Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Ok so I'm not alone! Lol. Honestly it's a bit scary how used to it I am now. I woke up feeling happy and refreshed today!?!? I guess we did have a fairly good night but still, bizarre what I consider good now!

He had the oral Rotavirus vaccine Wed and so far today naps have been majorly foiled by poops! Thinking he has an upset tummy...
So Sofia sat down unassisted for a long period of time today....as in 30 mins while usually she'd fall over after a couple of minutes. She now wants to sit all the time.

I'm hoping the disturbed sleep was related to this milestone and stops tonight *crosses fingers*
Great to hear about Sofia's sitting, Shadowy! Rafe is definitely working hard on his crawl at the moment - he has conquered cruising the furniture and has returned his attention to the floorwork. :haha:

Update on the 'breaking-the-nursing-to-sleep-association'...

Two nights ago I tried changing up the routine to add a story in after nursing so I could put him down tired-but-awake. Well, NO GO. Two hours of fussing, angry-face, screeching every time he went in the cot, etc. Finally I gave up, nursed him and held till super-drowsy like usual, and put him in the cot. It was a bit of a fractious night, but not too bad (four wakings).

Then, last night, I just returned to the nurse-till-super-drowsy and put down technique, which had resulted in the two wakeups (post-dreamfeed) two nights earlier. Another night of two wakeups! (1.30am, 4.30am). Then, he woke again at 6am, which I figured was the start of the day, since I'd put him down at 6.30pm. But NO, he had another feed and back to sleep till 7.30! OH and I were in heaven. We basically had two good 3+ hour stretches of sleep, then 1.5 and then another 1.5 which is the best since the start of the sleep regression three months ago!

I think putting down awake is too much for LO at the moment, and as two wakeups is something I can easily live with, I'm just going to keep proceeding with the really gentle reduction of the nursing association. I'm in no rush now. When it was eight times a night, that was really hard work but twice is totally manageable.
Update on the 'breaking-the-nursing-to-sleep-association'...

Two nights ago I tried changing up the routine to add a story in after nursing so I could put him down tired-but-awake. Well, NO GO. Two hours of fussing, angry-face, screeching every time he went in the cot, etc. Finally I gave up, nursed him and held till super-drowsy like usual, and put him in the cot. It was a bit of a fractious night, but not too bad (four wakings).

Then, last night, I just returned to the nurse-till-super-drowsy and put down technique, which had resulted in the two wakeups (post-dreamfeed) two nights earlier. Another night of two wakeups! (1.30am, 4.30am). Then, he woke again at 6am, which I figured was the start of the day, since I'd put him down at 6.30pm. But NO, he had another feed and back to sleep till 7.30! OH and I were in heaven. We basically had two good 3+ hour stretches of sleep, then 1.5 and then another 1.5 which is the best since the start of the sleep regression three months ago!

I think putting down awake is too much for LO at the moment, and as two wakeups is something I can easily live with, I'm just going to keep proceeding with the really gentle reduction of the nursing association. I'm in no rush now. When it was eight times a night, that was really hard work but twice is totally manageable.

I'm so happy to hear that the improvement is continuing! And for what it's worth, I didn't really make any effort to stop nursing my LO to sleep at night but she started pulling off on her own while still awake and now she throws herself back and fusses until I put her in her crib. She's been sleeping 7-9 hour stretches most nights for over a month now. So it is possible to keep nursing right before bed and still get some sleep!
Last night was pretty must same as the night before bed 7 up at 1 for a feed up at 5:30 for the day
Update on the 'breaking-the-nursing-to-sleep-association'...

Two nights ago I tried changing up the routine to add a story in after nursing so I could put him down tired-but-awake. Well, NO GO. Two hours of fussing, angry-face, screeching every time he went in the cot, etc. Finally I gave up, nursed him and held till super-drowsy like usual, and put him in the cot. It was a bit of a fractious night, but not too bad (four wakings).

Then, last night, I just returned to the nurse-till-super-drowsy and put down technique, which had resulted in the two wakeups (post-dreamfeed) two nights earlier. Another night of two wakeups! (1.30am, 4.30am). Then, he woke again at 6am, which I figured was the start of the day, since I'd put him down at 6.30pm. But NO, he had another feed and back to sleep till 7.30! OH and I were in heaven. We basically had two good 3+ hour stretches of sleep, then 1.5 and then another 1.5 which is the best since the start of the sleep regression three months ago!

I think putting down awake is too much for LO at the moment, and as two wakeups is something I can easily live with, I'm just going to keep proceeding with the really gentle reduction of the nursing association. I'm in no rush now. When it was eight times a night, that was really hard work but twice is totally manageable.

I'm so happy to hear that the improvement is continuing! And for what it's worth, I didn't really make any effort to stop nursing my LO to sleep at night but she started pulling off on her own while still awake and now she throws herself back and fusses until I put her in her crib. She's been sleeping 7-9 hour stretches most nights for over a month now. So it is possible to keep nursing right before bed and still get some sleep!

That's what Clara does too, she throws herself backwards and arches herself back to tell me she wants to go in the cot, it's very cute!
Ive tried everything to get her to sleep past 5/5.30am and I think I have to admit defeat and accept this is it until shes a teenager and starts sleeping in until 1.30pm! Then i'll be moaning that shes wasting the day and to stop being so lazy!

I tried getting up at 4.30am and repositioning her to get her into a new sleep cycle, she did then sleep until 6.30am but this morning she was up at 5.24am again. I will look back and laugh at all my attempts to stop this early morning waking!

She also woke up frequently during the night crying out probably 3 or 4 times from 8.30pm until morning. I wonder how on earth she can be overtired though. She naps really well during the day, I just don't get it. It must be the 8/9/10 mth sleep regression.

Ive tried alsorts of configurations with naps, capping them, prolonging them to later, early bed etc etc. The one thing I haven't tried is a later bed- I daren't!

Ugh I give up :-( 5am get up start the day here we come!
Sounds like lots of progress overall!

Izzles, I'm sorry. A few of my buddies on BnB and I with poor sleepers decided we will call them after a hard night of partying when they're in university at like 4am and wake them up so they know how it feels. You can join in :)
Last night was Sofia's worst night since she was born! She was up from 1:30 to 5 am!! She didn't wanna nurse, hasn't pooped just wouldn't sleep. We tried everything and finally just let her cry from 4:30 am and she fell asleep at 5 :'(

She still woke up at7:30 and looks clearly tired. I have no idea what's going on :( oh ya and we know she wasn't sick or in pain coz everytime one of us went in she would smile and try to play. I feel so shattered today, I've been up since 1:30 am and had only slept an hour or so before that...
Last night was Sofia's worst night since she was born! She was up from 1:30 to 5 am!! She didn't wanna nurse, hasn't pooped just wouldn't sleep. We tried everything and finally just let her cry from 4:30 am and she fell asleep at 5 :'(

She still woke up at7:30 and looks clearly tired. I have no idea what's going on :( oh ya and we know she wasn't sick or in pain coz everytime one of us went in she would smile and try to play. I feel so shattered today, I've been up since 1:30 am and had only slept an hour or so before that...

Oh no, that's killer! It must be a wonder week thing.
Shadowy Lady :hugs: That sounds like an awful night, you must be exhausted. I think MOTN parties where they just want to play are actually the worst. So frustrating, just like "why won't you just sleep goddammit!!"

Izzles - DS was a 5.30 a.m. baby from about your LO's age until he dropped to one nap at about 15 months. Nothing helped, the only thing that worked was that I would leave him in the cot and not go in to him until 6, even if he was crying. That didn't help him to sleep any later really but it did mean that he learned to entertain himself when he woke up in the morning. So at least I could get an extra half hour or so in bed while he chatted away to himself happily. The good news is that once he dropped to one nap, he began sleeping much later in the morning, until about 7 usually and sometimes later! So there is some hope.

We have had another couple of good nights, 6.30 to 7 on Thursday night and 6.30 to 7.30 last night, with only one wake-up for a night feed at about 3ish. Can't believe the difference in Clara's sleeping in just a week!
Wow, I don't post for a day and there's 6 new pages!

Polaris - Great progress! I definitely found an earlier bedtime worked with Seren, and the self settling is fabulous!

Boo - I hope the early mornings don't continue for you too! 7:20am is amazing! I'm afraid 6:30am is the best we can hope for here! I don't get Seren until 6:30am at the earliest.

Seren is bit too determined to get about, I'd rather she stayed still for a bit longer, but it is not going to happen! Feel free to name steal! :winkwink:

Definitely sounds like teething for poo jack. Just keep applying the cream at each nappy change, that should be enough to keep the worst of the rash away. We've joined the MOTN pooping episodes too!

VikkiD - Great news that the no dummy is going ok.

Noelle - Thanks, I've found she is naturally staying awake a little longer before her morning naps, I think we are heading for 3 hours awake time eventually. Poor Charlotte! I hope the pain settles down, at least to the point when advil will help! Have you also tried alternating panadol with advil? I found that alternating them gives better pain relief (it was a tip given to me by a pharmacist for myself, but I found it works just as well on Seren).

Shadowy - I bet Sofia will just take off crawling any day now! Then we'll both need eyes in the back of our heads! That is definitely still a good night (I hope your toe is ok!).

Sorry about the MOTN party! Is she really trying to crawl? It'll be developmental again, and does sound like you are approaching WW37 (damn that means we are not far behind!)

Arrgh just go to last night, that's awful! I hope it was just a one off, but it has to be WW stuff!

Bananaz - Seren sounds just like Elsie, even 5 minutes too early results in a 30 minute nap. Sounds like Elsie is really getting to grips with good sleep, which is just fabulous news, I hope you got some decent rest too!

I agree with moving her awake time before the first nap up a little bit, so she's splitting the awake time between morning and afternoon, if she won't take a catnap.

Pachamama - I'm afraid I'm going to say it's time to ditch the dummy. If he's waking 4-5 times a night just to have it put back in, it sounds like he's become a little dependant on it. It'll be a tough few days to get him to sleep another way, but then I think it'll benefit you both.

Mellyboo - Jordyn is doing so well! I'm glad she's finally getting some restful periods of sleep!

I think if you are ready to do some form of night weaning (or at least starting to lengthen feeds) then perhaps you should set a time limit (so no feeds unless she has gone 4 hours without a feed) and do whatever else you can to get her back to sleep (or not, as the case may be) until you hit the four hour mark? Then she should gradually stop waking for it so early. Also she should eventually move her feeds to the day time. It's slow progress but worth it in the end.

Pinkgirl - I think as long as he is in his cot and happy, leave him to it. Seren will often go back to sleep for 30-40 minutes or so if she's left to crash around the cot for a while. It keeps me awake, but at least I'm not up yet!

Gaiagirl - Sleep regression went on for a while here too! Sorry :flower:

Notnic - Definitely sounds like teething. Poor LO, I hope he feels better soon.

Larkspur - Sounds like you were having great progress. It'll be tough getting him to go down for naps completely awake, but you'll get there. Seren used to before WW19, and since then, I've not made much effort to get back there. She generally STTN (depending on teething/WW/milestones etc) so I quite like the sleepy cuddles. As long as he self settles at night, I don't think you need to worry too much.

Izzles - Persevere with the resettling at 4am, it'll take quite a few days to break the 5am habit, and babies usually regress a little before accepting the new wake up. :thumbup:

We've had some short wakings here - and last nigh I figured out why - she is sitting up and crawling in her cot - totally asleep! Then she hits her head on the bars on the way back to lying down, and wakes herself up a bit before settling.

Although we are also having poops in the night! Last two mornings her nappy has been dirty when I got her up. So no idea when she did it, but I tihnk it's because she's semi awake during the night because of the crawling!

We got definite crawls forward today... towards my iPad! Who knew that would be such a big incentive! Time to finish baby proofing!
hadley's sleep is still horrendous. don't know what will work but i'm losing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohhh shadowy that's a real killer :( here's hoping its just developmental with the sitting and moving, and passes really soon xxx

Good to hear from you sunnie! But sorry you've joined the poop gang :haha: Jack is going for his gold membership in this gang. This morning we had a 6am. I went to give dummy but he already had one in so I left him. Would usually leave until 7 but at 6.45 he started crying and when I went in he'd had a poop explosion. I really need to change him quickly atm as he's so sore, so I did that then had snuggles until 7.30 when I felt I could face the day! Hubby is on night shifts so I'm flying solo!

On the plus side his bum is much better today and he's only pooped twice! Which is an actual record :woohoo:

We're staying with my parents tonight so I'm hoping he doesn't pull another 6am poop but we'll see!

Oh and the clocks go forward tonight and I still haven't quite worked out how to play tomorrow yet! Noelle, if I just get up with him when he wakes at 6.30 (as by the new clock that will be 7.30) and then just do everything at the normal time by the new clock, do you think he'll go to bed at 7.30 as usual even though technically that's an hour early by the old clock? I'm only asking as I know that's what you did with Charlotte :)
Edit - by 'snuggling' until 7.30 I technically mean me trying to doze whilst Jack pulled my hair and stuck his fingers in my mouth/nose (just in case I made it sound a more peaceful picture than it actually was) lol
Do you think this clock change will mean my lo will sleep till 6:30 everyday instead of 5:30 that would be great :) lol
I've been trying to nap today but even those are messed up with Sofia now. She napped for 1.5h at around 9:30 am but then only 30 mins after that at 1:30 pm.

For those of you guys who've experienced these MOTN WW/milestone stuff, what should I do tonight if she does it again? DH thinks us going to her so many times might have made it worse (we went in every 20 mins). I know I won't be attempting bottle/boob again as she wasn't interested in either. But should I just wait till she goes back to sleep even if she screams?
Sunnie, thanks for the suggestion! My mom mentioned the same about switching up the meds, so I'm going to do that.

Boo, I think that plan will work just fine. Charlotte seemed to adjust really fast.

Shadowy Lady, was she upset when she woke or just wanting to play? If she's not upset, I absolutely wouldn't go in there. I agree with your DH that your presence was probably stimulating. That said, if she's hysterical that's another story (and I'd question if she had an ear infection).
Noelle - she wasn't upset at first but after an hour or so she got upset. It was clear she wanted to sleep but was moving around too much. Would she be calm and smiley when she saw me if she had an ear infection? Coz she was fine even smiling everytime I went to her and after 10 mins or so of my leaving she would start screaming :/

Of course her doctor's office is closed coz this is Easter weekend.
Noelle - she wasn't upset at first but after an hour or so she got upset. It was clear she wanted to sleep but was moving around too much. Would she be calm and smiley when she saw me if she had an ear infection? Coz she was fine even smiling everytime I went to her and after 10 mins or so of my leaving she would start screaming :/

Of course her doctor's office is closed coz this is Easter weekend.

This really sounds like a wonder week thing. I think she probably wanted to sleep, but couldn't because her little brain was on fire. I'm thinking WW37. I doubt it's an ear infection if she's so happy to see you.

I'm honestly not really sure what to advise you in your situation. You could certainly let her CIO - I don't think it would hurt, but at the same time I'm not sure how much it would help if this is developmental. I almost wonder if you might do some "sleep reminders" by recreating some of her bedtime routine. You could even try giving her a bath (if you do that), rocking a bit, nursing and reading a story. Not that you want to do any of this in the middle of the night, but I promise it will pass! We've never had two of those nights in a row.

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