Raising Children In Religion


Mama to Brenna.
Oct 5, 2010
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Should a child be raised as a Christian, Catholic, Muslim, etc. because their parents are, or should it be up to the child to make the decision of whether to believe or not when they are older?

I was raised in a strict Catholic family, and as I grew older, I didn't really believe in the Catholic faith like I was raised to believe, and am now an agnostic. Personally, I won't be raising Brenna under a strict religion. I believe that the choice should be hers to make when she is of age to decide. I will gladly explain to her (in my best efforts) what religion is & how each differ from one-another. If it peaks her interest, I will support/respect her 100% in her beliefs.

Where do you stand? :flower:
We believe in allowing Helena and Elliot to choose their own faiths. Right now we aren't teaching them anything religious.
They need to be given the choice. DH and I are atheists, but we don't force our views on anyone including the children. They learn about religions at school, and are aware of different beliefs. To me it is very important that they learn about religions although I don't believe, since religion is such a driver of how humans are in the world, and not including them in what children learn would be negligent.

I don't see anything wrong with raising a child with a set of beliefs, as long as you also raise them to be open to other beliefs and to have an enquiring mind. I am Atheist and I will raise my children to know that this is what I believe - if they ask me what happens when you die, for example, I will tell them what I believe to be true. That said I will also tell them what others believe and that it is important to respect their beliefs.
we won't be bringing lo with a religion, for us belief is personal and something you believe not what your parents or neighbors believe, its one of the reasons we would never consider a religious school for lo :flower:
I'm not religious but I believe in teaching children about all types of religions essential at school. My son learns about all faiths, Christianity,Islam,sihkh ect and I'm happy for him to do so. I wish children didn't go to faith led schools, I don't think it gives them a tollerance to other faiths. I hope someone can correct me if I'm wrong!

I'm suprised in my sons primary school, we had a nativity play and a Christmas themed disco and there were Muslim children playing part in both. I think we believe too much in the media hype too much sometimes that they're not tollerant to our beliefs. I'd like to see more intergration in schools, teach them early on! A mosque near us had an open to all faiths day, the local paper reported on it and it really was full of all different religions. Very good to see since Islam doesn't get much good press nowadays.
Were not religious (OH parents are sal army ) .. I sometimes wonder why we need an organised religion to be able to believe in god, and why you need to visit a building to show you believe.???
I'm sure everyones gods would be quite happy people not having to turn up at a set time every day/week to have a natter with him!!
I'm not religious but I believe in teaching children about all types of religions essential at school. My son learns about all faiths, Christianity,Islam,sihkh ect and I'm happy for him to do so. I wish children didn't go to faith led schools, I don't think it gives them a tollerance to other faiths. I hope someone can correct me if I'm wrong!

I went to a Catholic school, and we had loads of different students with different religions. Intolerance was never an issue. In fact, I think its the very principles of religion that bred tolerance and understanding of the different religions. x
My mum and dad followed different religions and so we grew up learning about both religions, funnily enough neither me or my 3 siblings are religous at all LOL.

Myself and my husband both have the same beliefs, we are not religious and do not follow a religion but i guess we are spiritual but not religous in a sense. I have made sure my eldest daughter (and will with my youngest) learns about all faiths and she has a book about religions of the world which i bought her when she started to become interested in life after death, i want her to repect other peoples religions but we will not force one on to them so we are letting our girls choose for themselves when they are old enough to do so.

i do not understand people who get their children christened (or the equilvilent) when they arent even religous themselves iykwim...........whats that all about.

Tina: i agree all children of all faiths that i have known join in with the christmas plays (except the jehovas whitnesses) in my daughters school also.
I am catholic and my boys are raised catholic, however I don't believe we should not use birth control and I do believe in a woman's right to choose, so some things I don't agree with , but I still believe in my faith just not every teaching, When my boys are old enough and they want to change or whatever then that is their choice, but when they are living under my roof they are raised in our faith.:flower:
I am catholic and my boys are raised catholic, however I don't believe we should not use birth control and I do believe in a woman's right to choose, so some things I don't agree with , but I still believe in my faith just not every teaching, When my boys are old enough and they want to change or whatever then that is their choice, but when they are living under my roof they are raised in our faith.:flower:

This may seem very personal , please don't be offended and don't answer if you choose not To . I know you've suffered a loss, how do you cope with this and deal with your faith at the same time?
I know if I had a faith, and alot of my time was given to the church I'm not sure how I'd feel abouth that faith in your situation.
How do you explain/justify what's happened if you believe in god ?

Like I said please don't answer if you feel I'm being intrusive.
I am catholic and my boys are raised catholic, however I don't believe we should not use birth control and I do believe in a woman's right to choose, so some things I don't agree with , but I still believe in my faith just not every teaching, When my boys are old enough and they want to change or whatever then that is their choice, but when they are living under my roof they are raised in our faith.:flower:

This may seem very personal , please don't be offended and don't answer if you choose not To . I know you've suffered a loss, how do you cope with this and deal with your faith at the same time?
I know if I had a faith, and alot of my time was given to the church I'm not sure how I'd feel abouth that faith in your situation.
How do you explain/justify what's happened if you believe in god ?

Like I said please don't answer if you feel I'm being intrusive.
everyone on here well most have had a loss, god doesn't make that happen, something goes wrong with us or with our bodies, that has nothing to do with God.God does not control our bodies in my opinion, I chose to give birth to my baby who was not alive, but that was my choice, I don't blame God for that.. You can't blame everything in life that goes wrong on God. We made a baby and something went wrong in the process and I think the reason she was taken was because her life would have been short lived or even if she had lived a week or a year she would have suffered immensely..
I was kind of on the fence with this before I had kids, but hubby is not religious, so he didn't want the kids to be brought into any kind of faith. I grew up Catholic, but agreed with him to wait until the kids showed interest in religion, and then we could teach them what we know, at home. When they expressed interest in church (IF they did) then we would take them to the Catholic church..that was the plan. It, so far, has gone according to plan..pretty much. The cat died in 2009 and Jasper knew I lost one of my pregnancies and that is where the questions started...also, where did babies come from. So the conversations were small, simple...and the answers were too...just sticking to what I believe. The babies are in heaven, with God. We will see them again. The cat is in heaven too. When you die you go to heaven to be with God. Then Jasper, my oldest, had a friend who went to church, and this friend just lost his grandpa. He would take Jasper to the back of the school and pray. His friend would pray to God about his grandpa, and Jasper told me he prayed about the babies and mostly, the cat. No big deal. This year, his friend asked him to go to church. As it turns out, a few of his friends all go to the same church. Jasper asked just a couple weeks ago to go to "Sunday school". Me, being a Catholic, well...yes, I am glad he asked. Makena was STOKED to find out she would go too. I took them to a church, that was recommended, not Catholic. The reason: my kids are not baptized. My kids LOVED it. I hated it. It was weird...for me. Hands in the air...rock God songs...I mean, it was a FAR cry from a Catholic mass. lmao So, next Sunday we are going to try Anglican. I have arranged it with the Father there. I could take them to the Catholic one, but the thing is, it is on Wed eves, and our nights are just SO busy and that is one of the only nights where we don't have anything. I prefer to keep it on the weekend where we have more time. It will be stress-free fun for them, and hubby works Sunday, so he has his out. lol
I am catholic and my boys are raised catholic, however I don't believe we should not use birth control and I do believe in a woman's right to choose, so some things I don't agree with , but I still believe in my faith just not every teaching, When my boys are old enough and they want to change or whatever then that is their choice, but when they are living under my roof they are raised in our faith.:flower:

This may seem very personal , please don't be offended and don't answer if you choose not To . I know you've suffered a loss, how do you cope with this and deal with your faith at the same time?
I know if I had a faith, and alot of my time was given to the church I'm not sure how I'd feel abouth that faith in your situation.
How do you explain/justify what's happened if you believe in god ?

Like I said please don't answer if you feel I'm being intrusive.
everyone on here well most have had a loss, god doesn't make that happen, something goes wrong with us or with our bodies, that has nothing to do with God.God does not control our bodies in my opinion, I chose to give birth to my baby who was not alive, but that was my choice, I don't blame God for that.. You can't blame everything in life that goes wrong on God. We made a baby and something went wrong in the process and I think the reason she was taken was because her life would have been short lived or even if she had lived a week or a year she would have suffered immensely..

I agree...I also think that God gives us tests...not saying losing our baby is the test...that is cruel. I think the test is how we, everyone, deals with life, whatever is given to us. What choices do we make? How do we treat those around us? What morals do we have? Do we follow life the way God would want us to, depsite what we have to live through.
I am catholic and my boys are raised catholic, however I don't believe we should not use birth control and I do believe in a woman's right to choose, so some things I don't agree with , but I still believe in my faith just not every teaching, When my boys are old enough and they want to change or whatever then that is their choice, but when they are living under my roof they are raised in our faith.:flower:

This may seem very personal , please don't be offended and don't answer if you choose not To . I know you've suffered a loss, how do you cope with this and deal with your faith at the same time?
I know if I had a faith, and alot of my time was given to the church I'm not sure how I'd feel abouth that faith in your situation.
How do you explain/justify what's happened if you believe in god ?

Like I said please don't answer if you feel I'm being intrusive.
everyone on here well most have had a loss, god doesn't make that happen, something goes wrong with us or with our bodies, that has nothing to do with God.God does not control our bodies in my opinion, I chose to give birth to my baby who was not alive, but that was my choice, I don't blame God for that.. You can't blame everything in life that goes wrong on God. We made a baby and something went wrong in the process and I think the reason she was taken was because her life would have been short lived or even if she had lived a week or a year she would have suffered immensely..

I believe this also :thumbup: death is going to happen to all of us, a malfunction in our bodies, an illness, an accident whatever it is if its going to happen, it will, no higher being controls that.
but i also think religion is man made.
I believe (or hope) there is something after death.....that we are an energy that needs to move on in some other way when we die iykwim x
We're Muslims & we're raising Omar as a muslim. I recite some versus from the Quran every night to Omar & he started to memorize some. He copies us when we're praying. But we are open to other religions & we take him every Christmas to see Santa. He will go to an international school that celebrate Eid & Christmas.

I don't come from a strict family, we weren't forced to pray or go to the mosque when we were young, we were raised as Muslims but we had the choice to practice. I was 23 when I started to take religion a bit seriously.

We will be raising Omar the same way we were raised, & he will have the freedom to choose if he wants to practice our faith or not.
I think there is a difference between being "raised" in a certain religion and believing in it iykwim. Kind of hard to explain.

From my observations, some people are brought up and christened in a certain religion but don't really practice it or believe it themselves in their everyday life.

For DH and I, we are 100% committed, Bible believing Christians. We practice biblical principles in our everyday life and fully believe in the truth of God's word. Its not like a story tale, that we will let our kids chose to believe, because to us, it is FACT.

Its hard to explain...

For DH and I, we are 100% committed, Bible believing Christians. We practice biblical principles in our everyday life and fully believe in the truth of God's word. Its not like a story tale, that we will let our kids chose to believe, because to us, it is FACT.

Same for us :) :flower:
Will you let your children be open to (or not ignorant to) other peoples beliefs in the faiths they choose?
I just believe we as parents should expose them to all faiths, colours, races as I think it's the way forward in in eradicating racism ,(as much as you possibly could) predjudice ect in later life.

I know my friends dad (a jehovahs witness) when they were younger were never allowed to join in any school christmas Celebrations Or friends Birthday parties ect. They missed out on so much!
We don't have a religion but I'm very positive my son should join in anything at school that 'celebrates' religion. I wouldn't want him to be preached to though because if us having no faith ourselves.
Of course, id encourage her to prove to herself that its the truth. You have to make it your own.

I am a Jehovahs Witness and was raised as one and i can tell u not celebrating christmas or birthdays didint scar me nor did i miss out on anything. I got presents all year round as a nice surprise, family holidays at christmas, get togethers etc, went to childrens parties just like any other child. If anything i feel as tho it taught me the real meaning of giving and receiving. I had a very normal, stable, loving upbringing

There is very good reasons for not celebrating these events as a christian who follows the bible very closely. They are non biblical celebrations.

Christmas for example supposedly is to commemorate the birth of Jesus and nearly every religion celebrates it. Yet there is no biblical origin for its celebration at all. It was jesus' death that was important and that we were instructed to commemorate. Not to mention its just a commercial festival nowadays.

Early christains would not have celebrated Jesus' birth as birthdays are a pagan custom and are idolatrous worship something that bible warns against, not a christain or a biblical one. At birth it was believed that a spirit or demon attended the birth and protected that one through out his life, and Jesus certainly would not have wanted to be linked with anything that involved superstition.

Also the account of Jesus' birth that is celebrated is scriptually incorrect. We know that Jesus couldnt have been born on Dec 25th (not that this is a huge deal) because the bible says that the shephards were out tending to their sheep. In that part of the world in Dec, it would have been much too cold to do this.

December 25th was chosen as it coincides with the pagan roman festival marking the birthday of the unconquered sun. In an effort to convert pagans, religious leaders adopted this festival and tried to make it seem 'christain'. The saturnalia also played a part in the choice of Dec 25th. This was a festival honouring the roman god of agriculture. Feasting, drinking and gift giving took place.

So this date was chosen in worship to false gods, and anyone with a knowledge of the bible knows that this was warned against by Jesus and God, as a christian i take this very seriously. Its a man made tradition

Intrestingly, Christmas was actually banned in England and some of the American colonies during the 17th century because of its unscriptual origin.

The other issue is that what is taught about the events of Jesus' birth is also scriptually incorrect.

The three wise men, were actually sent by King Herod, in an attempt to locate Jesus to have him killed. He ordered that all boys under the age of 2 be murdered, in order to eraticate the 'son of god and prophet' that had been born. This also suggests that Jesus was not newborn at the time they visited as boys up to the age of two were targeted. The bible also says that they did not visit Jesus in a manger either but rather a house, and that the star that led them there first led them to King Herod, so it was not God who used this star but his enemy, Satan.

The account of this is at Matthew 2:1-16.

The reason why we don't celebrate birthdays is not because we are trying to be anti-social or segregate ourselves in society, the real reason is because the origins of birthdays are shrouded in paganism and superstition and are linked closely to astrology and magic too which is forbidden and something God hates according to the bible. There is much more to birthdays that meet the eye. Here are some facts:

- There is no denying, though, that numerous reference works reveal the superstitious and religious antecedents of celebrating birthdays. The Encyclopedia Americana (1991 edition) notes: "The ancient world of Egypt, Greece, Rome, and Persia celebrated the birthdays of gods, kings, and nobles." It says that the Romans observed the birth of Artemis and the day of Apollo. In contrast, "although the ancient Israelis kept records of the ages of their male citizens, there is no evidence that they had any festivities on the anniversary of the birth date."

- Birthday parties began years ago in Europe. People believed in good and evil spirits, sometimes called good and evil fairies. Everyone was afraid of these spirits, that they would cause harm to the birthday celebrant, and so he was surrounded by friends and relatives whose good wishes, and very presence, would protect him against the unknown dangers that the birthday held. Giving gifts brought even greater protection. Eating together provided a further safeguard and helped to bring the blessings of the good spirits. So the birthday party was originally intended to make a person safe from evil and to insure a good year to come.’—Birthday Parties Around the World, 1967.

- The book explains, too, the origin of many birthday customs. For example: "The reason [for using candles] goes back to the early Greeks and Romans who thought that tapers or candles had magical qualities. They would offer prayers and make wishes to be carried up to the gods by the flames of candles. The gods would then send down their blessings and perhaps answer the prayers."

Also, there are only two references to birthdays in the Bible - and both result in a death. Read Genesis 40:2, 3, 20, 22 and Matthew 14:6-11 for both accounts. They are not showed in a favorable light at all. You can be sure first century Christians did not think someones birth was so important as to celebrate it.

Clearly then, given the known origin of celebrating birthdays, and more important, the unfavorable light in which they are presented in the Bible, Christians have ample reason to abstain from the practice. The above information is only a little I have delved into.

Im not trying to knock anyone who celebrates them, and do not wish to start a debate about it either, just presenting reasons why as a christian i abstain and so will my daughter until she is old enough to make up her own mind :) we all have the right to make our own choices. But what the bible says about these things is very important to me, it means my very life and also brings honor and worship to the only one who deserves it, the one true God :)
Oh and i would have no problem with her examining other religions, in fact its encouraged to see whether what they practice and preach agrees with the bible. :)

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