Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Do you guys think nursing LO to sleep could actually be messing with his nap times? I usually wait 20 seconds after he stops sucking before I move him, but sometimes he seems to be sucking in his sleep for a minute or two before that. Could just that minute or so of sleep possibly be throwing him off? He fights so much once I put him in the crib. I've put him down seven times so far this morning and no nap yet.
Noelle - ya I know I get into that light sleep cycle too! Just like a baby I need to learn now to sttn again hahaha! It's tough on me coz all my life i've slept amazing; 8+ hours every night and 10+ hours when I was pregnant :/

Melly - def get you OH to help you with this. I found that was the only way it worked for us. Start on the weekend and have a plan you both agree on. Also we did CC not flat our CIO. I think for your LO's age CC would be more appropriate.

Seaweed - I still nurse Sofia to nap but not to sleep at night. However, she also does go down for naps without nursing if she's tired. She's in a good pattern now so I don't need to fight her napwise. But when she was younger (4-5 months) I would give it 30 mins, if she was still upset I'd get her, play with her and then try again after 30 mins. When did he start napping in her crib?
Do you guys think nursing LO to sleep could actually be messing with his nap times? I usually wait 20 seconds after he stops sucking before I move him, but sometimes he seems to be sucking in his sleep for a minute or two before that. Could just that minute or so of sleep possibly be throwing him off? He fights so much once I put him in the crib. I've put him down seven times so far this morning and no nap yet.

I would try taking him off the breast sooner. With my LO I had the best luck getting her down when she was mostly asleep and her sucking had slowed down but not stopped entirely. Then I could take her off, put her in the crib, give her a few pats on the back and she would resettle very quickly.
Noelle - ya I know I get into that light sleep cycle too! Just like a baby I need to learn now to sttn again hahaha! It's tough on me coz all my life i've slept amazing; 8+ hours every night and 10+ hours when I was pregnant :/

Melly - def get you OH to help you with this. I found that was the only way it worked for us. Start on the weekend and have a plan you both agree on. Also we did CC not flat our CIO. I think for your LO's age CC would be more appropriate.

Seaweed - I still nurse Sofia to nap but not to sleep at night. However, she also does go down for naps without nursing if she's tired. She's in a good pattern now so I don't need to fight her napwise. But when she was younger (4-5 months) I would give it 30 mins, if she was still upset I'd get her, play with her and then try again after 30 mins. When did he start napping in her crib?

Thanks OH works nights and has weekends off so its a good time to start! I would do CC for night time i just couldnt leave her there to cry in the middle of the night in her room alone!
Alright now that we had self soothing for naps down pact and working out amazing for the pass couple weeks now.

I'm ready to start something at night waking up every 2 hours and some time's 30 minutes is seriously mind baffling right now and im so tired!!

What do I do how do i start?

My dr told me to basically get ear plugs and shut the door, I dont want to be that harsh..

I do believe in CIO just not sure how to go about it at night im sorta lost.

Start with a plan that you and your OH both agree with and stick with it. That's the best course of action no matter which method you choose :)

In terms of which method to use, you've done CC right? Do the checks stimulate or comfort your LO?

She usually loses her suckie so she needs to be re-plugged which i dont mind going in... She some times gets worse when we go in and some time's not she's soo determined to get her way some times!

She know's her crib is for sleeping she whines heading up the stairs to her room and as soon as we get in her door way it goes worse this is when she is on a no nap strike!
I feel bad on here as unable to give any advice to others but empathise with pants sleep! But I really feel like I know nothing about babies and sleep so who am I to advise?!! But hugs to all the sleep deprived mummies out there! The older S gets the more I realise I know nothing!!

Tonight was a typical overtired, not napped well scenario where it has taken 2 hours to get her to sleep! It has never taken that long, the booby just stimulated her, swinging in my arms, well that was just lovely but I want to wriggle, I lay her down and lay next to her, hands on tummy, stroked her hair, that just seem to wake her up more, sat up next to her with hand on tummy, stayed while she cried, still nothing!! Stopped everything, as in the white noise, put a dim light on, check her temp, nappy, gave calpol as know she is teething, but she's OK when teething tbh, so don't think it was that! In the end I was at a loss and felt overwhelmed, I can't get my OH in as she screams blue murder when he outs her to bed. I have no idea why, I just think she wanted me, but everything I was dong was keeping her more awake and she was getting more frustrated, as was I! In the end I walked out of the room and left her crying, i could not take anymore! But I felt so bad, I left her for 5 minutes only, now I know nothing about CIO or CC as never thought to use them for us and she is only 5 months old, I feel so bad, I went back in after 5 min and she calmed down. But then we were at the same old position, I had to get OH to take over. She did cry but then fell asleep!!! Thank god! Today she napped badly, only 2 naps for 30 min each and then was with her nana who dotes on her, so I think she was a very over tired baby!

Is there anything else that I could have done? I am hoping that this is a one off. Normally I need to lay her down and either let her hold my fingers for a while or lay my hand in her tummy and she relaxes and nods off. I use to breast feed her to sleep but that doesn't work any more,which I'm kind of glad about. Ahhhhhhh I'm exhausted after that!
Alright now that we had self soothing for naps down pact and working out amazing for the pass couple weeks now.

I'm ready to start something at night waking up every 2 hours and some time's 30 minutes is seriously mind baffling right now and im so tired!!

What do I do how do i start?

My dr told me to basically get ear plugs and shut the door, I dont want to be that harsh..

I do believe in CIO just not sure how to go about it at night im sorta lost.

Start with a plan that you and your OH both agree with and stick with it. That's the best course of action no matter which method you choose :)

In terms of which method to use, you've done CC right? Do the checks stimulate or comfort your LO?

She usually loses her suckie so she needs to be re-plugged which i dont mind going in... She some times gets worse when we go in and some time's not she's soo determined to get her way some times!

She know's her crib is for sleeping she whines heading up the stairs to her room and as soon as we get in her door way it goes worse this is when she is on a no nap strike!

Can she re-insert it herself? If not, I'd just get rid of the pacifier.

I would work on creating positive sleep associations. Do you have a bedtime routine that's relaxing and that she enjoys?

What's her daytime routine like?

I think I would get these things in order for a week or so before starting sleep training :flower:
Charlie don't worry. Just having people in the same boat sympathising helps a great deal. Also it's great to exchange ideas about what works and doesn't work. It sounds to me that your little one, might be a baby that gets a little over stimulated and hyper when they are actually tired. It sounds like you tried a lot of things and watching you do everything, might have kept her awake. They also pick up on any of our panicky or stressed out vibes. How do you go about putting her to bed. Do you have a wind down routine? Do you put them down at a set time or when they give sleep cues? If it is a set time then maybe trying to watch for those cues might be more helpful it getting them to settle more quickly.

When Finlay is tired much earlier than usual I still do a bath routine. It wakes him up enough to sort of 'reset him' to how he should be. For some babies this is too much too close to bed, but it works for us. We then do the normal massage, nightclothes bottle thing, but I don't dwell on any of the stages. I get them done as quickly as I can and try to put him down with minimal fuss. If he's too fidgety or too cry-ey to settle, then I'll be honest I don't battle with him in the cot. We try to resettle him 2-3 time, but after that I bring him downstairs, set him on the floor and let him crawl or play with one quiet calming toy (nothing with noise or lights). Then when he's crawled about for a few minutes I put him on my lap and watch TV (again nothing too flashy - just a boring news program) and sit still and don't say anything to him. Normally within 10 mins we start getting the glassy eye, staring face and as soon as I get that he is whisked up to bed, tucked in and I rush out of the bedroom.
Sleep experts - I've been thinking about Clara's nightly 45 minute wake-up and I came up with a theory. A bit of background: she goes to bed early (often 6 p.m.) but always wakes at 45 minutes, she goes back to sleep very easily with just a hand on the back but often wakes up again about 10 to 20 minutes later. This time it's generally harder to get her to go back to sleep and I sometimes end up feeding her. She usually goes back to sleep by about 8 or 8.30 and then she seems to have a period of deeper sleep. She is generally having two naps per day, usually at about 9ish for 1.5 hours and about 1ish for 1.5 to 2 hours.

So my theory is this: could that first stretch of sleep actually be a third nap that has got joined on to her night time sleep? My understanding is that the first stretch of sleep is usually the deepest but that just isn't the case with Clara, her sleep is very unsettled for the first few hours and only then does she go into a deeper sleep. This is the case regardless of how she napped that day and whether or not she is over-tired at bedtime. And she was quite young moving to two naps at six months. What do you think? Is this possible? And if so is there anything I can do about it or is it just a matter of waiting it out? She doesn't want to get up when she wakes at 45 mins, she clearly wants to go back to sleep but just really struggles to go into a deep sleep.
Seaweed - I still nurse Sofia to nap but not to sleep at night. However, she also does go down for naps without nursing if she's tired. She's in a good pattern now so I don't need to fight her napwise. But when she was younger (4-5 months) I would give it 30 mins, if she was still upset I'd get her, play with her and then try again after 30 mins. When did he start napping in her crib?

Thanks. He started napping in his big boy crib the weekend before last, so almost two weeks ago, although for the first week I wasn't as consistent about it because there was a lot of other stuff going on. He started napping in his bassinet around 4 months, and before that it was in the bouncy chair. I've always nursed him to sleep, though. He naps at daycare without nursing -- I think they rock him or bounce him -- and on rare occasions DH can settle him, but I can't settle him without nursing.

I would try taking him off the breast sooner. With my LO I had the best luck getting her down when she was mostly asleep and her sucking had slowed down but not stopped entirely. Then I could take her off, put her in the crib, give her a few pats on the back and she would resettle very quickly.

Wow, thanks, maybe I should try that for a few days! Did it take her time to get used to that or did you find a sweet spot right away? I used to let him unlatch on his own and then wait for ages before putting him down, and over the course of maybe three months I've been trying to take him off myself after he's stopped for a few seconds and very very gradually put him down earlier. We got stuck at 10 seconds so I went back to 20, but maybe it would be less frustrating to him if I didn't let him fall asleep there at all...I know I certainly feel frustrated when I'm just drifting off and then someone wakes me up! Happened a few times just today! :p

I feel bad on here as unable to give any advice to others but empathise with pants sleep! But I really feel like I know nothing about babies and sleep so who am I to advise?!! But hugs to all the sleep deprived mummies out there! The older S gets the more I realise I know nothing!!

:hugs: :hugs: Don't worry about it. As NotNic said, it's good just to have someone who can listen and sympathize. I don't have much to contribute other than sympathy, myself, though, so I know how you feel!

I'm sorry you had such a hard time at bedtime. :hugs: I agree with NotNic that all the different things you tried might have been stimulating to her. Everything you did sounds appropriate but maybe it was just too many different things. I don't think leaving her for 5 minutes really "counts" as CC or CIO if nothing else would calm her down. Some babies on some nights are just stimulated by everything. I know I have done that before with mine. He never settled that way, in that particular situation, but sometimes he was able to calm down and fall asleep afterward, so I guess maybe it at least gave him the message that it's bedtime now. And I at least didn't feel like I was making things worse.

I can tell you that what I do with Munchkin depends on what exactly he is doing, but then I do pretty much the same few things...if he's awake and wiggly and cheerful, I hold him on my lap without talking to him or leave him down in the crib until he fusses. If he's persistently fussy, I keep trying to nurse him, or leave him in the crib until he cries. If he's crying inconsolably and won't nurse, I have generally called the doctor and/or given him Tylenol if I can think of a reason he would need it, because he's never done that unless something is going on. If I feel like I'm getting too frustrated, then in goes DH, and I try again once I've taken some deep breaths. And, if all else fails and he's already lost a couple hours or more, then DH takes him in the car, which I hate doing but which is so far the most reliable way to get him to SLEEP. But I try to reserve it for really extraordinary situations.

So my theory is this: could that first stretch of sleep actually be a third nap that has got joined on to her night time sleep? My understanding is that the first stretch of sleep is usually the deepest but that just isn't the case with Clara, her sleep is very unsettled for the first few hours and only then does she go into a deeper sleep. This is the case regardless of how she napped that day and whether or not she is over-tired at bedtime. And she was quite young moving to two naps at six months. What do you think? Is this possible? And if so is there anything I can do about it or is it just a matter of waiting it out? She doesn't want to get up when she wakes at 45 mins, she clearly wants to go back to sleep but just really struggles to go into a deep sleep.

Polaris, your theory sounds plausible to me, though I'm certainly no expert! Just one note from my experience though. Munchkin also has lighter sleep for the first 45 minutes -- he's only actually woken up then this past week when he's been overtired, but even when he doesn't wake up all the way, he often makes noise or stirs right at 45 minutes. My understanding was that it was normal for them to have a lighter first cycle and then transition into a deeper cycle at 45 mins, which is why that's a fragile time. So, if I'm right about that (which I may not be), I wouldn't read too much into the initial 45-min waking. But the fact that it doesn't seem to vary based on whether she is overtired, and the subsequent waking when she is harder to settle -- those sound more unusual to me.
Polaris - My LO used to do the same thing, wake constantly in the first few hours of going to bed. Sometimes she'd wake 10/15 minutes after I got her to sleep and carry on waking breifly every 30 ish mins for hours :wacko: I moved her bedtime from 6pm to 7pm (no 15 mins each night or anything, just one night forced her to stay up anothe hour and she was knackered but it worked) and those short, early evening wakings stopped instantly. Might be worth considering

Noelle - so hoping it's not a fluke for you! I'm looking forward to one nap as I often find it hard to get out of the house if I know I have to hurry home for naps. Fingers crossed for you :)

Mellyboo - I'm curious if you might like to try something like I did with your LO? It worked well for us! If not, best of luck with the CC/CIO. I also agree with Noelle, that it might be a good idea to ditch the soother
MiniKiwi, I have a question for you. Did you know/suspect in advance that it would work well for Mia to have you there with her, and that it wouldn't just stimulate her more? It sounds like you preferred your method to CIO because it is gentler, which I totally understand, but I wonder if you think it might actually have been more effective for Mia as well -- if you noticed that she'd been calmed by your presence even before you tried the training.
I would try taking him off the breast sooner. With my LO I had the best luck getting her down when she was mostly asleep and her sucking had slowed down but not stopped entirely. Then I could take her off, put her in the crib, give her a few pats on the back and she would resettle very quickly.

Wow, thanks, maybe I should try that for a few days! Did it take her time to get used to that or did you find a sweet spot right away? I used to let him unlatch on his own and then wait for ages before putting him down, and over the course of maybe three months I've been trying to take him off myself after he's stopped for a few seconds and very very gradually put him down earlier. We got stuck at 10 seconds so I went back to 20, but maybe it would be less frustrating to him if I didn't let him fall asleep there at all...I know I certainly feel frustrated when I'm just drifting off and then someone wakes me up! Happened a few times just today! :p

It worked right away, surprisingly. My LO can comfort suck foreeeever so at a certain point I just couldn't take it anymore and tried putting her down once the sucking slowed and she seemed mostly asleep.

I kept her latched on while I walked over to the crib and it turned out that the movement didn't disturb her as much that way than when I'd let her pull off. When I set her in the crib she would squawk but I just rolled her onto belly, gave her a couple pats on the back and usually she would go straight back to sleep. I was totally shocked when it worked the first time! I don't know if all babies do the half-asleep slow sucking thing but that was the sweet spot for her. Feeding to sleep is truly an art :haha:
MiniKiwi, I have a question for you. Did you know/suspect in advance that it would work well for Mia to have you there with her, and that it wouldn't just stimulate her more? It sounds like you preferred your method to CIO because it is gentler, which I totally understand, but I wonder if you think it might actually have been more effective for Mia as well -- if you noticed that she'd been calmed by your presence even before you tried the training.

Um tbh, I thought she'd go ballistic and I mentally prepared myself the first night for it to take an age and lots of tears. I was so suprised. I had thought about what she'd do if I let her CIO and I thought it'd be hours of screaming, I'll never know if that would have been the case though. She's quite a 'stubborn', or whatever you'd call it, baby and getting her to sleep had been very tough for months - even in my arms, transferring her to the cot was a nightmare. I thought my being there but not picking her up would work her up but it turned out not to be the case. I think she was just ready for this and was probably ready sooner but I just wasn't
Alright now that we had self soothing for naps down pact and working out amazing for the pass couple weeks now.

I'm ready to start something at night waking up every 2 hours and some time's 30 minutes is seriously mind baffling right now and im so tired!!

What do I do how do i start?

My dr told me to basically get ear plugs and shut the door, I dont want to be that harsh..

I do believe in CIO just not sure how to go about it at night im sorta lost.

Start with a plan that you and your OH both agree with and stick with it. That's the best course of action no matter which method you choose :)

In terms of which method to use, you've done CC right? Do the checks stimulate or comfort your LO?

She usually loses her suckie so she needs to be re-plugged which i dont mind going in... She some times gets worse when we go in and some time's not she's soo determined to get her way some times!

She know's her crib is for sleeping she whines heading up the stairs to her room and as soon as we get in her door way it goes worse this is when she is on a no nap strike!

Can she re-insert it herself? If not, I'd just get rid of the pacifier.

I would work on creating positive sleep associations. Do you have a bedtime routine that's relaxing and that she enjoys?

What's her daytime routine like?

I think I would get these things in order for a week or so before starting sleep training :flower:

I'm dreading getting rid of the suckie i'm not ready for it.. she's such a sulky baby!

We have a good day time thing going on she self soothes for naps and stuff usually just have to give her the suckie and out she goes ...she some times whines for a bit but then she's sleeping its not even bad really.

Night time we deff have a strict routine which she needs to stick to we cant leave the house pass 6pm its not worth it.. she'll have a melt down if she's not in her crib from 730-8 she goes down with out a fight on her bed time.. bed time is super easy!

Its just the in the middle of the night wakings like every 30 minutes seriously? or an hour even... it's a treat lately to go 2 hours she switches back and forth literally everything is amazing with her ACCEPT FOR in the middle of the night.

I'll give you a rough estimate on her day and night starting with
7-8am - She wakes up for the day
10am- first nap of the day this can some times be 1 hr,2 hr, 30 mins.
12noon- she starts getting tired again if she hasn't had a good nap and starts showing tired signs so i put her in her crib she falls asleep super good.
2pm- she has solids and another bottle
3pm- she shows signs of being tired again so i usually put her for a nap which this is my hardest nap she loves to resist it but always ends up falling asleep just whines in her crib for like ever and rubs her eyes.
6ish we do our usual bed time routine and she has a bottle around 7pm ( bed time bottle) She is in her crib by 730 falls asleep around 8pm she talks to her self for 30 minutes i think shes unwinding..

her first wake up is 12 midnight we feed her then and then she's up about a zillion time's strait through.. always up around 4am and 6am i could set my time on this one always wants to eat around 6 am so then i feed her and she sleeps for a bit longer.
So she only woke up twice last night ?? We did nothing different other then she woke up at 845 for 2o mins crying her little lungs off :( we had to pat her back shh her to calm down .. I didn't pick her up though only because she didn seem like pain and when I walked in she started to get excited ... She refused her night time bottle so I did try handing her the bottle she refused .. She only had 2 (6oz) bottles all day .. I figured she would be up eating.. Woke up at 1am for a bottle finally... Then woke up at 6am and is now back in bed I feel like I got so much sleep I can't go back to bed lol !
I feel like a new person!
Polaris - My LO used to do the same thing, wake constantly in the first few hours of going to bed. Sometimes she'd wake 10/15 minutes after I got her to sleep and carry on waking breifly every 30 ish mins for hours :wacko: I moved her bedtime from 6pm to 7pm (no 15 mins each night or anything, just one night forced her to stay up anothe hour and she was knackered but it worked) and those short, early evening wakings stopped instantly. Might be worth considering

Noelle - so hoping it's not a fluke for you! I'm looking forward to one nap as I often find it hard to get out of the house if I know I have to hurry home for naps. Fingers crossed for you :)

Mellyboo - I'm curious if you might like to try something like I did with your LO? It worked well for us! If not, best of luck with the CC/CIO. I also agree with Noelle, that it might be a good idea to ditch the soother

What did you do :)
Sounds like a great night melly!

If she's fighting that third nap, I'd go ahead and transition her to 2. You will have to stretch her awake time though and it might be hard for a few weeks and you may end up doing an earlier bedtime. The naps will lengthen though.
Polaris - My LO used to do the same thing, wake constantly in the first few hours of going to bed. Sometimes she'd wake 10/15 minutes after I got her to sleep and carry on waking breifly every 30 ish mins for hours :wacko: I moved her bedtime from 6pm to 7pm (no 15 mins each night or anything, just one night forced her to stay up anothe hour and she was knackered but it worked) and those short, early evening wakings stopped instantly. Might be worth considering

Noelle - so hoping it's not a fluke for you! I'm looking forward to one nap as I often find it hard to get out of the house if I know I have to hurry home for naps. Fingers crossed for you :)

Mellyboo - I'm curious if you might like to try something like I did with your LO? It worked well for us! If not, best of luck with the CC/CIO. I also agree with Noelle, that it might be a good idea to ditch the soother

What did you do :)

Here's what she posted a couple days ago :flower:

Tbh, I hadn't tried anything before. I walked/rocked/bounced her to sleep from an early age, for a few months between 4-7 months she needed hours of rocking a day :coffee: Between 8 and 10 months, she went to bed at 6pm and would wake every 30-90 minutes until 10 or 11pm (Noelle reckoned this was cause she was going to bed too early so we switched to 7pm bedtime which definitely helped some) and she'd wake up between 11 and 2 am and stay awake for 1-3 hours - she did that for about 2 months lol!!!! When she woke hourly or less one night, I decided enough was enough.

I bathed her, let her do her usual crawl around and play for an hour, gave her a bottle and put her in her cot. I just put one hand on her tummy, one on her head and stroked her hair and shhhed loudly when she cried and quietly when she was quiet. She was asleep in 15 minutes and cried a not too upset cry, on and off for 10 ish mins. The second night she cried for 3 minutes and no crying the third night. I've just been doing the same thing since, it doesn't always work straight away (if she's squealing and chatting it won't work) so I just walk away for a bit and on occasion she will self settle and if not, I go back in when she cries and shh and stroke her head and she nods off. She no longer wakes in the early night time and it's been 1-2 wakings since then and only a few, short motn parties :)
Lie in's seem to be a fluke. 5.30am yesterday and 6.00am today :( On the upside he has been pretty much sttn this week. A little restless before 11pm, but quiet as a mouse after that. Now I just need to convince OH to take F downstairs when he wakes up at dawn to give me a tiny lie in and I'll be one happy mama :D Anyone been able to sleep train their partners?! :haha:

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