Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Thank you for your kind messages girls. Riley Rae was born sleeping yesterday at 7.15am, at 24 weeks and 3 days weighing a tiny 340grams. I hope she is with her big sister Honey x

god bless:hugs:
Goodgirl, I just asked Dr Google and it came up with a pharmacy website that stated there was no evidence that taking iron supplements and aspirin together causes any problems. Many pregnant women are given this combination. Indeed, if I became anemic during pregnancy I'd be put on iron pills in addition to DOUBLE baby aspirin, a super strong 5mg folic acid dose AND blood thinning injections on top.
I understand that you are upset about your miscarriage and are looking to see whether there is a cause so that you can eliminate it in your next pregnancy. But in my honest opinion I think the ER doctor you saw did not know what he was talking about and has got you worked up for all the wrong reasons. Maybe instead of getting a lawyer you could make an appointment with another obgyn for a review of your case? Get them to look at your bloodwork and give them all the information you can get about the pregnancy to see whether they would change your treatment plan for your next pregnancy. Hopefully, as this obgyn is more qualified to talk about the subject than the ER person or your lawyer this consultation will put your mind at ease that you didn't do anything wrong to hurt your baby.
Take care, hon. It's not easy xxx

Good advice pepitas, moving on forearmed with information and explanations is the way to go xxx
All advice and information is always welcome, that's why I'm so glad I joined this forum.
It's really helped me reading about everyones experiences.

Stick baby dust to all xxx.

do you have a disorder that makes your blood thinner and the asprin has exacerbated this situation or is it the high haemoglobin with a combination of taking asprin and folic acid that is causing the bleeding(thats what I understand from reading your posts)

I take thyroxine tablets and on the literature it says not to take at the same time as iron tablets..I take multi vits which include iron now at night time and safely take the throxine in the morning.

Keep us updated with everything please, and hope you get some positive feedback from the professionals honey xxxx
Hi Mandy.

I spoke to Rachel last week and she has booked me in for 13th May, it's the earliest they can do with all these bank holidays coming up.
AF showed up today, I feel a bit weird about it tbh.

Had I got my BFP, my due date would have been Xmas day, it worked out exactly the same last year. I had a due date for Xmas day too but m/c'd :(

I suppose, in my mind I was thinking it was fate that I would have another Xmas due date and that this was my month, really stupid I suppose to let myself get carried away.

I hate this part of the month, CD 1 and everything just seems so far away...
My obg said only having one tube wouldn't affect my fertility but I've now read and heard so much conflicting info that it can reduce chances of conception by 50%, I suppose I can ask at my appointment.

Right, I'm going to focus on the positive now though, I have my progesterone and aspirin now so once I have those steroids I just need that BFP.

Rant over and thanks for sticking with me.

How are things with you? xxx
Hey Leec, ahh that would have been lovely to have a xmas baby...
It was the anniversary of my first m/c on the 10th....
The fertility specialist may not be talking bull though, fertility drugs such as clomid if indeed it was required are effective ( I've just finished 2 months of it through the IUI, had one follicle this month=bfp, and 2 follicles last month=bfn..) there have been issues with them finding one of my ovaries at each ultra sound( probably hiding behind my bowel.) so I probably ovulated the past 2 months from the same ovary!!
I am doing well thanks I am around 5 weeks and 2 days or 5 weeks and 5 days if I am going by my IUI date, if I'm honest I'm a bit edgy as you know all of my miscarriages have happened at the 5-6 week mark. I am trying to remain positive though as I have, touch wood, had no cramping or bleeding so far and I more or less tend to get that from 4 and a half weeks onwards....
Saying my prayers at night though and taking it easy, so I can do no more than that.
I'll be thinking of you on the 13th., I have an 8 week scan on the 12th., hope my prayers will be heard and I get to that stage...

positive thoughts xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

do you have a disorder that makes your blood thinner and the asprin has exacerbated this situation or is it the high haemoglobin with a combination of taking asprin and folic acid that is causing the bleeding(thats what I understand from reading your posts)

I take thyroxine tablets and on the literature it says not to take at the same time as iron tablets..I take multi vits which include iron now at night time and safely take the throxine in the morning.

Keep us updated with everything please, and hope you get some positive feedback from the professionals honey xxxx


I have never had anything wrong with my blood. No high blood pressure or nothing. They gave me Folic acid and aspirin first without waiting for my test results to come back. When my test results came back, they took the folic acid away and prescribed to me Se- Natal 19 tablets ( without iron) and still had me to keep taking aspirin. Everytime I took Folic acid and aspirin, it made me sick as a dog. That's the first time I ever experienced anything like that with the bleeding. I read that taking folic acid with pre-natal vitamins are very harmful. It increases breast cancer to develop by 30%. It also stated it increases bleeding for both the mother and child. It's best to get folate from fresh vegetables. I will be requesting pre-natal vitamins without folic acid. I eats good that's why my iron is always high. To be honest a lot of different scientist and doctors debating. You never know who to believe.

Talking with a lot of elderly women open my eyes to a lot. Taking a lot of vitamins and pills during pregnancies is a risk. It may work for some, but doesn't work for all. All the Obg ever say I guess it was BAD LUCK!!! I told him I'm just having bad luck finding the correct doctor to handle me during my should have saw the look on his face.

Congrats to you on your pregnancy! Plenty of rest and no stress.
Hi goodgirl, I stand corrected. Sorry, I should have gone back and read up what you posted earlier. :blush:
I hope that all goes well in your next pregnancy and that you get the cerclage you need (without the aspirin) :hugs:

No problem. I've been reading and keeping notes. When I use google, I go to a lot of different sites to see if they all have the same advice and they Don't. You know what I don't understand, on the aspirin bottles if states a pregnant woman can't take aspirin during the last 3 months of pregnancy because it may cause problems in the unborn child or complications during delivery. Why give it to women in the beginning of their pregnancy. I wish scientist would discover that. I read where they stated they haven't found where aspirin during pregnancy causes miscarriages BUT they recommend NOT to take it during pregnancy. One contradicts the other....oh gosh...:wacko:

I'm just gonna pray and do things different on the next round. :hugs: I pray that we all get our babies on the next try.
I gots to tell you all about the dream that I had last night. In my dream, I had gave birth to a little girl and I was cleaning here up and held here so close to me. She was smiling at me and then she started looked at her and asked her how old was she and she said 16! I had conversations with her all the time. It then took me to another phase in the dream and she had gotten older!

I awaken and was like Oh my God! What does this dream mean. I got kinda scared bc if a newborn ever started talking to me I probably would drop her and run like crazy....lmbo..

I thought I'd share that with u all.

do you have a disorder that makes your blood thinner and the asprin has exacerbated this situation or is it the high haemoglobin with a combination of taking asprin and folic acid that is causing the bleeding(thats what I understand from reading your posts)

I take thyroxine tablets and on the literature it says not to take at the same time as iron tablets..I take multi vits which include iron now at night time and safely take the throxine in the morning.

Keep us updated with everything please, and hope you get some positive feedback from the professionals honey xxxx


I have never had anything wrong with my blood. No high blood pressure or nothing. They gave me Folic acid and aspirin first without waiting for my test results to come back. When my test results came back, they took the folic acid away and prescribed to me Se- Natal 19 tablets ( without iron) and still had me to keep taking aspirin. Everytime I took Folic acid and aspirin, it made me sick as a dog. That's the first time I ever experienced anything like that with the bleeding. I read that taking folic acid with pre-natal vitamins are very harmful. It increases breast cancer to develop by 30%. It also stated it increases bleeding for both the mother and child. It's best to get folate from fresh vegetables. I will be requesting pre-natal vitamins without folic acid. I eats good that's why my iron is always high. To be honest a lot of different scientist and doctors debating. You never know who to believe.

Talking with a lot of elderly women open my eyes to a lot. Taking a lot of vitamins and pills during pregnancies is a risk. It may work for some, but doesn't work for all. All the Obg ever say I guess it was BAD LUCK!!! I told him I'm just having bad luck finding the correct doctor to handle me during my should have saw the look on his face.

Congrats to you on your pregnancy! Plenty of rest and no stress.

Hi honey,

I need to keep taking my folic acid supplements as I need to know that I'm reducing the chances of spina bifida for the baby..I've never heard of the risk of folic acid increasing the chances of breast cancer whilst taken with prenatal vitamins.
I am friends with a specialist in breast cancer and I am going to enquire about this, to hear their opinion., I will let you know their opinion on it when I've had that chat.
I am taking the vitabiotic pre conception vitamins due to the fact they contain selinium, as selinium has been used in a small study recently and its demonstrated that it reduces thyroid antibodies. I have thyroid antibodies which are slowly attacking my thyroid gland. There is a growing understanding in medicine that thyroid antibodies are known to attack the growing embryo recognising it as a foreign body. So I am going to continue taking the conception vitamins also.
The vitamins do however contain 400mcg of folic acid, and on top of that I am taking a further 800mcg of folic acid. I've read on baby and bump before that after a miscarriage your need for folic acid is greater, I'm not sure if this is correct or not but I thought it would do no harm, so what you are saying has got me thinking.......

anyhow once i find out a bit more I'll post something xxxx:hugs::hugs:
I have just had some fresh red bleeding about half an hour ago....
During my previous m/cs I usually get brown blood and cramping for a few days before hand.
I have an appointment at 4pm at epu today for a scan....
Its so different this time I am experiencing some mild cramping also at the moment..
I am just gutted....but still trying to remain positive and hopefull.
will re post later to let you know how I go...
Hi Mandy, oh no, I was just about to reply to your earlier post, then I came on and seen this, I am hoping that everything is ok and I am keeping everything crossed for you, you will no doubt be at EPU now, but just wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts. Please let us know how you get on.
Hi Girls,
had the scan they saw the yolk sac but no fetal pole, they say this is normal for this stage of pregnancy, I was measured at 5 weeks that ties in with my last menstral period and not my IUI date.
Of course miscarriage cant be ruled out just yet, they were very positive and said they will re scan me next tuesday. The bleeding has eased now and the cramps have more or less gone I did pass a few clots though..
the midwife reassured me there were no haematomas in the womb and that maybe the bleeding was a haematoma, which may now have passed.
They will phone me tomorrow to let me know if I should stop taking the asprin, they think not though.
I've never seen the yolk sac before ever.. I am going to remain positive they've told me to rest up till Tuesday, so that means a few sick days off work too..
Keep you all updated, and thanks for all your kind words xxxxx

do you have a disorder that makes your blood thinner and the asprin has exacerbated this situation or is it the high haemoglobin with a combination of taking asprin and folic acid that is causing the bleeding(thats what I understand from reading your posts)

I take thyroxine tablets and on the literature it says not to take at the same time as iron tablets..I take multi vits which include iron now at night time and safely take the throxine in the morning.

Keep us updated with everything please, and hope you get some positive feedback from the professionals honey xxxx

Here's the website where I got this info. Like I said yesterday, there's a lot of different opinions when it come down to doctors and scientist.


I have never had anything wrong with my blood. No high blood pressure or nothing. They gave me Folic acid and aspirin first without waiting for my test results to come back. When my test results came back, they took the folic acid away and prescribed to me Se- Natal 19 tablets ( without iron) and still had me to keep taking aspirin. Everytime I took Folic acid and aspirin, it made me sick as a dog. That's the first time I ever experienced anything like that with the bleeding. I read that taking folic acid with pre-natal vitamins are very harmful. It increases breast cancer to develop by 30%. It also stated it increases bleeding for both the mother and child. It's best to get folate from fresh vegetables. I will be requesting pre-natal vitamins without folic acid. I eats good that's why my iron is always high. To be honest a lot of different scientist and doctors debating. You never know who to believe.

Talking with a lot of elderly women open my eyes to a lot. Taking a lot of vitamins and pills during pregnancies is a risk. It may work for some, but doesn't work for all. All the Obg ever say I guess it was BAD LUCK!!! I told him I'm just having bad luck finding the correct doctor to handle me during my should have saw the look on his face.

Congrats to you on your pregnancy! Plenty of rest and no stress.

Hi honey,

I need to keep taking my folic acid supplements as I need to know that I'm reducing the chances of spina bifida for the baby..I've never heard of the risk of folic acid increasing the chances of breast cancer whilst taken with prenatal vitamins.
I am friends with a specialist in breast cancer and I am going to enquire about this, to hear their opinion., I will let you know their opinion on it when I've had that chat.
I am taking the vitabiotic pre conception vitamins due to the fact they contain selinium, as selinium has been used in a small study recently and its demonstrated that it reduces thyroid antibodies. I have thyroid antibodies which are slowly attacking my thyroid gland. There is a growing understanding in medicine that thyroid antibodies are known to attack the growing embryo recognising it as a foreign body. So I am going to continue taking the conception vitamins also.
The vitamins do however contain 400mcg of folic acid, and on top of that I am taking a further 800mcg of folic acid. I've read on baby and bump before that after a miscarriage your need for folic acid is greater, I'm not sure if this is correct or not but I thought it would do no harm, so what you are saying has got me thinking.......

anyhow once i find out a bit more I'll post something xxxx:hugs::hugs:

Here's a website to check out.....
Hello Everyone

Mandy I pray that everything is okay. I'm so glad that you are remaining positive.

I want us all to have great success stories to post. When I post what I've read, its not to scare anyone or make you stop taking what your doctor has prescribed to you. I'm actually writing what you all post in a notebook. When I go to my gyn/ obg I hammer them for their opinions on the different medicines. I am a very outspoken individual and I don't take just their word for it and run with it. I go beyond them and keep searching for answers.

I hope everyone on here is doing the same. I mean, its your body. You only have 1 life to live and I definitely don't won't to be used as a ginny pig. God Bless each and every one of us!
Mandy, really hoping you are doing okay. By my reckoning, the yolk sac at this early stage is a good sign - hoping the little guy has a really good growth spurt over the next week and you'll have a definite answer on Tuesday. The waiting and wondering is hell and I feel for you at this time.

Also just wanted to say thank you for all the info on vitamins etc. I know those comments haven't been written specifically for me but I have learned alot. As you know I am keen to find out as much as I can about what extra I can do, hoping for 6th time lucky!! As for the increased folic acid, I'm sticking with my increased dose. I've discovered that in Canada the recommended dose for pregnant women is 2.5x higher than in the UK. In the UK they are so over cautious about giving us anything, so I am trusting the little that the docs do recommend. But thanks for the info, as you say it's important to be informed.

Now, my next question is about progesterone cream. As I think I've mentioned before my doc won't prescribe the progesterone treatment many of you are on but I've read elsewhere on this forum about progesterone cream which you can buy off the internet. My intitial reaction to this is major caution - anyone else got an opinion/experience with this?

I feel that I've got to do something to increase my chances - even if it only goes as far as discussing ideas with you all. Thanks for your continued support xxxx
Mandy. I'm so glad they are positive, and it's great that you are remaining positive too, you have no idea how much I'm hoping this is your forever baby.
You have picked me up when I've been down and gave me a kick up the arse too lol...
I'm having an extra special word with the big guy for you tonight.

ClaireH, I only have good things to say about the progesterone and will continue to take it every cycle.
I'm going to pm you.


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