Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

I would offer less ozs and see what happens. Or to wean off completely another way you could try this. I didn't have to do it in the end but this is what I was going to do:

Night 1-3= 4oz milk, 2oz water
Night 3-6= 3oz milk, 3 oz water
Night 6-9= 2 oz milk, 4oz water
Night 9-12= 1 oz milk, 5oz water
Daniel went bed at 7:15 last night usual wake up of 1am had a 7oz bottle put him back down but he wouldn't go sleep think his teeth are playing up again so gave him a small dose of calpol and he settled after that around 2:30 and awake again at 6am. Thing is this morning he only took 3oz of his morning bottle which makes me think he doesn't need the 1am feed so would you start cutting the oz down?

Hi Vikki

I night weaned Quinn off his bottle as he wasn't dropping it on his own and solids are very well established. I just reduced the oz and then by the time it got down to 2oz he stopped waking for it. You can either water it down so it doesn't have the calories or just cut the oz. I also tried offering water first and if he didn't go too crazy I'd leave him for 10 minutes or so to see if he went over.
Any UK ladies struggling a bit with the clock change?

I felt like I had just got Clara into a nice routine with naps/bedtimes/etc. and then the clocks changed and confused both of us. She seems to have shifted her whole schedule by half an hour rather than an hour so now she's wanting to nap at different times than before. Yesterday I think I put her down too early for her second nap and she took ages going to sleep and then only slept for 20 minutes (I'm thinking undertired) but then she was seriously overtired by bedtime because she'd only had a twenty minute nap and although she went to sleep immediately she woke up screaming two hours later which seems to be what she does when she's over-tired. I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself because it was my birthday and myself and OH had just settled down with a nice glass of wine and a cuddle and then Clara woke up and it ruined the mood!

I wish I could just get her sleep sorted out, she's sleeping a million times better than before we did CC but I had really hoped that she would at least be reliably sleeping for a solid block in the early evening by now!
Polaris, I'd just wake her when she used to get up and proceed as normal.
Polaris - sorry to hear Clara's sleep messed up with your birthday celebration. I wish these babies could just read our minds!!

ughhh we're still having wake up calls for no apparent reasons. Sat and Sun nights were not bad and she only took 20 mins or so to settle back and she didn't wake till 5 am for that.

But last night she woke up at 3:30 am and would not go back to sleep till 5 am!!! I did go in once and moved her back to the middle of the bed as she keeps moving around the crib. she seems like she wants to sleep as she has this sleepy whine but just won't settle. She's fine during the day and her naps are still good.

I was hoping this developmental stuff would pass soon but last night was night 5 of more or less the same thing :( I'm so exhausted and the cold weather doesn't but making my mood worse...
Polaris - sorry to hear Clara's sleep messed up with your birthday celebration. I wish these babies could just read our minds!!

ughhh we're still having wake up calls for no apparent reasons. Sat and Sun nights were not bad and she only took 20 mins or so to settle back and she didn't wake till 5 am for that.

But last night she woke up at 3:30 am and would not go back to sleep till 5 am!!! I did go in once and moved her back to the middle of the bed as she keeps moving around the crib. she seems like she wants to sleep as she has this sleepy whine but just won't settle. She's fine during the day and her naps are still good.

I was hoping this developmental stuff would pass soon but last night was night 5 of more or less the same thing :( I'm so exhausted and the cold weather doesn't but making my mood worse...

Aww :hugs: mama! That sucks! I really hope it passes quickly for you.

PS - checked out your blog on the "mummy bloggers" thread. You are STUNNING! Can you do my makeup, please?
Noelle - awww you're too sweet:hugs: if you're ever up here let me know and I shall beat your face (makeup slang for doing your makeup:haha:)

I'm wondering if a sleep doula would be of help for us. But I don't know in what way. It's not like she has any bad sleep habits or even wants to eat at night:nope: I'm so confused....
Noelle - awww you're too sweet:hugs: if you're ever up here let me know and I shall beat your face (makeup slang for doing your makeup:haha:)

I'm wondering if a sleep doula would be of help for us. But I don't know in what way. It's not like she has any bad sleep habits or even wants to eat at night:nope: I'm so confused....

Thanks hun!

I contacted a sleep consultant when Charlotte was sleeping poorly. Most of them will give you a free consultation over phone/email before you purchase their services. It can't hurt to reach out. I didn't end up hiring her, but she gave me some great tips.
Saw this article today and thought of you girls!

"4 Tips When Your Baby Won't Sleep Like Other Babies"

Hi Ladies,

Socity - Sorry Hadley still isn't sleeping well - where did you get to on the CIO/CC in the end? Sorry my brain is a bit fuzzy at the moment and I can't remember what you decided.

Boo44 - Hope Jack's night poops have stopped for good now. Ours only went on for a couple of days and have settled down. Hope the clocks didn't throw Jack off too much.

I leave Seren when she stirs, for as long as humanly possible. Unless she cries, I refuse to accept it's morning until 6:30am, or later.

Shadowy - I think if she screams then going in probably is the right thing to do. She may be hitting the aftermath of the separation anxiety? You'll soon know if it's helping or making it worse. If you feel it's making it worse, maybe then let her settle herself.

Does she scream for long, or just cry out and try to settle. Seren often cries out in her sleep and then settles, and I don't go in for those. If it is just the odd scream, then leave her to it. :flower:

Just read Noelle's response, sounds like a good plan. I often do our nap routine over when she wakes early, to try to get her back to sleep, occasionally it works :haha:

Seren is going through the same crashing round her cot and getting stuck, I was hoping it would have stopped by now!

Noelle - How did the alternating of pain meds go? I hope Charlotte quiets down soon :haha:

Notnic - Glad the milk strike is over. Must be a relief :thumbup: I hope the nap transition goes smoothly next week, I think you'll have it sorted when you get her awake times a bit more even.

Vikkid - Sounds like a lot of progress. I agree it sounds like he doesn't really need that feed. I'd go with adding extra ounces of water to the milk, so he takes the same liquid but less calories, so he should shift his eating to day times.

Izzles - Sorry you had a fight with the phone! I hate it when that happens, it's usually my washing machine which sings when it is finished - usually at 4am. I'm glad you seem to be getting a slightly later wake up.

Kitabird - :hugs: I think Noelle has covered all the advice I had! :haha:

Polaris - Sorry you are struggling. I don't have any useful advice here either so :hugs:

As for me....

Nap transitions are hard work! We're on two naps a day now, but it's tough trying to schedule them properly.

We are now doing 3 hours in the morning, which was getting an hour and a bit, but this morning only yielded 40 minutes.

This afternoon she did 3 hours and 40 minutes before her second nap, which gave 1 hour 10 minutes. She didn't seem to be tired earlier.

So she had a long time before bed, at least 3.5 hours if not more. I'm putting her to bed earlier, but then have to dream feed an hour later because she was too tired to finish her bottle.

We're getting several short wake ups, usually either needs to be repositioned or she resettles. I think they could be a little overtired.

I'm not sure where to go with the naps. She definitely needs shorter time before bed, but I'm not sure whether to extend the morning awake time or the afternoon awake time.

Can't complain really, but it just baffles me! Plus Seren looks like she hasn't slept for a month! :haha:
Sunnie, those short wakings between sleep cycles are definitely an indication of being overtired. Happens here too when she's up for too long between the last nap and bedtime - it was over 5 hours yesterday!

Charlotte is doing so much better, thanks for asking! Her two fangs popped through!
Sunnie, those short wakings between sleep cycles are definitely an indication of being overtired. Happens here too when she's up for too long between the last nap and bedtime - it was over 5 hours yesterday!

Charlotte is doing so much better, thanks for asking! Her two fangs popped through!

Gah, I thought so. Do you think I should extend the morning awake time or the middle awake time?

We're getting early wake ups too, which is frustrating!

Glad Charlotte is feeling better, I'm dreading teething, we haven't had any teeth yet!
I know I've posted this a million times, but this chart is seriously invaluable!


It has suggestions on wake times in between naps/bedtime for two naps based on age. The idea is to gradually increase the wake times to prevent baby from becoming overtired. I'd do the wake times suggested for 7/8 month olds just transitioning to 2 naps for a week and then move on to the 8 month old ones. You may have an early bedtime while he's getting used to the new wake times and lengthening his naps (which will happen eventually!).
Sunnie - naps are so random for us too! Sometimes she goes 3 hours between naps sometimes she barely makes it to 2, lol! But she does still nap in average 3-4 hours per day....and eeeek so Seren is doing the crawl around the crib too?? maaaan when will the two of them stop doing this at night?

Noelle - funny I was reading the exact same article that you had posted through my FB when I saw it posted here too, lol! We probably "like" some of the same pages on FB :D
Too funny! Though it doesn't suprise me, of course we both love that site!
Lo as napped alot better today and as just gone sleep. I will offer 5oz tonight an gradually lower it as the time goes on.
Hi Ladies,

Socity - Sorry Hadley still isn't sleeping well - where did you get to on the CIO/CC in the end? Sorry my brain is a bit fuzzy at the moment and I can't remember what you decided.

Boo44 - Hope Jack's night poops have stopped for good now. Ours only went on for a couple of days and have settled down. Hope the clocks didn't throw Jack off too much.

I leave Seren when she stirs, for as long as humanly possible. Unless she cries, I refuse to accept it's morning until 6:30am, or later.

Shadowy - I think if she screams then going in probably is the right thing to do. She may be hitting the aftermath of the separation anxiety? You'll soon know if it's helping or making it worse. If you feel it's making it worse, maybe then let her settle herself.

Does she scream for long, or just cry out and try to settle. Seren often cries out in her sleep and then settles, and I don't go in for those. If it is just the odd scream, then leave her to it. :flower:

Just read Noelle's response, sounds like a good plan. I often do our nap routine over when she wakes early, to try to get her back to sleep, occasionally it works :haha:

Seren is going through the same crashing round her cot and getting stuck, I was hoping it would have stopped by now!

Noelle - How did the alternating of pain meds go? I hope Charlotte quiets down soon :haha:

Notnic - Glad the milk strike is over. Must be a relief :thumbup: I hope the nap transition goes smoothly next week, I think you'll have it sorted when you get her awake times a bit more even.

Vikkid - Sounds like a lot of progress. I agree it sounds like he doesn't really need that feed. I'd go with adding extra ounces of water to the milk, so he takes the same liquid but less calories, so he should shift his eating to day times.

Izzles - Sorry you had a fight with the phone! I hate it when that happens, it's usually my washing machine which sings when it is finished - usually at 4am. I'm glad you seem to be getting a slightly later wake up.

Kitabird - :hugs: I think Noelle has covered all the advice I had! :haha:

Polaris - Sorry you are struggling. I don't have any useful advice here either so :hugs:

As for me....

Nap transitions are hard work! We're on two naps a day now, but it's tough trying to schedule them properly.

We are now doing 3 hours in the morning, which was getting an hour and a bit, but this morning only yielded 40 minutes.

This afternoon she did 3 hours and 40 minutes before her second nap, which gave 1 hour 10 minutes. She didn't seem to be tired earlier.

So she had a long time before bed, at least 3.5 hours if not more. I'm putting her to bed earlier, but then have to dream feed an hour later because she was too tired to finish her bottle.

We're getting several short wake ups, usually either needs to be repositioned or she resettles. I think they could be a little overtired.

I'm not sure where to go with the naps. She definitely needs shorter time before bed, but I'm not sure whether to extend the morning awake time or the afternoon awake time.

Can't complain really, but it just baffles me! Plus Seren looks like she hasn't slept for a month! :haha:

Oh I remember the dropping nap transition being quite hard. We have got onto a fairly good schedule with it now but it took a while. I am working on the 2-3-4 basis and it seems to be going ok. The older she has got the longer she naps, rather than the cat naps she used to do. She can just about stretch out to 4/4.5 hrs before bed now. I had to push her afternoon nap back to 1.30pm to do this for a 7pm bedtime, so she wakes around 2.30 from her pm nap. If I put her down at 1pm she will wake at 2pm and its too long until bed so we get a melt down at bedtime.

Have you tried the 2-3-4 schedule? Or some people say 3-3-3, works the same.
Noelle which ones are the fangs? Have they come through before any others on the top?! I think jack's too front two are millimetres away from breaking the gum, he is really bothered by them! They've been taking a while...

Sunnie thanks for asking, I think pooping when he wakes is just his 'thing' that I'll have to accept! Luckily now (touch wood) we've found some nappies that don't leak and he just seems to not be bothered by it!!! Lovely

Hope you have some luck with naps soon. We had successfully transitioned to 2 long naps fr ages. This wkend he's been all over and has had 3 little naps some days! And some days his wake time before bed has been up to 5 hrs! But typically, since his routine has been a little altered by the holiday wkend we've had 2 later mornings. So I'm trying to relax a bit haha
Noelle which ones are the fangs? Have they come through before any others on the top?! I think jack's too front two are millimetres away from breaking the gum, he is really bothered by them! They've been taking a while...

Looks like this:


(fifth picture down... and I had to see way too many "Twilight" pictures in my google search to find this :haha:)

And yes, they came through before the top ones! Apparently it's rare but it happens.

The teething does seem to take forever.

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