Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

I hope u lovely ladies don't mind me posting this and apologies in advance if I annoy anyone, but I just wanted to share some good news with you all, to give u some hope and encouragement.

I gave birth to a gorgeous little boy called Finlay on Sat, 21st May, weighing 7lb 1oz, who arrived 4 days early :baby: I first went to Mr shehata in Apr last year and was diagnosed with very high levels on natural killer cells. And after 3 cycles of his treatment I fell pregnant and had a relatively good pregnancy apart from morning sickness for nearly 30 weeks!
If someone tells me how to, I will upload a pic of my gorgeous boy x

Smidgen, I have a question. I also have NK cells. How did they treat you?
Thanks Davies & good luck too.

I love Blue. I seen Quenby in Birmingham Heartlands, i am now going to see Shehata.
Why are you seeing Quenby if you don't mind me asking. I am happy to go through my experience of Quenby with you.
Good luck also x

Hi Lee
Of course I don't mind you asking.
I'm in Shropshire, so can't reasonably travel to see Mr S - although I've heard great things about him, and he would be my first choice (NHS referral - can't afford to go privately).
Prof Quenby seems to be the next best bet - although from what I've read on here she can't test for NK cells, but will prescribe steroids.
I don't know if I have a NK cells issue - I'm just trying to be as prepared as possible when I see the consultant.
I'm really hoping he knows his stuff.

There is another avenue to investigate. My husband suffers from an anxiety disorder and started taking an anti-depressant (Venlafaxine/Effexor) just after we had our second son 5 years ago (we have two sons and had no problems with either pregnancy). I've found a few medical articles online - one that showed this particular drug affects sperm count and one that showed that women taking this drug were 110% more likely to miscarry. We're now wondering if maybe it could be damaging his sperm in some way. I fall pregnant easily so its clearly not affecting his sperm count.

At the moment I'm just fed up of looking for answers - I'm trying to take a step away from it all, but its hard.

My mc's have all been so different - they don't fit any kind of pattern. Has anyone else found this?

I've just read back a bit and see you have an appointment to see Mr S. Did you get an NHS referral? I really hope he can help you - i've read so many success stories, I'm sure he will.

Hope everyone else is okay xx
Iloveblue I'm the same hun. All diff mc!! Early like chemical twice (5-6weeks) blighted ovum, and also I have had a hb at 8+4 baby stopped growing 2-3days later! So I'm the same no rhyme or reason!! I also have had all my NHS tests and there all normal! But I have just had my 4th loss last week called the obs and gynae cons an just explained I'm not prepared to except after 4 mc that i have bad bloody luck!!!
So I'm being refered to Lesley Regan St marys London apparently her an her team r excellent! We shall see! It takes about 12 weeks!! I'm not good at waiting !! So what's your next step ? X
Hi daviess3 - so sorry to hear of your losses.
I had a late loss at 20 wks (baby passed away at 17) in Oct 2010, a natural mc at 7/8 wks in Feb (had no pregnancy symptoms at all - knew it wasn't right) and a natural mc at 9 wks last month. I did have symptoms with the most recent one - not sure if it was technically a blighted ovum as a yolk sac was seen at one point.

I'm like you, in that I'm not willing to accept that it is down to bad luck. Especially since I have two children already and had no problems with either - and I know how lucky I am to have them.

I have an appointment with the RMC at our local hospital on 1st September - so we'll see how we go from there.
I'm not expecting any answers tbh - I had lots of tests after our late loss which all came back clear, but would like to have a treatment plan in place for any future pregnancy. Or even a referral to another specialist.

A referral to St. Mary's is great - I've heard they are very good too.
The waiting is a pain - but it gives you time to get healthy and ready for another pregnancy, especially since your last loss was so recent. xx
Ive had an appointment with a recurrent miscarriage clinic two weeks ago. They took 10 vials of blood and said they will run tests for everything. Im actually scared that they come back normal as surely its better to have a reason then it can be treated!
I've also not been coping very well as on top of all this I've been told that I have uterus didelphys, two completely seperate uteruses each with their own cervix - very rare. This places me at higher risk aswell as there is less room. I was told at the miscarriage clinic that the specialist that discusses the results is only that - a miscarriage specialist and not an expert on this womb. So I went to my GP during the week and told him about all of this. That I've had no follow up on this uterus that they have found and also no follow up on the fact that they have found I only have one kidney! There is a complete lack of communication between all of the medical people I have seen. My Gp agreed that I need to be refered to a specialist gynacologist about my womb and the implications of pregnancy, he agreed that this cant just be left. So the wheels are in motion and I've been referred.
I refuse to wait 6-8 weeks to get my test results back only to be told that I hadnt even been referred to a consultant...argh!! Its all so frustrating and bringing me down at times.
I would love to go private but feel that I need to give the NHS there place first. If no success then seriously considering it.
My heart goes out to everyone on this section of the forum x
Hello again justkeeptryin, I remember reading your story on another thread. You case certainly sounds unique. I am so glad that you are going to be seen by a specialist gyno. You need someone with more knowledge. It's unfortunate but we do have to be our own advocates and fight for our own care. Hugs.

sorry to hear about your losses. i had a D&C June 15th, lost my baby at 7 weeks & 3 days, i'm also Rh neg....i feel so bad :( i was really looking forward to having my baby as this was my first pregnancy......can i try straight away or should i wait?


Hi Cherrylicious,

you can try again when you feel ready emotionally, after miscarriages and especially after a d&c you are actually more fertile..
I am also rh neg, my first 3 m/c all happened around 5 weeks and they dont give you an anti d injection at that stage I recently had a loss at 17 weeks and that is when I had my first anti d injection, I think they generally dont give it until around a 12 week loss., if thats not entirely correct one of the other girls will correct me on that though..
Take care and be good to yourself xxxx

Thanks, i got my anti-d/Rhogam shot right after my D&C, so i guess i'm safe:)
thanks alot!! :hugs:
Hi! May I join? I've had 6 miscarriages, my latest one was June 17th (although I do suspect a chemical last month as I had faint faint lines on two tests at 9dpo but they disappeared and AF came).

ETA: I'm getting bloodwork on Tuesday to rule out any blood clotting factors
Hi! May I join? I've had 6 miscarriages, my latest one was June 17th (although I do suspect a chemical last month as I had faint faint lines on two tests at 9dpo but they disappeared and AF came).

ETA: I'm getting bloodwork on Tuesday to rule out any blood clotting factors

Welcome and I am so sorry for your loss. You and I actually miscarried on the same day in June. June 17th happens to be my birthday so I'm sure you understand how much that sucked.

I just had some special testing called immune testing because after 4 losses it is believed that 50% of those women are suffering from an immune reason for their miscarriages. My test came out positive so my Dr. was right.

Since you have 6 miscarriages I would highly recommend that you ask your Dr. if you can have immune testing. :hugs:
Hi! May I join? I've had 6 miscarriages, my latest one was June 17th (although I do suspect a chemical last month as I had faint faint lines on two tests at 9dpo but they disappeared and AF came).

ETA: I'm getting bloodwork on Tuesday to rule out any blood clotting factors

Welcome and I am so sorry for your loss. You and I actually miscarried on the same day in June. June 17th happens to be my birthday so I'm sure you understand how much that sucked.

I just had some special testing called immune testing because after 4 losses it is believed that 50% of those women are suffering from an immune reason for their miscarriages. My test came out positive so my Dr. was right.

Since you have 6 miscarriages I would highly recommend that you ask your Dr. if you can have immune testing. :hugs:

June 17th was my daughter's first birthday. Looks like y'all share the same birthday :thumbup:

I have military doctors and they refused to do testing, so when I found out my older sister who has had 5 miscarriages tested positive for the Pai-1 and MTHFR gene mutation, I realized that could be my problem too. It's a blood clotting disorder and she could die taking birth control (it also causes miscarriages apparently). So I told them I wanted to know if I'd die taking birth control or not. They agreed to test me.
If I come back positive for those, then I'll talk to them about fertility issues because only then, they'd HAVE to help me.
Hey ladies, hope you dont mind me posting an update, had a scan yesterday and everything looking good 7+1 and nice heartbeat, taking asprin this time.

Have another scan on 15th and my doc said if all is well she wants to start me on heprin daily.

Hey ladies, hope you dont mind me posting an update, had a scan yesterday and everything looking good 7+1 and nice heartbeat, taking asprin this time.

Have another scan on 15th and my doc said if all is well she wants to start me on heprin daily.


Coco, I am so happy for you! You must be so relieved. Please keep us updated with your progress. :flower:
Hi! May I join? I've had 6 miscarriages, my latest one was June 17th (although I do suspect a chemical last month as I had faint faint lines on two tests at 9dpo but they disappeared and AF came).

ETA: I'm getting bloodwork on Tuesday to rule out any blood clotting factors

Welcome and I am so sorry for your loss. You and I actually miscarried on the same day in June. June 17th happens to be my birthday so I'm sure you understand how much that sucked.

I just had some special testing called immune testing because after 4 losses it is believed that 50% of those women are suffering from an immune reason for their miscarriages. My test came out positive so my Dr. was right.

Since you have 6 miscarriages I would highly recommend that you ask your Dr. if you can have immune testing. :hugs:

June 17th was my daughter's first birthday. Looks like y'all share the same birthday :thumbup:

I have military doctors and they refused to do testing, so when I found out my older sister who has had 5 miscarriages tested positive for the Pai-1 and MTHFR gene mutation, I realized that could be my problem too. It's a blood clotting disorder and she could die taking birth control (it also causes miscarriages apparently). So I told them I wanted to know if I'd die taking birth control or not. They agreed to test me.
If I come back positive for those, then I'll talk to them about fertility issues because only then, they'd HAVE to help me.

Oh wow, what a coincidence between your daughter and I! :haha: You were smart to handle your blood test the way you did. You certainly need the testing. I know a girl on the forum that has that gene mutation and she has recently has succesful IVF with twins! There are treatments out there, you just have to know what you have first. :dohh:

When do you expect your results back?
June 17th is my brother's birthday, hehe!

Mon n john it's so great that you finally have answers! Great news!
Hi! May I join? I've had 6 miscarriages, my latest one was June 17th (although I do suspect a chemical last month as I had faint faint lines on two tests at 9dpo but they disappeared and AF came).

ETA: I'm getting bloodwork on Tuesday to rule out any blood clotting factors

Welcome and I am so sorry for your loss. You and I actually miscarried on the same day in June. June 17th happens to be my birthday so I'm sure you understand how much that sucked.

I just had some special testing called immune testing because after 4 losses it is believed that 50% of those women are suffering from an immune reason for their miscarriages. My test came out positive so my Dr. was right.

Since you have 6 miscarriages I would highly recommend that you ask your Dr. if you can have immune testing. :hugs:

June 17th was my daughter's first birthday. Looks like y'all share the same birthday :thumbup:

I have military doctors and they refused to do testing, so when I found out my older sister who has had 5 miscarriages tested positive for the Pai-1 and MTHFR gene mutation, I realized that could be my problem too. It's a blood clotting disorder and she could die taking birth control (it also causes miscarriages apparently). So I told them I wanted to know if I'd die taking birth control or not. They agreed to test me.
If I come back positive for those, then I'll talk to them about fertility issues because only then, they'd HAVE to help me.

Oh wow, what a coincidence between your daughter and I! :haha: You were smart to handle your blood test the way you did. You certainly need the testing. I know a girl on the forum that has that gene mutation and she has recently has succesful IVF with twins! There are treatments out there, you just have to know what you have first. :dohh:

When do you expect your results back?

I get them done on Tuesday... so I'm not sure...
Coco congrats hun!!! Soooo happy for you I love hearing good news on here, but hate it everywhere else! Lol
I feel crap excuse my language! I just had another collegue announce preg on fb! 12 weeks had her healthy scan! I just feel like they don't appreciate how much that is sooo important! What I would give to have that! I have my 2 nephews here who I love to bits my husbands 2 kids an I just want one of my own! I love having a houseful of kids.
I also worked out if I get an appointment in 12 weeks I then do tests I then go back 6 weeks later for repeat tests then 4 weeks late so I would actually get any results until feb/march!!!!
That would mean no baby until2013!!! I just can't deal with that thought! I feel do crap!! Sorry for the negativity girls just don't no what to do! An that's all if I actually get an answer! X
my referal was first week in september and i got my results at the end of dec so bout 16 weeks in total. i think they say 12 weeks hun but like i mentioned before i saw someone on an nhs referal within 5/6 weeks. so based on the timescale i had u shud (hopefully) be getting results around end of nov. i dunno if ttc takes u long generally but will give u plenty of time to make that 2012 baby :) xxx

(hope this doesnt sound like im overriding the difficult wait time as i know only too well how awful it is just trying to offer some hope) xx
I know the wait seems unbearable, I totally understand. You always have the option of doing it privately if you want answers quicker. Most of the labs in the states can get you answers within 2 weeks but everything is so expensive. But just so you know, there are other options depending on your financial resources.

And if you decide to wait for the NHS I promise to try my best to make the wait as easy on you as possible. I'm here for you all for daily reinforcement and to send positive thoughts your way. We are in this together! Hugs.
Mon an Jon thanks so much it means alot! I'm not sure what to do! I'm going to make lots of phone calls Monday morn! Thanks joey I really appreciate that I so hope that I have your time scale! Fxd there quick like urs! Much appreciated hun plus always like a bit of positivity!! Xxx

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