Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi Mummy1234

Firstly, I am so sorry to hear you ae going through this.
I haven't had the methotrexate injection, but I did have an ectopic pg 5 wks ago and gad discussed methotrexate with the nurse at EPAS, unfortunately I had to have emergency op and lost my right tube.
Anyway, from what I discussed with nurses the methotrexate injection is used to epel any tissue and used in early tubal pg's, I understand that it is only 3 months that you must wait to TTC, the reason for this is it can cause defects in baby.
I was advised that it can have different effects, sometimes womewn are crampy for a few days, sometimes nothing for a week or so, I believe that you will have a follow up appointment as sometimes it has been know for some women to have 2 injections, and I would imagine EPAS will want to check hcg blood levels to ensure that they are falling.
Once again, I'm sorry you have had to go through this and waiting to TTC is a nightmare, I'm currently waiting to try on cycle 2 after my op.
Best wishes to you xxx

Hi girls! I'm new to this site...just trying to find somwehere where I can raise my concerns & see how others coped with things.
Maybe this forum is not for me, as I only had one m/c. Well, actually they thought it was a mc on 05th June, but 2 weeks later (after still bleeding & my HCG levels rising) they determined i had an ectopic pregnancy afterall :( Had an emergency surgery (laporoscopy) last Friday (17th June) at midnight (waited since 4:00pm)!). Got discharged on Sat. Nurses didnt say much of how will i feel afterwards + no need for follow-up app, just go see my GP if need to...? Also, I'm bleeding, is that ok? No-one told me that it might happen or how long will it last. Other than that have no pain, just sensitive where the incisions are... Any advice?
Thank you so much! Xx
12months ago I lost my second baby - sob. I think she was a girl.

On a more positive note - I'm only 5 weeks flipping pregnant!!! Woooooo!!!!! I hardly dare type the words but you know what they say, 6 times a charm! I'm so excited!! Wish me luck...

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx

PS - Grape, sorry no info on ectopic but I am sure someone will answer your Qs xx
Hi ladies,
My name is Heather and I'm a newbie to the forum...I'm here to hopefully find some support.

I am currently going thru my 3rd m/c in the last 7 mo's. My 1st was in Dec 2010 at 7 1/2 weeks - I m/c that one naturally. My 2nd was in Mar 2011 at almost 11 wks - this was a missed m/c that was discovered at my NT Scan at 12 weeks - had a D & C. I am just now going thru my 3rd m/c, I guess you can call it a chemical pregnancy since I had a very positive HPT at 14 DPO (6/17/11) but start bleeding the same day.

Honestly, I didn't get my hopes up at all about my most recent + pregnancy test because once I saw the blood, I knew it was over. But its just hard not to feel so hopeless and devastated.

I have a visit with my OBGYN scheduled for this Thursday to discuss things with him. At that time, I will be demanding additional testing since I've had 3 losses in a row. I really don't know if I should referred to a RE or not. I have no problems getting pregnant - the last 3x have been on the 1st problem is holding a pregnancy.

I do have 1 son who's 2 years old and I just really want a sibling so badly for him. Is that too much to ask?

I do know I have low progesterone which I use 200mg suppositories 2x daily for from 3DPO - on. I'm wondering if it is enough or if there is something else that keeps causing me to miscarry!
Claire!!!! OMG!!! soo pleased for you congrats hun xxx Im about 12dpo bfn!!! Keep doing ic nothing! Did do a sainsburys test yesterday an got a line after about 8 mins but then my friend done one to as she thought she was an after 20mins hers had a line an she come on today! So who nos! I think sainsburys tests often give this line! WHat dpo did you get ur bfp claire?

Faye you are entiteld to testing after 3 mc hun, i just had mine all i no is like you i have low progesterone, an thats all i still no!!! My results come back normal! Now just tryiing to get pregnant again an then going to try clexane injections!

Grapejuice hi hun so sorry xx i dont no anything about eptopic but sum1 will hun, after my d and c i bleed for around 4 -6 days an then old blood etc i didnt really have pain or anything an all i have ever been told is that ur really fertile etc. I would def make an appointment with ur doc to get some kind of answer/advice hun wish u well x
12months ago I lost my second baby - sob. I think she was a girl.

On a more positive note - I'm only 5 weeks flipping pregnant!!! Woooooo!!!!! I hardly dare type the words but you know what they say, 6 times a charm! I'm so excited!! Wish me luck...

Hope everyone else is doing ok xxx

PS - Grape, sorry no info on ectopic but I am sure someone will answer your Qs xx

Wishing you all the best Claire and tons of sticky baby dust! Xxxx
CONGRATS CLAIRE! hope everything goes well for you this time FX.

heres to a happy healthy 9 months. x x x
Congrats, Claire! :yipee:
I really hope this is it for you! Do you have an early scan planned?


Grapejuice, I've never had an ectopic but I have had three laparoscopies (for endometriosis). Recovery has always been a good 1-2 weeks. Try to take it as easy as possible as when you overdo it, it can put you back a couple of days in recovery. If you're concerned about your bleeding, try giving your doctor a ring, though I can imagine that it would be normal for some bleeding or spotting to continue for a few days :hugs:

Faye, sorry to have to welcome you here :hugs: let us know how your appointment goes on Thursday...
Thanks girls for all the lovely messages - very exciting!!

Davies, I got BFN with the FRER on 14DPO and then a positive with Clearblue on 17DPO. Interesting that I've never had a positive with FRER. I used Sainbury's with my first preg and it only turned positive 18DPO. I don't buy shop own brand anymore, just stock up when Boots have a BOGOF deal!! You tested again yet?

Petipas, scan already booked for 6.5wks. Everyday is a milestone - desperately not trying to think ahead too much but it's only natural I suppose. How are things with you?

Will keep you all posted! xxx
Thanks for asking, Claire! I had a scan today at 7+5. It was the most amazing experience and completely took me by surprise. I don't know whether it is good for me to be so hopeful as there are still a good few weeks to get through until second tri. But for now I cannot help myself and I am over the moon today.

Keeping my fingers crossed for your scan fxfxfx
Hi Girls, i still keep popping in here to see how you are getting on. Great news Claire on your BFP and Pip, lovely scan piccie I see on your journal.

AFM, hope you dont mind me updating. I am now just over 18 weeks! all seems to be going well and as you may remember, its my 5th pregnancy (4 previous mc's) my doc still thinks it was bad luck (yes that horrible dirty word again BAD LUCK hmmmm) although I am on clexane and aspirin it was never fully diagnosed as I got pregnant but I am having it anyway.

Every day is still scary and I am much more positive now it still is hard, miscarriage is very hard and never ever goes away, I still struggle. But I am so glad I never gave up hope.
Hi Girls, i still keep popping in here to see how you are getting on. Great news Claire on your BFP and Pip, lovely scan piccie I see on your journal.

AFM, hope you dont mind me updating. I am now just over 18 weeks! all seems to be going well and as you may remember, its my 5th pregnancy (4 previous mc's) my doc still thinks it was bad luck (yes that horrible dirty word again BAD LUCK hmmmm) although I am on clexane and aspirin it was never fully diagnosed as I got pregnant but I am having it anyway.

Every day is still scary and I am much more positive now it still is hard, miscarriage is very hard and never ever goes away, I still struggle. But I am so glad I never gave up hope.

well done stardust... I'm a wee bit behind you at just over 14 weeks., 2nd tri! what a milestone....
Pepitas lovely news, its hard to believe it's really happening., I am still amazed I've got this far..enjoy it if you can...x
hopefully this summer we will have some more good news with some new bfp's..xxxx
Hi girls, I've been reading, but not writing much on B&B these days. I'm popping in to say that I'm having my 4th miscarriage. I didn't even know I was pregnant this time! All of my pregnancy tests were negative. I got what I thought was my period, right on time. It was a little lighter than normal, but not much. Then 4 days after my period stopped, I started bleeding again and have been bleeding for 5 days. My pregnancy tests were still negative (I should have used a FRER and not an IC). I got a blood test done and found out today it was positive. The level is 35. I ovulated a month ago. They should be much higher. I'm in total shock. My husband and I had taken a break and were exploring surrogacy. We decided to try again this cycle. Clearly I'm not infertile. I just can't hold on to any of my babies. I can't believe it. Life can be so cruel.
Well done, stardust and mandy! And thanks for popping by with good news :thumbup: You give me so much hope, you have no idea!

Heart tree, I am so sorry you are going through this again, it must have been such a shock for you :hugs:
Stardust so nice to hear from u!! I got af today! Boohoo! But im thinking may take clomid this month mr raaj kumar told me i can have clexane next time from 6 weeks is that when you got it? Does it have any nasty symptoms? Im soo soo pleased for you sweetie getting to 18 weeks gives me hope to start the wonder drug! x
Stardust so nice to hear from u!! I got af today! Boohoo! But im thinking may take clomid this month mr raaj kumar told me i can have clexane next time from 6 weeks is that when you got it? Does it have any nasty symptoms? Im soo soo pleased for you sweetie getting to 18 weeks gives me hope to start the wonder drug! x

Booo to AF but a new cycle now and lots of positive thoughts !!!!! it will happen again and sooner than you think. I started my clexane from my BFP but that is cos I had some from my 4th mc. I have heard its practice to start clexane at 6 weeks, once a pregnancy is seen on a scan. I think the reason is that if there is a clotting issue it wouldnt cause any ptoblems until then. so stating earlier has no real effect. But I dont know this for sure. there is probably someone far more knowledgable on clexane on here

Cant wait to hear about your bfp, I know its coming! Mr Raajkumar has been really good to me, booking me in for extra appointments and scans, he even did a quick scan himself LOL, apparently he doesnt do scans but he showed me heart beat. Thought that was nice of him. my hubby is quite demanding when it comes to me and baby and wont really put up with anything but the best now. I guess I am lucky he has a very persuasive manner,
Hi girls. I have a question. I didn't even know I was pregnant this time until 2 days ago when I got a blood test done. I had been bleeding a lot and the doctor thought I should do a test. It came back positive with an hcg level of 35. I did the blood test again today (44 hours later) and they went up to 52. The problem is that I should be almost 6 weeks. This number is far too low, isn't it? Has anyone else had numbers like this? Could it be an ectopic? The bleeding stopped, but I'm very concerned.
hi there, I'm so glad to have found this thread. My husband and I concieved back in 2009 and I miscarried with twins on November 27th 2009 at 3 1/2 months pregnant. After trying with no luck for over a year I decided to get checked out for PCOS due to a lot of symptoms and research. Turned out I did have PCOS and was prescribed Metformin.

After taking metformin for almost 3 months I woke up one morning in May of this year and felt like taking a pregnancy test. Turned out it was BFP. I was shocked, surprised, and extremely happy. After getting my first ultrasound to figure out exactly how far along I was, on May 30th we found out I was exactly 5 weeks. Doctor calculated my due date at Feb 5th 2012. My husband and I were beyond excited. Everything was going great, I kept taking my metformin getting alot of rest, doing EVERYTHING i was supposed to be doing and then some.

On Monday June 20th at 6:45pm I went to take a shower and saw quite a bit of dark red blood on my liner. Naturally I freaked out and started crying and called my mom. Earlier that day I had done some heavy cleaning and my mom told me it may be from the cleaning so i should lay down. I called my doc and she said the same thing.

Nevertheless i went in on tuesday to see my doc. The blood had turned into light spotting with zero pain. My doc wasnt too concerned since i had no pain and told me it may be because of the cleaning i did as well. However she did want to do an ultrasound and hcg and progesterone tests just to make sure. She told me alot of women spot and bleed in their first trimester and shes not going to draw any conclusions until an ultrasound is done.

I booked an emergency ultrasound for the next day and went in. The tech was super rude, refused to show me anything on the screen and even told me to stop asking her questions. How invasive is that?!?!?!?! I went home with no answers. At that point i was still spotting but it was light. Later that night at 8pm i started bleeding a bit more frequently but the quantity at each time had not changed. at 11pm that night i woke with severe cramps in my lower area and i knew exactly what was happening. My 'contractions' started shortly after midnight and came every 3mins and lasted a min each time. This went on until 530am. After I passed all the blood clots the cramps finally ceased a bit. I still have cramps off and on til now but the bleeding has ceased quite a bit. I didnt go to the hospital. Im going to my doc on monday to get checked out. The hospitals here do nothing! The last time i went with my first miscarriage I waited 8 hours in a hard plastic chair before i got a bed and then waited another 3 hours for a doc to spend 30 secs checking me out. I knew what complications (chills, fever, etc) to look for and ive had nothing.

this is the most painful (emotionally) thing ive ever been through. It leaves you devastated, empty and broken inside.
Naads what an awful experience for you. You are right, it does leave you devastated, empty and broken. Time certainly helps but it doesn't fully heal this pain in my experience. None of this is fair. At the very least you should have been treated with kindness by the medical professionals. There is no excuse for how you were treated.

None of us deserve to be on this thread. :hugs:

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