Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

well. i thought at 1 year things would get better. NOPE. every month that goes by just keeps getting worse. i'm not sure if it's teething (everything gets blamed on teething, right?) or whatever but now on top of his usual 10+ wakings a night my LO thinks its cool to wake up in the middle of the night and crawl on me while screaming in my face and he won't even take a boob to calm him down!

well. i thought at 1 year things would get better. NOPE. every month that goes by just keeps getting worse. i'm not sure if it's teething (everything gets blamed on teething, right?) or whatever but now on top of his usual 10+ wakings a night my LO thinks its cool to wake up in the middle of the night and crawl on me while screaming in my face and he won't even take a boob to calm him down!



We've been there.

Where does he sleep? Does he nap well? Maybe some small changes would make a big difference. It's hard to see the big picture when you're exhausted.

It does feel like teething goes on FOREVER.
he co sleeps with me since birth. he takes two, 1 hour long naps but wakes every 15-20 minutes during his naps and i have to go and boob him back to sleep.

he co sleeps with me since birth. he takes two, 1 hour long naps but wakes every 15-20 minutes during his naps and i have to go and boob him back to sleep.


That sounds rough! Do you think he might do better in his own space? Sometimes that seems to be the case with older babies. I think they co-sleep well until about 6 months and then it may cause more wakings.

In terms of the naps, sounds like they're of a good length. I wonder if he is overtired, though, if he is waking so frequently.
Boo and Aphrodite - I used to also freak out that I could hear LO waking up, but now I can just take a look on my video monitor and most of the time she's totally zonked out asleep. Of course the monitor doesn't help with all the times I'm convinced she's about to wake up though!

mrsbeano - Congrats on the successful night weaning! Is he giving you some nice long stretches now??

Noelle - Holy crap, 13 hours? I can't even imagine! Even with the disruptions it sounds like Charlotte has reached a really good place in terms of sleep :)

veganmama - :hugs: That's really tough. I can't imagine trying to cosleep with my LO at this age - she's way too active and sometimes downright violent! Have you thought about maybe transitioning him to a crib to see if that helps?

Last night was okay for us. She had another weird stirring around 11pm where she suddenly stood up and starting crying loudly and then just as suddenly stopped and laid down. I think she's still asleep when she does that?? Anyway, she didn't wake up all the way until 2am for a feeding. I took her off the boob a couple of minutes earlier than usual so afterward she fussed intermittently afterward for a while but then she finally went back to sleep. Unfortunately I wasn't able to do the same and I was still awake at 6am when she got up for the day :(
Aphrodite that sounds exactly the same as me! I don't know why I find it so stressful the possibility/reality of him stirring?! I mean he's not had milk in the night since 11 weeks and he's now 7.5 months! Even when he hardly has any in the day he refuses it at night. But yet I just worry about him waking mainly because I can't switch off after!

He's been all whingey today and has only had 5oz of his afternoon bottle instead of his usual 9oz. Last week he was in a good patch and having full bottles and really enjoying them in like 5 mins flat! Just when you think it's all sorted something else comes along :(

Ooh bananaz that 2-6am sounds a killer despite Elsie being asleep. That being said, I'm pleased I'm not the only one...!
Just to clarify ladies, my sleep issue is due to anxiety, but my doctor doesn't want me to take pills every night. She said 3 nights a week max! She doesn't want me to be dependent on the pill and I see her point. It's just so hard when I sleep so much better while taking them.

I I took half of the pill and I did go to sleep around 9:30-10 pm (and woke at 1:30 am to feed Sofia). But after that I woke up at 4 am for absolutely no reason and could not sleep again until Sofia woke up at 6:15 am. I'm gonna do another half pill tonight and then no pill tomorrow night.

I'm functional but very tired....will have to come back and read all the posts I missed later
Hello ladies!

Wow a lot has happened since I last posted. I hope I don't miss anyone out!

Boo44 - Sorry for the late reply. The eucalyptus oil in a bowl did help. I then bought a vaporiser from boots (boots own brand) for like £5. You just put it on before LO goes to bed and then I turn it off when I go to bed, and it seems to help a lot.

Propping the end of the cot with a couple of books seems to be helping a little too. I hope Jack isn't too bad with it.

Don't worry about the dirty nappy, it'll pass, we had the same thing for a couple of days and then it stopped.

Seren also has a cold and it's taking her forever to eat her bottles, she used to down a 250ml (8oz) bottle in like 5 mins, now it's taking like two hours to get it into her, then try to wind her. It'll pass.

Mrspear - Sorry you are still having a tough time. I don't know that the formula itself has any effect, but friends of mine have reported better sleep when they switched at 6 months, they seem to think it's because you don't get as sunggled in when bottle feeding, so it's easier to put them down as they are not so comfortable.

The ssshhh patting seems to be going great for you. I know its so hard when you are doing it, but you are right, it's really not that awful for her if you are next to her.

Just be ready for a little bit of a regression after she takes to it, apparently when you are making a big change, they can accept it for a few days and then they regress again and then it gets better.

Oh and I agree, no putting Joni in the fish tank!

I think you did the right thing about the 4:30am waking. I think 2 hours is definitely long enough to try, and then let her sleep. Just keep at it, it'll click in the end.

Good luck with the job interview.

Bananaz - I'm sorry Elsie had such a hard time sleeping while you were away. How did your interview go?

Don't worry, you'll get back on track with the night feeding soon enough, it'll just take a couple of days for her to revert.

I think Elsie is probably asleep during her standing waking, I guess it's just her muscles working when she is asleep, probably trying to learn new skills.

Sorry you couldn't get back to sleep, but I hope that passes soon.

Megan - Congratulations that CIO worked so well for you. Definitely no judgement here, you have to do what you have to do. Especially since it seems that you are getting much less crying with CIO than you were with gentler methods. Some babies just respond better to CIO etc. I hope you are finally getting some great sleep.

Daneuae - Glad things are getting better for you. Dairy elimination is really tough, especially as a vegetarian, but at least it's having a definite impact.

I also find that Seren needs a nap about 1.5 - 2 hours after waking, but she can go longer after that. She can do 3 hours in the afternoon, but it depends on the length of nap.

I'd try putting her down earlier and see if that makes a difference.

Aliss - So glad you are getting some good sleep.

Shadowy Lady - I completely understand why you would be nervous about dropping your medication. I hope that the half doses work ok for you, but if it doesn't, make sure you go back to your doctor and speak to her seriously about it. You can't get no sleep just because a doctor doesn't want you on sleeping meds. There has to be a balance somewhere.

Mrsbeano - So glad you are having success with shifting the calories to day time with Quinn.

Noelle - Thrilled Charlotte is sleeping well for you. 13 hours is amazing!

Veganmama - So sorry you are having such a tough time. I agree with Noelle about moving them into their own bed. Once they are really mobile they become difficult to co sleep with.

As for us, we're doing ok. Seren has a cold still, which is making day times a bit miserable because she spends all day trying to feed because of her blocked nose.

She's been sleeping well until last night. She had her last nap at 4:45pm instead of 4pm because she had wind she couldn't get up because of her cold, and it took until then to get it up and get her to sleep in the car.

DH is away so some of my friends were coming over, so I was trying to tidy up and get things sorted, but had to do it one handed because she wanted to be held all the time, which is really unusual.

I bathed her at 6:30 and tried to put her down, but I just don't think she was tired enough. Eventually she took her dummy and went to sleep, but it took ages and she was still drifting off to sleep in the cot at 7:30pm when people arrived.

So after STTN the last two nights, 4:45am she woke, and every 30 minutes after that. She was wide awake too. I just gave her a cuddle and put her back down, and she tried to drift off again.

I finally gave up and got up at 7am which is her usual get up time. She lasted until 8:10am and then went back down for a nap, and is still asleep 45 mins later, which is almost unheard of for her, but I think it's because she was awake on and off from 4:45am.

So tonight I'm hoping we get an earlier last nap and then she can go to bed at the usual time, if not I'll just have to put her to bed later.

She still has a cold and I can't wait for it to pass, although that will probably be just in time for WW26 to begin!

well. i thought at 1 year things would get better. NOPE. every month that goes by just keeps getting worse. i'm not sure if it's teething (everything gets blamed on teething, right?) or whatever but now on top of his usual 10+ wakings a night my LO thinks its cool to wake up in the middle of the night and crawl on me while screaming in my face and he won't even take a boob to calm him down!



will he sleep at all on his own? maybe you are inadvertantely (spelling?) waking him up or something that would explain the screaming.....maybe you could try part tme bedsharing?
megan- how did you approach CIO? i have to hold my LO to sleep and all night, i'm exhausted and anxiety ridden, as well as being a total bitch.

she has to still be in our room (pack n play) the rooms are too far apart and i just find monitors too creepy :wacko:
Bananaz- There's something incredibly miserable about being awake when your baby is asleep. I'm sorry you couldn't sleep.

Veganmamma- I'm sorry you are still having sleep problems. Yes I would expect it to get better by that age too. I don't have any suggestions because nothing I do seems to work. I feel for you, it's hard not to start getting depressed when you're that tired.

Boo44- That's exactly it- just as you think it's sorted something else comes along!!

Sunnie- Fingers crossed you get some good sleep between the cold and WW26! It sounds like she's feeling a bit miserable, I know when I have a cold I struggle to sleep too. Thanks for the interview luck!!

Mrs Beano- It sounds like Quinn is sleeping better than previously? I'm glad night weaning has been working. I hope that I will be able to get Joni to self settle like that soon!
Our shhh-patting is not going very well. Perhaps I am expecting too much too soon. For the first part of the night she slept okay-

6:30-9:30 (after 30 minutes patting) sleep
10:00-01:00 (was asleep by the time I finished feeding) sleep
1:20-3:30 sleep
Party Party Party Party Party
5:30-5:50 sleep
I give up and get up.

I'm going to try until Monday so I've given it a week, but I just don't think this is going anywhere.

I've been awake since 3:30 and had about 4 hours sleep before that...so...wish me luck for my interview!!! :thumbup:
Wow Mrs pear! That's rough. I think that the motn parties are just a phase as lots of babies on here do it. I let Quinn cio for that but understand if its not your cup of tea.

I think the more gentle sleep training can take a while.

Lots of luck today. Adrenaline should see you through... Enjoy getting dressed up too! It's nice to feel smart & out of your mum uniform x
Wow Mrs pear! That's rough. I think that the motn parties are just a phase as lots of babies on here do it. I let Quinn cio for that but understand if its not your cup of tea.

I think the more gentle sleep training can take a while.

Lots of luck today. Adrenaline should see you through... Enjoy getting dressed up too! It's nice to feel smart & out of your mum uniform x

Haha that is so true, I've tried my outfit on twice this week already, it feels good! x
Our shhh-patting is not going very well. Perhaps I am expecting too much too soon. For the first part of the night she slept okay-

6:30-9:30 (after 30 minutes patting) sleep
10:00-01:00 (was asleep by the time I finished feeding) sleep
1:20-3:30 sleep
Party Party Party Party Party
5:30-5:50 sleep
I give up and get up.

I'm going to try until Monday so I've given it a week, but I just don't think this is going anywhere.

I've been awake since 3:30 and had about 4 hours sleep before that...so...wish me luck for my interview!!! :thumbup:

Mrspear - you are making progress, I know it's so difficult to see it when you are in the middle of it, but remember that Joni literally wouldn't sleep at all unless she was in your arms, and now you are getting 3 hours when she first goes down.

Plus you are getting another 3 hours after that, which I think is amazing progress so quickly.

I know you feel rotten and sleep deprived, but it will get even better.

I agree with Mrsbeano - the MOTN party could be developmental rather than the sleep training method. So nothing to do with her sleep pattern really at all.

Keep at it honey, I know it will pay off for you in the end.

Plus as it gets to 4am, that's when they enter lighter sleep cycles, so it's no real surprise that she is struggling to resettle at that stage, especially when this way of sleeping is so new to her.

This also won't help, but Seren's normal wake up is between 6:30 and 7am. So you might find that when she is sleeping much better that she naturally has an earlier wake time as she is much better rested.

I know that's the last thing you want to hear now, but honestly, when they sleep good, 6:30am seems a reasonable time to get up :thumbup:

You are so right! I will keep going for at least a week and I will update how she sleeps each night so you can remind me of the progress! :) x
MrsPear, I actually totally agree with Sunnie. This is the kid who could only sleep while being held. She's now doing three hour stretches in her crib! With the exception of the middle of the night party, she is doing wonderfully! And I do think those parties are devlopntal. We've all been there.

I wanted to share this link with you girls. I know it's easier for me to have perspective now that my kid sleeps relatively well, but I think this would have helpd me when I was having a hard time. It's an article about how we will remember the moments - the first smile, the first time baby crawled - but not the phases, including the 4am parties.

Sunny - I find the rare occasion that Sofia does STTN (like once a week) she wants to make up for it by waking up at 4:00 am! Is your DH part of Seren bedtime routine? If so maybe she was thrown off coz he wasn't included?

Socity - lol I find monitors creepy too! I thought i was the only one. We have one but don't use it during the night coz our rooms are close to each other.

MrsPear - that is very rough :( I agree with mrsbeano though, usually very gentle sleep training approaches take forever (or in our case don't work which is why we switched methodes). It does sound that your LO has made some progress so go mamma! Best of luck to you though....

So as for us I personally took another half dose last night and slept from 10:30 pm to 5:30 which is not bad. I do still feel tired and am wondering it's the meds making me drowsy. I think tonight I'll brave it with no meds.

Sofia slept from 7 pm to 5:30 am which is awesome! This might have been her once a week sttn. What is weird though that her naps are getting shorter during the day and she's unusually cranky. Is there a ww26? If so I think we started it 2 days ago :/
We had a better night last night thank goodness. It's snowing here so I've had a day around the house and Jack's had 2 naps, 10-11.30 and then 3.30-4.30. That is great for him! He won't need a power nap and both times he self settled in his cot. Just shows what he'd be like if I was always in. But I kinda refuse to stop living life just so a baby can nap, lol!

He's still coughing lots and turning down bottles. But at least he's eating well. I just hope that whether its a tooth or a cold causing this that it gets better soon!

MrsPear props to you you're doing so great. Stick at it and I've a feeling you'll see even more improvements pretty quick!! Xx

Shadowy good luck with no meds tonight xx
I don't like to be proven wrong but you guys might be right- I think she just got herself to sleep??! I fed her, then she fell asleep right away (people say don't feed to sleep but I don't think you can really help it if they do) so I put her straight down (before shhh-patting I would have held her to get her to a deep sleep), she woke up, moaned a little so I decided to leave the room right away and try not to wake her fully (patting is all very well but don't you sometimes think it can keep them awake too? Not sure), stood outside and listened for a minute...after about 50 seconds = silence!!

It's only been 10 minutes so she might still just be waiting, but I'm cautiously hopeful.

It is important that she goes to sleep well tonight because I am having my FIRST EVENING OUT! A friend who has spent quite a lot of time with Joni is babysitting. I'm not worried, I know she will work it out even if Joni cries. I'll be back after a couple of hours, only going two streets away.

We are going to move the cot right alongside the bed, I think it'll just be easier to relax during the night time wakings.

Oh and P.S. Interview was terrible! I practically left with my tail between my legs. Never mind, I'm 2/3 through university anyway, so if I don't find something I could always complete my degree in the meantime, so it's not a huge deal.

Eeeee, no noise yet, this is so exciting!


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