Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Amy, I hope you are feeling better! Sorry about the horrible night but I'm glad last night was better. Chloe is such a character! Sorry I didn't update yesterday - or did I? I'm too tired to remember! Ha!

Polaris, how did Clara sleep after one nap? I'm so glad you had an evening to yourself! I hope you get a few more days like that!

Miss Vintage, positive update from you :) I'm glad! I hope the night wakings improve for you.

Melly I'm struggling with naps big time! This is such a funny age! Cully takes 3 naps some days and some days I'm sure he only wants one! But he couldn't make it until bedtime so I've been doing a late cat nap.

Our nights have been odd. Some nights he seems to be doing longer stretches but it's taking a long time to get him back to sleep when he wakes. His front teeth still aren't out so I blame them! The last few days have been a return to a late morning nap and a catnap around 4/5. I don't mind the catnap because then he's not overtired for bedtime but it's so hard to get him down for it and it pushes bedtime so late! Yesterday he was awake for over 12 hours and he still woke every 30/45 minutes between 845-11 and tried to crawl around the bed. It's like he isn't tired enough... I'm tempted to skip the cat nap and do an early bedtime but I'm worried he will wake at 5am ... No clue what to do. I can't get him to take the cat nap earlier, even with rocking.

SE, Kita, Bababas? How's things? X
Stephie, all our nights are kind of blending in to a haze for me at the moment so I'm not actually sure how she slept on the one nap day! I think it was probably just a normal enough night.

Clara's sleep has gone back to being awful again. She is waking up a lot and seeming quite distressed when she wakes. I'm thinking maybe teething again but I can't see any signs of another tooth so who knows? I didn't give pain relief because she had so much over the last couple of weeks with the viral infection but maybe I will give it tonight if she is the same.

Feeling very tired this morning but actually I think I am just at a point of acceptance with her sleep. I know she will sleep better eventually but I don't think there's anything more that I can do with her schedule/routine to speed up that process. Anyway she is so bad with teething that I really don't think her sleep will improve until that settles down. It actually feels quite good to be totally just waiting it out rather than trying to improve things in some way.

Sorry for not replying to other posts.
Polaris, I'm sorry you are having a return to rough nights. You're right, things will get better. You are a wonderful mother and one day soon she'll sleep through and you won't even know yourself :) ok, maybe she won't sleep through, but she will give you more than 45 minutes of sleep! I think we've had a 2 hour stretch a few nights in a row now after midnight and I do feel better rested.

I'm crossing every finger that she stops teething soon!
Amy, I hope you are feeling better! Sorry about the horrible night but I'm glad last night was better. Chloe is such a character! Sorry I didn't update yesterday - or did I? I'm too tired to remember! Ha!

Polaris, how did Clara sleep after one nap? I'm so glad you had an evening to yourself! I hope you get a few more days like that!

Miss Vintage, positive update from you :) I'm glad! I hope the night wakings improve for you.

Melly I'm struggling with naps big time! This is such a funny age! Cully takes 3 naps some days and some days I'm sure he only wants one! But he couldn't make it until bedtime so I've been doing a late cat nap.

Our nights have been odd. Some nights he seems to be doing longer stretches but it's taking a long time to get him back to sleep when he wakes. His front teeth still aren't out so I blame them! The last few days have been a return to a late morning nap and a catnap around 4/5. I don't mind the catnap because then he's not overtired for bedtime but it's so hard to get him down for it and it pushes bedtime so late! Yesterday he was awake for over 12 hours and he still woke every 30/45 minutes between 845-11 and tried to crawl around the bed. It's like he isn't tired enough... I'm tempted to skip the cat nap and do an early bedtime but I'm worried he will wake at 5am ... No clue what to do. I can't get him to take the cat nap earlier, even with rocking.

SE, Kita, Bababas? How's things? X

Its odd really... why she's doing that i have no idea why we are on the same old routine... She wakes up less when she only has one nap too.. She's a mystery ;)! a lovely one though :)
Polaris - It does feel good to accept "wio", rather than trying to fix whatever's going on! I think once her teething problems are gone, she'll get back to ss, and you'll get some better sleep!

Stephie - How long is Cully's morning nap? I understand your dilemma, if he doesn't seem tired, but can't really go without that cat nap. What time do you think you'd have to put him to bed by if he skipped the afternoon nap? He might surprise you and sleep past 5am if he's only taking one nap per day - they have to get their total hours in somewhere! I know it has to be frustrating, but it does sound really cute that he wakes up and starts crawling around the bed!
Chloe had a better day at daycare yesterday - they are consistently trying to put her down, and she did take a couple of short crib naps. I washed her new crib sheets yesterday and brought one in this morning, so I hope that helps some!

On a non-sleep related note: she has a new noise that she likes to make! And it sounds like she is choking!!! I hate it!!! Why do they have to make crazy noises?? When she was 6 months old, she started making one that sounds like she's gasping for breath. We thought she might have asthma or something, but nope, it's just a sound that she likes to make.
Amy, my son does the gasping for breath noise, scared the crap out of me the first time I heard it!
Amy, my son does the gasping for breath noise, scared the crap out of me the first time I heard it!

I almost made a trip to the emergency room, but then we realized that she only did it when she's happy. I tell her, "Mommy doesn't like that noise," but she doesn't listen to me! :haha:
Amy, when he takes the late am nap, he usually takes 1-1.5 hours; so not really enough to get through to the evening. He wakes by 12 noon and I think 6 hours would be a nightmare - he'd stay awake that long I think but would be so overtired and wired. It would also be only 9.5 hours awake time and he seems to sleep better when he's been awake at least 10.5 hours. I could always try it one day and see!? I might be completely wrong!

Speaking of noises - Cully does a fake cough when we aren't paying him attention. It's really funny! I'm trying not to laugh though as it makes him do it even more! Miss Vintage, so funny your boy does the gasping too! Babies are weird!

I'm so happy for you that Chloe got some sleep! I hope the sheets make a difference too!

Melly, maybe they are in the early stages of a nap transition? It could still take many months but it might be the first sign they a need less day sleep?
Hey ladies, I hear you all on all the struggles. We have a bit of everything going on so I can relate to them all! Haha!

Stephie we only do 2 naps now, I can't bring myself to ever go back to 3! That's way too much of my day being spent on nursing to sleep!

We generally do 2-3-4 although sometimes 2-3.5-4.5 because he really doesn't seem to need that much sleep!

I seriously suspect molars, last night was a CLASSIC teething evening. Wouldn't unlatch and if I ever got him unlatched he was up within minutes of me sneaking away. No fun. I remember those days well and I'm scared we are headed back there!

Hopefully it was just an off night though...

I'm so glad to hear you ladies say that embracing WIO has helped, honestly I tried everything (except sleep training lol) and the only thing that helped our family was acceptance and a total rehaul of expectation.

One day ladies...onnnnne day.
Was trying to catch up on the posts in the 6 minutes I am allowing myself to sit down while LO finishes up the 1st half of her nap (I give 3 more minutes now and then she will be awake screaming to nurse so she can sleep in my arms for another hour!!!) lol It is hard typing while holding her, which is why I never get to post as often as I would like.

Polaris- With naps I am at a point where I am WIO. The only thing I am being firm with, is that for the 1st half of her nap she must go in her crib. I am done trying CIO or CC with her (does not work and I can't take the stress of it) so I stay, pat her belly and rub her cheek while singing Hush Little Baby. I go by how many times I have to sing that song. 3 days ago I had to sing it 10 times. Yesterday 5 times, today 3 times! lol I at least need the 30-45 minute break.

AmyS- I have a hard time with the crazy noises that my daughter sometimes comes up with! She use to do this cough/choking noise....made my heart stop every time!!!

Stephie- Yikes, hope you get longer stretches soon! Those 2 hour stretches were a killer.

Gaiaigirl- Yes, sometimes acceptance is best!

Well, so far she has napped for 46 minutes without a wake-up! lol It is the small things! :) I love holding my little girl and snuggling, but a break to myself is nice. Now that I have been sitting on the couch for 7 minutes, I feel like I should get something else done!
Sorry I still haven't come back to respond to everyone. Daycare has been closed the past two days AND I'm trying to finish a project at work, so I've been scrambling to work whenever I get time to myself.

Munchkin's still sick but this one hasn't been that bad so far in terms of nighttime sleep, touch wood. I do think it might be time to try one nap at home -- a few days this week he's gone down for his first nap but not seemed especially tired beforehand and his nap has only been about 35 minutes. BUT!!! the day has finally come, he can get all the way to standing from lying down now...so I know that's going to mess things up for a week or two. :shock: And DH is sick too, and I'm feeling a little sniffly myself, so I don't think we're done all being sick yet!

Will catch up later, hugs and good sleep vibes all around!!
Awwwww Hugs SE! We have lucked out in our house this year and in hoping avoiding daycare until the new year will mean we are ok this fall too. I HATE being sick, I'm such a baby!

Working in schools though, I'm sure ill get my share in the winter...
Gaia, you were the first one to tell me that WIO is a an actual option - thank you :) I'm sorry you guys are having tough nights again. I'm in shock that F is getting his molars - I so badly wish we were further progressed with teething!

Lysh, I love that you count how many times you had to sing to her to measure nap success ... That's so cute :) would you believe 2 hours is actually a good stretch for us? Yawn! I can't believe you took 7 whole minutes to yourself ;)

SE, I'm so so sorry that you are poorly and busy at work! I hope you are all on the mend soon. Well done to Munchkin on the pulling up to standing from lying down :) that should make bedtime fun!

We had a horrible night. He cried on and off from 1-3 and then 5-7. I meant to give him pain relief but I was so tired that it went from my mind. It looks like one tooth has almost cut through so hopefully this will be behind us soon!
It's 5pm and Cully has just STARTED his second nap. Ha! Naps are out of control at present!
Whoa, TWO MOTNs is just too much for anyone to bear. Poor both of you. Hope tonight is much much better :hugs: :hugs:
SE - Hope Munchkin is feeling better, as well as you and hubby!

Stephie - I often forget about giving pain relief during the night too! So glad that a tooth has broken through! Hopefully Cully gets some time away from the teething monster now.
Stephie that's intense! I hope tonight is better! It would be difficult for it to be worse...

I guess it's good we are ahead with teeth?!? It's been rough though. And as much as I suspect molars...it could very well be that I don't actually SEE them until the fall...
Well we had a busy day today and LO passed out without a fight tonight for bed. Fingers crossed this is a good sign as we had a hoooorrrriiibbblllee night last night.

Seaweed, how is the family? My OH has come down with a cold as well! Hope we dont catch it :(

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