Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Oh bananaz! She's so clever :)

We had a great night here! Bed at 8:15pm, woke for a feed at 12, again at 4am and up for the day at 6:30am.

It's amazing how those shocker nights made me feel, I couldn't care less if she wakes 2, 3 or 4 times. Anything is better than that hellish screaming all night long. I'm just so pleased to have my happy baby back :)

Oh and she just went down for a nap without crying or fighting!!!!! :D

Such great news! Hope you got some sleep too :)
Yay!! It's starting to look up for most people I think. My LO woke every hour or 2 last night, I'm quite happy with that - anything is better than being awake for 5 hours straight...

We are also closer to crawling, she attempts to crawl and ends up landing flat on her face!! I think she may have mastered it by christmas!
Phew, Steph... glad things are better. I think you win the prize on this thread for WORST NIGHT EVER!
On another note, guess who cut her first tooth today?!

awww, yay!!! what symptoms did she have before it came through. Olivia is getting her 3rd and she always has the same symptoms - nappy rash, eczema on cheeks, runny nose, drooling, itchy ears and smelly poo (more than normal)!!
On another note, guess who cut her first tooth today?!

awww, yay!!! what symptoms did she have before it came through. Olivia is getting her 3rd and she always has the same symptoms - nappy rash, eczema on cheeks, runny nose, drooling, itchy ears and smelly poo (more than normal)!!

You know, she didn't have many symptoms! I went back and forth on whether she was actually teething. Mostly just fussing, more wakeful (ha!) and sucking on her bottom lip.
On another note, guess who cut her first tooth today?!

Aww! Which one did she get? Mia just got two on the bottom. It's hard to tell what her symptoms were cause she was ill at the same time but definitely red gums, more fussy and more drooling.
On another note, guess who cut her first tooth today?!

Aww! Which one did she get? Mia just got two on the bottom. It's hard to tell what her symptoms were cause she was ill at the same time but definitely red gums, more fussy and more drooling.

I know it was on the bottom, but I'm not sure which one yet! I'll report back. Her daycare provider just texted me to tell me :)
Aww they're going to look so cute when they have just a tooth or two on the bottom :cloud9:
Noelle - yey for the tooth finally :) maybe things will look easier now?

Steph - yey a new skill for xmas :) I cannot wait for my LO to learn crawling.

Speaking of which, missy napped much better today, kinda like her old self. A two hour nap between 10 am to 12 pm, then a couple of 30 mins nap and one 1 hour nap. Hoping that means a better night....*crossing fingers*
Noelle - yey for the tooth finally :) maybe things will look easier now?

Steph - yey a new skill for xmas :) I cannot wait for my LO to learn crawling.

Speaking of which, missy napped much better today, kinda like her old self. A two hour nap between 10 am to 12 pm, then a couple of 30 mins nap and one 1 hour nap. Hoping that means a better night....*crossing fingers*

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you!

I may be in for a rough night. Olivia had already woken up 3 times since going down at 7.30 (its now 10pm). I've given her some nurofen and put her amber necklace on. Took a few shushing cuddles to get her to settle down again though. She's now asleep again...for now!!
MiniKiwi - Yay for a happy baby! I'm so so glad she's feeling better. Two wakings isn't bad at all either! I love your new avatar pic, btw. She's gorgeous.

steph - Yes, omg, anything must be better than being awake for 5 hours in the middle of the night. You poor thing :wacko:

Noelle - Awww that's great! You'll have to post a picture for us if you can get one. Elsie makes it impossible to see her tooth, she always sticks her tongue out.
I'm so nervous and confused.. My 15 minute napping, cry to sleep while rocking baby had the most amazing night last night and day today. I'm only nervous that it's cause she's still sick but she's been happier than ever today and is almost finished her antibiotics.

After a great night with 2 wakings, I fed her to sleep twice (never happens anymore) after 2.5 hours awake and she slept for 1 hr and 45 minutes EACH TIME :shock: wtf??? Then had a 30 minute nap, got up, had tea, milk and went to sleep at 8pm just lying on the bed next to OH. I can't even believe this. She's never done that!

We're on holiday and I'm scared to go home incase it's cause she loves it here! Oh man I don't even believe this

Eta: how long does your LO nap in a day total? Is that normal? 4 hrs for a 7 month old? She used to do 1 hr the whole day
I'm so nervous and confused.. My 15 minute napping, cry to sleep while rocking baby had the most amazing night last night and day today. I'm only nervous that it's cause she's still sick but she's been happier than ever today and is almost finished her antibiotics.

After a great night with 2 wakings, I fed her to sleep twice (never happens anymore) after 2.5 hours awake and she slept for 1 hr and 45 minutes EACH TIME :shock: wtf??? Then had a 30 minute nap, got up, had tea, milk and went to sleep at 8pm just lying on the bed next to OH. I can't even believe this. She's never done that!

We're on holiday and I'm scared to go home incase it's cause she loves it here! Oh man I don't even believe this

Eta: how long does your LO nap in a day total? Is that normal? 4 hrs for a 7 month old? She used to do 1 hr the whole day

That's brilliant! Mine always naps for 3 hours every time unless she had a rubbish night. she dropped her 3rd nap last week
MiniKiwi, it sounds to me like she's just feeling better! Glad to hear Mia is getting back to her old self.

So Charlotte's tooth seems to be right on the surface... Last night was a lot of moaning and tossing and turning. I'm fairly certain that this is the reason she's been having long-ish night wakings. I've given her advil, teething tablets, etc, but nothing seems to really comfort her except mom rocking her and a pacifier, which we had previously gotten rid of. Guess I just have to ride it out! I have heard that the first teeth are the worst until molars.

Steph, when Charlotte came home from daycare her cheeks were red and she has had loose stools today while she's usually constipated. Chalk that up to teething?

Bananaz, will try my best for a photo! Charlotte won't let me near her mouth either!
Noelle, Joni was only comforted by being held when she got her two front bottom teeth. Nothing else really worked although she does really enjoy teething rings etc in the day. Some nights I held her several hours.

Actually, at the moment she is averaging 2-3 wake ups, so that's not too bad although they can be long ones...but for the past few days her nose has been running non stop (no other cold symptoms) and last night she would NOT be put down past 3.30, so I am wondering is it another tooth? I hope so, it sort of makes no sleep worthwhile when you get a result at the end of it!

MiniKiwi, who knows, babies do just throw curveball naps in every now and again. I hope it's a pattern though. About once a fortnight Joni will take an hour long nap (very long for her) and it's very welcome!

Steph- does the amber necklace work? I am thinking of getting one but don't know if it's really going to do anything.

...oooh got to go, Joni is crying....
Noelle - that could have something to do with teething. Olivia has the smelliest wees and poos and the poos are dark green and runny ....sorry if anyone is eating while reading this!! :wacko:

Mrs Pear - the amber necklace definitely works for us :thumbup:
Oh my goodness will this never end....
My almost 8 month old is up llike every 45 minutes to a hour the last few nights. She did this about 3 weeks ago for about a week and then a tooth came through so I'm wondering if she is getting another tooth.
All she wants to do at night is nurse, nothing else will sooth her. I'm SOOOOO tired.
I'm so afraid she is not getting enough sleep. It's a struggle lately to get her down for naps aswell and when I do there like 20 minutes thats it.
I wouldn't mind the 20 minute naps if she slepts well at night but she doesn't, no joke when I say she is up like 15 times a night. I'm so fustrated, I get NO help from husband either, all on me.
I can only pray for a better night tonight.
Oh I finally got her sleeping in her swing right now, hopefully she naps for awhile, she needs it.
I'm so nervous and confused.. My 15 minute napping, cry to sleep while rocking baby had the most amazing night last night and day today. I'm only nervous that it's cause she's still sick but she's been happier than ever today and is almost finished her antibiotics.

After a great night with 2 wakings, I fed her to sleep twice (never happens anymore) after 2.5 hours awake and she slept for 1 hr and 45 minutes EACH TIME :shock: wtf??? Then had a 30 minute nap, got up, had tea, milk and went to sleep at 8pm just lying on the bed next to OH. I can't even believe this. She's never done that!

We're on holiday and I'm scared to go home incase it's cause she loves it here! Oh man I don't even believe this

Eta: how long does your LO nap in a day total? Is that normal? 4 hrs for a 7 month old? She used to do 1 hr the whole day

That's wonderful! And it may very well continue. My LO also used to be a very unpredictable catnapper but around 6 months her sleep suddenly consolidated and she started taking these glorious 1-2.5 hour naps. She still has the occasional day of 20-minute naps, but that's the exception rather than the rule these days. Now she usually gets 3-4 hours of naps every day (which I think is appropriate for a baby this age) instead of the 1-2 hours she used to get. It's such a nice change :cloud9:
Oh my goodness will this never end....
My almost 8 month old is up llike every 45 minutes to a hour the last few nights. She did this about 3 weeks ago for about a week and then a tooth came through so I'm wondering if she is getting another tooth.
All she wants to do at night is nurse, nothing else will sooth her. I'm SOOOOO tired.
I'm so afraid she is not getting enough sleep. It's a struggle lately to get her down for naps aswell and when I do there like 20 minutes thats it.
I wouldn't mind the 20 minute naps if she slepts well at night but she doesn't, no joke when I say she is up like 15 times a night. I'm so fustrated, I get NO help from husband either, all on me.
I can only pray for a better night tonight.
Oh I finally got her sleeping in her swing right now, hopefully she naps for awhile, she needs it.

Wow, big hugs to you, that is so tough :hugs: I hope it is just teething and she'll get back to sleeping well once the tooth cuts through (which should be soon!). Have you tried giving her some pain meds to see if it helps? My LO is teething right now and I find she sleeps a lot better when I give her a dose of ibuprofen before bed.

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