Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

thank you ladies

i took WanaBs advice went up last night. The pains etc are nothing serious but they reackon it is a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia (sp), which is basically a nerve condition that causes sharp stabbing pains in the face, theyv given my Tegretol starting on a low dose to see if it eases it. If it does, theyl adjust my doseage to what i need it to be. I feel so relieved atm and a little drowsy from these tablets but the pains eased a bit :thumbup:

thank you so much for kicking my bum, i would have just left it otherwise

OMG I so glad it was that! I was thinking of you yesterday, wondering if you were sitting up in the hospital hating me! :rofl: Now I can tell you why I was a bit persistant, those symptoms can also match a stroke, and given you had a blood clotting problem I was terribly worried! Im so glad its something far less serious, sorry Im a bit of a worry wart! So glad your okay!:hugs:
Hi Ladies,
Fluffy -I'm so chuffed that you have some answers ! So are you ttc now??

I've had my blood results and its all normal apparently. Although the consultant did say that he's arranging a HSG test - which I know lots of you have had AND he's arranging me to have hcg injections if I get pregnant until 12 weeks. I had no idea they existed so if anyone could enlighten me about their supposed efficacy i'd be really grateful!!

:hugs: xx
Chilli the endo can be the cause of mc's sometimes, since it effects your uterine lining, whether or not it was the case with your is another question. Have they done any investigations like a HSG or lap to check out everything? The statistics, and I dont alway believe in statistics, claim that in women without endo the mc rate is something like 10% but women with endo can be up to 50%. I dont much care for your doc either, you dont just suggest someone has something then dont do anything to follow it up, if she thinks you have that it needs to be looked at and something be done for you!:hugs:
thank you ladies

i took WanaBs advice went up last night. The pains etc are nothing serious but they reackon it is a condition called Trigeminal Neuralgia (sp), which is basically a nerve condition that causes sharp stabbing pains in the face, theyv given my Tegretol starting on a low dose to see if it eases it. If it does, theyl adjust my doseage to what i need it to be. I feel so relieved atm and a little drowsy from these tablets but the pains eased a bit :thumbup:

thank you so much for kicking my bum, i would have just left it otherwise

OMG I so glad it was that! I was thinking of you yesterday, wondering if you were sitting up in the hospital hating me! :rofl: Now I can tell you why I was a bit persistant, those symptoms can also match a stroke, and given you had a blood clotting problem I was terribly worried! Im so glad its something far less serious, sorry Im a bit of a worry wart! So glad your okay!:hugs:

dont be sorry hun if it wasnt for you id have gone on with the pain and never have been disagnosed :hug:

i really hope these tablet will help the pain, ill be on them for life i tihnk but its so much better, but only problem is if i fall pregnant again i cant take them. But 9 months for a healthy baby? the pains more than worth it!

thank you again dont feel bad cos you made me go and im so glad and thankful you did!
Hi ladies and welcome to the new girls. Sorry it has to be under these circumstances.

Anyway, I know a few ladies were diagnosed with NKC on here and are now succesfully pregnant after treatment. I found this article today about a doctor in the UK that tests for it. There is a member on here who is going to go and get tests done next month and just thought it may help some of you when you have everything else in your tests coming back as normal. All my tests were clear but luckily for me I managed to great pregnant last year.

Thinking of you all xxx

A good news story xxxx
Got my haemotology appointment through today 9th March cant believe its soo quick, looks like ill be able to start treatment before end of next AF !
Morning all, not popped in here for a wee while now :(

Anyway, on the subject of uterine natural killer cells see this article

I've only had 5 losses compared to this poor woman who had 18 MC's before finding out it was uNKCs :cry:

So please, get referred, it only takes a day out of your life. I remember when I packed my bags and drove to Liverpool from Glasgow I kept thinking what am I doing, this isn't what's wrong with me......well how wrong was I, little fighter is now over 28 weeks thanks to the steriods.

Got my haemotology appointment through today 9th March cant believe its soo quick, looks like ill be able to start treatment before end of next AF !

Great news Fluffy. So pleased you finally have some answers :)
hi there i hope you don't mind me posting here but i was directed to this thread by a lovely friend who mentioned Killer Cells, i suffer from PCOS,Graves disease, Endo among other things, i myself began trying 7 years ago, since then we have had 16 M/C all one after the other, all between 8-12 weeks, we then got caught again but this time made it to ten weeks before my tube burst, it was ectopic and we didn't know, this was aug 08, then i had a HSG in october same year and got caught with Lilly-Maye, we found out christmas day we were expecting her on my birthday which was great as for the previous 4 years i had always lost a baby on my birthday, i made it through the sickness, ketoacidosis, hyeremisis, SPD, ended up in a wheelchair aswell as my pelvis split, we got to 34 weeks +3 days and she had a massive seizure and passed away, 2 weeks before she was due to be born by c-section, negligence on hospitals part, she had been siezing for 6 weeks, i had asked for her to be delivered every week for the last 6 weeks and was told i was paranoid. she died from multiple cord accident. cord torsion, cord compression, stricture, hypercoiling, complete body wrap and 2 true knots as well as the cord being around her neck 3 times so tight it broke her neck as she was born 3 days later. she was beautiful and perfect and we were robbed, thats how it feels, like we were cheated,
so no i am on my 9th cycle since having my beautiful angel and i have only ovulated twice, i have been on clomid for 4 months and one of those ovulations was last month on clomid, first two months nothing, the doc has now put me up to 100mg
been for HSG again today and found out my existing tube was blocked where it meets the uterus so i am really lucky no spermies got through as it would have been another ectopic as there is no way the egg could get to the uterus
so now the docs have given me a sell by date, 2 months, if i am not pg by then there is nothing more they can do for me apart from IVF and we just can't afford that, so i am here looking for anything that may help me and someone mentioned the killer cells, i know its a long shot but i am willing to try anything so all info greatfully received
hi there i hope you don't mind me posting here but i was directed to this thread by a lovely friend who mentioned Killer Cells, i suffer from PCOS,Graves disease, Endo among other things, i myself began trying 7 years ago, since then we have had 16 M/C all one after the other, all between 8-12 weeks, we then got caught again but this time made it to ten weeks before my tube burst, it was ectopic and we didn't know, this was aug 08, then i had a HSG in october same year and got caught with Lilly-Maye, we found out christmas day we were expecting her on my birthday which was great as for the previous 4 years i had always lost a baby on my birthday, i made it through the sickness, ketoacidosis, hyeremisis, SPD, ended up in a wheelchair aswell as my pelvis split, we got to 34 weeks +3 days and she had a massive seizure and passed away, 2 weeks before she was due to be born by c-section, negligence on hospitals part, she had been siezing for 6 weeks, i had asked for her to be delivered every week for the last 6 weeks and was told i was paranoid. she died from multiple cord accident. cord torsion, cord compression, stricture, hypercoiling, complete body wrap and 2 true knots as well as the cord being around her neck 3 times so tight it broke her neck as she was born 3 days later. she was beautiful and perfect and we were robbed, thats how it feels, like we were cheated,
so no i am on my 9th cycle since having my beautiful angel and i have only ovulated twice, i have been on clomid for 4 months and one of those ovulations was last month on clomid, first two months nothing, the doc has now put me up to 100mg
been for HSG again today and found out my existing tube was blocked where it meets the uterus so i am really lucky no spermies got through as it would have been another ectopic as there is no way the egg could get to the uterus
so now the docs have given me a sell by date, 2 months, if i am not pg by then there is nothing more they can do for me apart from IVF and we just can't afford that, so i am here looking for anything that may help me and someone mentioned the killer cells, i know its a long shot but i am willing to try anything so all info greatfully received


I too had graves but had a full thyroid removal in Dec 2006, this can affect your fertility as you probably already know.

I have the uterine natural killer cells and there is currently a trial running in Liverpool, please get referred to be checked out!

Hi ladies not posted in here for a while. Figured after all my tests coming back ok after losing Jessica there wasn't really much I could post about.

I have a question for you all especially those who are now pregnant. I asked my consultant if there was any treatment I could go on when I next fall pg and she said that she didn't feel I needed anything and that the fortnightly scans were enough.

Well I am now 7 weeks pg and a few months back bought baby aspirin but am still unsure on whether to take it or not. With Jessicas placenta it showed a minor clot on it but apprantly not sufficent enough to be the cause of her death but it still worries me hence why I bought the aspirin.

Anyways my questions are:

Have any of you self medicated yourself with baby aspirin? Do you feel its working?

If anyone like me have had 3 losses and no reason as to why did your consultant recommend any treatment once you were pg?

This is my last pregnancy regardless of whether I lose this baby or not and I would prefer to do all I can to ensure baby is healthy but it seems my consultant doesn't want to try anything.

Any advise would be greatly appriciated.

How is everyone doing good I hope! x
Hi ladies not posted in here for a while. Figured after all my tests coming back ok after losing Jessica there wasn't really much I could post about.

I have a question for you all especially those who are now pregnant. I asked my consultant if there was any treatment I could go on when I next fall pg and she said that she didn't feel I needed anything and that the fortnightly scans were enough.

Well I am now 7 weeks pg and a few months back bought baby aspirin but am still unsure on whether to take it or not. With Jessicas placenta it showed a minor clot on it but apprantly not sufficent enough to be the cause of her death but it still worries me hence why I bought the aspirin.

Anyways my questions are:

Have any of you self medicated yourself with baby aspirin? Do you feel its working?

If anyone like me have had 3 losses and no reason as to why did your consultant recommend any treatment once you were pg?

This is my last pregnancy regardless of whether I lose this baby or not and I would prefer to do all I can to ensure baby is healthy but it seems my consultant doesn't want to try anything.

Any advise would be greatly appriciated.

How is everyone doing good I hope! x
you need to ask to be refered to another consultant, believe me if you are not happy with anything you must do it, i listened to my doc against my better judgement and i lost LM as a consequence, make sure you are completely happy with how everything is going, sorry hun thats the only advice i can offer, hope you are well hun,xx
Thanks hun I might see about getting a second opinion but wouldn't know how to go about it without upsetting my consultant I am with now. Shes been really good to me since I lost Jessica just wish she could see it from my point of view.

Maybe I could mention it to the nurse at the epu when I go for my next scan and see what she thinks. x
Thanks hun I might see about getting a second opinion but wouldn't know how to go about it without upsetting my consultant I am with now. Shes been really good to me since I lost Jessica just wish she could see it from my point of view.

Maybe I could mention it to the nurse at the epu when I go for my next scan and see what she thinks. x
i would sweetheart, you know how precious your cargo is and upsetting a consultant is not your problem, they should be proffessional enough to understand how important this is too you after what happened with Jessica, would she not listen to you if you sat her down and told her how you feel? sending you hugs hun,xx
Hi ladies not posted in here for a while. Figured after all my tests coming back ok after losing Jessica there wasn't really much I could post about.

I have a question for you all especially those who are now pregnant. I asked my consultant if there was any treatment I could go on when I next fall pg and she said that she didn't feel I needed anything and that the fortnightly scans were enough.

Well I am now 7 weeks pg and a few months back bought baby aspirin but am still unsure on whether to take it or not. With Jessicas placenta it showed a minor clot on it but apprantly not sufficent enough to be the cause of her death but it still worries me hence why I bought the aspirin.

Anyways my questions are:

Have any of you self medicated yourself with baby aspirin? Do you feel its working?

If anyone like me have had 3 losses and no reason as to why did your consultant recommend any treatment once you were pg?

This is my last pregnancy regardless of whether I lose this baby or not and I would prefer to do all I can to ensure baby is healthy but it seems my consultant doesn't want to try anything.

Any advise would be greatly appriciated.

How is everyone doing good I hope! x

Hey hun, ive hd 5 losses and have recently found out i have APS which is a blood clotting disorder and when PG have to have aspirin and heparin. I cant see any reason why you cant take dispersible aspirin however I would suggest you ask your midwife.
Hey hun, ive hd 5 losses and have recently found out i have APS which is a blood clotting disorder and when PG have to have aspirin and heparin. I cant see any reason why you cant take dispersible aspirin however I would suggest you ask your midwife.
hey hun how are you doing? not spoken to you in a while, hope you're well,xx
Babytots, personally you should change consultant if she won't budge. You know my MC history and I don't have a clotting disorder however, I inject clexane daily and take 75mg of aspirin.

On another note, we do anything to hold onto our babies, me in your shoes???? I'd take the aspirin.

Babytots my FS stuck me straight on 100mg of aspirin a day without even knowing what the hell is going on with my mcs. Ive had bloods done after for clotting disorders etc, but dont know the results yet. Obviously for some docs its just an ordinary preventative measure they take reguardless of what the outcome of the mcs might be, others dont do it for some reason!

MrsJD is natural killer cells something you would have had all the time, or can it develop at anytime for some unknown reason?
WannaB - I have a son who's 14 this week, so this is something that has developed :( it's all to do with your immune system.....I had Graves and got my thyroid removed in 2006 again this is an immune issue. I'm 40 this year so it's anyone's guess when they appeared.


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