Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

i chickened on the CIO....I started out doing CC one night which seemed to make her more mad. then finally had an anxiety attack, caved in, picked her up and she fell asleep immediately....next night tried CIO....I was sweating and shaking from listening to her cry (and it was only like 10 minutes)

I just don't know what to do :(
Hi everyone. After a hectic few days, we had a bit of a nap breakthrough. Today he fell asleep briefly in the car at 10.30 for literally 5 mins but wouldn't sleep after that in the morning. At 12.15 he then slept for 3 hrs. Yay! It could be a fluke though as he fought us at bedtime last night sleeping 9.30pm - 7am, so maybe the later wake up made the later nap possible. :shrug:
i chickened on the CIO....I started out doing CC one night which seemed to make her more mad. then finally had an anxiety attack, caved in, picked her up and she fell asleep immediately....next night tried CIO....I was sweating and shaking from listening to her cry (and it was only like 10 minutes)

I just don't know what to do :(

Aww honey :hugs:

I would take care of yourself right now. Once you're feeling better, you can try again.

OR, you could go away and have your DH handle it. I know a few moms who have done this.
Hi everyone. After a hectic few days, we had a bit of a nap breakthrough. Today he fell asleep briefly in the car at 10.30 for literally 5 mins but wouldn't sleep after that in the morning. At 12.15 he then slept for 3 hrs. Yay! It could be a fluke though as he fought us at bedtime last night sleeping 9.30pm - 7am, so maybe the later wake up made the later nap possible. :shrug:

I think you may have found your answer!

Maybe you could do a short nap in the AM (wake him at the 45 minute mark or even 30 minutes) and then a longer afternoon nap. A 3 hour nap might be too long, but 2 hours might be just right.
Hi everyone. After a hectic few days, we had a bit of a nap breakthrough. Today he fell asleep briefly in the car at 10.30 for literally 5 mins but wouldn't sleep after that in the morning. At 12.15 he then slept for 3 hrs. Yay! It could be a fluke though as he fought us at bedtime last night sleeping 9.30pm - 7am, so maybe the later wake up made the later nap possible. :shrug:

I think you may have found your answer!

Maybe you could do a short nap in the AM (wake him at the 45 minute mark or even 30 minutes) and then a longer afternoon nap. A 3 hour nap might be too long, but 2 hours might be just right.

This is what I did with Thomas for months when he still needed two naps but it was difficult to fit them into the day. It was hard waking him after 45 minutes because he always wanted to sleep on for longer in the morning, but it worked in allowing him to take a decent length afternoon nap at a reasonable time and the day went so much more smoothly.
I think it's definitely worth a try. Longer than an hour in the morning seems to convince him he's had enough but a power nap might do it. I've been frightened of waking him up from naps in case he doesn't sleep later on but I think it's worth the risk now. Strangely we are now back at the nap routine he had at the height of his colic. Awake 5-6am, fighting naps all morning and then asleep from 12.30 for 3 hrs!
Hi all. It is time for me to join this thread. LO was never a great sleeper, but we were at 2 wakings per night and putting him down awake (after nursing) without drama, and I was happy with that. Now we are having some crazy nap transition (seems like he is trying to go straight from 4 to 2?!), plus we just tried moving from bassinet to crib and he absolutely hates it, plus vaccinations yesterday. Plus probably starting to learn object permanence! Result: a baby who will not sleep in his bed (even his old bassinet). Hopefully the effects of the vaccinations, at least, are temporary, but I just don't know what to do. I've been crying at every nap and bed time for the past two days. I just feel lost. All I can hear in my head is Dr. Sears and Dr. Weissbluth arguing over all the reasons why I have failed as a parent. I feel horribly guilty toward LO...I didn't want to use crying techniques and I feel like we may have to and like I have really let him down. :(
Hi all. It is time for me to join this thread. LO was never a great sleeper, but we were at 2 wakings per night and putting him down awake (after nursing) without drama, and I was happy with that. Now we are having some crazy nap transition (seems like he is trying to go straight from 4 to 2?!), plus we just tried moving from bassinet to crib and he absolutely hates it, plus vaccinations yesterday. Plus probably starting to learn object permanence! Result: a baby who will not sleep in his bed (even his old bassinet). Hopefully the effects of the vaccinations, at least, are temporary, but I just don't know what to do. I've been crying at every nap and bed time for the past two days. I just feel lost. All I can hear in my head is Dr. Sears and Dr. Weissbluth arguing over all the reasons why I have failed as a parent. I feel horribly guilty toward LO...I didn't want to use crying techniques and I feel like we may have to and like I have really let him down. :(

Oh gosh, :hugs: 6 months was the height of horrible sleeping for me. I felt like I was going insane! Definitely do what you need to to survive right now. You can re-evaluate the situation in a week, just to ensure he's not suffering side effects from the vaccines.

You HAVE not failed as a mom. You're tired. You're stressed. It's hard to funtion on such little sleep. Dr. Sears and Weissbluth are pretty extreme sides of the sleep coin. I don't want to give you more reading, but I would look into Jodi Mindell's "Sleeping Through the Night". It's a good middle-of-the-road approach.

Also, no cry methods do work. If you choose to go that route it just takes consistency and we'll support you!
Thanks, Noelle. I too feel it would be best to wait a few days. It is good to hear that from someone else. It is hard for me to know how much to push and challenge him at this point. I feel like I've read too much about sleep and completely lost my internal sense of what my own child can handle. I guess because I feel like maybe my indulgence is what has brought us to this point.
Thanks, Noelle. I too feel it would be best to wait a few days. It is good to hear that from someone else. It is hard for me to know how much to push and challenge him at this point. I feel like I've read too much about sleep and completely lost my internal sense of what my own child can handle. I guess because I feel like maybe my indulgence is what has brought us to this point.

Put down the sleep books and just enjoy your baby for a week. I got really obsessive about it for awhile and I was just going in circles. How do you think I came to obtain all of this sleep trivia? :haha:

Truthfully, though, please do not be too hard on yourself. Comforting and loving a young baby is not indulgence. Some babies are naturally "good" sleepers and others are a bit more prone to sleep associations and night wakings. There wouldn't be so many sleep books on the market if it wasn't a problem for so, so many parents!

What's a typical day like for your LO? Wake up time, naps and bedtime? I know Weissbluth is notorious as the kind of CIO/extinction, but I think the real takeaway from his book is getting baby on an age appropriate schedule so that they don't fight sleep. Easier said than done, I know!
Thanks. We'll see what tonight brings. So far he is in bed asleep after just 2 tries, which is about a quarter as many as I was expecting, so that's really really good. But he has recently been waking up within about 10 minutes of going down, so we'll see if it sticks.

His typical day...he wakes up around 6. His nap schedule has been shifting a lot in the past week, so it's a bit hard for me to describe that at the moment. His first nap definitely starts around 9-9:30, or at least three hours after he woke up (he'll nap half an hour sooner in the car, but there's no other way he'll take that one earlier). Until about a week ago he would have three more naps, around 12, 2:30, and 5, and each would be about 30-35 minutes. Recently, he's started napping anywhere from 40 to 90 minutes, and he's down to three (the second one starts anywhere from 12 to 1:30, and the third anywhere from 3 to 5) and this weekend even seemed to want two -- we really struggled with the last one. In any case he usually seems to want about 2-2.5 hours of nap per day. If he's already had that much heading toward the last nap he will often skip the nap. Then bedtime routine around 7, asleep at 7:15-7:30. Feeds around 1 and 4. Repeat. So he's definitely on the lower end of sleep for his age, but he's always been that way. He is generally very cheerful and can play independently for a while and all that stuff so I don't think he's chronically sleep deprived.

Thanks for the advice to just enjoy him for a week :hugs: this is definitely not the first time I have hit the point where I have to decide to just take a few days off and forget about the sleep stuff for a while...I just hate obsessing about it. He's such a fun baby. And I really am all right with the routine we've had going (mostly...I do worry about the nursing-almost-to-sleep, and would I prefer to sleep through the night? of course). But then something throws it off and it's just so discouraging to feel like we're starting from scratch again.

Whew...he is still sleeping! :thumbup: I'm excited!! No tears from mama yet tonight (touch wood)!
Awwww Seaweed I'm sorry you've had to join (but always happy to see you on BnB and not just FB)!

I also got to the point of being overwhelmed with sleep advice books and info and really had to take a step back and reevaluate my whole perspective...

Bottom line: you are doing AMAZING and your concern only proves that. Definitely give it some time and reevaluate. Message me on FB if you want too, we can discuss more!

Hugs xoxoxo
We have had a good week! I thought for sure with travel and overstimulation over Easter he would be crazy, but he was his chill little self and even slept 5/6 hour stretches! Woohoooo! Last night was back to his antics but ahhhh, I'm over being too stressed about it;)

Today we had a very busy day with naps on the road and so he's been fighting bedtime a bit but that's my own fault.

Also - we ditched the swaddle! Just sleep sacks for 24 hours now and so far not disastrous!
Good night for us last night :) lo slept 7:45 till 6:45 I did hear a moan at 2am but I could tell it wasn't a hungry or painful one so I left him an within two mins he was asleep also a little shout at 6 but that was it. He did have two good naps yesterday the last one ended at 4pm so I think this really helped us.
Thanks. We'll see what tonight brings. So far he is in bed asleep after just 2 tries, which is about a quarter as many as I was expecting, so that's really really good. But he has recently been waking up within about 10 minutes of going down, so we'll see if it sticks.

His typical day...he wakes up around 6. His nap schedule has been shifting a lot in the past week, so it's a bit hard for me to describe that at the moment. His first nap definitely starts around 9-9:30, or at least three hours after he woke up (he'll nap half an hour sooner in the car, but there's no other way he'll take that one earlier). Until about a week ago he would have three more naps, around 12, 2:30, and 5, and each would be about 30-35 minutes. Recently, he's started napping anywhere from 40 to 90 minutes, and he's down to three (the second one starts anywhere from 12 to 1:30, and the third anywhere from 3 to 5) and this weekend even seemed to want two -- we really struggled with the last one. In any case he usually seems to want about 2-2.5 hours of nap per day. If he's already had that much heading toward the last nap he will often skip the nap. Then bedtime routine around 7, asleep at 7:15-7:30. Feeds around 1 and 4. Repeat. So he's definitely on the lower end of sleep for his age, but he's always been that way. He is generally very cheerful and can play independently for a while and all that stuff so I don't think he's chronically sleep deprived.

Thanks for the advice to just enjoy him for a week :hugs: this is definitely not the first time I have hit the point where I have to decide to just take a few days off and forget about the sleep stuff for a while...I just hate obsessing about it. He's such a fun baby. And I really am all right with the routine we've had going (mostly...I do worry about the nursing-almost-to-sleep, and would I prefer to sleep through the night? of course). But then something throws it off and it's just so discouraging to feel like we're starting from scratch again.

Whew...he is still sleeping! :thumbup: I'm excited!! No tears from mama yet tonight (touch wood)!

His daytime schedule sounds really good actualy :) Feeds around 1 and 4 are totally appropriate for the age. Honestly, what some of the sleep books won't admit is that some kids just aren't good sleepers and they have to grow out of that. I did a lot of the "right" things with my LO and she did start sleeping well in her own time, but sometimes the books just didn't help. I'm a big fan of "the books" so I'm not knocking them, but not all babies are textbook.

You may want to see if you can drop that third nap if he's fighting it. My daughter transitioned to 2 naps a bit earlier than the norm, at 6 months. If you want to do that, you can extend his wake time in the morning to 3 hours and then 3.5 hours between nap 1 and 2 and then 3 or 3.5 hours between the second nap and bedtime. You may find he needs an earlier bedtime for a few weeks while he adjusts to the longer wake times and naps lengthen.
So (and Noelle you'll laugh at this)

Last night, I only had TWO night wakings wtih Philippe (as I said recently, we're swaddle weaning cold turkey).

It was wonderful. Out cold at 6:45pm-10pm (a lovely evening to ourselves as toddler is in bed at 7pm too). 10pm, a feed. Ok. 3am feed, ok.

Annnnnnd then midnight, someone (aka Alexandre) decides to have a nightmare and whine/cry on & off for 2 hours.

AUGHHHHHH. I feel like death!!!! Finally, a fantastic unswaddled night spoiled by a 3 year old!!!!

How very typical.

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