Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Faith, welcome, although i'm sorry you have reason to be here. I hope the process speeds up for you soon so you can start to heal :hugs:

Futurephotos, it is very possible for you to get pregnant after mc without af first....i am proof of that :happydance: After my first loss i only had to wait 4 weeks and 5 days for af to come. But, after my second loss, i had to wait 16 weeks! And after my third loss i didn't get af, because i got pregnant instead!
I hope either you get your bfp, or af comes soon for you :flower:

Mandy that support group sounds great, even if you were the only one there! Im glad to hear you found it helpful :hugs:

Petitpas hun good luck for tomorrow... :hugs:

petitpas., thinking of you... hopefully the immune testing will give you some answers..
Well, I got the results back from my last loss. He was genetically normal. As sad as it is, I finally have proof that it is my body that is killing them. Tomorrow I am going for my immune tests.

Oh, I am so sorry Petitpas. I can understand how much that would hurt but I hope you realize that you are doing your best to have your baby. None of this is your fault. Hopefully the immune tests will bring you some answers. Mine should be back in less than a week. Maybe we can compare notes later on. :hugs:

Mon, I can't wait to compare notes with you! :hugs:
Hi girls,

I went to a miscarrriage support group at my local hospital last night, I was the only one there! however, to my advantage I got to pick the brains of the 2 midwives who chaired the group.
If I had known of the groups existence last year when I had had my first 3 miscarriages I may have suffered alot less heartache, before finding bnb I was running around in circles, and pretty confused by it all.
Anyway I did'nt learn huge amounts but we did touch on a few subjects of which I had very little knowledge.
What id like to say I gained from the experience was reassurances that at my age 40, I shouldnt be stressing myself that I wont get to carry a baby to full term, they see tons of women 40 and over having their first baby, they encouraged me not to give up..
I really benefited from the session, as these midwives see the lot and know the struggles some women have to go through before they have their first bub, the pain and heartache of losing babies over and over again is so very overwhelming but what they advised me is to remain focused and to plough on as the prize is within reach and these women are there to support and impart their knowledge.

Hello Mandy

I wanted to say that age is nothing but a number. My grandmother had her last baby at the age of 56 yrs old. Pretty darn amazing, huh? My mother gave birth to me at the age of 36......Don't be discouraged hun. Put your faith in God and He will see u through this valley.
Hello, am new to this site, but wanted to see if I could get advice support. 3 days ago I lost my baby at 12 weeks. I am still in a lot of pain. I started bleeding on Friday and had a scan. the baby was there but no heartbeat. They have said it was a missed miscarriage. I had a dreadful experience and ended up in hospital and having an operation to remove the rest of the production. I am so sad as this is my second miscarriage, last year it was 6 weeks 5 days. I just want to know if any other women are going through this and how I am going to get through.
Me3 I'm so sorry for your losses, I think you have definately come to the right place, we all here have lost babies I'm just about to finish bleeding after my 4th loss. It's the worst feeling in the world! But from somewhere we do find strength to carry on coz u no what we all deserve children an we will get them an I think we will appreciate them 10 times more when we do! Are they going to do any tests for you? I no some places test after 3 mc some after 2, but you could definately try to push for it! Have you had things like your progesterone tests done? The support you get from girls here is amazing everyone is always here for each other, sometimes if your having a bad day someone else is having a good day we pick each other up!
An we can talk about it as most of the time noone else understands! Don't lose hope Hun xx
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss Me3. I will echo what Davies said and say that this is a great place to come to for support. We all understand and are here for you.

And GoodGirl, thank you for coming here to give us all hope. So your grandmother had a baby at 56? That is amazing, what a wonderful story!

Sorry to hear about all your losses. You all sound so strong and hopeful which is really encouraging to read. It is so sad that this happens. The doctors seem to be so blaze about it all as they hear it all the time and are just like "just carry on trying, there's nothing wrong." I'm just in the middle of my 2nd mc in 4 months and feel pretty broken. It is so unfair. Both were early stage miscarraiges. I am just willing the bleeding to stop and all be OK, while deep down knowing its not. I spent most of today in bed not wanting to face the world.
Trying to think positively, I have a beautiful 20 month old girl and she brings me such joy that i feel I am so glad to have her. But I will never forget my 2 little babies that I have never met ...........

sorry to hear about your losses. i had a D&C June 15th, lost my baby at 7 weeks & 3 days, i'm also Rh neg....i feel so bad :( i was really looking forward to having my baby as this was my first pregnancy......can i try straight away or should i wait?

Hi girls,

I went to a miscarrriage support group at my local hospital last night, I was the only one there! however, to my advantage I got to pick the brains of the 2 midwives who chaired the group.
If I had known of the groups existence last year when I had had my first 3 miscarriages I may have suffered alot less heartache, before finding bnb I was running around in circles, and pretty confused by it all.
Anyway I did'nt learn huge amounts but we did touch on a few subjects of which I had very little knowledge.
What id like to say I gained from the experience was reassurances that at my age 40, I shouldnt be stressing myself that I wont get to carry a baby to full term, they see tons of women 40 and over having their first baby, they encouraged me not to give up..
I really benefited from the session, as these midwives see the lot and know the struggles some women have to go through before they have their first bub, the pain and heartache of losing babies over and over again is so very overwhelming but what they advised me is to remain focused and to plough on as the prize is within reach and these women are there to support and impart their knowledge.

Hello Mandy

I wanted to say that age is nothing but a number. My grandmother had her last baby at the age of 56 yrs old. Pretty darn amazing, huh? My mother gave birth to me at the age of 36......Don't be discouraged hun. Put your faith in God and He will see u through this valley.

Hello stranger not seen you on here for a while how are you honey>?
56!! wow, thanks for sharing that..
It would be interesting to know how old everyone was on the recurrent miscarriage thread.?and how long everyone has been trying to have a baby through their miscarriage heart ache..?
.....starting with me I just turned 40( blah... caught up with me all too soon! but I still have a young outlook..) been trying for baby number 1 for nearly 3 years...

sorry to hear about your losses. i had a D&C June 15th, lost my baby at 7 weeks & 3 days, i'm also Rh neg....i feel so bad :( i was really looking forward to having my baby as this was my first pregnancy......can i try straight away or should i wait?


Hi Cherrylicious,

you can try again when you feel ready emotionally, after miscarriages and especially after a d&c you are actually more fertile..
I am also rh neg, my first 3 m/c all happened around 5 weeks and they dont give you an anti d injection at that stage I recently had a loss at 17 weeks and that is when I had my first anti d injection, I think they generally dont give it until around a 12 week loss., if thats not entirely correct one of the other girls will correct me on that though..
Take care and be good to yourself xxxx
Hi girls,

I went to a miscarrriage support group at my local hospital last night, I was the only one there! however, to my advantage I got to pick the brains of the 2 midwives who chaired the group.
If I had known of the groups existence last year when I had had my first 3 miscarriages I may have suffered alot less heartache, before finding bnb I was running around in circles, and pretty confused by it all.
Anyway I did'nt learn huge amounts but we did touch on a few subjects of which I had very little knowledge.
What id like to say I gained from the experience was reassurances that at my age 40, I shouldnt be stressing myself that I wont get to carry a baby to full term, they see tons of women 40 and over having their first baby, they encouraged me not to give up..
I really benefited from the session, as these midwives see the lot and know the struggles some women have to go through before they have their first bub, the pain and heartache of losing babies over and over again is so very overwhelming but what they advised me is to remain focused and to plough on as the prize is within reach and these women are there to support and impart their knowledge.

Hello Mandy

I wanted to say that age is nothing but a number. My grandmother had her last baby at the age of 56 yrs old. Pretty darn amazing, huh? My mother gave birth to me at the age of 36......Don't be discouraged hun. Put your faith in God and He will see u through this valley.

Hello stranger not seen you on here for a while how are you honey>?
56!! wow, thanks for sharing that..
It would be interesting to know how old everyone was on the recurrent miscarriage thread.?and how long everyone has been trying to have a baby through their miscarriage heart ache..?
.....starting with me I just turned 40( blah... caught up with me all too soon! but I still have a young outlook..) been trying for baby number 1 for nearly 3 years...

I just turned 35 in June and am TTC #3. This is only my 2nd cycle TTC #3. I have had 4 miscarriages. 3 of them were before conceiving my last son. My last mc was in June but I wasn't even trying to get pregnant yet. (Was waiting to finish my University degree that I just finished in June.) At least now I know I'm ready for #3 because when I lost my last one it really hurt.

Here's hoping for BFPs for all of us real soon!
Mandy, I am fine. I'm keeping busy now a days. Thanks for asking. I am so sorry to read about all the new losses. I stay away from the forum alot bc it makes me so sad to read about new losses.

I was amazed to find that out. I was like 56 yrs old??? how and why and I also said

I turned 35 on February 1 of this year and miscarried my 4th baby boy on February 12th. All pregnancies were all boys. My 1st pregnancy at 21 yrs old at 6 months. My 2nd & 3rd were early bc I wasn't trying to get pregnant and was on an appetite suppressant losing weight and they terminated my pregnancies. I am O positive Blood and allergic to everything in the sea that that swims or crawls.

I talked with my doctor and told him some things. My 1st and 4th pregnancy ended the same way (silent labor). When I was born I weighed 14 lbs and some oz. I didn't look what I weighed. They did some sort of test and discovered that my bone mass was heavy. My mother had to be bed ridden carrying me. After I revealed that piece of info, he then told me 9/10 that the babies that I carry will be the same way. A cerclage will be placed and no activities for me. It's crazy bc til this day at 200 lbs I wear the same size as a person that weighs 165 lbs which is a size 11/12 in jeans. Was I suppose to be a boy?????

Its amazing how the women back then carried their babies working hard and hardly ever any miscarriages. What is so different back then with pregnancies than what it is today??? I talked with a lot of elderly women and they told that they didn't take anything while they carried their children, not even vitamins. I was told not to even take a tylenol when I get a headache. All of their stories pretty much matched. I've always been told that the elder women teaches the younger women how to live.

One lady made a statement God does everything on his time and not by yours. When it's your season you will get your baby and she said if u never do, never ask God why. He has his own reasons for each season. Seek him first and the rest shall be added unto you....

I thought I'd share this with u ladies bc it was so touching to my heart.

Oh how I wish miscarriages never existed. I just figured that our babies were to special to be bothered with the pain of having to live here on this wicked planet Earth.....

"Faith without works is dead" that's one reason why I'm never giving up. I am going to get my forever baby.

May each of you be Blessed daily as u stay on your journey called LIFE!!! Hugs n More Hugs.
Thank you for sharing your touching story with us GoodGirl. Hugs to you!
I turned 36 in March this year. We've been TTC since our honeymoon - August 2007 so now 4 years :(
Hi Ladies.

Holly I was 38 yesterday :/ feels like time is ticking.

How is everyone else doing, I've been a real part timer on here lately, need to catch up on the thread properly.

Anyway, quick update I had a call from Shehata's clinic yesterday asking me if I could see him next Tues, gutted as it's too short notice but they are going to see me in Sept, so it seems the waiting list isn't too bad at the moment. We were told we may need to wait til March next year.

So I'm sort of freaked but excited, as dh and I know this is our last option now so if it doesn't work for us following Shehata's protocol, well, there is nothing else we can try that we haven't already so we will be done :(

Hoping for good things and will be staying positive.

Looking forward to catching up with everyone.

Good luck Leec I'm waiting on a referal to Lesley Regan St marys been told 12 weeks NHS!! R u private? How exciting xx
Hi everyone
I posted on here a while ago.
I've had 3 mc's in the past 9 months including one at 20 wks in October last year.
We have an appointment with our local RMC consultant on the 1st September to get test results etc. I'm trying to get as prepared as possible and am going to ask to be referred to Dr Quenby if nothing obvious comes up.
Does anyone have up-to-date contact details for her or her secretary please?
She seems to move around quite a bit!!!
Thankyou xx
Thanks Davies & good luck too.

I love Blue. I seen Quenby in Birmingham Heartlands, i am now going to see Shehata.
Why are you seeing Quenby if you don't mind me asking. I am happy to go through my experience of Quenby with you.
Good luck also x
OH MY GOD ladies, I just heard back from my RE's nurse. My test results are in for the immunity blood panel: My RIP test for CD 56-16+ ANK came back very high at 20.6. That is why I am having all these miscarriages! I finally have a reason!!! And there is a treatment, oh my god, I'm shaking. I don't know if to cry or laugh but I am so happy to have a reason.

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