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Really worried about movements today...


Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2014
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Since this morning I haven't felt any movements really. I'm 29+2 and have been doing kick counts for a few days now. This morning after breakfast (peanut butter sandwich, yogurt, glass of milk, and 1/2 glass of orange juice) I lay down to do my counts. I felt maybe 2 movements in 20 minutes (but I did catch his heartbeat on my doppler). I couldn't wait longer because I had to leave to work. Normally when I'm working I don't feel him too much - this morning, maybe 5 movements, but not strong ones. I'm starting to really freak out. I'm going to the store to buy a bottle of orange juice and some chocolate to do more counts. If I don't feel any movements should I go straight to L&D? Anyone have days like this with little movement and LO was fine?
my littla lady is a monster for it she will have a quiet day she still moves just less then just when im worried later in an evening she will move lots
another day she will move all day !
if your worried ring but dont panic honestly they have quiet days
My baby is the same as the previous poster.
He never moved very strongly to begin with.. but.. some days he moves a ton, and I see my belly moving.. sometimes he doesn't move all day and I start to worry.. and then he starts moving while I'm sitting on the couch at night and then I feel him squirming around. And also, I will finally feel him when I'm laying on my side in bed. Don't freak yourself out.. BUT.. always call your doctor for reassurance if you feel something is wrong. You know how much your baby has moves/not moves normally.
Getting more worried as I'm having a light cramping and drank about 50 minutes ago, some orange juice and ate a chocolate bar, and only felt one movement... If I don't feel more within 10-20 minutes I'm going to L&D
I would definitely get checked if your baby isn't moving how it normally does. You would most likely get there and everything is fine, I did once when with ds but they would sooner you went and they checked than you didn't xx
I would definitely go.

I hope little one starts moving soon!

My baby has had the odd days where he's very sleepy and inactive in my tummy. And by the time I think 'okay I need to get this checked' he finally gives me a wiggle that makes me think oh okay maybe not. Then the next day he doesn't stop kicking at all.

So hopefully its just a lazy day for your baby, but it's definitely always best to be checked!
I'm not saying don't call l&d or anything like that, but there is a chance that LO may have changed habits.

For me, just last week, my LO was very, very active in the morning. This week though, he's more active at night. He goes back and forth. I have NSTs twice a week, that started back on Monday before last, and he was so active on that one, and the one on Thursday last week. This week however, he decided to be a little stinker, and at my biophysical u/s we had to wait a bit for him to move even a little bit, had the NST afterwards, and he wasn't nearly as active as he was the week before.

But if you are worried at all, do not hesitate to call L&D or your doctor. It's always better to be safe than sorry.
Never ever down play reduced movements.....whether anyone says "it's probably ok" just ignore and go to L&D anyway. My baby might not be here if I wasn't clued up on reduced movements, I had numerous episodes from 27weeks.

If it's not normal for you, get it checked.
My little girl is like this. Actually, from around 30 weeks I started to notice that she would have days where I barely felt anything at all. The first time it happened freaked me out so I went to the hospital and they measured her heart rate for 30 minutes and put this tight belt thing around my tummy and she started wriggling around straight away. Everything was fine!
I'm 34 weeks now and still have days when I don't feel much.

I would say it's completely normal but if you are worried then there's no harm in getting checked out :)
Thanks everyone! I ended up going as me and DH were very worried. Looks like baby is playing games with us because as soon as I got hooked up to the machine for movement and heart rate he started kicking like crazy and tonight he's a machine! Non-stop big kicks - maybe he was just snoozing this morning.
Glad your baby is ok, haven't felt little miss move too much today so I have been worried. Eating a little something now and drinking some OJ, if I don't feel her soon I will be heading in to L & D.
Thanks everyone! I ended up going as me and DH were very worried. Looks like baby is playing games with us because as soon as I got hooked up to the machine for movement and heart rate he started kicking like crazy and tonight he's a machine! Non-stop big kicks - maybe he was just snoozing this morning.

lol sounds like he may have changed his habits like I said. But at least he's moving for you :) And everything is fine
Don't ever feel bad for heading in to L&D. That's what they are there for, and I'm sure they were glad to give you reassurance! So glad that everything is ok with your little one :hugs:
Glad you went in, any change in babies movement should be checked x
Glad you got checked out, even if it's just for your own peace of mind! You don't need to be stressed out when there's a perfectly easy way to see if there actually is anything to be worried about or not.

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