Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

My boy's been really gassy the past 2 days :( God help me if I end up with another colicky one

Nooooooo Aliss! I truly hope this is just a phase for Philippe.

Even if he does have colic, he could still be an angel baby in the long run. A friend of mine has an adorable little boy who had colic for the first 3 months of his life. Oddly enough, he was a great sleeper! She thinks he tired himself out during the day and crashed at night. He's now 6 months and the happiest, sweetest thing. We take swim lessons together :)
Ashlynn is doing it again!! Up at 4 this time singing, smiling and laughing!! I refuse to pick her up though or bring her into bed with us. She has to learn to sleep properly and in her own bed!! Argh!

I think you're doing the right thing. If she's content just let her be (and shut off the monitor so you can sleep, if you're comfortable).

Weissbluth actually says that if your child wakes to play, you're doing something right! It means she's bonded with you and she knows mommy is fun.
How do you feel about taking melatonin when breastfeeding? I like it because it doesn't make me so groggy I couldn't wake up. My bottle says not to take when pregnant or nursing, but it's natural and I wonder if that's a bit of an unnecessary precaution? If you've taken it without issue I may do so tonight!

Glad you had a good night... here's hoping it continues!

LO's pediatrician said the melatonin is fine. I just take the minimum dose and it never seems to have any effect on her. I think they have to put those warnings on anything that hasn't been extensively tested (which is the case with most drugs, for obvious reasons)

Thanks! Honestly, my LO could probably use some melatonin haha :)
Last night was okay for us. I gave Charlotte some tylenol at the start of the night because she seems to be teething. She actually slept great from 6:30pm to midnight. Then she seemed to wake hourly after that. I didn't go to her at 1am or 2am, because she wasn't really crying, just fussing, and put herself back to sleep. I tried to feed her at 3am, but she spit out the bottle... I think she was in pain from her teeth and also congested from her recent cold. If it isn't one thing, it's another. I feel okay this morning since I went to bed at 8pm and got a good 4 hours straight of sleep and was able to snooze between her early morning wakings. I can't believe I just wrote that... the old 8 hours a night me would be laughing. Any teething tips? I think the medicine probably wore off around midnight. Perhaps I should add it to her bottle at that time again?

Don't be jealous girls, but tonight I am off duty. My husband has booked me a hotel room at a luxury hotel down the street from our house. He is very kind and decided I needed a night to recharge. I'm going to have sushi with friends, take a bath and SLEEP for 10 hours straight. I admit to feeling a bit guilty for doing this. It's only the second night I've been away from Charlotte and the first time was work-related. I honestly am not even really looking forward to dinner with friends - I just want to go to bed LOL! Tell me I'm not a crappy mom for taking the night off? I need your reassurance!
Of course you're not a crappy mum! That sounds great and your OH is really sweet for arranging that for you.

Ashley had a slightly better night last night as well. He went to bed at 7.30pm then woke up at 10.30pm for a feed and it took me an hour of resettling after which he slept until 2.30am. It only took a 20 minute feed and a cuddle to get him back to sleep rather than an hour of resettling. He woke up at 5am for another feed and I brought him into bed until 6.45am.

Doesn't sound like a great night but after the last 2 nights it was fantastic. Ashley has had a fever, a snotty cold and teething the last few days.
Doesn't sound like a great night but after the last 2 nights it was fantastic. Ashley has had a fever, a snotty cold and teething the last few days.

I'm pretty sure my "great nights" sound horrible to some moms :)

I wonder about "good sleepers", do they wake when they are ill or teething? I tend to think my LO is sensitive to these things, perhaps more so than other babies.

My DH has a good friend who claims she NEVER had any problems with her kids STTN after they started doing it. I can't understand... no teething, no illness, no sleep regressions?
Doesn't sound like a great night but after the last 2 nights it was fantastic. Ashley has had a fever, a snotty cold and teething the last few days.

I'm pretty sure my "great nights" sound horrible to some moms :)

I wonder about "good sleepers", do they wake when they are ill or teething? I tend to think my LO is sensitive to these things, perhaps more so than other babies.

My DH has a good friend who claims she NEVER had any problems with her kids STTN after they started doing it. I can't understand... no teething, no illness, no sleep regressions?

I'm sure I've read before that lots of mums lie about their children's sleeping habits. I suppose they don't want people to think they're not looking after their babies properly, especially when it seems like everyone else's baby sttn. Also it stops people giving you unwanted advice.
Noelle - hoping you got your wonderful 10 hour sleep. Kinda jealous hehe :D

I went for a super long walk with Sofia (4 hours) yesterday and she did MUCH better at night. Slept at 8 pm and didn't wake up till 2:40 am this morning (when i fed her) so I manages to sleep from 9:30 to 1:30 am. She was up again at 5 am when hubby gave her ebm and she went back down till now (8:30).

Hoping this trend continues...and good luck everyone else
My boy's been really gassy the past 2 days :( God help me if I end up with another colicky one

Oh no....I hope not!! We are just getting out of our colicky phase, and I am honestly unsure about trying for a second right now just because I am not sure I can do it all over again. Hopefully your LO is just having some extra gas and it will dissipate. I can see how the fear will be there though.....I say, momma needs a break this time! lol
Last night was okay for us. I gave Charlotte some tylenol at the start of the night because she seems to be teething. She actually slept great from 6:30pm to midnight. Then she seemed to wake hourly after that. I didn't go to her at 1am or 2am, because she wasn't really crying, just fussing, and put herself back to sleep. I tried to feed her at 3am, but she spit out the bottle... I think she was in pain from her teeth and also congested from her recent cold. If it isn't one thing, it's another. I feel okay this morning since I went to bed at 8pm and got a good 4 hours straight of sleep and was able to snooze between her early morning wakings. I can't believe I just wrote that... the old 8 hours a night me would be laughing. Any teething tips? I think the medicine probably wore off around midnight. Perhaps I should add it to her bottle at that time again?

Don't be jealous girls, but tonight I am off duty. My husband has booked me a hotel room at a luxury hotel down the street from our house. He is very kind and decided I needed a night to recharge. I'm going to have sushi with friends, take a bath and SLEEP for 10 hours straight. I admit to feeling a bit guilty for doing this. It's only the second night I've been away from Charlotte and the first time was work-related. I honestly am not even really looking forward to dinner with friends - I just want to go to bed LOL! Tell me I'm not a crappy mom for taking the night off? I need your reassurance!
You are not a crappy mom!!! How sweet of your DH!!! I think it is important to recharge!
Noelle - I think its a great idea!! What a sweet DH, and I think a recharged mother is great for the baby too!!

Shadowy - Wow that's awesome!! So happy for you!!

Button - I totally agree, I think some people lie about their kids, but I don't get it to be honest!! Why would you lie about something like that? Its not like your kid isn't smart, they just aren't sleeping!

As for me, last night was pretty decent!! She actually slept for 2 1/2 hours straight in her crib, after doing a 45 min session and resettling herself!! I'm so proud of her. After that it was back to every 45 min - 1 hr, but she did do one excellent stretch. Of course, did I sleep during that time? no!! Hahaha I was just anxious she'd get up the whole time.

I hope that this gets better - I remember her doing 5 hr stretches... Perhaps she will go back to that!!
So last night my girl had a 4 hour stretch from 6:30-10:30. We went to bed a half hour early. It was easier getting her to sleep too. She woke up a few times mid morning and then slept from 1:06-4ish. She played in her crib until 4:30 when I got up and fed her. I cannot remember the last time she had a 4 hour stretch! This is also her very FIRST time of getting 2 longer stretches in one night!
Last night was okay for us. I gave Charlotte some tylenol at the start of the night because she seems to be teething. She actually slept great from 6:30pm to midnight. Then she seemed to wake hourly after that. I didn't go to her at 1am or 2am, because she wasn't really crying, just fussing, and put herself back to sleep. I tried to feed her at 3am, but she spit out the bottle... I think she was in pain from her teeth and also congested from her recent cold. If it isn't one thing, it's another. I feel okay this morning since I went to bed at 8pm and got a good 4 hours straight of sleep and was able to snooze between her early morning wakings. I can't believe I just wrote that... the old 8 hours a night me would be laughing. Any teething tips? I think the medicine probably wore off around midnight. Perhaps I should add it to her bottle at that time again?

Don't be jealous girls, but tonight I am off duty. My husband has booked me a hotel room at a luxury hotel down the street from our house. He is very kind and decided I needed a night to recharge. I'm going to have sushi with friends, take a bath and SLEEP for 10 hours straight. I admit to feeling a bit guilty for doing this. It's only the second night I've been away from Charlotte and the first time was work-related. I honestly am not even really looking forward to dinner with friends - I just want to go to bed LOL! Tell me I'm not a crappy mom for taking the night off? I need your reassurance!

Haha, sorry but I am SO jealous! Taking a night off doesn't make you a crappy mom though. In fact, I'm sure you'll come back a much more patient and motivated mom. I hope you take whatever drugs you need to take and get some serious SLEEP!
katrina and lysh - sounds like you two are making progress! I hope it continues for you :thumbup:

Last night was okay. She woke up at 10:40pm and I managed to bounce/sing her back to sleep, and then she had feedings at 1am and 4:20am and was up for the day at 6:20am.

I think I may have figured out the cause of her 10:30-11:30pm wakeups - raccoons! I noticed there were four huge ones making all kinds of noise in the yard right outside her room last night. Anyone know what Ferber recommends for that problem? :dohh:
katrina and lysh - sounds like you two are making progress! I hope it continues for you :thumbup:

Last night was okay. She woke up at 10:40pm and I managed to bounce/sing her back to sleep, and then she had feedings at 1am and 4:20am and was up for the day at 6:20am.

I think I may have figured out the cause of her 10:30-11:30pm wakeups - raccoons! I noticed there were four huge ones making all kinds of noise in the yard right outside her room last night. Anyone know what Ferber recommends for that problem? :dohh:

:rofl: Perhaps you should e-mail the chicago sleep clinic and ask him :D
Just wanted to warn all of you tired ladies, be extra careful if you're driving tired. I crashed my car last night, with my LO in it :( I drove right into someones house just by mistaking the accelerator for the brake. Ugh. I felt like SUCH an idiot. Everyone is fine but it really shook me up

Noelle, I hope you have had a wonderful rest. Do not feel guilty about it at all, you're doing a great job and you deserve this :)
mini- I hope you are ok, and are getting some much needed rest. Please don't feel like an idiot, you were seriously sleep deprived.
Hi girls I thought you'd be good people to ask this as you've all read the books I haven't read! About naps - I don't have trouble (touch wood) with his morning and lunch time naps but I don't know what to do about his late afternoon nap. He used to just fall asleep easily with a little cuddle. I'd do it around half 4 or 5pm and let him have 30 mins max. Now though he doesn't like being rocked any more (sob!) so it's difficult to get him to sleep, unless we're out in the pram or car. As a result he missed his nap completely yesterday and was awake 3pm until he went to bed at half 7 I was sooo worried! And he was cranky obv. But last night he slept well.

Soooo basically my question is - how much day sleep does he *need* and does he need 3 naps? If so, what time do u think I should aim for his afternoon one? My mum tells me he doesn't need it and he'll sleep better but I don't really agree. Hmmm...
Soooo basically my question is - how much day sleep does he *need* and does he need 3 naps? If so, what time do u think I should aim for his afternoon one? My mum tells me he doesn't need it and he'll sleep better but I don't really agree. Hmmm...

If I remember correctly, according to Healthy Sleep Habits, Happy Child, they need 3 naps up until 6 months or so? Naps are best if they are 1 1/2 hours in length, but anything over 1 hr is good (and sometimes a 45 min nap is ok as well) The pediatrician in that book also says unless you are trying to make a schedule, don't wake the baby, because it encourages broken sleep.

For me, I don't do it the same time everyday exactly, but that's because Lily wakes up at different times. She always goes down for her first nap at about 2 hours after she wakes up (sometimes 1 1/2 if she starts to get cranky then) But bear in mind I have to start winding her down before that time.

Anyway Lily is a bit strange, loves to take a 45 min nap, so sometimes she takes 4 naps! But if she doesn't then she will NOT sleep very easily at night. I think you have to do what works for your kid, so if yours likes 3 naps, keep it up until it no longer works! :flower:
bananaz- lol......that is funny!!
minikiwi- Oh my....I am glad you are both okay!!! That is crazy! Sleep deprivation is an awful thing. I find the sleep deprivation to be the hardest thing about being a parent right now.
Katrina- My lo does not have specific nap times either- it all depends when she wakes up. I was going on 1 1/2 hour schedule, but lately she has been pushing it to 2-3 hours which is not good because then she is overtired!

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