Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Socity, it's tough. You can either go cold turkey. A lot of people would say she doesn't need it at 9 months, but that's truly up to you. Or, you could set a feeding cutoff. You could say, I'm not going to feed for wakings prior to 6 hours after bedtime (just use whichever sleep training method you use to respond), but after 6 hours I'll feed.

I saw this today and thought of you. I don't agree with it all, but I think some of it's good and might help:

thank you. lots of good information although of course I don't agree with all of it either but a lot makes sense.
thank you. lots of good information although of course I don't agree with all of it either but a lot makes sense.

Sure. There's no "one size fits all" for sleep stuff, but I think it has some good info on the how and why of getting a baby to sleep on their own.
Socity - good luck hunnie! I know sleep training is hard but honestly everyone I know has had better sleepers after. I never have done CIO but Ferber worked great for us.

Noelle - sorry to hear you're tired. I'm not looking forward to teething. And yes the snow storm is all the rage here too! Nothing today but last week it snowed here everyday (or so my mom says coz we were away)...we got 30 cm in one day!! Can't believe they won't let you work from home :(

So guess what ladies? Sofia sttn last night!!!! She went to sleep at 6:30 pm even though she had that long nap on her tummy. She slept on her back though and no peep from her till 6 am!! I was shocked and pleased and hoping this continues. I'm still on sleep meds but weaning myself off slowly (taking a half pill every other day). Sofia is still clingier than usual and wants me to be within her sight but I cannot complain if the sttn is a (sorta) perm thing :D
Ill reply to everyone properly later (once I've had coffee!)

Shadowy Lady - yay for STTN.

Noelle - hugs!

All I have to say is wonder week 26, jet lag, 6 months injections = waking every 15 minutes from bedtime.... All night.... I am a zombie!
We had a good night last night. Asleep by 6:30 and woke at 4am... Although she stayed awake for 90 mins before going back to sleep for another two hours. But it gives me hope that sttn isn't such a distant goal after all.
Sunnie - omg your poor baby! I know it will all be back to normal soon though...she just needs time to re-adjust.

Anti - yay that's awesome progress!

Sofia took good naps yesterday but no more sttn at night. She woke up at 1 am fussing but not wanting to eat. We left her and she went back to sleep after 20 mins or so. Then she woke up again at 6 am, fussed around talking to herself and whatnot. Then she flipped to her tummy and went to sleep and is still asleep at 8am.

I'm now convinced that she doesn't really need to feed at night. So hopefully soon she will just learn to stay asleep. Moms to tummy sleepers, at bed time, do you place baby on tummy or back and let them turn when they need?
Socity - not sure if you did CIO last night or not but we did :blush:

As I said yesterday, he has been waking up for no good reason (usually at 4.30 - how does he know?!) just once a night and then being a bit of a mess so last night I left him. For 10 minutes he wailed, ridiculous screaming blue murder. He then wound down from that point. He was up and making it known for 18 minutes and then went to sleep until morning.

It is horrible and I couldn't sleep afterwards but hopefully, if we're consistent he'll get the message.

Sunnie - that sounds horrendous and I am never going to Australia until he's a teenager LOL
Sunnie, I'm sorry! That just sounds like the perfect storm for no sleep. I bet your LO bounces back quickly. Just go about your normal routine and let her settle in. When I have a bad night like that, I feel terrified it will become a pattern, but it rarely is.

Anti, glad to hear about improvment on the sleeping front!

Shadowy Lady, when Charlotte started STTN, she often woke and settled herself quickly. I think this is just part of the learning process on putting themselves back to sleep. It's frustrating because it wakes YOU! She will still do this from time to time. Babies are noisy sleepers.

MrsBeano, sorry you had to do CIO! I hope it works for you.

Charlotte is still teething badly, but STTN last night. I feel soooo well-rested today. I feel like we've come a long way.
Ok, I can finally sit and reply properly, before I try to go to bed again!

Boo44 - I think an earlier bedtime still looks like it's worth a try, to see if it helps to settle him better. You can always switch it back if needs be.

LC - Don't worry too much about solids, just keep offering and eventually she'll take them. Food is only to taste really until they are a year old. until then milk is more than enough.

Anti - Congrats on the tooth!

Mrspear - Sorry you had an accidental "morning" with Joni. I'm so pleased you had success with getting her to settle in her cot. I bet she sleeps much better now.

Bananaz - Does Elsie cry at the 4am wakings or just scuffle around? You might find she's just adapting to the additional sleep, now she's not waking for night feeds? If she's not crying I'd just leave her to it.

Seren often does this and if I ignore her she'll nap again, and after a few days she goes back to a normal wake up.

Socity - :hugs: The decision to sleep train is so hard. I hope you come to a decision that works for you. Have you thought about doing sshhh pat like Mrspear did? That would be a much gentler method than CIO.

I agree with Noelle about setting a time on when she can next have feeds or night weaning totally. She probably doesn't need feeds at her age, but it's just weaning her that's tricky if she's not dropped the feeds herself.

Shadowy Lady - So glad you had a great trip, and that Sofia is settling back in ok. The weather must have been a shock to her when she's used to the cold!

We tummy sleep over here. Once she could roll, Seren kept rolling onto her tummy. We have a movement monitor, so I wasn't so concerned about her. She can roll both ways now, so she can always go the other way if she wants to.

I tend to put her down on her tummy, as she often wakes herself if she's on her back and then she's so tired she can't get onto her tummy and so gets wound up.

Noelle - Sorry you had to give up the class, but the decent sleep outweighs it! You can always try to pick it back up in a month or so, see if she can take the class without it disturbing sleep then?

Charlotte is just so adorable! Hope she gets her next round of teeth through soon so you can get back to great sleep!

Mrsbeano - I find that wakings when they just seem to not really know why they are awake are usually developmental. Don't worry about CIO, sometimes it has to be done, and those times sound pretty good for a first attempt.

And as for me....... :haha:

It's all a little bit of a mess. The travelling was smack in the run up to WW26 stormy period.

So she's been a little all over the place. She doesn't really know which side of the equator she's on, never mind day from night etc.

Then the tummy bug kicked in once we got there, so we had a trip to the hospital in the dead of night which obviously made her even worse as she was overtired.

Then on the way back the captain forgot to turn off the seatbelt signs (and no one would ask him to turn them off :growlmad: ) so I held her for 10 hours while she slept. I think my spine is still fused together.

So she had a great sleep, although rather disturbed as we were on a plane and right next to the bathrooms. So she moved a lot. Plus she's not used to sleeping on me, so I think the extra heat was a little uncomfortable for her.

The worst part was that I struggled to sleep while we were in Australia (no idea why, I was just awake) and then I didn't sleep at all on the night flight as I was holding her. So I did 36 hours straight with no sleep.

She was pretty good the first night back, woke once or twice for a few minutes during the night but then was awake at 4am (the time she'd been getting up in Aus). I left her to it and she just dozed and babbled until 5:50am when she was hungry, so I got up and fed. She was only 30 minutes away from normal wake up, so I was pretty pleased.

Then I think WW26 really kicked in, the next night she woke 5 times, again not really for anything, just awake, cried and went back to sleep.

Finally last night.... which is officially the worst ever! I actually think it was much more WW26 than anything else, although I guess the injections must have knocked her off a bit, even though no temperature.

She just couldn't sleep. When she'd had her bottle she was just sort of staring around. Then she'd cuddle in to start to go to sleep, but her eyes were just open, like she couldn't shut off her brain.

Eventually she got to sleep and then the 15 minute intervals started. And never stopped. I think she was awake for over 2 hours in the MOTN just playing with her hands, occasionally shrieking.

She slept a lot yesterday, so I think she was a bit undertired and overtired at the same time going to bed, plus WW26 etc.

So today I made sure she had her three naps as normal. She had 1.5 hours in the morning, and then I woke her, as she only usually does 30 minute naps. Then two other 30 minute naps as normal.

Getting her to bed took effort, had to dream feed her by switching out the dummy for the bottle every few mins until she was full.

She's gone down with her dummy, which I never allow, but when she's overtired she needs it. She's woken once so far 1 hour 20 minutes after bed, because she moved and lost the dummy.

I'm hoping that I can take it off her in a bit, before I go to bed, as I don't really want to have to get up every time she loses it. But every 1.5 hours is better than last night so I'll take it!

I think it would be manageable if it wasn't on the back of a week of no sleep for me!

I'm just having a glass of wine, then I'm going to tidy up and go to bed! Cannot wait!

I just wanted to say those who are attempting CIO be consistent. It only took 1 night for us and it worked like a charm and now she sleeps 12 hrs in her crib everynight and doesnt cry when going to bed. No more sleep crutches (rocking, feeding to sleep, bouncing, going in every 5 minutes etc because she expected it, no soother)

I felt so bad but we had to do it because she was waking up every 30 minutes making me, DF and her miserable and barely napping during the day. She needs sleep for development! Not all babies are good at sleeping, some have to learn but they also have to be ready. I tried CIO when she was 6 months old and she was not ready so we stopped right then and there.

We have had a huge transformation since doing CIO at 9.5 months. She sleeps 12 hrs at night and has 2 naps a day. Currently she has been sleeping for 2 hrs for one of her naps. I am thinking of transitioning her to 1 nap a day soon, but thats a whole other thread/topic.

It's certainly not for everyone. As Noelle has said, there is no one size fits all program for sleep training babies. If anyone needs any advice, let me know and I would be happy to help if possible. Hope everyone is doing OK!
I need some advice, since LO has been pretty crazy with her sleeping lately, were doing CC... My dr advised me to do this anyway he advised me to do it at night too but we co sleep and she wakes up so many times a night this is easy for me to just have her in my bed.. although i would love if she would sleep in her own bed but in other ways it totally doesnt bug me because i dont have to get up a million times... putting her to bed isnt an issue though.

So right now, im trying to put her on a secdule.. i've tried to be baby led on this whole thing but she isnt leading her self into a routine.. she led her bed time routine and that was about that.

I'm thinking Nap after 1 hour after she's been awake from the night and every 2 hours after that.. I have princess 20 min nap keep in mind.

what do i do?
I need some advice, since LO has been pretty crazy with her sleeping lately, were doing CC... My dr advised me to do this anyway he advised me to do it at night too but we co sleep and she wakes up so many times a night this is easy for me to just have her in my bed.. although i would love if she would sleep in her own bed but in other ways it totally doesnt bug me because i dont have to get up a million times... putting her to bed isnt an issue though.

So right now, im trying to put her on a secdule.. i've tried to be baby led on this whole thing but she isnt leading her self into a routine.. she led her bed time routine and that was about that.

I'm thinking Nap after 1 hour after she's been awake from the night and every 2 hours after that.. I have princess 20 min nap keep in mind.

what do i do?

Hi dear, so sorry you are struggling! 4/5 months was the worst time for sleep for us. I think that's about the time I started this thread! I attempted some CC at around your LO's age and she just wasn't ready. My advice is to just continue doing what gets you the most sleep right now and reconsider sleep training in a month.

I think getting your LO in a routine is a great idea. Some babies just thrive on them, including my own. You want to aim for 3 naps. Wake her around the same time daily. Try for the first nap 1.5 hours after waking and then every 2 hours after that. If you're still getting naps under 45 minutes, you may need to stretch her awake time a bit. Bedtime routine helps too. Good luck!
Im checking it out right now, i find the CC is the only way she will fall alseep and it only takes me a couple times of patting her head shhing her and she falls asleep.. so it is working .. i just never bothered to try before it wasnt the route i wanted to take but now it's the only thing that actually working..

when i layed her down for her nap 1 hour after waking up this morning she actually fell asleep no crying, she was down for about an hour and she woke up smiley and happy then 30 mins later shes rubbing her eyes again !
Im checking it out right now, i find the CC is the only way she will fall alseep and it only takes me a couple times of patting her head shhing her and she falls asleep.. so it is working .. i just never bothered to try before it wasnt the route i wanted to take but now it's the only thing that actually working..

when i layed her down for her nap 1 hour after waking up this morning she actually fell asleep no crying, she was down for about an hour and she woke up smiley and happy then 30 mins later shes rubbing her eyes again !

If it's working for you and you think she's ready, by all means continue! I do have friends who had success with sleep training at a younger age, using CC and PU/PD.

She's probably really tired during the day because she's not sleeping well at night. It's easy to get into an overtired/undertired cycle. She's overtired from not sleeping at night, so she wants to nap frequently during the day. But then she's not tired enough to nap for very long. She takes short naps all day and then doesn't get enough awake time to sleep soundly at night. See what I mean?

Around this age, tired signs become unreliable and babies can be tired out of habit rather than a true need to sleep. I would continue trying to push that morning wake time to 1.5 hours and other wake times to 2 hours. She will be fussy at first, but distract her through it - going outside helps. I think you'll find she sleeps for longer. Try to limit individual naps to 2 hours and cap daytime sleep at 3.5 hours total. Don't let her make up for the lack of sleep at night by sleeping during the day. Give it a week and let us know how it goes!
She wakes up every 20 mins at night pretty much after midnight only, so she's a crap sleeper in general ... Maybe its all the lack of sleep that makes her constantly tired that chart is crazy and i've realised she is nothing where she should be at compared to that chart but its a work in progress!

She got cranky and was 10 min shy of 2 hours i laid her down she cried for a spilt second and i was no no its okay and i kissed her and gave her suckie... i went and did my hair came back and sleeping.. what in the actual frig.....

Either today is my lucky day or shes cutting me some slack...

Thanks for all your advice btw , i need some guidance i was feeling so so lost.
Oh gosh, she is way overtired! Sounds like you're are doing great mama. I've been there. I know it is awful. Keep us posted on the progress.

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