Rear-Facing Support, Questions & Answers

I just looked up the manual....I think I see what you mean. Where the shoulder belt has to go around the back...that's getting in the way? Yall's install different than ours....granted it's a different seat but my britax both the lap part and shoulder part go through the seat so that doesn't happen. I can see how that would get annoying. Maybe as she gets bigger though she can climb in herself instead of you having to lift her over it? Then you buckle it?
I have the same problem with my DH and the convertible Radian. But then, he needs his seat so far back (he is very tall) that the infant seat couldn't sit behind him either. Thankfully, like M3C, the radian is narrow enough that it fits between the seats when in the midd, so both of us can move our front seats where we want.

Once the new one is here and has to go in the middle, the radian will have to go behind the passenger seat and DH will just have to always drive if we are both in the car. I expect it to be that way as long as Otter is RFing, which will hopefully be a while.
I just looked up the manual....I think I see what you mean. Where the shoulder belt has to go around the back...that's getting in the way? Yall's install different than ours....granted it's a different seat but my britax both the lap part and shoulder part go through the seat so that doesn't happen. I can see how that would get annoying. Maybe as she gets bigger though she can climb in herself instead of you having to lift her over it? Then you buckle it?

Yeh that's what's getting in the way. We just leave it bucked in because it's really hard to fasten and I wouldn't be happy doing it with Blythe in the seat. I hope she'll be able to start climbing in, but I suspect it'll be more of a case of her struggling to get out while I try to strap her in lol. I may have to turn her round earlier than I would like just so I can get her in the seat lol.

On another note, how do you fit 3 seats in your back seat? We only have 2 and only an extremely skinny person would fit between them in OHs car (Ford Mondeo) and no one would manage in mine (Vaxhall Vectra).

PS. I just got an amber necklace for Blythe, she looks like a wee hippy lol:thumbup:
We have the Britax First Plus and have the same issue Marley. We keep it buckled in because it is quite a task to fit it and you have to jiggle the seat and yank on the belt to tighten it up properly. There is no way I would do that with Jack in the seat!

I usually put him in under the belt, I sort of cradle him and pass him through. Otherwise I actually get in to the car on the other side and put him in from inside the car! But if you have another seat in the back then this obviously wouldn't help lol!
It's not just the Britax either, our other car seat (in my parents' car) is a Graco and is the same and the one I use in my friend's car also has an awkward seat belt too. It seems to be all Group 0-1+ seats here.

Beth - it looks like this:


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We have the same problem, I usually climb in from the other side of the car to put her in the seat, as she struggles and arches her back as she hates the car - I have knocked her head on the roof a few times :blush: So it's more effort but at least I'm not damaging her!
Sorry when I meant buckle it when she got in I just meant strap her in, not the actual seat :)

Our seats here don't do that, they don't install the same way. See this is mine installed you can see both shoulder and lap go in the same spot

I can def see how that would get annoying but I would think when they got bigger they could crawl under no problem so hopefully you could keep her RF still for a long time.

I do 3 across, not easily lol. Before I got the Radian (the red in that picture) it was really hard. Casen's forward facing seat HAD to be in the middle position or the rest wouldn't fit and even then it was tight, so I hated moving them but I was able to get them all installed safely. Now that radian is super thin, they are known to be great in 3 across, they are said to fit in almost every car 3 across. So with that in there they fit much better but it's still a bit tight.
Beth how do your seats stay down at the back? They look like they would flip up if you pushed them? I would much rather have one that didn't have the belt going across, yours look much easier to use! :)
Nope they don't flip up, they stay in place. On the Radian there is what they call a boot, that adds more stability, but on other seats it's just the base they sit on that will hold them there like that.
That's pretty good. I didn't mean that to sound like I thought they would flip up, lol, obv they wouldn't as that's not safe! I sort of meant that mine would flip up if I had it like that. If that makes sense. I'm quite looking forward to getting one that doesn't have the belt going across it. :)
We RFed on a train today :lol:

I can recommend taking a carseat on a train, it fit perfectly in the seat, Nim was comfy and fell asleep easily whereas if we didn't have the seat she would have been all over the place trying to get down and getting stroppy.
That's pretty good. I didn't mean that to sound like I thought they would flip up, lol, obv they wouldn't as that's not safe! I sort of meant that mine would flip up if I had it like that. If that makes sense. I'm quite looking forward to getting one that doesn't have the belt going across it. :)

I think yalls "anti rebound system" is different there, the belt acts like that, some have bars (some of ours have bars too. And then ours is more built into how the seat is made to prevent it. I saw a youtube video for a carseat in japan i believe it was that looked really cool but I saw the seat belt like yalls and that would drive me nuts having to lift them over it. I guess if you just have one kid it wouldn't be so bad because you could have it installed in the middle and then you could just put them in from the side that the belt wasn't on huh? But that would be annoying for those with 2 or more
We RFed on a train today :lol:

I can recommend taking a carseat on a train, it fit perfectly in the seat, Nim was comfy and fell asleep easily whereas if we didn't have the seat she would have been all over the place trying to get down and getting stroppy.

What kind of seat do you have? (Sorry it is prob earlier on in the thread, but I can't remember!) :)
Hi again! Not intending to be a stalker but was just searching threads about the Radian & found this one. Seems like you're the go-to mommy on this topic too. :) I have a couple of questions for you...

My little man is long and skinny too. He's going to outgrow his Chicco carrier soon in length, though he's only 17 pounds (nowhere near the 30 lb limit!) I've been reading & researching, and the Raduan keeps coming up as the best option for erf of a long little one.

What made you decide to go with the Radian (besides that great deal you got!) over another?

What is the difference between the 80 and XTSL? Seriously, I can't find that anywhere. From what I see, it seems like the weight limits are the same either way. :shrug:

Pretty much where we're at is...if we're going with a nicer, more expensive seat it will be the Radian. My mom has a friend who has a brand new Cosco Scenera that they said they'd sell to us for just $40 though (not that they're much more than that at the stores). It doesn't have as high a weight limit rear facing, but as my little man is pretty skinny I'm wondering if it might be fine (up to 35 pounds rear facing) for us for quite a while. She seems to think that it's just as safe and I don't know any way of really knowing for sure save what I can research online, but that's not always reliable. Any advice for where to look for real statistics/facts on that? $200+ savings would be great of course, but not at the expense of my son's safety. Plus, we'll be travelling to the east coast this year and I like that we could fold and carry on his car seat with the Radian (vs. paying $400 on a plane ticket to seat him in the Scenera or buying another car seat there for our visit, as I imagine checking a seat would be the equivalent of having the seat be in a car accident, with the way they handle checked bags!)

Last says that the Radian is 16" deep and the Scenera is 17" deep, so they seem comparable. Do you find that the Radian takes up a lot of room RF? We have a compact car and I'm hoping that we'll be able to have the seats far enough back! Is it really just 17" rear facing?
What made you decide to go with the Radian (besides that great deal you got!) over another? Well I had a Britax Marathon and I have to say I loved the seat, it installed SO easily, it was a great seat, he was so comfy. But it doesn't offer much leg room as they start to get bigger, it also only has a 35lb RF limit vs the Radians 45lb. The Radian also has a taller shell, so since your son is really long that would be a really good option for him. It can be kind of hard to install in some cars though. But it's very thin so if you have more kids it will work 3 across in almost every car.

What is the difference between the 80 and XTSL? Seriously, I can't find that anywhere. From what I see, it seems like the weight limits are the same either way. The weight limits and the shell of the carseat are the exact same, the difference is the head rests which offer more SIP...but mostly they are only beneficial once FF...RF alone offers alot of SIP so it's not a big diff between the 2. I have the XTSL I really like it and love the head rests, they seem more comfy when they sleep in it.

About the scenera, it is just as safe in terms of what has been tested. It doesn't have SIP..but like I said RF has that anyways. It has a MUCH shorter shell so I highly doubt you'd make it to 35lbs RF in it. He'd probably be lucky to make it to 2-2 1/2...if he's tall maybe not that long. With traveling the Scenera is actually a great seat because it's very lightweight. The Radian folds and has the straps to put it on your back but it is heavy. If you are flying you should always put them in the car seat...I have to say I didn't when I have flown before, I held them in my lap for under 2 and checked the car seat....but that was before I knew. But that is the recommendation, it is not required. I think either of those would be great travel seats. I personally wouldn't buy the used one only because for the same price or $10-20 more you can get it brand new, have your pick of prints (There are alot more available online then in stores) and with the expiration date, that one might not have much life left depending on how long they have had it.

It is more than 17in for sure...that is the seat depth. It is a very reclined seat when rear facing, it can be hard to get it upright. Also with the tall shell it might not work well for a compact car. I would look into the Graco MyRide, it is only about $150, has a 40lb RF weight limit and 65FF, so still good, has a pretty tall shell, but it isn't as tall as the Radian. It should get most kids to atleast age 3, some to 4 RF so would be a great one for the price. If you go to babies r us they will let you try it in your car, they don't carry the radian though. Iknow Buy Buy Baby has it, not sure if they have those where you are? I would imagine they don't have LoneStar baby I think it's just a TX company.
THANKS for explaining the difference on the XTSL! I really wish that I could try one in our car to see the fit. I'm thinking maybe the Scenera isn't a great option because I'm afraid he'll outgrow it in no time (that won't really save us in the long run then). Glad to hear about the Graco MyRide & Babies R Us' policy! No Buy Buy Baby here or LoneStar, unfortunately but...if it seems like that one is really roomy maybe it will tell me we're okay with the Radian, though. We are hoping to get a bigger car this year, so maybe we're better off to go with the Radian if it can fit in our car in the meantime, hoping it will last longer in the long run. Do some kids stay in the Radian until they're ready for a standard seat belt, then? That may be a dumb question, but this is my first and I don't really know when to expect he'll be 80 pounds...

And thanks for the info on flying with the little man! I hadn't really researched it, as our trip is still many months away, but I just figured if he could ride on my lap under 2 we would go that way for his comfort & a better chance of not freaking out. I guess belting him in his seat makes figuring out a safe car seat when there a non-issue, though. :)

THANKS AGAIN! Having someone to turn to with these questions makes me feel so much better, you just have no idea! :hugs:
The radian will get every kid to booster age, not to seatbelt age most likely though. Most kids really need a booster until age 10 or more. But the radian will be outgrown before most kids reach 80lbs in reality. They will outgrow it in height before that. But it should last until atleast age 6-8 then move to a booster until seat belt age. You should bookmark this, it tells you when kids are ready for a regular seatbelt, will be good to have later, obviously much later lol

My oldest, Landon, will be 7 in April and he could still fit in the Radian FF, he's fairly tall and very skinny. If he was only a few pounds later he could fit in it RF! My middle son will be 5 at the end of March and he still fits rear facing with a few inches left to go (they have to have 1in of hard shell above their head to fit by height) and then like 8lbs RF. So it will last you a long time. I don't think my middle son would fit RF in the my ride anymore but I know my 2 1/2yr old does with a couple inches...he's very small though. My middle would fit FF in the myride still though.

I think that your best bet would probably be finding an online store that has free return shipping, you can try it in your car and if it doesn't work ship it back. I THINK does and they price match plus let you still use their coupons. I can send you my referral code and that can get you $10 off your first purchase and also the code "touchdown" will get you another $7 off.
OHMYGOODNESS, you are WONDERFUL! Thanks! I'd really appreciate the referral code! I think that's exactly what I should do...and I should do it now, so that I make sure I've got time to figure something else out if it doesn't fit! He's still got a couple of inches to the top, but he's growing so fast. THANKS AGAIN!

Oh--and I did bookmark that page! Thanks for that too!
Here is my referral code MXMM5718

Anyone else who orders from them can also use it and get $10 off their first order :)

There is also a deal, when you add the seat to your cart look for a Parenting magazine thing, if you add that in then print out the sheet it takes you to, you fill it out and send it in and you get a check for $14.97. They also have the 10percent code for 10% off BUt I'm not completely sure it will work with the radian since it's already on sale
I just checked, and I can actually use 10PERCENT as a new customer, which should save me $27 off of their $270 price, so it will be $243...a LOT more than the amazing bargain you got yours for, but seemingly the least expensive deal I can find out there!

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