Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

We've got two bottom ones and the top two are promisingly swollen!

Do you have a room thermometer? I use a sleeping bag and dress slightly warmer than the guidelines. There are handy little tables that tell you what to dress them in when the room is within a certain range. I think the sleeping bags are fantastic. I'd try her out in it and see if she likes it - I never have to worry about blankets in his face or that he is too cold. I was clueless until I got my room thermometer (I'm still clueless but at least there is an objective measure for me to consider!).

Our video monitor displays the room temp, and it is typically 71F, which is about 22C. I always put her in footy pajamas, and I have the thinner cotton Halo sleepsack. I hope that's not too much! We've been keeping our house much warmer now than we ever used to.
The sleeping bags I have go by tog - our room is the same temp as yours (it fluctuates between 21.5 - 23.5 but mostly it's 22) - I put Culver in a 1 tog bag and he has a long sleeved onesie, no legs. I did have him in one with legs but I was worried he was too hot and the guides said for 22 degrees he should be in a short sleeved onesie (with the 1 tog bag). It might be worth a shot trying her in the bag (maybe with bare legs depending on the tog)? We might be clutching at straws but Dr Sears does list temperature in his checklist for night wakings - it might be worthwhile experimenting with more or less layers. Good luck!
Polaris - I'm so sorry last night was so hard :hugs: please don't feel badly about it. I couldn't have said it any better than Amy and Stephie. You have a lot to cope with and you're doing great :hugs: I'm trying to think about all the different things you could change with their bedtimes. It sounds like the constraints are the way in which both of them go to sleep and the time at which Thomas goes to sleep (depending on whether you let him nap or not). And that your DH is away. What about the timing for Clara? Are you still waking her up in the mornings? I wonder if there's any way you could shift her to a later schedule so that T can go to bed before she does, especially with a longer WT for her (cc Stephie: I'm going to go back to 4-4.5 hour WT before bed for Munchkin too; 3.5 hasn't worked too well for us). It sounds like T does better with nap + later bedtime but it would be ideal for you to have him in bed first since his bedtime is simpler and more predictable. If you keep doing C first and T second, what about having someone over -- a mother's helper, a neighbor, a friend -- to watch T while you are putting C down, so that at least you don't have to worry about him during that time? Maybe that person couldn't put him to bed but it might at least help your nerves.
Anyway, I'm glad C ended up sleeping well for you last night :hugs:

NotNic - so glad things are getting better! Hope all is back to normal soon :thumbup:

Stephie - yikes! Hang in there my friend :hugs: I think we may be just about to see a top tooth too, so hopefully both of us will have some good tooth news tomorrow!!! Usually when I feel that way I just decide that I'm right and the tooth is definitely going to be out tomorrow, and then I forget about it, and invariably the tooth *isn't* out tomorrow but at least I got through it in the moment. Insane perhaps but it helps me cope. :haha: Yes, switching sides whenever fussy is what I meant by switch nursing. Glad it helped you! I've found it helps a lot with distractibility. I hope the tooth pops out ASAP and you are back to relatively good sleep!!!
BTW I think it's hilarious that you think of yourself as a mean mummy! You are so kind and nurturing...you just aren't afraid to do things that will clearly make your child happier in the not-even-very-long term!

Amy - what a great update!! Sounds like things are going so well! :thumbup: I'm glad the lovey helped so much. Is your DH feeling better about letting her keep it with her, then? Good luck going back to the crib...please keep us posted! It sounds like she is making a lot of progress so I'm sure things will transfer. Regarding temperature, I rarely know what to do too...but cotton footed pajamas and a light cotton sleepsack is exactly what we use for around 71F and that seems fine for us. DH and I like it much warmer so it feels very cold to us :) Is she sweaty when she wakes up? I believe the cotton sleepsacks are 0.5 tog (cc Stephie).

AFM - oh, Munchkin's up from his nap...will post about us later!
Hi everyone.
Thank you so much for all the support. I'm feeling so much better today. We got out for a lovely picnic in the woods this morning and Thomas did some paddling in the stream and Clara tried to eat a few sticks and rocks and I think it just really energized all of us. Also OH will be around for bedtimes until Friday so I don't have that stress for another few days. Clara was really quite wired at bedtime tonight and it took her quite a while to settle. But that was OK because OH was here to see to Thomas. I stuck to my plan and nursed her and then lay down on the bed beside her and waited while she rolled around for ages and then finally settled herself to sleep! Yay!

Seaweed, I'm not waking Clara anymore in the mornings, she is awake at 6.30 on the dot most mornings, occasionally earlier but never really any later. However I do quite often wake her from her second nap if she's still asleep at 4 p.m. so if I let her sleep longer then she could have a later bedtime. I think maybe I just need to go with the flow for the moment and accept that things will settle down with time. Amy, as you suggest, a loose routine that I can alter depending on who needs to go to bed first. One problem with this is that Thomas is extremely routine-oriented and likes things done in exactly the same way and order every night. But maybe he will have to get a bit more flexible too. Unfortunately I don't really have anyone to watch Thomas on the evenings that OH is in work (none of my family live nearby and OH's family are a bit useless in that regard and definitely can't afford to pay anyone) but I'm definitely going to look into audio-books as I do think that could be a good option for keeping him entertained while I get Clara settled.

Amy - it really sounds like Chloe is doing so well. It is so nice when they start self-settling even if it is only occasionally, it sort of gives you a bit of hope that things are moving in the right direction, doesn't it?

Stephie - I really hope that tooth makes its appearance soon. Clara's intense teething pain seems to have died down again, but still no sign of any actual tooth. :shrug: By the way, I agree with Seaweed about your description of yourself as a mean mummy - you are definitely not a mean mummy at all, just putting your child's best interests first and doing what works for him, and I know you would be flexible and change your approach if it wasn't working for Cully too!

Missk - glad to hear that CC is going well for you so far. Good luck tonight and keep us posted!

Oh yes, on room temperatures - Clara's room is generally 20 to 21 degrees and I tend to dress her in a long-sleeved vest with a 2.5 tog sleeping bag. If the room temperature goes up to 22 degrees then I would switch to the 1 tog bag, still with just the long-sleeved vest underneath. I find that she tends to get too warm in the footed sleepsuits which is a shame because I have lots of really cute ones that she never gets to wear.
Things are much better here. Past the infectious stage and escaped house arrest - yay!! I know we got off quite lightly with his dose, not too spotty, and he is back to his usual rambunctious self (I'm stealing that description :haha: ).

Polaris - sorry you had a bad night. We are all in awe of you on this thread, dealing with two very different children. It must be so hard to balance their routines. Most of us struggle with just one!

Amy - we're lovey / comforter fans. Finlay's has a few and has used them for a long times. I think it's why he's a good ss.

Stephie - hope the teeth show up soon. My pickle prefers to have two appear simultaneously. It sounds like two might be saying hello very soon.

Noelle - apart from nursery days, we usually have 1 nap a day. Originally we did a power nap mid- morning and a longer one after lunch, but now I find activity around 10/10.30am a good tactic in putting off sleep. A trip to the park or baby group works well if it starts before he wants to sleep, so he is distracted before the grizzly stage. On quiet days he wants to sleep 10.30/11am. On those days I try to encourage a 2hr nap and then a speedier bedtime routine so that he can go to bed sooner. We aren't very consistent though, but we aren't having so many painful days needing 1and a half naps!!!
So, DH and I have decided to back off the sleep training a bit. There's just been a lot of crying this week and Munchkin really seems to be struggling, even when he's sleeping well, and it's not working for me. I don't know why this is happening now -- daycare (likely), teething, milestones -- but it kind of doesn't matter. It was working really well (virtually no crying at all) and clearly something has changed. I've been very consistent and things are getting worse, not better. And I don't think he's lost the skill to SS so it seems like something is bothering him.

I'm not exactly sure what this is going to look like, since SS is the only way he sleeps now. He won't let me rock him and I don't think he'd nurse to sleep anymore. So I guess the change will be that I just won't let him cry for very long. If he's getting frustrated, I'll pick him up and sit outside with him, or even nurse, and then try again. I'm not 100% convinced this is going to be a workable consistent solution but I guess we'll have to see.
Question for those of you with babies who can walk --

Did you notice sleep disruption related to walking? If so, when was it relative to the walking-related milestones (before/during/after; standing/stepping/walking proficiently)?

Trying not to get too hung up on what's going on right now, but it's hard not to be curious :p
We've had really good sleep following learning to walk - I think it tires her out!
I am copying and pasting this from a thread I started as someone directed me here :flower:

(just for the record I am starting work next week from 5pm-12am)

I have no idea how I will manage this, I'm going to be exhausted at work and wont get to bed till 12:30 AM, only to wake up every 2 hours with my son and be up for the day at 7 am. He takes 3 naps a day, after 1.5-2 hours. They only last 45 minutes. Some days his last nap will be a 2 hours but this is rare. Napping during the day is out of the question, I have no choice but to study when hes napping, I'm already falling behind..

He takes all his naps in his bouncy. I try every day to get him to nap in his crib but he screams like heck. So I bounce him to sleep, in his swaddle, for every nap. At night he falls asleep usually in my arms after his bottle, I put him down in his crib at 745pm and he wakes up again at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 and then he sleeps till 7 AM.. This all began at 4 months (i know, the regression) He used to sleep from 7pm-3am, eat and go back till 8am. I'm just not coping well By 2:30 am the past 4 nights hes ended up in his bouncy, being bounced to sleep because he is wide eyed and crying every time I lay him in the crib. My son is 18 pounds and I do not want him sleeping in his bouncy every night! Its a horrible habit Ive created, but when im so tired and i know its the only thing that will put him to sleep its so hard. Ive even considered that the bouncy is the reason hes waking up so much, but he hates his crib..

any advice/input much appreciated!
Sorry guys, not much positivity from me today. I am so tired. No teeth and last night was horrible. DH is travelling this week and it's just a pretty hard time. We've both been cranky today and I yelled at him for pulling my hair for the millionth time. Sigh. I really wish we had some family around us.

Anyway, Polaris - your picnic sounds lovely! I've said this before but I am so jealous of all the lovely woods and greenery around you. Cully and I could both have done with a picnic today :) I'm glad your plan with Clara worked!

SE, good luck with your new approach. It's important to be flexible I think because this first year or two is such a period of rapid development. Make sure you keep us updated! I imagine walking - being such a huge development - would definitely disrupt sleep leading up to the actual walking itself.

NotNic - yay for a clean bill of health! Culver's bottom two came in very close together and the two front swellings are pretty similar in size, so I think you're right!

Noelle, how is nap transition going?

Ich, I could have written your post. Unfortunately I don't have any quick fix solution because our sleep is still very disrupted. I can tell you that around 6.5 months we transitioned to two naps and naps have become longer and our day routine is generally very good. I stopped Culver from sleeping in the bouncy chair but it was hard. I went through a period of being unable to transfer him after he nursed to sleep and he would nap on me. Even now if he wakes after 45 minutes I let him take the rest of his nap on me. This doesn't sound like a workable solution for you if you need to study.

NotNic had some excellent suggestions for me, including stopping all motion completely and replacing it with things like a hand on their tummy. I hope she sees your post and comes up with some suggestions.

Is your OH around to help? Do you have any family to help? It doesn't sound like you are breastfeeding - can someone else take over night duty a few days per week?

In a few weeks when your LO is 6 months you will have more sleep training options available to you if you want to go down that path. Have you thought about whether you are comfortable with sleep training? If so, what methods have you considered?

Welcome - I'm sure between us we will be able to help in some way x
So is 6-7 months around when they drop to 2 naps? I shudder to think.. jonathans a mess if up for more then 2 hrs :haha:

In the beginning the bouncy was our best purchase! Now im starting to regret using it! Dont know how ill ever get him off of it.. i could take a few days off of study and school work but that may be detrimental :nope:
I am copying and pasting this from a thread I started as someone directed me here :flower:

(just for the record I am starting work next week from 5pm-12am)

I have no idea how I will manage this, I'm going to be exhausted at work and wont get to bed till 12:30 AM, only to wake up every 2 hours with my son and be up for the day at 7 am. He takes 3 naps a day, after 1.5-2 hours. They only last 45 minutes. Some days his last nap will be a 2 hours but this is rare. Napping during the day is out of the question, I have no choice but to study when hes napping, I'm already falling behind..

He takes all his naps in his bouncy. I try every day to get him to nap in his crib but he screams like heck. So I bounce him to sleep, in his swaddle, for every nap. At night he falls asleep usually in my arms after his bottle, I put him down in his crib at 745pm and he wakes up again at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 and then he sleeps till 7 AM.. This all began at 4 months (i know, the regression) He used to sleep from 7pm-3am, eat and go back till 8am. I'm just not coping well By 2:30 am the past 4 nights hes ended up in his bouncy, being bounced to sleep because he is wide eyed and crying every time I lay him in the crib. My son is 18 pounds and I do not want him sleeping in his bouncy every night! Its a horrible habit Ive created, but when im so tired and i know its the only thing that will put him to sleep its so hard. Ive even considered that the bouncy is the reason hes waking up so much, but he hates his crib..

any advice/input much appreciated!

Oh dear, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

I think the things that used to help you are starting to hurt you - the bouncy and the swaddle. I'd drop both. He's a bit young for any kind of strict sleep training, but you could soothe him other ways until he falls asleep without these crutches.

What's a typical day like for you? Wake-up, naps and bedtime? What's your bedtime routine like? How does he fall asleep? Sounds like he's severely overtired (mine was too). Hope I can help!
Thanks for asking Stephie! It's not really going right now :haha: I've had Charlie home with me since last Thursday (her daycare provider is on vacation) and she's been happily taking two naps along with her buddy that I'm watching. I think she's really worn out from all of the playing. I'm thinking we'll try again soon.
Hi ladies! Haven't managed to read through all of the posts that I've missed but will do... Just wanted to check in and update as haven't had a lot of time to get on here the last week or so...

So night times are the same really but I am finding some sanity restored by cosleeping with LO more and more of the night and actually bf'ing more at night as it's such an easy way to resettle (oops had totally started on decreasing night feeds :blush:)

Day times are going pretty smoothly though as I have found that if I put him to sleep in his pram he will pretty consistently sleep an hour and a half for both naps! And if he starts to stir I just rock the pram from behind where he can't see me and he falls right back to sleep! I also put on the tv/ music for background noise while he sleeps as I think he likes it to be a bit noisier for his sleep in the day so he knows he's still downstairs with me iykwim lol?!

It's making things so much less stressful dring the day so that is a big positive :)

I was trying the 3, 3.5, 3.5 hour wake times but have learnt that he just can't quite manage that much wake time really - don't know whether that's due to his broken night sleep or just the way he is, but I'm tending to do a 2.5, 3-3.5, 3 and it's working well for him as he's really easy to put down for naps and pretty easy to put down to bed.

Just want his night time sleep to follow!!

Oh and he has teeth 7 and 8 coming through OMG lol!
SE - I love your new approach - and I love that you are so flexible depending on what he needs! I really hope that I can remember to be more laid back like you when I see that Chloe is changing and I need to change with her.

Ich28 - Not quite the same thing, but my LO has a strong sleep association with her Rock 'N Play, which I've been trying to break. I think she's more ready for her crib now than she was just a few weeks ago (she's nearly 8 months old). So, my suggestion to you is just to keep trying the crib. Starting at about 6 months old, I would try putting Chloe in her crib at the start of every night. She would wake up and cry, and I'd put her back to sleep and try again. Three times was about my limit before I'd put her back in the rock 'n play so we could both get a little sleep. Now, she is much more receptive to the crib, and I had her in it all night last Thursday. (Then she got sick, so I put her back in the RNP to keep her elevated.) Since your mom will be putting him down for you, she could start him out in the crib every night and see how it goes!

As far as the waking up often, we went through that too with the regression. It does get better, eventually! Just hang in there and nap when you can!

Stephie - So sorry! Tired, cranky, and no teeth to show for it? Tomorrow has to be a better day! I know about the hair pulling! I had been keeping mine pulled back, and then I cut it last week so it's easier to pull. Ouch. Now when I carry her around, I try to make sure she has a small toy in her hands so she doesn't hang on to my hair.

Rachel - Great naps! I wish Chloe would fall asleep in her stroller, but I've never gotten that to happen!

Chloe didn't make it to her crib last night. I didn't have enough hands to get the crib wedge in after we got home, because she wouldn't let me put her down and hubby was working late. She had an awful day at daycare - she took three 15 minute naps all day, and was extremely cranky. We can definitely see a white spot on her buttom gum though, so maybe a tooth might show up soon. Maybe.

I ended up getting her to bed by 5:45. She woke up once at 8:30, so I fed her again since she hadn't ate much for the day, and then she slept until 5am. So, another good night for Chloe, and I'm finding myself with a little bit of insomnia.

Tonight will definitely be a crib night though, since her snotty nose was cleared up this morning! I just don't know what to do about having her sleep with the lovey though. I will probably try to remove it after she's asleep. I know hubby won't like it if she's rolling over on top of it and gets it smooshed up by her face.
I am copying and pasting this from a thread I started as someone directed me here :flower:

(just for the record I am starting work next week from 5pm-12am)

I have no idea how I will manage this, I'm going to be exhausted at work and wont get to bed till 12:30 AM, only to wake up every 2 hours with my son and be up for the day at 7 am. He takes 3 naps a day, after 1.5-2 hours. They only last 45 minutes. Some days his last nap will be a 2 hours but this is rare. Napping during the day is out of the question, I have no choice but to study when hes napping, I'm already falling behind..

He takes all his naps in his bouncy. I try every day to get him to nap in his crib but he screams like heck. So I bounce him to sleep, in his swaddle, for every nap. At night he falls asleep usually in my arms after his bottle, I put him down in his crib at 745pm and he wakes up again at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 and then he sleeps till 7 AM.. This all began at 4 months (i know, the regression) He used to sleep from 7pm-3am, eat and go back till 8am. I'm just not coping well By 2:30 am the past 4 nights hes ended up in his bouncy, being bounced to sleep because he is wide eyed and crying every time I lay him in the crib. My son is 18 pounds and I do not want him sleeping in his bouncy every night! Its a horrible habit Ive created, but when im so tired and i know its the only thing that will put him to sleep its so hard. Ive even considered that the bouncy is the reason hes waking up so much, but he hates his crib..

any advice/input much appreciated!

Oh dear, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

I think the things that used to help you are starting to hurt you - the bouncy and the swaddle. I'd drop both. He's a bit young for any kind of strict sleep training, but you could soothe him other ways until he falls asleep without these crutches.

What's a typical day like for you? Wake-up, naps and bedtime? What's your bedtime routine like? How does he fall asleep? Sounds like he's severely overtired (mine was too). Hope I can help!

That is exactly what i think, I think that the bouncy is causing him to only want to be bounced and the swaddle is bothering him because he wants to move about. He still startles himself a lot, today he took a 40 min nap in his sleep sack! He was in the bouncy though, dammit.. Im wondering if i should drop swaddling, then the bouncy? or both at once?

We wake up at 6 or 7 am and his first nap is 90 minutes after waking, lasting 45 minutes. For his next naps he usually goes 1 hour and 45 minutes before needing to be put down. He wakes up from his last nap of the day around 5 or 530. At 645 I give him a bath, dress him, give him his 8 oz bottle which he polishes right off, lay him in his crib and he goes right to sleep, for 3 to 4.5 hours. Wish he was like this all night! After his first wake up hes always wide eyed and smiling, playing, not wanting to sleep etc. Which is why i resort to the bouncy :dohh:

He used to take 2 hour naps, so now he has a lot more naps as hes napping for short periods of times. Id say 4 naps..

A nap schedule would look like this
830 am : Nap
9:15 am: Wake
11 am : Nap
11:45 am : Wake
1:30 pm : Nap
2:15 pm : Wake
4pm : Nap, sometimes till 5:30.

Hes asleep by 730/745, and then the hell begins :wacko:
I am copying and pasting this from a thread I started as someone directed me here :flower:

(just for the record I am starting work next week from 5pm-12am)

I have no idea how I will manage this, I'm going to be exhausted at work and wont get to bed till 12:30 AM, only to wake up every 2 hours with my son and be up for the day at 7 am. He takes 3 naps a day, after 1.5-2 hours. They only last 45 minutes. Some days his last nap will be a 2 hours but this is rare. Napping during the day is out of the question, I have no choice but to study when hes napping, I'm already falling behind..

He takes all his naps in his bouncy. I try every day to get him to nap in his crib but he screams like heck. So I bounce him to sleep, in his swaddle, for every nap. At night he falls asleep usually in my arms after his bottle, I put him down in his crib at 745pm and he wakes up again at 10:30, 12:30, 2:30, 4:00, 5:30 and then he sleeps till 7 AM.. This all began at 4 months (i know, the regression) He used to sleep from 7pm-3am, eat and go back till 8am. I'm just not coping well By 2:30 am the past 4 nights hes ended up in his bouncy, being bounced to sleep because he is wide eyed and crying every time I lay him in the crib. My son is 18 pounds and I do not want him sleeping in his bouncy every night! Its a horrible habit Ive created, but when im so tired and i know its the only thing that will put him to sleep its so hard. Ive even considered that the bouncy is the reason hes waking up so much, but he hates his crib..

any advice/input much appreciated!

Oh dear, I'm so sorry you're going through this!

I think the things that used to help you are starting to hurt you - the bouncy and the swaddle. I'd drop both. He's a bit young for any kind of strict sleep training, but you could soothe him other ways until he falls asleep without these crutches.

What's a typical day like for you? Wake-up, naps and bedtime? What's your bedtime routine like? How does he fall asleep? Sounds like he's severely overtired (mine was too). Hope I can help!

That is exactly what i think, I think that the bouncy is causing him to only want to be bounced and the swaddle is bothering him because he wants to move about. He still startles himself a lot, today he took a 40 min nap in his sleep sack! He was in the bouncy though, dammit.. Im wondering if i should drop swaddling, then the bouncy? or both at once?

We wake up at 6 or 7 am and his first nap is 90 minutes after waking, lasting 45 minutes. For his next naps he usually goes 1 hour and 45 minutes before needing to be put down. He wakes up from his last nap of the day around 5 or 530. At 645 I give him a bath, dress him, give him his 8 oz bottle which he polishes right off, lay him in his crib and he goes right to sleep, for 3 to 4.5 hours. Wish he was like this all night! After his first wake up hes always wide eyed and smiling, playing, not wanting to sleep etc. Which is why i resort to the bouncy :dohh:

He used to take 2 hour naps, so now he has a lot more naps as hes napping for short periods of times. Id say 4 naps..

A nap schedule would look like this
830 am : Nap
9:15 am: Wake
11 am : Nap
11:45 am : Wake
1:30 pm : Nap
2:15 pm : Wake
4pm : Nap, sometimes till 5:30.

Hes asleep by 730/745, and then the hell begins :wacko:

You could do that! Swaddle first, bouncer second. Personally, I'm a fan of cold turkey though ;) A few tough days/nights, but you get it all out of the way - like ripping off the band-aid. This is the age when they want to self-soothe, but don't quite know how to yet. Allowing your LO some space and the freedom to move about will help him learn. It may be difficult at first since he's not used to it, but he will get there. Many babies sleep best when they figure out how to roll onto their tummies.

It looks like you're doing 4 naps still. I'd try to push his awake time and aim for 3 good naps (by which I mean 45 minutes or more). Something like this:

7am wake
8:45am-9:45am nap 1
11:45am-1pm nap 2
3pm-4pm nap 3
6:30pm bedtime

You may end up with an earliesh bedtime, but that's okay - most babies, biologically speaking, do best with a bedtime between 6pm and 8pm.

At night, where is he sleeping? How do you respond to the night wakings?
Noelle, enjoy the time at home with her! I love that she is snoozing away happily :) please keep us updated on the transition!

Rachel! I'm so happy for you!! What great news! I'm sure thing will continue to improve for you.

Amy, it astounds me how well she sleeps in her rock n play. It's like there are two different Chloes. Amazing! Sorry you didn't get more rest! I like the idea of giving him a toy to carry. His hair pulling urge is strongest when he's going to sleep ... It must be a soothing thing because if I don't let him pull my hair over and over again (he runs his fingers through the hair growing at the top of my neck), he starts pulling his own! What is Cloe's lovie again? I guess you could bring it to her when she wakes to help her settle if you don't want it in the crib. Maybe you could change it for something you feel more comfortable with?

Ich, I was nervous about 2 naps also but it's really been so great. I did the math and I think your LO is only having 8.5 hours awake time. It might be time to push his awake time longer and let it settle closer to 9 hours. I'm sure the others will have some good suggestions.

Culver will not sleep tonight. He's woken every 30 minutes since bed time at 630pm. He doesn't seem in pain, just awake?!? Is babbling a milestone?? He started proper babbling yesterday - and he learnt to drink from a straw - but nothing else new I can think of.
AmyS Jonathan loved his rock and play! He slept in it until he was 3 months old. He's a big boy and he wasn't comfortable in it anymore.

stephie_corin I have wondered if hes under tired also. But if hes up for more then 2 hours he goes into a fit of rage and ends up crying himself to sleep in my arms :nope:
Stephie - It sounds like your hair is Cully's lovey! I bought the Angel Dear lovies "a pair and a spare". It's the ducky one. I do think babbling is a milestone! Chloe will start babbling in the motn if she's more awake, but she does it in a whisper because I never really talk during the night.

And we have a tooth!!!!!!! I am beyond excited right now!!!!! My irrational fears had me believing that I was going to have the only toothless baby!!!!

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