Sweet how are you and Zachary?
Spring when are we going to see a photo of beautiful sadie?
Nicola I hope you have been well enough to get to the same hospital as primrose. Please keep us posted on how you are both doing when you can x
Lexi that is a great bump photo you look very neat and pregnant lol.
Amjon how are things with you?
Miss mo are you ok?
I ended up at the hospital on Saturday morning being monitored as I get a bit freaked out with reduced movements. Midwife said everything looked fine on the graphs and there had been plenty of movement from lexi even though I didn't feel them all. So that freaked me out some more, that even with an estimated weight of 4lb 2oz I am still not able to feel her every time she moves?? So the doctor on the weekend shift gave me a new plan which was to go today for another ECG monitoring, go Thursday for a Doppler scan to make sure placenta is fully working and then have a further growth scan in 2 weeks instead of waiting 4 weeks. So I feel much more reassured and the midwife today gave me the direct number for the antenatal day unit to contact them if I want more monitoring so at least I have more support if needed which is great. I just have 5 more weeks to get through before my planned section and then I might be able to stop panicking over the slightest thing?!