Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Minikiwi - yey! Glad your LO is doing better. Was telling my DH about the UTI and how the doctors missed it today. He was also pissed off on your behalf :D

Everyone else seems to be having difficulties again!!! Maaaan are our babies plotting not to sleep together or what? and OMG Steph 5 hours awake in the middle of the night??? many hugs to you sweetie...

Ya so some of you might have seen my other thread. I'm 100% sure now that this is the 4 months sleep regression as it has been going on for 5 nights in a row. My DH was in charge last night and said that Sofia was up at 11:30 pm, 1:30 am, 3:30 am, 5:30 am....after the 5:30 am though she slept till 9 am :/ He only fed her at 11:30 pm and 3:30 pm and the other times she went back to sleep by herself.

Oh the one thing is she's still easy to go down *touch wood* and self soothes at night. She just wakes up a LOT more than she used to :/ Naps are also becoming more difficult...God help me!!!!

I'm so scared of how long this might go on. As some of you know I'm dealing with post partum insomnia and this is really not helping. I don't wanna be a crying mess for the holidays :'(
Thanks Shadowy! We're home from the hospital, I'm so happy! No more needles and tears. I feel so bad for all the families spending christmas there :(

Shadowy, I don't have any good advice! But do try to take things one day at a time, you're not necessarily doomed for a long time! At 4 months, Mia's sleep went to crap for maybe a week and then got better. Sorry you're struggling with insomnia.. that must be the most frustrating thing. Keep your head up :hugs:
Shadowy, hugs! 4 months is a hard time. You will get through it.

Last night was our first night that Charlotte didn't have an hour plus long waking. She woke briefly around 11pm, put herself back to sleep and then slept through the rest of the night. I, however, slept very poorly. Here's hoping these meds kick in soon!
Noelle - so sorry hun.I still believe i'll die of sleep deprivation that's how tough i find it. But as Charlotte is sleeping better and the meds you're taking i'm sure things will get better for you soon.

Sofia slept slightly better and woke up 3 times (at 11 pm, 3 am and 5:30 am) instead of the 4 times she did the past few nights. It's 8:30 am now and she's still asleep. It's still FAR from her norm though. I did feed her each time as I was too exhausted to do otherwise....hoping this doesn't last long.
MiniKiwi - Yaaaay so glad your sweet baby is home and feeling better!

Shadowy - I know just what you're feeling, especially the worry about how long it will last, but you've been going through it for almost a week already so chances are things will start improving again soon. Hang in there :hugs:

Noelle - What an awesome night, for Charlotte anyway. If she can keep that up (and yes, I know all too well that's a big "if") then I'm sure you'll find a way of getting some sleep too.

Our night was somewhat better. Her nap schedule was totally screwy from her getting up so early yesterday so she ended up waking from her last nap at 5:30, but I still managed to get her to sleep at 6:45. She woke at 1:30 and I spent an entire hour shush-patting her (my neck is killing me!) but she just kept crying and sitting up even as I was doing it so at 2:30 I finally gave in and fed her for a few minutes. She went to sleep pretty quickly after that, and then I didn't hear a peep from her until 6:20! I think she might've slept even later, but my stupid cat has developed a habit of meowing at her door in the mornings :growlmad:

Anyway, I'm starting to think that getting her to sleep before 7pm is the key to eliminating the 4:30 wakeup call, but it can't really be that straightforward right??
We're out the door, going to the airport so can't write much, but our night was good. She went to bed at 9pm ( :dohh: ) and slept until 5am, fed her, and she slept until 8am where she woke up for the day.
I have no idea why she's trying to push her bedtime later and later but I'm not having it anymore! Tonight she's going to bed at her normal bedtime, no questions asked!

I might not be on for a few days, we're flying home for the holidays so are gonna be pretty busy catching up with family and stuff.

Sorry I haven't read everyone's updates, but hope you all had a good night last night!

Bananaz, maybe it is that simple! I do hope so for your sake.

Jessica, Lilly basically slept through, how wonderful!

I really hope this begins a pattern for Charlotte, but she has to be the most inconsistent person I've ever met. My mom is into astrology and she tells me Geminis are like that - LOL!
ughhhh same thing again last night: down at 8 pm, up for a feed at 12:30, then 3:30 and then 5:30 am...and again slept after that till 9 am. That's Sofia of course. I only got 3 hours of very broken sleep....

I feel so down these days. I know I should be happy and grateful for my happy and healthy baby but all I wanna do is cry from exhaustion :(
Shadowy Lady, I hear you! I could cry from exhaustion too. Charlotte woke up four times last night.

I slept from 8pm to 10pm and was up the rest of the night with insomnia. I put a call into my midwife to tell her I need something stronger than benadryl. Unfortunately I really feel I need some rest before the Zoloft kicks in (can take up to a month is my understanding).
Shadowy - Big hugs for you, I'm sorry you're having such difficulty sleeping. Does Sofia usually go straight back to sleep after feeding at least?

Noelle - Oh no, only 2 hours of sleep?! That's terrible :( Any idea why Charlotte was waking so much? That's so crazy that she can basically sleep through one night and then be up four times the next!

Last night was pretty good for Elsie. She went down at 6:30 and then woke at 12:30. She's cutting a tooth right now so I was ready to go give her more ibuprofen and shush-pat her, but every time I got to the door she quieted down and I could see on the video monitor that she was trying really hard to go back to sleep on her own. After about an hour of her grumbling intermittently and me praying to every deity I could think of, she finally fell asleep. She woke again at 4am for a feed, and went straight back down until 5:30.

So, really not too bad, although I'm getting kind of tired of these hour-long wakings. But seeing on here how long other people's babies are up in the middle of the night does give me some perspective :wacko:
No idea Bananaz! Her naps were really good the previous day, too, so I can't explain it. Could have been a one-off though.

Sounds like Eslie had a wonderful night! I too feel for you on the hour-long wakings, but you're so right that it could be much worse.
ughhhh same thing again last night: down at 8 pm, up for a feed at 12:30, then 3:30 and then 5:30 am...and again slept after that till 9 am. That's Sofia of course. I only got 3 hours of very broken sleep....

I feel so down these days. I know I should be happy and grateful for my happy and healthy baby but all I wanna do is cry from exhaustion :(

Shadowy - there is a HUGE growth spurt at around 16/17 weeks old. Lots of people confuse it for the need to start solids. I would assume that if she's just waking up to eat that it will probably pass in a week.
thanks guys :) I'm so desperate though that I'm *this* close to try rice cereals tonight...I'm gonna wait it out another week though...hoping I won't drive myself crazy with no sleep
thanks guys :) I'm so desperate though that I'm *this* close to try rice cereals tonight...I'm gonna wait it out another week though...hoping I won't drive myself crazy with no sleep

Heheh, I understand your desperation but don't do it! Chances are good it would have no effect, or even the opposite effect of what you want. I'm certainly never giving rice cereal before bed again after our experience last time :dohh:
thanks guys :) I'm so desperate though that I'm *this* close to try rice cereals tonight...I'm gonna wait it out another week though...hoping I won't drive myself crazy with no sleep

Heheh, I understand your desperation but don't do it! Chances are good it would have no effect, or even the opposite effect of what you want. I'm certainly never giving rice cereal before bed again after our experience last time :dohh:

It just made Charlotte puke all over me when I gave it to her at 3 months (bad mom alert!). I had to change her PJs and totally disrupt the bedtime routine.
thanks guys :) I'm so desperate though that I'm *this* close to try rice cereals tonight...I'm gonna wait it out another week though...hoping I won't drive myself crazy with no sleep

Heheh, I understand your desperation but don't do it! Chances are good it would have no effect, or even the opposite effect of what you want. I'm certainly never giving rice cereal before bed again after our experience last time :dohh:

thanks guys :) I'm so desperate though that I'm *this* close to try rice cereals tonight...I'm gonna wait it out another week though...hoping I won't drive myself crazy with no sleep

Heheh, I understand your desperation but don't do it! Chances are good it would have no effect, or even the opposite effect of what you want. I'm certainly never giving rice cereal before bed again after our experience last time :dohh:

It just made Charlotte puke all over me when I gave it to her at 3 months (bad mom alert!). I had to change her PJs and totally disrupt the bedtime routine.

ok fine i won't do it:haha: but will ask her pedi about night weaning at her 4-months appt on Jan 10th. I see Ferberizing in our near future :shrug:
OMG Bananaz! Elsie is going to be the best sleeping toddler because she's getting all of her milestones out of the way now!
Oh bananaz! She's so clever :)

We had a great night here! Bed at 8:15pm, woke for a feed at 12, again at 4am and up for the day at 6:30am.

It's amazing how those shocker nights made me feel, I couldn't care less if she wakes 2, 3 or 4 times. Anything is better than that hellish screaming all night long. I'm just so pleased to have my happy baby back :)

Oh and she just went down for a nap without crying or fighting!!!!! :D

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