Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Thanks girls, I'm going to try everything tonight! We have a humidifier and I have it constantly running in her room. The steam from the shower did wonders but only for a little while, and I'm going to look for the saline drops, can you get them at walmart or target? CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid? Etc. Haha.
We gave her some tylenol last night but didn't seem to do anything? I'm not quite sure it's for colds, is there anything else I could give her or should I consult a dr. before giving her anything?
Thanks girls, I'm going to try everything tonight! We have a humidifier and I have it constantly running in her room. The steam from the shower did wonders but only for a little while, and I'm going to look for the saline drops, can you get them at walmart or target? CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid? Etc. Haha.
We gave her some tylenol last night but didn't seem to do anything? I'm not quite sure it's for colds, is there anything else I could give her or should I consult a dr. before giving her anything?

You can get the saline drops pretty much anywhere I think. There's a brand called "Little Noses" that's specifically for infants but I think any kind of saline drops will work.

I would probably talk to a doctor before giving her any cold products because most of them are marketed toward older children and don't have dosing info for babies.
Thanks girls, I'm going to try everything tonight! We have a humidifier and I have it constantly running in her room. The steam from the shower did wonders but only for a little while, and I'm going to look for the saline drops, can you get them at walmart or target? CVS, Walgreens, RiteAid? Etc. Haha.
We gave her some tylenol last night but didn't seem to do anything? I'm not quite sure it's for colds, is there anything else I could give her or should I consult a dr. before giving her anything?

You can get the saline drops pretty much anywhere I think. There's a brand called "Little Noses" that's specifically for infants but I think any kind of saline drops will work.

I would probably talk to a doctor before giving her any cold products because most of them are marketed toward older children and don't have dosing info for babies.

Little Noses is the one we use - it's great :) I think they also have a product called "Little Colds" which is like Baby Vicks.

I think Bananaz is right about cold medicine - talk to your doctor. I know some doctors will recommend Benadryl, which would help her sleep too, but there aren't a lot of studies as to whether it's really safe for infants. I personally think it's probably fine if she is really struggling.
I, once again, have a lot of catching up to do!!
I am not sure what I last posted......last Friday night baby girl had an AWESOME night...she slept 6 hours and 20 minutes without waking up!!!!!! I, however, woke up at 3:30am and because that is usually when she would wake up again, I could not go back to sleep. :dohh: Then the longer it went without her waking, I became worried and had to check on her (even though I had a video monitor). By then I was awake. lol
Sooooo........needless to say, that was the ONLY awesome night! lol After that, we went a bit downhill and now we are back to waking up about every 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 hours. The 3 1/2 hour stretches are nice, but usually happens first thing in the night when I am up for most of it.

I have been battling a sinus infection/laryngitis this week. Hard to teach without a voice so I am taking tomorrow off (which stinks because I just started back!) At least I get the day with my girl, hopefully she will behave herself and I can get some rest.

I am going to backtrack now and try to catch up a bit to see how everyone is doing!
Lysh, congrats on a great night. Hope they become more frequent! Totally sympathize - I'm sick too! It's going around!

Jessica, hope Lilly is starting to feel a bit better?

We had a great night. I think Charlotte slept through! We put her down at 6:30pm and DH gave her a dream feed at 10pm. I took a Tylenol PM because I'm sick and he was "on duty". He said he thought her stir for 5 minutes around midnight and "chat" to herself a few hours later, but she never properly woke. I was a bit worried that maybe he slept through some crying, but I don't sleep that deeply even with medication so I feel I would have heard her if she really needed me. I feel a lot better today! Still sick though, yuck.
Great stuff Noelle. Hopefully good nights will be the norm and bad nights only when something's up.

We're in a good run these past few nights really. He had his best night ever on Tuesday night - 12 solid hours. Last night he went til 5, had a half feed and back down again until 8.15am but his day was all out after yesterday's trauma (don't know if you saw my other thread!)
Great stuff Noelle. Hopefully good nights will be the norm and bad nights only when something's up.

We're in a good run these past few nights really. He had his best night ever on Tuesday night - 12 solid hours. Last night he went til 5, had a half feed and back down again until 8.15am but his day was all out after yesterday's trauma (don't know if you saw my other thread!)

Oh my gosh, I did see your thread! Poor thing.

That's so wonderful. Cheers to both our LOs... here's hoping they are starting a pattern! 12 solid hours is BEAUTIFUL.
Omg guys, Sofia slept from 8:30 pm to 5:00 am this morning!! I just had to express my happiness! I'm on the road now I'll come back in a few hours and catch up with everyone :)
Wow, mrsbeano, shadowylady, and noelle, sounds like ya'll had great nights! We did too. :D

Well, the beginning of the night was HELL. She went to bed at 6:00 and was waking every 30 minutes after that. We spent a few hours trying to get her to go to sleep. Lots of screaming and crying during this time. At 930, she was SO tired, that we just put her down in her crib and she went to sleep. And slept until... drum roll... 5am! Yay Lilly! She woke up at five and I gave her a bottle because she must have been starving because she hadn't really eaten since about 4 in the afternoon. She went straight back down after her bottle and slept until 8. :D

She's still sick but feeling A LOT better than yesterday. I hope she gets over this by next tuesday. We're flying home for the holiday and would hate for my family who hasn't seen her in months to see her grumpy and sick. :(
And I just hate seeing my poor baby like this. :/
Wow, mrsbeano, shadowylady, and noelle, sounds like ya'll had great nights! We did too. :D

Well, the beginning of the night was HELL. She went to bed at 6:00 and was waking every 30 minutes after that. We spent a few hours trying to get her to go to sleep. Lots of screaming and crying during this time. At 930, she was SO tired, that we just put her down in her crib and she went to sleep. And slept until... drum roll... 5am! Yay Lilly! She woke up at five and I gave her a bottle because she must have been starving because she hadn't really eaten since about 4 in the afternoon. She went straight back down after her bottle and slept until 8. :D

She's still sick but feeling A LOT better than yesterday. I hope she gets over this by next tuesday. We're flying home for the holiday and would hate for my family who hasn't seen her in months to see her grumpy and sick. :(
And I just hate seeing my poor baby like this. :/

Are Lilly, Sophia and Charlotte sending each other text messages? Yeah for sleeping through, babies!

I hope she feels better, too. Tis the season for sick babies (and mommies).
Awww jealous of everyone (although MrsBeano I just looked at your other thread and that is so scary and stressful! Poor you :hugs: really glad it all worked out okay). We didn't have a great night :nope:

I think Joni was overtired because she didn't want a bedtime story at 6:15 but she cried until 7pm, then woke up crying at 8:30, I did a dream feed at 10.00, she woke crying at 11:00 and then cried every couple of hours until 5:30am when I held her until she woke up at about 7am. So not a very successful night! I think that the good nights after we put her in her own room must have been a coincidence although I suppose it is better than waking every 30 minutes.

i am feeling so guilty at the moment because she was just crying for about an hour, properly screaming, and I was getting so annoyed with her. I feel so horrible when I am like that. When I'm not tired I can cope with her crying much better but I feel so cross with her sometimes. I can keep it inside (mostly) but every 20 minutes or so I do have to put her down for a minute and just check my emails or something. I sit next to her and hold her hand (if she'll let me) but I just need to calm myself. But then I feel really bad about it, I should be able to cope, I am the adult and she needs me. I feel like a really awful mum today, like she might be better off without me.

Now she is asleep IN HER COT and has been for about 30 minutes, which is the first time she has ever slept successfully in her cot in the day. :happydance::happydance:
Seriously! When one has a bad night, the others do too, when one has a good night, they all do! LOL
Awww jealous of everyone (although MrsBeano I just looked at your other thread and that is so scary and stressful! Poor you :hugs: really glad it all worked out okay). We didn't have a great night :nope:

I think Joni was overtired because she didn't want a bedtime story at 6:15 but she cried until 7pm, then woke up crying at 8:30, I did a dream feed at 10.00, she woke crying at 11:00 and then cried every couple of hours until 5:30am when I held her until she woke up at about 7am. So not a very successful night! I think that the good nights after we put her in her own room must have been a coincidence although I suppose it is better than waking every 30 minutes.

i am feeling so guilty at the moment because she was just crying for about an hour, properly screaming, and I was getting so annoyed with her. I feel so horrible when I am like that. When I'm not tired I can cope with her crying much better but I feel so cross with her sometimes. I can keep it inside (mostly) but every 20 minutes or so I do have to put her down for a minute and just check my emails or something. I sit next to her and hold her hand (if she'll let me) but I just need to calm myself. But then I feel really bad about it, I should be able to cope, I am the adult and she needs me. I feel like a really awful mum today, like she might be better off without me.

Now she is asleep IN HER COT and has been for about 30 minutes, which is the first time she has ever slept successfully in her cot in the day. :happydance::happydance:

Don't beat yourself up hun. We all have those moments. I was like that at the beginning of the night last night. When you're tired EVERYTHING is so much worse and I know I get so much grumpier at everyone. You are not a bad mom, you just needed a break, you needed to breathe!
It's better for her if you tend to her after having a little break to pull yourself together than you tending to her when you're impatient, frustrated, or annoyed. :hugs:
Awww jealous of everyone (although MrsBeano I just looked at your other thread and that is so scary and stressful! Poor you :hugs: really glad it all worked out okay). We didn't have a great night :nope:

I think Joni was overtired because she didn't want a bedtime story at 6:15 but she cried until 7pm, then woke up crying at 8:30, I did a dream feed at 10.00, she woke crying at 11:00 and then cried every couple of hours until 5:30am when I held her until she woke up at about 7am. So not a very successful night! I think that the good nights after we put her in her own room must have been a coincidence although I suppose it is better than waking every 30 minutes.

i am feeling so guilty at the moment because she was just crying for about an hour, properly screaming, and I was getting so annoyed with her. I feel so horrible when I am like that. When I'm not tired I can cope with her crying much better but I feel so cross with her sometimes. I can keep it inside (mostly) but every 20 minutes or so I do have to put her down for a minute and just check my emails or something. I sit next to her and hold her hand (if she'll let me) but I just need to calm myself. But then I feel really bad about it, I should be able to cope, I am the adult and she needs me. I feel like a really awful mum today, like she might be better off without me.

Now she is asleep IN HER COT and has been for about 30 minutes, which is the first time she has ever slept successfully in her cot in the day. :happydance::happydance:

So sorry you had a tough night! I don't think the good nights in her own room were coincidence - I think Joni just had an off night. They all do, for reasons unknown. It's awesome she's in her cot right now!

Don't feel bad about needing a break. We all do and it is absolutely 100 times harder when you are sleep deprived. As my former, hippie/attchment parenting midwife used to say... "No baby ever died from crying".
Wow, I'm so glad most of you guys had good nights! Yay for sleeping through!

MrsPear - Sorry last night was rough for you :( I agree with Noelle, it's probably just an off night.

Last night wasn't fantastic for us. I think her other bottom tooth is coming through, so I gave her some ibuprofen before bed. She still had a hard time falling asleep though, and finally passed out a bit after 7pm after she'd been awake for almost 4 hours. Then she woke up at 1am (right when the ibuprofen wore off, I'm guessing not a coincidence). She fussed a bit off and on and then started really crying so I went in to try and soothe her, at which point she became totally hysterical. I was exhausted and I knew it was going to be a huge battle to get her back to sleep without feeding her so... I fed her.

Then she went back down until 4:30, when I went in to nurse her again, but when I put her back down she just wouldn't settle and I ended up giving her some Tylenol and then brought her into bed with me. Finally at 5:45 I put her back in her crib and after crying for about 10 seconds she passed out until 7:20.

I guess it really wasn't that bad except I didn't go to bed until 9:30 and I took half a Benadryl so I really needed more uninterrupted sleep.
Doesn't sound terrible Bananaz. Bet things improve once you see those teeth pop through. I am kind of dreading teething for us. Sometimes I think Charlotte has started and other times I don't think she has yet (it's hard to tell until you see them... and it seems like they "teeth" forever). Nothing is easy for us, so I'm sure she'll go nuts!
Bananaz it doesn't sound like the worst night but if you're already tired from previous nights then you do still feel worn out.

Joni was up 4 times last night which I suppose isn't too bad. I fed her at 10 before I went to bed and she woke at 12, 2, 4 and 6. The fourth time (6am) she was sort of up for the day really but I managed to hold off for half an hour by feeding her in the dark and holding her really still and we got up at 6:40.

I know I'm tired because she just had a nap on me and every time I closed my eyes I thought she was a dog! Then I opened them again and realised it was her, closed them again, thought it was a dog, opened them, it was her... A black puppy too, I'd love a black puppy! You know you're tired when you're beginning to lose touch with reality!

Hahahaha I've got to laugh as I type this she is in her jumperoo having a massive poo and smiling across at me.

My nights are all still a bit hit and miss. She always has at least two bottles before 5am but last night she was really unsettled... Think it's coz her day time naps weren't as good as they usually are so it knocked everything else out. Still not sure if we have any teeth about to come through, as you say, they seem to 'teeth' for ever!!! Wish there was a way of knowing for sure! This can't last for ever right?!
MrsPear, that's kind of funny.

Anti, no, this can't last forever... As soon as I feel like "I can't take it" with one phases, it passes :)

We had a weird night. Charlotte's naps were kind of off again. Her morning nap was a good 90 minutes, but then she had two more naps at only 30 minutes. Like Jessica's Lilly, she NEEDS those long naps, so I think overtired-ness was at play.

She went to sleep at 6:30pm, but was weird. Didn't want to be put down! VERY unusual for her. Then she slept straight through until 3am (dream feed around 9pm) and woke screaming and stayed that way for an HOUR. I tried all of my old tricks - shhushing, rocking, paci, feeding, nothing worked. Finally I gave her Advil, because she seemed to be in pain. She ultimately drifted off. Any thoughts on this? It was really unsettling for me, as it's unusual. It's the second time she's done it this week. She was arching her back and kicking her legs. It reminded me of reflux pain, but I can't imagine that was it since she hadn't eaten in 6 hours. Teething? Separation anxiety?

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