Random Small Questions Thread?

oh noes!! But my stupid stupid mw isnt coming to see me now til im 40+1 (if i make it that far) and what if hes breech or something?
I feel so sick now :( and i have this awful dragging pain down low, i just feel heavy and crappy and dont want to move. Not like me just being normal me these days but like seriously weird. my nan said she felt like that and two days later had my uncle! lol. I so hope shes right!

Eww we are rancid! sweaty bettys lol!
whens your MW supposed to go through your birth plan with you?
mine has made no mention of it or even acknowledged the fact its going to happen quite soon, she useless, all she does is blood pressure etc and then says bye see you in 2 weeks.
i see my MW every week.. well i see A MW every week. Like i said before i barely get to the MW i should see coz she never there! But i asked when will we do a birth plan and i was basically told that i can do it myself and if i mention it to the MW she will look over it for me but wont do it with me. I was like erm hello this is my 1st ever pregnancy i have no idea what to put but they idnt really care.

If you know sort of what you want then there is a section in your notes that has a place to put bits in. Like i want OH/FOB to cut the cord and want skin to skin contact straight after and want to breast feed so ive made sure its all down here.

Oh no Ellie you cant have your LO before me :growlmad: I wont allow it lol.
Hope you feel a little better though, maybe a bath could help? Not that this weather is helpfull all grey and horrible
oh right, thats pretty odd, i assumed since my next appointment was 38 weeks theyd do it then. i dont like how they rush through appointments either! feels like they're not that bothered... hmm..
everything you listed there is what i want too :D i kind of have a 'birth plan', well just ideas really, nothing set in stone and i think im gonna just see how it goes, id like to use the birthing pool at some point though, pain relief i wanna try just gas and air but obviously see how it goes..... and then FOB cutting cord, skin to skin, and breastfeeding like you. il have a look in my notes! xx
Before you think about birthing pool and stuff i would contact your hospital to make sure they have them avaliable. I looked on the NHS website about my hospital and it said that they have TENS and Birthing pool etc and when i asked me MW she said that they dont :S so the only thing i can do is ask the hospital. which luckily i have an appointment with them next week. So will just ask then.
Yeah my MW is always late. She has never been under 45 mins late. And then rushes me like you wouldnt believe and i just feel so confused like a whirlwind appointment.

Yeah in your maternity notes there is a little section where you can write information about what you want with your birth but someone told me that some MW's dont even read it when your in labor so make sure you tell them over and over again when your in hospital that you want the skin to skin and breast feeding etc. Also make sure they are well aware about OH/FOB cutting the cord.
Alot of MW forget coz they deal alot of people and dont bother checking the notes.. So im going to be reminding them like 24/7, i would rather them be sick of me mentioning it then have them forget and me not get the skin to skin or OH/FOB not getting to cut cord etc. Unless there is a probelm obviously.
yeah they do have a birthing pool available but you just have to say when you ring up that you're coming in and you're wanting to use it :thumbup:

il make sure i shout at them alot to make it clear what i want :hissy:

4 days til you see your OH! :happydance: thats come round so fast, i remember when it was like 30.
I did mine with mw last friday so i was 37 weeks! She just wrote down in the birt plan section that i want birthing pool, mum is my birthing partner, i want dim lights and relaxing music, gas and air and mum to cut cord. She said no need to write immediate skin to skin cos they do it anyway unless theres a concern with baby then theyll whip them away to do their thang and put them on your chest as soon as :)
Your not guaranteed a birthing pool if its used alot in your hospital, noone uses them in bradford (surprise surprise lol) so im lucky :D
I hate the fact everyone else has weekly apps now and im still having them every 3 weeks :wacko:
I feel TERRIBLE just had to announce that, i think im gonna vomit!x
ooh i didnt know that about skin to skin, i thought they cleaned them up and stuff first and then gave them to your rather than just plonking them straight on you if you didnt specify xD
I had immediate skin to skin with DS, but they took DD away as she had pooed before she was born and she was blue, so paed checked her over first, but I didnt have a birthplan with either of them so I guess like Ellie said, they just do it!
ooh i didnt know that about skin to skin, i thought they cleaned them up and stuff first and then gave them to your rather than just plonking them straight on you if you didnt specify xD

they put him right on me, but I had a hospital gown,and like towels, all on top of me so it wasnt really skin to skin.lol
I think it all depends on the hospital, some people have told me where they didnt get skin to skin. Im mking sure i mention it to them so they know for sure
she told me its vital to give them to mummy straight away for bonding and they only wont do it if theres a problem with babys breathing, heartbeat, if theyve pooed etc.
If it helps you can put it in the birth plan section of your mat notes, if it gives you piece of mind :)

So ive started now with pains. Started about three hours ago, i took two paracetemol but they didnt do anything, ive got dragging pains down low and sometimes it turns into a tightness in my back. Ive got a hot water bottle, gonna sit and see if it gets any better before ringing my mam. Babys not moving as much, hes moving enough to not be worried but hes not moving as much. I feel sick as well.
So ill keep all updated if Ordi comes!! Jas is getting her Riley! Shes so lucky! Im jealous! :(

Woooot! This wont seem exciting to you lot with ur computers lol but ive been using my phone since august and it annoys me! Im finally getting internet and a computer set up next week =D well on tuesday so less than a week, exciiiitting!!:D xx
im not sure whats labour and what isnt :shrug: i mean it confuses me. My mam and nanna say unless theres a show or waters break then im not in labour and its just braxton hicks. My mw said thats rubbish, not everyones waters break, some start just with contractions then the waters break later or dont break and need breaking for them. When i tell my mam or nanna that they say ooh well call the hospital, but im afraid to do that cos theyll think im a right pussy hypocondriac. Plus last time they just told me to take two paracetemols then call back an hour later if nothing changed. When i did call them back they went through all my details, kept passing me from mw to mw, checking with consultants etc, i was getting soo frustrated!
Right now the pains have improved, but i feel really sick. Then the pains will start back up again. I have no idea what it is! Im so confuzzled! Lol. x
i wont bother calling my mam cos she just likes to say 'have you had a show, have your waters broke?' 'no' 'right well the babys laid on a nerve' and then thats all i can get out of her :( pains started again... Like the dragging pain you get when on a period? Ive pooed about three times (sorry for tmi, but im so confuzzled!) in 2 hours, thats not normal! Maybe i have a tummy bug!
I would like to see mw more often than every 3 week in these last couple weeks, i wanna know where babys laid, how dilated i am etc. X
i suggest mentioning to your MW that you would like to her more often and tell her why. She might see you more often.
Hope you feel better soon :)
so i have a question.. ive heard people on here say that babies can engage and then un engage etc. But my MW said that once baby engages they stay there. Im confused lol. Do they unengage?
i havent heard of a baby unengaging but i have heard of babys turning at the last minute (awkward bleeders) but thats rare. I think they do just stay there, theyre really low down and all ready to go, im guessing?

Mam told me to ring her if pains get worse. Still got dragging pains.. Was gonna try getting some sleep until i felt the most almighty sharp pains sorta towards my groin, so painful! Arghh it all confuzzles me, i dont get whats going on :shrug: i hope buddy hollys on his way, im feeling so impatient, especially seen as Jas is having her baby tomorrow and it looks like Sophie's wont be long and theyre the only stms that are due before me!!

I may sound totally off beat but does anyone kinda want the pregnancy experience from the start again in a real weird way? As much as i just want Ordi now, im kinda thinking about how much ill miss pregnancy, god im weird. I dont like how fast time goes though, like the babys born on here, one second the births being announced the next minute theyre like a month old! Its so scary!!
Ellie you'll know when you need to go in, trust me!

Yeah they can disengage but it's rare with first bubs! Very likely with subsequent bubs though!

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