Rant - Feeling so hopeless about sleep!

Anti - awesome! Hope it continues for you guys :)

Boo - hugs to you hun! I hate unpredictability too and dealing with the same thing as you. Coffee saves my sanity as well.

DH and I agreed before bedtime not to feed Sofia before 1 am and to move the time by 30 min each night (Ferber night weaning). She had taken all naps on her tummy yesterday and rolled to her tummy as well as we put her down for the nights. She didn't wake up till 2:00 am though so we did feed her. She only took 2oz and then slept till 7 am which is when she had pooped! First time she had slept on her tummy all night!

I still am convinced she's not needing the feed as 2oz is barely anything. I'm thinking to just move the feed time forward till she doesn't wake up for it anymore.

On the bright side, I'm making progress with my sleep meds weaning. I'm now down to 1/2 pill every other night and still fall asleep quickly the nights I don't take them. Hoping to be completely off of them by end of this month.

Hope you ladies have a fab weekend! I'm drinking my big mug of coffee here re-watching Skyfall with hub while Sofia naps :D
I lost count at 10 wakeups for Philippe and 3 for Alex (he's getting sick), I swear I'm gonna end up in the looney bin one day ;) :rofl: Maybe next week...
I lost count at 10 wakeups for Philippe and 3 for Alex (he's getting sick), I swear I'm gonna end up in the looney bin one day ;) :rofl: Maybe next week...

I cannot imagine dealing with TWO different small humans waking in the night!
Shadowy - I agree, if she's only taking 2oz then I don't think dropping that feeding should be a big deal. It sounds like you're on the right track :)

aliss - Good lord, woman, how are you even posting smiley emoticons after a night like that? I guess having Philippe in your bed already makes thing more bearable?

We had a better night despite that fact that LO was so, so sick yesterday - her fever kept spiking to 105+ every time the Tylenol started to wear off and she spent the entire day glued to me like she was afraid she might float off into space if she let go. Of course I hated seeing her so miserable but it was actually really nice to be able to sit and cuddle with her instead of constantly chasing her around.

Anyway, she went to bed at 6:45pm and didn't get up until 4:30am when I gave her ibuprofen and nursed her, at which point she promptly threw up. The second round stayed down though and I got her back to sleep around 5:30, and then she slept until almost 7am. She seems to be feeling somewhat better this morning but we'll see how the day goes...
At 6 months I sleep trained, he now sleeps from 8 hours straight and naps too. In his crib, no soother - just white noise.
Yes, sleep training is hard, but within a week mine went from up 3X per night to sleeping through and napping on his own.
good luck
Bananaz, did you get her to the doctor? Hope she feels better soon :hugs:

Just popping in here for a wee rant I guess. Mia went to sleep at 6pm, woke at 7, 7:30, 8, 9:45pm AND STAYED UP UNTIL 1am FML. Then got up for the day at 5am. I'm fucking sick of it :nope: what am I doing wrong?
Bananaz, did you get her to the doctor? Hope she feels better soon :hugs:

Just popping in here for a wee rant I guess. Mia went to sleep at 6pm, woke at 7, 7:30, 8, 9:45pm AND STAYED UP UNTIL 1am FML. Then got up for the day at 5am. I'm fucking sick of it :nope: what am I doing wrong?

:( it's the worst thing when nothing we do makes any difference!! I really hope it was just a one off night, and things are at least a bit better tonight

Today jack's had different naps than usual and I've just been out and about with him and enjoying ourselves. I've decided what's the point keepin to a fantastic schedule when his sleep is going backwards anyway?!?

NB - I'm sure I will change my mind about this by tomorrow. But feels good to rebel for once :D
NB - I'm sure I will change my mind about this by tomorrow. But feels good to rebel for once :D

Ha ha! This made me smile. and thanks, this is how every night is for the last at least 6 weeks but she usually waits until 6am to wake up :coffee:
Bananaz, did you get her to the doctor? Hope she feels better soon :hugs:

Just popping in here for a wee rant I guess. Mia went to sleep at 6pm, woke at 7, 7:30, 8, 9:45pm AND STAYED UP UNTIL 1am FML. Then got up for the day at 5am. I'm fucking sick of it :nope: what am I doing wrong?

Yeah, I took her to the pediatrician yesterday and everything looks good aside from her crazy high fevers and feeling crummy. The doctor thinks it's probably roseola so we just have to wait it out, but if she starts puking on a regular basis or the fever isn't gone by tomorrow then I'll be bringing her back in to get checked for a UTI.

I'm sorry you had such a terrible night :( What does she do when she wakes - is she hungry or grumpy or just want to play? And how do you typically get her back to sleep? I very much doubt there's anything you're doing "wrong"! :hugs: Is her dad around to help out at night?
I think I might have to join in if that's ok? Yet another dreadful night. LO isn't eating well in the day and has started waking up for night feeds again. She hasn't had a night feed since 6.5 mths. I cant go back to them after all this time, this is so unfair!!! She cried non stop for 1.5 hours from 4.30am. Refused to be settled. Tried everything until we decided ok shes hungry, will have to make a bottle. She drained the whole thing then went back to sleep for 30 mins. I feel so hopeless about sleep right now, along with feeling totally hopeless about weaning, I could cry :-(

:hugs: mama, you're in the right place. We've been there.

In terms of milk, do you offer before solids? I try to give bottles an hour or so before meals. The milk has more calories than most solids and you don't want baby filling up on fruits and veg and then not wanting milk.

How established on solids is your LO? You may want to add some foods high in fat and protein, like yogurt, avocado, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.

I totally understand the stress over mealtimes. Like Boo, my LO has never liked milk and it can be a struggle.

Right there with both of you ladies on hating the unpredictability!

This thread is better than speaking to the HVs who just look at me blankly and say "perhaps shes just an early riser" with a smile on their faces, to which I stare blankly back!

Well, LO was well established on solids until a week ago. She was eating anything and everything. 3 good meals a day. Her milk started getting less then she decided no more food either. Her milk intake has got a bit better last couple of days but still a bit hit and miss but I had a thought today- I think shes just finished a growth spurt and they are meant to go off their food at the end of a growth spurt. Shes noticeably taller this week and just moved into her 9-12 clothes.

Here's what I do every day:

7am (or whatever time she wakes) 8oz bottle (takes 3-4 oz) I put ther rest in her breakfast at 8am

11- small yogurt for a snack (she dropped this bottle weeks ago)

12- lunch, usually something like scrambled eggs on toast, hummus and pitta etc and a fruit dessert

3pm- bottle (anything from 3-6oz) or this week none

4.30pm- dinner, usually a protein like meat or fish, she has a different one every day, pork, beef, chicken, cod, salmon

6.30pm- bedtime bottle (6/7oz)

7pm- bed. This week has been waking at 9pm, then it can be any old random time in the night and be awake for 1.5-2 hours at a time.

Naps- 8.30am-10am, 1.30-2.30 but today she only had an hour in the morning and 40 mins for afternoon so im not holding out much hope for sleep tonight! Shes going to bed early tonight, shes been very whingy most of the day.
Bananaz, did you get her to the doctor? Hope she feels better soon :hugs:

Just popping in here for a wee rant I guess. Mia went to sleep at 6pm, woke at 7, 7:30, 8, 9:45pm AND STAYED UP UNTIL 1am FML. Then got up for the day at 5am. I'm fucking sick of it :nope: what am I doing wrong?

Yeah, I took her to the pediatrician yesterday and everything looks good aside from her crazy high fevers and feeling crummy. The doctor thinks it's probably roseola so we just have to wait it out, but if she starts puking on a regular basis or the fever isn't gone by tomorrow then I'll be bringing her back in to get checked for a UTI.

I'm sorry you had such a terrible night :( What does she do when she wakes - is she hungry or grumpy or just want to play? And how do you typically get her back to sleep? I very much doubt there's anything you're doing "wrong"! :hugs: Is her dad around to help out at night?

You can also tell a UTI by the smell and colour of her wee. If you're concerned it's a possibility, you can sit with her nappy off/open and tickle her lower tummy with your finger nail, she'll probably wee and you'll likely be able to tell from her reaction and urine. Hope she gets better asap! So nasty having a sick LO.

Thankfully my OH is really helpful, he often does the motn parties with her. It's just impossible, I've tried staying in the dark and walking her, feeding her, cuddling and she just yells and kicks until I bring her into the lounge with the lights and her toys. She'll crawl around, play happily etc. for 2-4 hours and then start rubbing her eyes and goes back to sleep with a bit of rocking. This morning I was so mad I asked her why she couldn't be like a normal baby :blush::nope:
You can also tell a UTI by the smell and colour of her wee. If you're concerned it's a possibility, you can sit with her nappy off/open and tickle her lower tummy with your finger nail, she'll probably wee and you'll likely be able to tell from her reaction and urine. Hope she gets better asap! So nasty having a sick LO.

Thankfully my OH is really helpful, he often does the motn parties with her. It's just impossible, I've tried staying in the dark and walking her, feeding her, cuddling and she just yells and kicks until I bring her into the lounge with the lights and her toys. She'll crawl around, play happily etc. for 2-4 hours and then start rubbing her eyes and goes back to sleep with a bit of rocking. This morning I was so mad I asked her why she couldn't be like a normal baby :blush::nope:

Thanks for the tip, I've just been sniffing her wet diapers but that sounds like a better method, haha :blush:

Mia's been having these MOTN parties regularly for a while now, hasn't she? How are her naps during the day? I wonder if it might be worth trying a week where you and your OH commit to keeping her in the room with the lights off no matter what and see if things improve. I know it's not easy to keep your resolve when your kid is yelling at you (see my bazillion posts on this thread where I gave in and fed Elsie to sleep despite the fact that she wasn't really hungry and I was trying to night wean her :haha:) but at least for me having a set time limit - say 5 days - makes it a lot easier to stick to a plan.
I lost count at 10 wakeups for Philippe and 3 for Alex (he's getting sick), I swear I'm gonna end up in the looney bin one day ;) :rofl: Maybe next week...

I cannot imagine dealing with TWO different small humans waking in the night!

Shadowy - I agree, if she's only taking 2oz then I don't think dropping that feeding should be a big deal. It sounds like you're on the right track :)

aliss - Good lord, woman, how are you even posting smiley emoticons after a night like that? I guess having Philippe in your bed already makes thing more bearable?

I gave up in early 2011 so I can't do much but laugh these days!!!!!! :baby:

But since Alex is so sick, he's been asleep since 10am (it's 2pm), and Philippe has napped well, so I've been "CHILDLESS" today, just sitting on my ass eating goldfish crackers and watching trash on national geographic channel (locked up abroad) while BnBing.... blisss!!!!
She naps well these days, 2 naps for 1-2 hours :happydance:

But I know you're right and that keeping her in the dark is a good idea, show her we have zero tolerance for motn parties! It's hard as she's in the same room as us and means we both have to be awake the whole time and she cries until she gets to play with the lights on :dohh: It's seriously hard to remember how long it's been happening, I remember one night recently when she didn't do it. I think it's been going on for nearly 2 months lol!!! Sometimes I get up with her in the night and don't remember, OH tells me :wacko: Every night is a blur

I usually have a better attitude and I find that helps me, reminding myself it can't possibly last much longer. But today I just wanted to scream FFS GO TO SLEEP!

Oh and just sniffing the nappies is fine, you might be able to see an odd colour if she's in disposables too. If you're aware of the possibility of a UTI, you should be fine. In our case, we had no idea what was going on and trusted the doctors knew what they were doing...which is why she ended up hospitalised :( makes me want to cry thinking about what an awful time that was
motn parties are THE WORST.... worse than a newborn crying with gas all night, lol, it's like "ummm don't you dare laugh or smile at me!! what's your problem? No problem? Then why are you up!!!! What's yoru excuse!!!"
motn parties are THE WORST.... worse than a newborn crying with gas all night, lol, it's like "ummm don't you dare laugh or smile at me!! what's your problem? No problem? Then why are you up!!!! What's yoru excuse!!!"

It really is tough lol. I asked her last night what her problem was! Haha

Enjoy locked up abroad, love that show :)
Haha! :) I'm watching the food network now. I was supposed to make pizza tonight but my food processer is in the bedroom and the baby is sleeping. I'd rather go without food than wake the sleeping baby!!!
Izzles, maybe you could try doing bottles before her meals and switch it up a bit? See if that helps. It generally sounds like her schedule is pretty good, so I think she's just going through a sleep regression that will pass. I totally relate on HVs being useless... I had to switch pediatricians because they kept dismissing Charlotte's poor sleep as "normal" when in actuality it was related to a medical issue that was resolved with some real help. Ugh.

MiniKiwi, those MOTN parties are the WORST! They leave me feeling so frustrated. Do you have room to move Mia into her own space? That might help.

Aliss, "Locked up Abroad" terrifies me! I have this weird phobia that someone is going to plant drugs on me the next time I travel and I will be locked up in a Cambodian prison. Off topic, but still.
Can I join? We've hit the 4 month sleep regression hard! Annoyingly we had just reached a point where he was down to 1 or 2 wake ups & but now he's just not sleeping! It's like he just doses & wake/stirs every 10-20 mins.
It's a good job he's so cute & easily forgiven in the morning!

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