into the house. I have had to leave the mess for my husband to clean up when he gets in from work as I am not getting the hoover out. Even had my food shopping delivered and have been carrying the bags into the kitchen one at a time so that I am not lifting anything too heavy. As my consultant told me no heavy lifting or sex to ensure no bleeding so I am following his instructions. I am finding it hard not doing much as I am not that type of person and the mess in the house is already annoying me but as hubby works all day I can't expect him to do everything every day so I will just have to shut my eyes to the mess.

I have had one episode of light brown spotting today but the consultant said that would be normal so not to worry.

I have a piece of work in Dunstable on the 21-23 march which will mean 2 nights away from home and I really don't think I want to go especially to be away from home but it would mean a loss of £900 due to not delivering the training and I have already done all of the design work which I won't get paid for. Am I being over cautious? I am trying to get on with my life and not think that I am going to bleed again but as the bleed on friday came out of no where I am a bit freaked about going away??

I was planning on working until about 14th May which is the last meeting in my diary as my section should be around 3rd June but I will take things easy for now and see how things go.

Lexi has been wriggling around today and I can feel her really strongly right now and feels like she is doing aerobics which is a great feeling and very reassuring right now

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