Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi ladies,

I am feeling really annoyed with some of your doctors!

First, just because you have had a successful pregnancy doesn't mean they shouldn't do the same tests after three consecutive losses (including "chemicals"): all kinds of things can change.

Chilli - for a doctor to suggest that further testing would stress you out is patronising - it is for the patient to decide what will or won't help. My local doctor said the same thing, "just try again", and it was only after I was tested at St Mary's (privately) they found a problem, for which I am receiving treatment. Your GP can refer you to St Mary's, the referral doesn't need to come from a specialist.

KA92, really sorry for your recent loss. Have they investigated any blood clotting issues with your blood? There are certain types of condition that means your blood clots too much / quickly and this can cause recurrent miscarriage (both early and late). Some ladies on here have this problem. There are blood tests that can be done. Sorry if this is alarming, is not meant to be. Lesley Regan's book on miscarriage explains it all.

I agree hunni, my doc was fine with the chemical as my HPT was confirmed by them so he regarded it as a loss.

And KIm I have the book if you want me to send it to you xx

Hope you ok SMiler xxxx
Thanks fluffyblue, I was doing well thanks, but have now picked up a nasty tummy bug from my little girl so am freaking out about implications for the pregnancy, struggled into work yesterday but decided enough was enough and am at home today (will not be popular at work as also had last week off to look after her, but hey ho).

Hope your appointment today goes well.
Donna, have already moaned about doctors, but just to say that giving birth can, occasionally, cause problems, e.g. if the placenta was difficult to get out or you had a C-section, but this is quite unusual. It is called uterine adhesions or Asherman's syndrome. Symptoms might include reduced bleeding when it's your period and pain. The "HSG" test (they put dye into your womb and do a kind of X-ray) is the test for this.

But lots of other things can change too, e.g. hormones (this seems to have happened in my case, my ovaries seem to have been whacked out by giving birth and breastfeeding, or maybe I have just got older!), prolactin levels. Or the losses could be a mixture of things - "bad luck".

Some people suggest that miscarriage is a type of infertility and that similar tests are appropriate - I personally agree, since all of us hope to have a healthy, full-term baby, the BFP is just one step on the way.

Best wishes with getting referred for tests - hope your GP is nicer than your EPU!

I just wanted to ask a few questions if possible. I am now having my 3rd miscarriage and I really want to know what is going on!!
I spoke to my GP, who said that the EPU would look into any tests etc, but then spoke to epu who said it wasn't up to them it was my gp, but that they are not likely to do any tests anyway because I already have carried 1 child to term so there isn't going to be anything for them to find! they also said that most the tests they would do are for infertility, which is not my problem, I can get pregnant, I just cant stay pregnant!!:growlmad:
Is this true? can I just really be that unlucky? or can things change in your body to make carrying a pregnancy difficult/impossible?
could it be something to do with the delivery of my son? I was asked if I had a cs which I didn't then they didn't mention it again. could a traumatic birth have done something to my insides?
I dont know if any of you can help me, but I dont know who else to turn to.

thanks for listening!!
As much as i dont want to stick up for the dr's i have to. the reason you have to have m/cs in a row is because the tests they do look for something that will cause a m/c everytime. They see it as if you can fall once and go full term inbetween m/cs then its not nessaseraly a problem that would need all the tests they do. More like a minor problem that can be fixed with a few tweeks here and there.
Hi Tracie, yes, I realise why they have the 3m/c for referral rule, but some ladies have not been referred even after three consecutive m/c.

As much as i dont want to stick up for the dr's i have to. the reason you have to have m/cs in a row is because the tests they do look for something that will cause a m/c everytime. They see it as if you can fall once and go full term inbetween m/cs then its not nessaseraly a problem that would need all the tests they do. More like a minor problem that can be fixed with a few tweeks here and there.
Well firstly I arrive and Rachel (clinical nurse) tells me that there is a new Professor who started last week and this person is a renowned specialist in recurrent miscarriages. Wahey.

When I get in the room she introduces herself as Siobhan Quenby I thought bloody hell I am in good care now !

I was chuffed as punch and just kept thinking of MrsJD at that point - if only I knew your real name Mrs JD if you are reading this lol.

Well anyway after my initial star struck look lol, I have been told I have acquired APD my blood tests proved a higher level non-pregnant than pregnant so this is definately my cause of my RM.

I have to see a consultant haemotologist urgently for care in pregnancy and in life as this disorder is not just pregnancy related apparently it can affect me in current and laterlife as I am an increased risk of blood clots etc.

The treatment as most of you know is aspirin and heparin when I get PG but what I found confusing is - she advised me NOT to take aspirin while TTC as it can cause some infertility apparently there was a paper published some time ago with some percentages etc. So when I do get PG I will just take a slightly higher does.

Again the care plan will consist of immediate scan upon positive HPT to rule out Ectopic etc and then scan at 6-8-10-12 weeks etc but I will need antenatal care early and need to have it at the specialised unit at Heartlands hospital.

I have not to take Clomid or anything to stimulate ovulation as she thinks this was the most likely cause of my ectopic (and bad luck of course).

So I have an answer, she said its 99% certain that this acquired blood disorder is the cause of my miscarriages so I am happy I now have an answer
Wow fluffy, how fantastic to get Dr Quenby! What a coup. Wonder what is happening with the trial in Liverpool now (not that that is your problem to worry about of course!)

Really hope the course of action works for you and that the haematologist is helpful. Good that there is a clear plan for early ante-natal care too. My specialist said similar things about not taking aspirin before conception and about clomid.
Wow fluffy, how fantastic to get Dr Quenby! What a coup. Wonder what is happening with the trial in Liverpool now (not that that is your problem to worry about of course!)

Really hope the course of action works for you and that the haematologist is helpful. Good that there is a clear plan for early ante-natal care too. My specialist said similar things about not taking aspirin before conception and about clomid.

Oh Smiler it was like I had met Brad Pitt I was tongue tied, when I rang hubby he was kiling himself laughing because he said he could just have imagined me - i said its like meeting the David Beckham of the miscarriage world. She is a lovely woman - the trial is still running but apparently she couldnt become a Professor at Liverpool so Heartlands offered her the promotion I believe. Hence why she in the Heartland NHS now, their loss my gain !
Hi Fluffyblue,

I'm so happy your appointment went well and you finally have some answers. I hope your sticky bean shows up very
Im so glad they could give you some answers Fluffy!:hugs: Weird how we want something to be wrong with us at this stage, I suppose its a case of better the devil you know! Sticky bean is not far away for you now hun!:hugs:

Hows it going with you Sassy?
thanks guys, im going back to my doctor next week as i am now experiencing pain down the left hand side of my face and some tingling on my face too as well as severe headaches, i had this since november but they said it was being pregnant that caused the headaches. It just all seemes linked and feeling uneasy about it all now.

do any of you know if clots cause pain like this? :shrug:

i'm glad you got some answers fluffy :hug:
Dont wait to go to your docs, I would go to the hospital to get that checked out asap, if you've got a blood clot problem they can easily travel to anywhere in your body that can wreak havoc. It may be nothing but and I wouldnt want to scare you, probably too late, but it does need attention immediatley to be on the safe side hun!
oim gona go now then, the pains been here for some time though, i mentioned it last time before the miscarriage they said it was the joys of being pregnant :S.

I assumed as iv had this for some time that theyd have picked up if it was something serious? :shrug:

thank you.
Look maybe it is maybe it isnt, but your looking at one nasty thing if its not and you have been known to get blood clots, Im no whinger when it comes to being sick and Im the last to drag myself to the docs, but if I had what you have I would go!
When you go the hospital tell them you get clots and where there pain is when you get there, tell the people you see when you arrive so they know!
KA92, I agree with WannaB, safest to get checked out, either an emergency GP appointment or even A&E. Know it's a hassle, but sometimes doctors can be too dismissive - if all is well then that's good, and you will just have lost some time, but occasionally things can be wrong that they have missed. Take care.
Wow Fluffy - you sound really happy and I'm so pleased for you. Well done for your patience and persistance!!

I had to go back to GP today as 2 weeks ago when I went in to tell her about recent chemical she didn't refer me again in writing to RMC in Bath so they wouldn't give me another consultation. Never mind that I was diagnosed with depression at the same time - just leave me to sort it out myself!!!??? Grrr I am a bit peeved to say the least. I've told her I want gynae to refer me to ST Mary's and I don't really care for his ipinion on it - just write the bloody letter man!!!! I'm hoping to actually get some genuine "care" there rather than token testing! Sorry I'm having a bit of a rant!

Also told her that I get deep pain soemtimes when BDing and she told me that may be endometriosis... does anyone know if that is related to MCs?
KA I agree with the others - you need to be seen IMMEDIATELY!!! Hope that it's nothing serious though but still best to get checked out
thank you ladies

i took WanaBs advice went up last night. The pains etc are nothing serious but they reackon it is a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia (sp), which is basically a nerve condition that causes sharp stabbing pains in the face, theyv given my Tegretol starting on a low dose to see if it eases it. If it does, theyl adjust my doseage to what i need it to be. I feel so relieved atm and a little drowsy from these tablets but the pains eased a bit :thumbup:

thank you so much for kicking my bum, i would have just left it otherwise
Wow Fluffy - you sound really happy and I'm so pleased for you. Well done for your patience and persistance!!

I had to go back to GP today as 2 weeks ago when I went in to tell her about recent chemical she didn't refer me again in writing to RMC in Bath so they wouldn't give me another consultation. Never mind that I was diagnosed with depression at the same time - just leave me to sort it out myself!!!??? Grrr I am a bit peeved to say the least. I've told her I want gynae to refer me to ST Mary's and I don't really care for his ipinion on it - just write the bloody letter man!!!! I'm hoping to actually get some genuine "care" there rather than token testing! Sorry I'm having a bit of a rant!

Also told her that I get deep pain soemtimes when BDing and she told me that may be endometriosis... does anyone know if that is related to MCs?

Hey hun sorry bout your GP sounds a knob !

I dont know about endo with MC but I know it can cause fertility issues so maybe the two are linked somehow?

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