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Rainbows after the storm (late loss/stillbirth/neonatal loss/sids)

Hey everyone. Tracy, sounds like a scary few days, rest up and I hope everything carries on ok.

I had my 24 week appointment with my specialist today. He was great. Really thorough and checked everything. Baby is pretty much average on all growth measurements. Which is fantastic. We were hoping for very boring, average results :) all my fluid is looking fine, and blood flow is pretty good. He has no concerns whatsoever :) I'll be back to see him at 28 weeks for another growth scan, make sure everything is still ok. At the moment he's still happy for me to have a vbac, and providing everything goes ok at delivery, he sees no reason why I'd gave to stay in, or why baby would need to go to nicu. He's already requested that cord blood gases be taken at delivery, but Joshua's were fine, it was an hour later they started to drop. I'm not sure if I'd feel more comfortable if she went to nicu for a few hours, just in case. Oh yeah, he also confirmed he's 99% certain we're having a girl :) such a relief, just got the next 4 weeks to get through!! xx
Hi everyone! I had a regular OB appointment today and had a very quick U/S to check for heartbeats. The boys are having a lazy few days, but all looked fine. I am now officially the biggest I ever been though. (Not the furthest along, but twins REALLY stretch you out quick.) I was measuring 28 weeks today and Taylor was delivered at the end of week 27 (and stopped growing a bit before that). I've been getting more stretching pains the last few days, so think it's just because it's never been this big and is stretching faster than normal. Before I know it the boys will be in my ribs! Next week we are back to the MFM and will see her every week (or more) until they are here. :)
amjon it sounds like you had a good apt did they say if the boys are measuring big or is your bump measuring ahead just because you are carrying twins?
Spring Amjons message should help you because you think your bump isn't big enough but that could be because your last comparison was the twins so this bump shouldn't be as big :hugs:

I am going to see my midwife today just to listen to Lexi's heartbeat for reassurance although I know she is fine as she is currently wriggling about. Anthony got to feel 3-4 kicks last night because she was booting me that hard :thumbup:

sweet how did you get on at your apt?

Nicola glad your little girl is measuring average because that is great news. now it is 99% confirmed she is a girl have to decided on the final name for your sweet baby girl??

Nicola have you finally decided on a name or are you waiting to see your baby girls sweet face to see what name suits her?
hi guys

sorry i didn't post yesterday i was in a very bad mood had no sleep/ very broken sleep and had to go to sheffield for my psych appointment, Midwife appointment tuesday when really well i was able to tell her where to find bean with the dopplar coz he had been kicking all morning and fallen asleep, which is ood coz it meant i got to hear his heart beat for longer than usual. she tested my iron and "itchy bloods", should recieve a call today if anything is wrong, sleep was a bit better last night so thats good. Midwife gave me lucozade for the gtt as apparently my docs don't supply it!, midwife is going to see me fortnightly :), and bean has been very boucny altho oh still can't feel him as he tends to kick down and not out.
hi sweet glad your apt with the midwife went well and you got to hear xanders heartbeat for longer. What is causing your broken or lack of sleep? I am suffering with PGP again and it is bothering my sciatic nerve so it is making it uncomfortable down my butt cheeks and legs and waking me up and then I need the toilet lol. The joys of pregnancy.

Just went to see my midwife and had a bit of a cry about how I am feeling about the bleeding and talked to her and that helped just having some one who listened. Lexi has been kicking me a lot this morning which is very reassuring and we listened to her heartbeat and she kicked the midwifes hand :haha:

I talked to her about feeling guilty that I am sat at home and meant to be resting and not doing housework etc and then hubby is working full time and then I need him to do stuff when he gets in and she said that she understands but I need to rest and leave things to hubby and look after myself and the baby and even take other peoples offers when they come and not feel guilty so I guess I will be calling on my mum to help me keep the house clean :wacko: and have to learn that is ok and not a failing on my part :dohh:
dextersmum the itching means it takes ages to get to sleep then i wake to pee and start itching again its an evil cycle altho was a little better last night.

i understand the feeling bad about resting, i've been resting for weeks now and feel bad when oh gets in from work tired and still has to cook and sort the dog ( not that i could walk her before as shes too big and pulls :haha:)

also if i lay and refuse to get up coz i'm comfy it hurts like hell when i do go pee coz my bladder was to full :shrug: sometimes its worth the extra sleep tho :)
amjon it sounds like you had a good apt did they say if the boys are measuring big or is your bump measuring ahead just because you are carrying twins?

They don't measure them at all at the regular OB, but at the MFM they were right around 50th percentile, so pretty much right on. With twins you're supposed to measure 6-8 weeks ahead, so 7 weeks ahead is about right. I'm going to be huge by the end. :wacko:
Hi ladies:wave:
Tracy glad things have settled now, your mw is right though you need to just rest and let other prople do things for you. At the most it'll be 15 weeks and in the grand scheme of things, thats not long at all. :thumbup:
I think it was you asking if i had a name yet? We're thinking Eden Violet or Eden Rose. Nick thought of it and i really like it (but oh will probably change his mind by next week!):haha:
Lexi i'm so pleased baby is measuring average!!
It's very different, the things we celebrate, compared to an average pregnancy isn't it? That's why it's great having a thread like this where we all understand.
Do you have a name for baby now Lexi?
Sweet, hope all is fine with your bloods and the itching isn't anything serious.
Spring, hope growth scan goes well tomorrow. I find i have a few days where my belly feels soft and squishy, then baby has a growth spurt and fills it up! I'm sure with you being used to a twin bump it must feel different kinda less 'full' this time?
Amjon, glad all is going well with the boys. Have you decided on a second boy name yet?
Sorry if i missed anyone! Cant remember more than a page and cant see further back while posting on my phone!!:haha:
So, not really much news from me. Just happily plodding along being uneventful :laugh2: Have lots of bh now and baby wriggles and kicks in more of a pattern which is nice.
I've been looking at pushchairs/prams too and just don't know what to get!
Have you ladies thought about that yet? I've been buying lots of pink frilly stuff and oh said i'm going to make her look like a big fat gypsy baby :rofl:
Nicola Eden is a lovely name. The girl who was in the next bed to me in the hospital said one of her little girls was called Eden. It is not a name I have heard a lot but it is very pretty and it sounds nice with your other childrens names. Lets hope Nick sticks with this name if you both like it :winkwink:

I will learn to rest and not get harrassed by the house and things that need doing because this baby is too important to let small things like that bother me. It is just my stupid guilt that I feel like I am not doing anything but actually I am growing our child and the house can get sorted out once she is here. I am managing to cook tea and do small house work such as dusting so that is my part in it all for now :happydance:

Hubby has just come home and pointed out a hole that the dog has dug in the garden today that I didn't even notice. I thought he had been quiet for a while lol
nicola itching is still there but now come out little bumps so think its just hormones its getting a little better so hoping i'm past the worst of it :), we have been looking at prams we are currently ( well i am oh said he doesn't care) between the phil and teds navigator with carry cot ( coz i'm crazy and want to do this all again sometime soon after littleone is born and it converts to a double ( after buying a seat) and so will last longer ) or the jane slalom pro reverse or an older model with the matrix car seat which seems like a good idea but its quiet bulky and also wide so have concerns re buses, need to go play with them in the shop at some point.

have you got your eye on any yet nicola?

edit: forgot to add no phone call from doctors so can only assume bloods are all normal :),
Since we need a double that takes car seats it limits our options quite a bit. None are sold as sets with the car seats (except the Graco on Amazon and that one folds down WAY too big- wouldn't even fit in the trunk with nothing else). I think we're going to have to go with the Countour Tandem as it's the only fairly reasonable one that will fold down enough to get in the trunk. I like the City Jogger, but it was over $700 and don't want to spend that much on just the stroller.
hello ladies I am shattered today as had broken sleep last night with needing to get up to pee, cramp in my foot and toes, strange dreams and being too hot and the pain in my hips etc. I am a little anxious today as it was this time last week that I started to bleed so need to get through today and know a week has passed and it has been 5 days since any (red) bleeding. I will try and have a nap with the dog later. I think watching mindless tv makes you more tired but I don't have the energy to read lol

We were looking for the Racaro Akuna travel system which is the pram we had for Dexter (but returned) but I think it is old stock so we can't find one locally. Which is a shame because it was a great price and easy to assembly and folded small for the boot of the car. I am certainly not going to buy the pram until I am passed at least 30 weeks just because I bought it before 28 weeks last time and didn't get to use it
Well rang doctors yesterday and bloods are all clear yay! however i still itch and its bringing tears at 3 in the morning :( hopefully it will easy working on the theory i may be too warm in bed so gonna cool our room down tonight see if it helps.

Other news on baby front is hes back to being nameless, i can't get on with xander its just not sticking and can't imagine calling it him and OH didn't like it anyways so back to the drawing board.
hope your itching eased last night sweet. Have you tried calamin lotion? it is used for things like chicken pox and heat rash not sure what it in it but you could ask at a chemist??

Well "bean" it is then for your little boy until you decide on a new name have you got any on the list yet

My mum felt Lexi move yesterday, which was lovely because my mum doesn't like touching peoples bumps but when I told her Lexi was moving she put her hand on my bump and felt her :happydance:

went to the pram shop where we bought Dexters pram with my mum yesterday and the racaro akuna is old stock so we won't be able to get that one for Lexi. My mum buys our pram as that is what she did with my sister and brother and she was looking at ones that were twice the price as the last pram and telling me we could have it so at least I know if we don't find one that was as good a deal as the last one there is more money in the kitty :thumbup:

hope everybody has had a good weekend :flower:
woop i had a whole nights sleep only getting up to pee :) ok so the itch isn't an itch ( well it is but my skin isn't the cause) have narrowed it to either circultaion or Restless leg syndrome. Managed to get to sleep with minimal itch and not having to scratch by having the top half of my body raised a a folded duvet under my calfs/knees so they were raised helped so much :)

dextersmum caromile lotion was next on my list to try but oh forgot it from the shop yesterday and then i realised its possible i can't used it i'm allergic to baby lotion and i'm not sure if they have similar ingredients both being lotions.

unfortunatlyfor us we are paying for the pram altho now oh is finishing work we are eligable for the sure start grant so money is a consideration in which we pick.

As for beans name we have a shortlist we are adding to and i final short list of names we agree on so far it has two names:-- Tristan and Danyael (pronounced Daniel) Danyael is what Nathaniel was going to be called before he was born its a name the oh always wanted and daniel is his dads name, i just couldn't call nathaniel that a) didn't want to upset his dad and b) it just didn't feel right ... saying that OH has reminded me i didn't actually really like the name Nathaniel when we were choosing names altho i remember it being a back up.

therefore the current plan is to have a final list of 2-4 names (depending on how many we can agree on) and then decided when bean is born... knowing me i will pick one not on the list but its so hard to decided before hes born and i choose then go off it so gonna see how they fit him :)

Bean made my tummy ripple the other day but has been a little quieter since think he wore himself out, not feeling kicks on the outside yet to much padding and my placenta is on the front so in the way in places that have a little less padding.
Hi ladies. Quick update as only get connection in the loos here! Got admitted to hospital fri morning with small bleed and contractions. Transferred to homerton in london with level 1 nicu. Had 2 lots of steroids, a drip then a tummy patch (thats a new one for me!) to stop pains which seems to have worked. Pat h came off at 7 last night and nothing started since then so now need to get upand moving to make sure they dont come back then. Drs think small bleed may have irritated uterus thats why the ctx's. Scan tomorrow morning to check babys weight then hopefully home if all still settled.
Sweet, we go back and forth with names too. Currently have Eden, Evie and Elizabeth on the list but i cantimagine calling her Elizabeth even though i like the name. :shrug:
Will update any changes but hopefully all will stay settled now.
fx things stay settled for you Nicola, and they manage to keep the contractions at bay and you can go home soon.
bloody hell Nicola hope everything has settled down and contractions and bleeding have stopped and you are being looked after at the hospital or you get to go home soon with everything settled. Why can't we just have a straight forward pregnancy after what we have been through. Everything certainly is sent to try us. Please let us know how your scan is tomorrow. I will be thinking about you and am sending positive vibes your way xx :hugs:

Sweet glad you have found a way to ease your itching hope it continues to work. I like both the names you have chose so far. My nephew is called Daniel. I suppose the only thing about spelling a name a different way is that people will spell his name wrong as they will automatically think it is spelt Daniel.

I have had an up and down day today. Decided I need to do some more clearing in the baby's room so started on the wardrobe which meant going through the clothes and taking out all the boys stuff and replacing it with what we have got for Lexi. The tears started as soon as I took out the outfits I had bought for Dexter coming out of hospital and then I couldn't stop them once I found his premature baby clothes and then continued to move out the blue clothes to replace them with pink or girly colours it felt like I was clearing Dexter out of the room.

Lexi has been having a quiet day today too, which always makes me a little uneasy. I have felt her move but everytime it is just one or two kicks where she usually does more but it is the weekend and she has been known to be quieter over the weekend??

Hubby has been driving me mad today too. Just wish he really understood what I am going through and what it is like being pregnant and having all the worries and hoping everything is going well with the baby. We went to Tesco and I told him I felt dizzy and his response was "nothing new there then" I was really p**sed off with him and did feel a bit out of sorts walking round. So I let him pack all the backs and unpack them when we got home. My friend phoned me when I got home so I spent 20 minutes on the phone with her whilst lying on my bed so felt much better after that :thumbup:
dextersmum we have all that to come really need to sort though all our baby stuff tomorrow so we can write a list of what we need have been putting it off.

As for dizzy in tesco i'm sure its the lights in supermarkets i now can't walk round any of them oh has to wheel me round coz i start to feel dizzy straight away and tend to actually faint :(

Bean has been quiet most of the day then i went for a lay down coz i was feeling funny and he made me jump kicking hard, i'm sure lexi is fine just tired and chilling.

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