I found out at 12 weeks I was having boys but you could see without a doubt that's what it was. A circle with a something poking out
so I do think you can find out at 12 weeks but I think its easier to be wrong that early! This time at 12 weeks the tech wouldn't even guess but showed me crotch but I had no clue what I was looking at
then 16 weeks baby had hands, umbilical cord between legs AND wouldn't stop moving
but they guessed girl. Then a week later said for sure girl!
So I'm proof after two boys you can have a girl
I'm hoping at my 20 week scan Monday she's still a she!
I know how that disappointment can feel. I didn't care with our first but I always wanted a girl and I'm a girly girl so when the tech said boy with our second I cried. I was so jealous of everyone with a girl. But when he arrived I loved him so and him and his brother are truly best friends. I'm so happy now that I had two boys close together as they are great playmates! I was very nervous this time it would be a boy and this is for sure our last so I would've been sad for sure. Now I'm in denial its a girl
I saw in tv a family with 11 kids who kept trying for a boy and they announced their babies gender this time... BOY! I told OH no matter the outcome this time we wouldn't be that family