Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

IT works out in total 6 mth i had my last MC in November i had alot of pelvic pains so not able to TTC anyway but i was waiting for my appt with my local consultant his testing BT ect took 6 weeks asked not to TTC then he referred me to St Mary's ask me not to TTC until the appt which because an admin error took 6 weeks to come through and then the appt was another 6 weeks and they ask you not TTC whilst there are investigating which is 10weeks so actually won't be done until june which is longer than 6mths !!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for the big long rant i do need to put it into perspective since my last MC i have only ovulated once which i am sure is the stress im just so tired of it im not getting any younger! I don't want to loss anymore time my consultant says not to worry as im 31 but by the time they have finished ill be 32. all my friends are having babies all over the place waiting 6mth just to investiagted properly is rediculous x

I completely understand your rant!!:hugs: I will be 31 next month and agree- I feel like time is ticking. I hope they give you some insight so the long wait pays off. If it can avoid future problems obviously it's worth it, but I understand your frustration. I do calculations in my head all the time- if it takes this long for my period to return then we wait this many months like the doctor said and then if it takes this long to get pregnant again....ect. ect. And then what if I miscarry again.... :) I wish answers came quicker!!
I think we all do this ladies I am 33 and I am constantly thinking about how old I will be and how my chances are getting worse every year. What I do know is that all that stress and pressure reeks havoc on our body and soul. Stress in general does a number on our adrenal glands which play a huge role in hormones and ttc. It's easy to say to not think about it, but I am just wondering what the key to that is. I am still trying to learn how to live each day in the moment. I know in theory that is the best way to live, but I just need to learn how.
its so good to no im not the only one i think my partner think im going crazy weeing on stick and taking temp every morning. Which all adds to the stress as you say I think sometimes im going to throw away the thermometer and fertility sticks and just see what happens the approach my GP wants me to have but im not that brave.
whats worse i keep going through phases of right now no achohol oragnic everything and after a few mth go right we should stop that and live a little im sure he completely confused
I agree in living a little, I did stop drinking for months then I said fuck it, thats how all my friends got pg in the first place lol. I think it is important to live a little, if one thing that my son's death has taught me it is we never know what will happen tomorrow.. So live today, and have fun, smile and see beauty in everything around you.

As for giving up all the temping and testing arggggggggg I'm just not ready yet lol. It is taking a leap of faith, but I guess in a way it's like telling the universe YOU are in control and you WILL get pg without all this b.s.
I agree in living a little, I did stop drinking for months then I said fuck it, thats how all my friends got pg in the first place lol. I think it is important to live a little, if one thing that my son's death has taught me it is we never know what will happen tomorrow.. So live today, and have fun, smile and see beauty in everything around you.

As for giving up all the temping and testing arggggggggg I'm just not ready yet lol. It is taking a leap of faith, but I guess in a way it's like telling the universe YOU are in control and you WILL get pg without all this b.s.

well said:thumbup:
Happy Birthday, Holly. Bittersweet, I know!

As far as eating healthy and no booze- I try to eat healthy- during the week. On the weekends we just really like going out to dinner and having a cocktail! Surely that can't be too bad can it? I hope not. I've contemplating cutting out booze for a few months and seeing if we get a better egg that way :haha: But you're right- how many people are out there who drink, smoke, and eat like crap and still have healthy pregnancies. Maybe it is just the luck of the draw and I've draw all the short straws recently. And too bad I'm an emotional eater. I'll eat really good for a week and then start feeling sad and eat a cheeseburger- and fries- and ice cream- ect. ect. UGH.

Our chromosomal results came in yesterday and showed a trisomy 16. Glad to have answers, but hoping to catch a healthy egg next time!
Ovenbun, nobody told me to wait but then I got a phone call from the early pregnancy unit saying they wanted to repeat my blood test for Sticky blood as the first was raised and they needed 2 positives as a proper diagnosis, well this this literally the week we got pregnant (we didnt know at this point - was waiting for AF) I was actually thinking about waiting but we had :sex: once in 6 weeks and got pregnant, I just felt this was meant to happen and now have not told them, they are expecting to see me in April sometime for the test but unless I miscarry, I wont be going there. I plan on reaching 12 weeks (if I can) and then just seeing a midwife for app and normal 12 weeks nuchal. sick of being fobbed off and made to feel like I am a pain in the arse to them. I am sure I am over reacting but thats how I feel after 4 mcs.

I just went to see my doc and he hand wrote out my referral and faxed it to bupa for me! how nice. so now waiting for a phone call from Bupa with my ref number and we can hopefully go tonight or tomorrow for the blood test for nkc. probably too late to stop a mc if I have the problem but I cant sit here for possibly 6 weeks and then find out I have it. I just feel sick to the stomach. I need this to be ok!!! eek.

Stardust, when you mentioned sticky blood before, I thought you meant a genetic thrombophilia. You mention testing positive twice, so it is actually antiphospholipid syndrone you possibly have? In which case the treatment is with heparin and aspirin and according to current research taking steroids can actually give you a worse outcome. I understand you wanting to rule out the nkcells, but if it is APS that you have then that would explain your previous miscarriages and hopefully give you some hope that the treatment will work for you. Sorry, I hope I don't come across as patronising or anything like that. I'm just thinking that your doctor might actually have found what your problem is. Surely, although it is a serious problem, knowing what it is already is good news in some weird way :hugs:
One thing you could ask information about from the specialists and rather soon if possible, is whether you are on the right aspirin dose. It could make quite a difference. The test to ask for (and you can have it whilst pregnant) is a thromboelastogram (TEG) xxx

Welcome McStars: Sorry that you have to join us. I hope you find some answers here. :hugs:

Ovenbun- Why 6 months?!?

IT works out in total 6 mth i had my last MC in November i had alot of pelvic pains so not able to TTC anyway but i was waiting for my appt with my local consultant his testing BT ect took 6 weeks asked not to TTC then he referred me to St Mary's ask me not to TTC until the appt which because an admin error took 6 weeks to come through and then the appt was another 6 weeks and they ask you not TTC whilst there are investigating which is 10weeks so actually won't be done until june which is longer than 6mths !!!!!!!!!!!
sorry for the big long rant i do need to put it into perspective since my last MC i have only ovulated once which i am sure is the stress im just so tired of it im not getting any younger! I don't want to loss anymore time my consultant says not to worry as im 31 but by the time they have finished ill be 32. all my friends are having babies all over the place waiting 6mth just to investiagted properly is rediculous x

Awww, hopefully it won't take that long at st Mary's? They never quoted 10 weeks to me. Maybe you could shorten the time by requesting some tests from your local epu or recurrent miscarriage clinic? I know my local service offered me blood tests (APS, thrombophilia, PCOS, karyotyping, thyroid function etc) right away so if you can get them done now you might not have to wait that long between appointments. You could even try buttering up your gp for the tests as they are simple blood tests. Although you will probably have to go to the hospital on specific days to have them. When is your appointment?

It is horrible being upset and having to wait and I couldn't cope at work either so you are not alone in that way :hugs: I had more time off after my last pregnancy than I had days being pregnant :dohh: as of today I have reduced my hours to three days a week so that I can still cope.

Sending big :hug: to all that are currently struggling xxx

I sympathise with the age-thoughts

I turn 36 tomorrow - eek

Hollybush, happy birthday! I hope you stuff us for a day and enjoy yourself immensely :wine: :friends:
Petitpas thank you for the support:hugs: I thought 10 weeks at st mary's was standard maybe i got that wrong gosh i hope so, I have already had alot of tests done in my local hospital and they said they would be happy to do more so that give me hope. I feeling a bit better about being off work today it is going to make this week of waiting easier just gunna relax:coolio: worry about going back another day
Happy Birthday, Holly. Bittersweet, I know!

As far as eating healthy and no booze- I try to eat healthy- during the week. On the weekends we just really like going out to dinner and having a cocktail! Surely that can't be too bad can it? I hope not. I've contemplating cutting out booze for a few months and seeing if we get a better egg that way :haha: But you're right- how many people are out there who drink, smoke, and eat like crap and still have healthy pregnancies. Maybe it is just the luck of the draw and I've draw all the short straws recently. And too bad I'm an emotional eater. I'll eat really good for a week and then start feeling sad and eat a cheeseburger- and fries- and ice cream- ect. ect. UGH.

Our chromosomal results came in yesterday and showed a trisomy 16. Glad to have answers, but hoping to catch a healthy egg next time!

To be honest i have cut it all out excercising 3-4 times per week even got a personal trainer (costing a fortune):dohh: which i now regreat i decided on this as if was going to solve all my problems going to accupunture weekly and my cycle has never been so bad ive just watch it get worse :dohh:.

excuse my ignorance but what does trisomy 16 mean?? how will they treat this?
Someone correct me if I'm wrong but trisomy 16 is a chromosal abnormality, with total trisomy 16 there is no chance of the baby surviving & most end in first tri mc & with mosaic trisomy 16 the baby may have some cognitive impairments and developmental delays but in most cases is fine. I don't think there is any treatment for it as it's an abnormality that happens as an error during the cell division. It means that subsequent pregnancies will probably not be affected.

Ovenbun - Try not to worry too much about your age:hugs:, I'm 39 & still trying, actually I wont give up until I reach the menopause. I've cut out drinking during the TWW but apart from that I have the a glass of wine or beer when I fancy & I eat healthy, excercise moderately & try to avoid caffeine, not easy when it's in chocolate:dohh:.

My scan yesterday was OK, all seems to be in the right place etc. Spoke to the EPU sister who told me most of my blood results are back & 1 showed a slight abnormality, so I have a clotting problem but it's not enough for it to cause a mc. I asked about taking aspirin & she said that Miss Hussian, my Ob, is leaning away from prescribing it but that if I want to take it then that would be OK. We're just waiting for the chromosonal analysis to come back now, hopefully that will all be OK.

Hollybush - Happy Birthday hun:flower:
Ovenbun- Lynnb is correct. Trisomy 16 was a problem with the baby, not with me. That gives the reason for the miscarriage because it's not compatible with life. Everyone is made up of 46 chromosomes that are in 23 pairs- one from mom and one from dad. They are numbered 1-22 and then the last one is the XX(girl) or XY(boy). Trisomy 16 is when there are three #16's instead of the usual two. If it's complete trisomy 16 you will automatically miscarry- no baby can be born with it. Some trisomies do make it to birth, although rare. For example, Trisomy 21 is down syndrome. They are thought to happen for no apparent reason- totally random. Something was already wrong with the sperm or egg upon conception. Although of course you still can't help but wonder if you did something wrong. I know realistically I didn't, but it makes me just replay everything I did leading up to conception. For example- I'm a nervous flier so "self medicate" and flew 3 days before conception and took 1.5 Xanax and had a cocktail before the flight so that I would sleep the whole time. Realistically- this probably didn't have anything to do with it. People take multiple Xanax every day before they know they're pregnant and have healthy babies. It just makes you wonder what you did out of the ordinary during that time. We just have to hope for better luck next time.

Lynn- Chocolate is the hardest one!! Now come on, why does something so delicious have to have caffeine?!? I don't drink soda, or coffee, ect., but chocolate! It's a hard habit to kick!
Also- I'm a little behind- what was this scan for? Are you currently expecting or is it just an exploratory scan to see if there's any abnormalities with you?
thank you all im not prepared to give up chocolate and also i have read that acctually prevents miscarriage:happydance:, or was that wishful thinking

sounds good with the invesitagtions Lynnb must be good to be getting some result 6days for me and counting

I hope the link work:happydance::happydance:
Hopefulmam2b - It was just exploratory, but it was good to have a scan & get good news at the end.

Ovenbun - It is nice getting results, the waiting was just driving me crazy, I just hope the karyoptying is OK as it's seem to me to be the thing they have problems treating. Love those links :thumbup: Hope your results come back good too.
The chromosome issue is something I have. I have a translocated chromosome in one of my Xs. This means I am missing some of my X material and instead I have some inert inactive Y chromosome material there. This was caused by a crappy sick sperm in my case.

This causes very little issue for me day to day. But when it comes to babies it is a problem as any male risks inheriting my bad X. A boy with that will either m/c or will have severe developmental, learning and skin issues amongst other things.

It is a constant worry.
The chromosome issue is something I have. I have a translocated chromosome in one of my Xs. This means I am missing some of my X material and instead I have some inert inactive Y chromosome material there. This was caused by a crappy sick sperm in my case.

This causes very little issue for me day to day. But when it comes to babies it is a problem as any male risks inheriting my bad X. A boy with that will either m/c or will have severe developmental, learning and skin issues amongst other things.

It is a constant worry.

Padbrat- Before I found out my results I had researched a lot about translocations wondering if I maybe had one. Just curious about a few things- Did you find out after genetic testing after a mc or did you already know? Also, have you looked into PGD or are you wanting to avoid that if possible? I'm so sorry to hear this. I did read TONS of success stories though with people having healthy babies. It unfortunately looked like it was a painful road to get there, which is very unfair. How did you know you got your translocation from the sick spermy? Hope you don't mind the Q's I'm just curious. :hugs:

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