Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Damn! I just cracked and used the dummy for his most recent nap as patting wasn't working and I hadn"t read your reply. I don"t have lots of time as have another lo.

Have I ruined everything?


p.s thanks for replying. And I've only ever used dummy at bedtime and to put back to sleep overnight so am a bit worried...
Damn! I just cracked and used the dummy for his most recent nap as patting wasn't working and I hadn"t read your reply. I don"t have lots of time as have another lo.

Have I ruined everything?


p.s thanks for replying. And I've only ever used dummy at bedtime and to put back to sleep overnight so am a bit worried...

No way! You don't have to give it up either.
But if I don't give it up, won't I be waking up loads just to put the dummy back in again? oh, I feel like I'm getting into a pickle. Just don't know what to do for the best.

I guess my lo's still really young and things could change...

But if I don't give it up, won't I be waking up loads just to put the dummy back in again? oh, I feel like I'm getting into a pickle. Just don't know what to do for the best.

I guess my lo's still really young and things could change...


He might and he might not. It's kind of the risk you run with the dummy. Mine never woke for it, but I know it can be a problem for others. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably continue using it until it becomes a real problem :hugs:
But if I don't give it up, won't I be waking up loads just to put the dummy back in again? oh, I feel like I'm getting into a pickle. Just don't know what to do for the best.

I guess my lo's still really young and things could change...


He might and he might not. It's kind of the risk you run with the dummy. Mine never woke for it, but I know it can be a problem for others. If I were in your shoes, I'd probably continue using it until it becomes a real problem :hugs:

You're right. I'm getting my knickers in a twist over 4/5 night wakings for a dummy. Will wait it out for a while and see what happens. Thanks.:flower:

I think its safe to say Jordyn can self soothe officially.. All we need to do is lay her down, give her the suckie, she does whine for a bit (not crying) we watched her what she does is plays with her sookie blanket and pass's out.. some times we can tell shes lost her suckie and we no she wont fall asleep with out it so we just run upstairs and give it to her and she turns her head and falls asleep..
her bed time routine is the same thing...
I thought my day would never come.. long may it continue.

Are only issue now is night wakings, but honestly as long as she's not waking up every 30 minutes im fine.. im starting to notice she is sleeping longer stretches and her nap time in the morning went from 20 minutes to 2 hours.. !!! holy change.
Wow, that's great melly! I know what it's like to have low expectations... At least you can sleep a little in between a 2 hour stretch! 30 minutes, you've got no hope.

How do you respond to her night wakings? How often does she feed?
Im confused on her night wakings, SUPER confused.. I dont want her in habit to eat every single time she wake's up because IMO she can go 4 hours with out eating during the day and she always has an extra big bottle before bed 8 oz which during the day she is usually a 6oz kind of baby right now.

I always offer her the suckie first usually this works but if she keeps rolling in her crib and getting upset i sort of no she is wanting her bottle i give it to her she will drink 2-3oz and fall asleep on me and i try pulling the bottle out of her mouth to see if she will start sucking again she some times does other times she's snoaring in my arms! lol

Some time's we dont even go through 5 oz from 7-9am but mostly we go through prob about 8 oz.

One of her biggest feeds she will take is at 6am i find and then she's out till 830-9am

I have to admit some times i sit on her rocking chair and let her drink her own bottle in her crib she holds it, i no your not suppose to do that but for some reason she will want to lay down in my arms to drink her bottle too thats just how she perfers it.
Thanks for your advice Noelle and Bananaz. The thing is, she isn't getting 14 hours sleep a night as although she is down at 8pm and up between 9 and 10am, she spends a least an hour or two between these times awake. Rather than cry for us, she is happy to play with her rabbit & mobile and take herself back to sleep.

But none the less, I get what you are both saying and I think I will tough it out with the one or two 30 min daytime naps as her sleep may well change again anyway :)
Melly, I'd try to aim for no more than two night feeds. Use 4 hours as your cut-off time. It sounds like she's comfort sucking more than taking full feeds. She probably needs one between midnight and 2am and then again in the early morning hours (like 4am-6am).

Pompey, when is she up during that time?
Melly, I'd try to aim for no more than two night feeds. Use 4 hours as your cut-off time. It sounds like she's comfort sucking more than taking full feeds. She probably needs one between midnight and 2am and then again in the early morning hours (like 4am-6am).

Pompey, when is she up during that time?

Thats what im thinking too, comfort sucking big time!

I'm going to try that tonight.. she goes down around 730 lately, she will always wake up around 12 midnight if she falls asleep closer to 8pm its always around 1 or 2am.

Then she always wakes around 4-6 always i think i might keep track on my phone when she wakes up etc just so maybe i can see a pattern more.. because half the time i have no idea what im doing im so darn tired.. OH always asks how many times im up i cant even tell him half the time! lol
Melly, I'd try to aim for no more than two night feeds. Use 4 hours as your cut-off time. It sounds like she's comfort sucking more than taking full feeds. She probably needs one between midnight and 2am and then again in the early morning hours (like 4am-6am).

Pompey, when is she up during that time?

She tends to be awake for half an hour around 11/11.30. My husband gets up for work at 5 and 9/10 mornings she is awake then too (She has a feed at midnight & she used to have a feed at 5, but recently dropped it so not sure if those wake up times are linked in some way). I am not sure how long she is awake for at 5, as she is already awake when his alarm goes off and then I go back to sleep myself. She may also wake between midnight and 5am, but as I am asleep I don't know !
Okay, gotcha. The 5am wake-up in somewhat normal. It's a period of light sleep for babies and they often wake and go back to sleep.

I wish I had more advice for you, but I think until she sleeps less overnight you may just have to cope with the crap naps! Sorry mama.
No worries! I guess it's just the trade off of having no naps vs earlier wake up time & lots of naps. But there is no guarantee she will sleep for longer than 30 mins a time even if I do wake her up early, so I am gonna stick with how we are. Thanks for your help tho x
Yay, I'm glad to see most of you are having better sleep!

Sunnie - My LO is the same way - she can tolerate being overtired pretty well but putting her down when she's undertired is a recipe for disaster. And I bet those night wakings will sort themselves out once Seren has got the crawling sorted out! I know that's a big sleep disturber for a lot of babies.

We had another good night here! She slept from 7:30pm to 5am, when I fed her. Then she fussed off and on for maybe 45 minutes before going back to sleep until 7am. I guess all I need to do is threaten CIO and she gets her act together :rolleyes:

Hang on a minute 7.30 until 5 then back to sleep until 7?! That's freaking amazing!!! Am so used to hearing that she's had a bad night that I find this really exciting :) yay x
Melly my oh often asks about the wake ups and then tells me he's got up at least once. Funny how I may have been up 5 or 6 times and missed that one! I honestly couldn't tell you what last night was like but I do know he woke at 6am as usual, then chatted, then started squealing and jumping up and down in his cot because he spotted the cat. OH slept through that!
Hello Everyone. So glad i found this thread and going to spend some time going through and getting some ideas to help.
I have a 8 month old basically this is our story:

He had lots of problems feeding due to tongue and lip tie, he sufferd with reflux so was very restless when trying to sleep. This went when i cut out diary.(expressed for 7 months due to being unable to latch).He then started sleeping longer stints around 3/4 from 9-3 ish and then back down by 4 till 8. He started sleeping through when we put him to bed around 10. Recently we put the side on the cot (used it as a cosleeper) this he didnt like and took lots of getting use to. Normally he goes to bed at half 7 fine. but recently been waking up at 3...but am able to get him back to sleep then awake at 5 and feed him. Before he would sleep longer. Last night he went to bed late 8.30 and actually did sleep through till 5.30 Is this normal? should he sleep longer? He has an hour nap in the morning but time varies and the same in the afternoon. He is my first and never really knew what routine i should get him in it happened naturally. He feed at 5-5.30 and breakfast around 7.30.

I can't complain that he has slept through the last two nights but the early wake up calls are hard!! lol
Pinkgirl, I'm no expert but there are a lot of us with 8/9mth old babies struggling with the early starts. My son is wired to wake at 6am regardless of bedtime, though we got some delightful 5am starts awhile ago. Are you always feeding your baby at 5.30am, or have you recently dropped a night feed? My son doesn't eat through the night anymore so I encourage him to play by ignoring his chatter and letting him have a chance to entertain himself. Sometimes he ends up dozing. I also will not bring him into our room before he has a chance to try to go back to sleep (OHs tactic), so no pre 6.15am cuddles for us and I try not to go into the nursery unless he's really upset or smelly. I think the early starts are a pretty common side effect of them beginning to sleep longer.
Pinkgirl - Like NotNic said, I think that early wakings at that age can definitely be developmental, though there are other potential causes. Hopefully it will go back to normal soon. What time is his first nap?

My LO had another one-nap day, only this time the nap was 2 hours long and it might've been longer if I hadn't had to wake her up. I tried to get her to take a little catnap in the afternoon but she wouldn't go for it so she was really cranky by the evening. A lot of that might have been due to teething, though (those upper lateral incisors are horrible!). It will be interesting to see how tonight goes.

I don't think I'm ready for this transition to happen so soon. Almost 7 hours of awake time feels like forever with a fussy, teething, high-needs baby :wacko:

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