Really Good Website [Information and reviews on maternity care hospitals and units]


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2008
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I found this really useful, as OH and I are moving and decided to look up our new hospital. It gives you information on different aspects of the hospital, from what type of pain relief they offer to what facilities they have in their birthing/labour rooms.
Looking now - hope it's good news around here!


eta. that's a great site, really interesting.
My hospital doesnt seem to be on there :( even when i enter my postcode it doesnt come up with my local one just the others that are near by! Never mind.
My hospital doesnt seem to be on there :( even when i enter my postcode it doesnt come up with my local one just the others that are near by! Never mind.

My hospital isnt showing on there either! not sure if thats a good sign!
Thanks for posting hun. Def interesting reading.
Mine's not on there either. That's the one in southampton, it's pretty big, so I was surprised. I don't even get any of the others near me :(
that is interesting and very true about my hospital. im one of the c sections there wasnt as many as i thought x
Mines actually there!

has the higest number of cesceans more than national rate. :O
Ha ha ha they dont even have any of the Scottish ones :lol: Ahhh well maybe i dont want to know! Ok i lie argh!! Soooo confused :lol: Dont have mine though..
that's really interesting! thanks
Don't listen to everything you read girls. I was afraid of my hospital because of a site like that, and I found my hospital wonderful!
Mines on there , But it hasnt updated as mine is a Midwife led and its says consultant led lol.
And i carnt find anything about Pain relief etc just Ceserean statistics . Good site thow . xx .
Ohhh no ignore that iam sooo dumb , I blame the pregnancy . I found now where it says about pain relief etc lol . xx .
I have discovered it only has one birthing pool. Do most hospitals have only one?


Nuchal translucency (NT) scan: No
For multiple pregnancies only.
The combined test (NT scan plus a blood test): No
Women from the age of 35 and women in certain risk groups are offered this scan. This is also available in our Private clinic.

This is wrong for my hospital they offer it for every woman.
I thought it seemed quite good but the fact that my hospital changed names months ago hasn't been updated...and they've spelt breech as "breach" so if that's not accurate I don't know how accurate their information is.

When are the statistics from coz I can't see if it's from this year, last year, this month etc???

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