Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi Amos, I'm so sorry to hear you had a not-so-good result. Yet another something you should not need to worry about :nope:

Following on from hopefulmama2b, I had a little snoop at one of my favourite info pages ( and this is what they said:

The table below has AMH interpretation guidelines from the fertility literature and our own experience. Do not get carried away with the cutoff values shown here. For example, the difference between a 0.6 and a 0.7 ng/ml test result puts a woman in a "different box" in this table - but there is very little real difference in fertility potential. In reality, it is a continuum - and not something that categorizes well.

AMH Blood Level
High (often PCOS)
Over 3.0 ng/ml
Over 1.0 ng/ml
Low Normal Range
0.7 - 0.9 ng/ml
0.3 - 0.6 ng/ml
Very Low
Less than 0.3 ng/ml

I'm not saying your result of 0.61 is great, but it is very close to the low normal rate so your fertility life is not over for definite. After all, you have clearly been getting pregnant quite often and there is nothing to say that you won't again :hugs:

How are you getting on these days? As far as I can remember you were waiting for your insurance to kick in so that you can get the heparin on it? xxx
Thanks Petipas...that does help to see that. Maybe there is SOME hope for me lol. I am doing are right- we were waiting until my insurance kicked in so it would cover some medicines. I did find out that what they want me to take in September will not be covered. (of course) But I don't care as long as it helps me to have a baby. But anything beyond that- IVF, ICI, etc we will not be able to afford.
I'm sorry to hear about your last loss. I just don't understand things sometimes. How have you been getting along? What is your next plan?
Hi All.

I've been out of action on here for a while, may take me some time to catch up on the thread.
Hope everyone is doing ok, after the run of bad and very sad news on here of late.

Looking forward to cacthing up with everyone again xxx.
amos sorry to hear about what news you were given but you can't give up, we all can't. I dont believe science and doctors know everything. I was diagnosed with MS in 2004 and by looking at my MRI, my neurologist couldn't believe that I am able to walk and that I was able to get through law school. Well I surely don't need a wheelchair and still consider myself pretty on the ball. I was now told I have probable endo and my ovarian reserve is not great. And even though I haven't carried a baby to term, I am able to get pregnant 3 times in the last year and a half. Others with endo conceive multiple times but doctors say endo causes infertility. My SIL had bad endo at 18, was told she'd never have children and now has 2 beautiful and healthy girls. So sorry for rambling but I just don't agree with what doctors tell us. Faith and hope are what keeps us going, so please dont give up on your dreams yet!
Thanks mpepe...what an inspiration you are. I know doctors are not the "end all, be all" to everything in this world, so I will try to keep that in mind. I just wonder since my eggs are few and far between supposedly, how do I manage to get pregnant so easy? I mean, all my husband and I have to do is TALK about having sex, and I get pregnant. I just can't seem to hang onto them. Maybe I can get preggo easy, but the quality is just not there so I keep losing. I am not giving up until they tell me I should, and I really trust that my docs would tell me when that time comes.
Thanks everyone for listening. Someone please give some good news so I can be happy for someone!!
amos - I think I may have the same issue regarding egg quality. Either that or my progesterone is a problem. However, doc couldn't do the Endometrial Biopsy so can't really say for sure.

And you are right, you get pregnant! One has gotta stick eventually!

I have an issue to deal with at this stage and would like some input. I can go for genetic tests now that I've had 3 losses but I am scared and now I really don't want to go. What if they tell me genetically I'll never have a healthy bean. I'm kind of in the ignorance is bliss mode. And what if I go and they don't find anything wrong like with the rest of the tests I went for, then still no answers. I just can't really handle bad news. DH is of the mind to just keep trying and not go for any testing but I don't know what to do. Anyone's thoughts????
I would test for anything and everything that I can afford. Personally I have done the following tests:

Progesterone (7 DPO test) - Seems to be low whenever I am pregnant but normal when I am not. Solution is progesterone from 7 DPO onwards, just in case I am preggers. Cost was covered by insurance.

Chromosomal analysis for DH and I - Results were normal for both of us, thank God. Cost would have been near $1,300 but I fought with insurance and they paid.

Immune blood panel - Cost was $766 and not covered by insurance but it is said that 50% of women with recurrent miscarriages have immune issues that cause the MC. Still waiting on results from that test.

In my eyes, ignorance is not bliss. After 3 miscarriages further investigation is definately warranted. I recently found out that if the issue is an immune one your chances of a mc go up with each subsequent mc. I was shocked! I hope I haven't waited too long, I have had 4 already.

And Amos, if IVF is necessary I can highly recommend my RE. She has money back packages starting at around $4 - $6,000 with financing available. It's not bad at all!
Hi Girls,

Sorry I've been away for a while. I have been dipping in to check on you all and I am so sad for the new girls joining us. Davies, you sound like you are having a rough time at the moment and I'm thinking of you. And, Mandy, I still shed a tear every time I think of you and your precious Emma but I absolutely know you made the right decision although I cannot imagine how you found the strength. Hope you are doing OK. Amos, I have no idea about the levels you talk about, sorry, but I might have the happy news you were asking for....

Long story short, I'm 10weeks pregnant!! I know! I have no idea what was going on with that first scan when we basically saw nothing and everyone was convinced it was all over. At the next scan we saw a feotal pole and earlier this week we had another scan and saw a beautiful, literally bouncing, baby with a fabulous heart rate. We are absolutely over joyed. I know I've still got a long way to go but I am just enjoying every single day of being pregnant for now.

For those of you who haven't met me, I've had 5MCs and take 5mg folic acid, 75mg aspiring and 2x400mg cyclogest (progesterone) daily. I've had every test going and every one came back normal for me, my partner and the babies.

Claire so so happy for you wow congrats 10 weeks so good to hear! Have you used cyclogest before and also what dpo do you use it from hun?

My update, saw gp today my level is 6.1!! So stopped progesterone today an im just waiting for bleeding to start do you think i should start the clomid when i do start bleeding?
I called my obs and gynae an im waiting for a call back my gp just said its bad luuck all my results are normal! I said im not prepared to just bloody well except its bad luck after 4 losses! Honestly these bloody people! Hope your all well.

Claire its so nice to see some good news on here its all been doom an gloom lately! xx
Amos, I'm seeing a doctor who does immune testing next week. He is basically my last hope. I've been on heparin, aspirin and extra folic acid for the past four pregnancies and progesterone didn't work for me either. My babies seem to implant well enough and show a heartbeat but then they still die :shrug:

mpepe, I had the chromosomal tests. From reading padbrat and other ladies' posts it seems that even chromosomal issues have odds to them for example 3 out of 4 will be affected, but you still have a 25% chance with each pregnancy. If the test comes back negative you can keep thinking and try different treatments. Ultimately, though, only you will know what helps you best to get through this and whatever you decide will be the right decision.

Claire, :bunny::flasher::yipee: that's amazing news! You really have brightened my day with it. I am keeping you in my thoughts and crossing my fingers very tightly fxfxfxfx
Hi Davies,

Thanks for the message (petipas too). Yes, this is the first time I've used cycogest. I only started using it after my BFP. I wanted to start it from Ov but they wouldn't give me it until BFP. I, like you, was told so many times "just keep trying, it's just bad luck blah blah blah..." I really forced the issue in terms of the progesterone which they weren't going to give me "no evidence that it actually works etc." but I think I proved myself to me intelligent, well read and realistic about it. Every time I see my consultant now all I want to say is "so, the progesterone doesn't work then??!". Long may my good luck continue!

I don't know about the clomid but I am sure someone else will. And Petipas, sorry you are still having tests done and looking for your answers xx
Claire, how wonderful for you, congrats! And yeah, I know how you feel. So progesterone doesn't work? Tell that to my 7 year old! He's a progesterone baby born to me after 3 mcs. Luckily my RE is willing to try progesterone with every pregnancy of mine, she just reminds me to be realistic about it. For me it's a safety net and I take it from 7 DPO - 14 DPO from now on.

Petipas how exciting to hear about your upcoming tests! I just had blood drawn on Monday for the immune tests myself. I can not wait to hear back from them. Just 1.5 weeks to go! I'll be sure to post my results here once I get them. Maybe we can figure this out together.
Congrats Claire, thats amazing news :) so pleased for you

Davies, sorry things have not worked out this time :hugs:

I've not been on much recently but i am 6 weeks tomorrow and everything seems ok, long way to go, unsure when i will have a scan, just going to wait till i am ready to go.

wow these posts move fast.... to answer some question's asked.....I didn't do anything different this time atall and I have had asprin, progesterone (crinone gel) heparin you name it I have had it and done it, although before I conceived on this one I did have a few weeks on high dose vitamin D but had stopped a couple of weeks before I conceived again. This time I was on nothing and did nothing and I know it sounds weird but I had done so much praying and thanking to god on every pregnancy and begging to keep it that this time I daren't say thankyou or pray or cross fingers or touch wood incase lady luck decides to be cruel and take it away again. I think this is going to be the longest ever pregnancy as every week seems like a month but then when you have repeated miscarriages its like you have been pregnant for years because each time you conceive you put your life on hold incase its something your doing wrong like running down the road or shouting to loud (which is silly I know but thats how tender it makes you) and anything you can worry about I worry about! I went into mothercare the other day and excited myself by looking at cots ,prams etc but spent the whole next day convinced I had done myself bad luck for looking and cried all day. Its so hard being terrified and excited at the same time I know you all totally understand....but the point is I am nearly 14 weeks for no reason and had 10 miscarriages all by 7 weeks max if I can do it any of you can ......maybe its just waiting for the right egg and sperm to mix up and glue in there and say " Hey I am staying!!!"
Thankyou everyone for all the lovely wishes love to all of you too xx Donna xx
What an amazing story Donna, thanks for sharing, i'm also of the view there is nothing i can do or take its just waiting for the right one.

I was reading a book called 'coming to term' it was excellent, showed that most if the time women who have multiple mc go on to have normal pregnancies without help or taking anything.

I guess everything is worth a go :)
Claire that's wonderful news..A happy and healthy 9 months to you.. And thankyou again for your kind words... I have good support from family friends and of course my oh.. So we are bearing up..
I know this will sound daft but I've been reading up on downs syndrome and reducing the risk.. There is a theory that inadequate folic acid intake can increase the risk slightly.., I need to do a bit of digging to find the link for that piece of information..when I saw my midwife at around 10 weeks and found my bmi to be 30( I'm suitably embarrassed.. At sharing that with you all) but apparently she told me there are new guidelines thT indicate 5 my of folic acid should be tZken if the bmi is above 30 At the time I should have asked what the reasoning was for this., but at 10 weeks it was a bit late.! Anyhow I have been taking folic acid daily for about 2 years now.. I will be taking folic acid 5 mg daily in the future.. I just wondered if anyone had any thoughts or information regarding taking 5mg folic acid with bmi above 30..
I have as of this week been cutting down on the crap and amstarti g to exercise more often., food has been a bit of a crutch since we lost the baby.. I'm determined not to let the urge overtake me though.
Morning every1 I had a phone call yest an im being referred to Lesley Regan St.Marys London Im so excited I may finally get some answers! Has any1 else seen her before?
Thats brilliant davies! never been there but cant wait to hear how you get on. xx

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