Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

hi, I am nearly 37 and dh is 38. We have been pregnant three times in the last 8-9 months and I am in the process of miscarrying again. Just waiting for the brown to turn red :cry:
I just want answers as to why this is happening. As my first as an ectopic and my other two MC I am not sure I am 'classified' as recurrent MC. I am hoping to get in and see my GP this week as I need answers. Due to my age I am hoping she will get the ball rolling on tests.

Emotionally I am shattered and finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything. I dont know how I will move on from this:cry:

lisa-lovelife :hugs: you are going through the same :cry:

Hi Mini

Your ectopic will count as a loss, I worried too about mine but they still class it as a loss more of "bad luck" I was told but still a loss, I had 3 MC a chemical and an ectopic and they were more than happy to count them all as miscarriages. I would definately push your GP to get you referred - I know its hard but you must find the strength from within because somehow your body and mind needs to cope (does that make sense) - I went through hell for 6 months - like you pregnant 3 times in 6 months - one a MMC at 9 weeks, one chemical PG at 5w and a heterotopic (ectopic and womb PG loss) at 5weeks in November.

In a way I was glad after the ectopic I couldnt try for 3 months as I needed the rest.

I was diagnosed with a blood clotting disorder so for me its a simple prevention method when I do get PG however I also have fertility issues and am lucky to be seeing a fertility specialist as well. All I have to do now is get PG.

I would push for a quick referral but be prepared for a time consuming couple of months as its a frustrating wait on the NHS.

And dont worry about your age, im 38 and when I went to the miscarriage clinic she told me i was young !!

Good luck hunni and you know where I am xxxx

I think I may belong here.

mmc at 11 weeks in September (measured 9 weeks) chemical/early m/c in December and now what looks like is going to be another chemical/early m/c currently going through that at the moment.

Have to call docs back next week and I think they are going to start testing but I think they were a bit reluctant with my 2 latest m/c's being so early on. I'm going to make sure I push for it though cause to have these 3 cases in the space of 7 months I think something must need looking into.
:hugs: swanny- I hope you get the docs to listen.

FluffyBlue (and Swanny) seems we have all had some really SHITE times with ttc. I am amazed we are standing up and trying again.

I hope the Ectopic is counted. I am back to the EPU tomorrow morning- I wanted this over and done with so called and asked if they could scan. I have not had much bleeding but tons of cramps and I think I can feel my cervix aching/sharp pains. I am scared there is alot to come and would rather they went in with a scan to check and then D & C is needed.

I will go to the GP once that is sorted as I can in theory start TTC again. DH wants to wait as it has been so tough recently. So in the meantime I am looking into Acupuncture to help sort out the possibility my eggs are of low quality- I guess that will complement my GP's fertility analysis when I get that ball rolling :shrug:

Fluffyblue- it must be somewhat reassuring to know they found something and you can prevent that the next time you get pregnant.. Fxd that happens soon :flower:
I think if you see alot of the ladies who have had recurrent MC all seem to have suffered some sort of ectopic loss, I dont know if there is any link but i suspect if you roll the dice enough times its gonna happen.

Yes mini im glad they have found something but it doesnt always mean it will work ! I sometimes feel like giving up cus I dont want the heartache but i look at hubbys face and it kicks me back in line !.

I just wish I could get pregnant now !
Hi Girls Mini again so so very sorry ur going through this again :-( i swear this world is shit sometimes it really is. At least we have each other & i am thankful for that i trully am. As u may have read on the previous page i had my appointment today for my results after my recurrent MC's. I too have had 3 in the past 12 months not eptopic or BO but one of my pregnancys was twins which still kills me to this day as i know the chances of me falling pregnant with twins again is minimal & i always imagined having them as a young girl i always told mum i want twins, so when i found out i was i was estatic as u all can imagine. But it all went wrong @ 10 weeks as it did with my next to pregnancys :-( im drained from it all but determined to be a mummy.
Anyway the good news is were completely in the clear :) we are 100% healthy with no issues whatsoever there was a list of 6 things they tested for i cant spell them but i will find my letter tomorrow and copy that so u girls know what i was tested for incase it helps another person reading get the help she needs x. So as i said it is good news of corse that we are able to start ttc asap but in the same breath im kinda gutted that they havent found something that they can just give me a pill or injection to fix if you know what i mean??????/ hope that doesnt come across the wrong way girls im just scared for my next pregnancy to end in another MC, well more than scared im petrified!!
I have been given Pesaries to start using when i next ovulate & been told to take 75mg asprin from the day of getting a BFP, i am also under 100% supervision for my next pregnancy so fortnightly scans to start and then monthly etc. My fertility specialist is lovely :) he promises we will have a healthy bubs by next year so were praying hes right i cant wait to be someones mum!
Sorry 4 the essay girls i just wanted to share my news with you all FX'd for me And all of u aswell of corse xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lots of lov Caz xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Thanks Fluffyblue and Cazza22. I always say I am going to not try but as you said Fluffyblue- harder when DH wants to try.

Cazza- how good to hear they have not found anything wrong. I think your specialist is spot on :) Preggo by this time next year fxd.

I just got back from EPU- I had my scan and thye said it had grown and they could see the fetal sac! But still no baby- the nurse said it was not viable but the docs wont do a ERPC because it had grown. Well I asked to see the doc and as I was waiting I had some dishcarge and I know this wasnt right- It was HUGE and I put it is some tissue and the nurse looked at it and I had passed the sac :cry:

I asked for them to do some sort of analysis but they said that with BO is is sure enough going to be chr abnormality. I have to go back in six weeks and get a scan done and then a consultants appointment a few weeks later. Just like that- all over :cry: :cry:

Still getting cramps and more red blood now. They said I can start trying again as soon as possible. The Doctor I saw said Ectopic didnt count as a loss but I am going to see my GP tomorrow morning. As I thought- they are going to wait and see me miscarry again before they do anything. I asked about CCCT FSH day 3 Estradiol tests and the doc told me the consultant didnt think I need them done.
He has however asked me to go back around the time I have my scan on May the 26th to get FSH, LH and Oestradiol tested? Didnt tell me why or what they were looking for. Hell they wont even know what stage of my cycle I am grrhhhh.

I feel like I am back to square one :cry:

Sorry to rant ladies I just got back after 6 hours at the EPU and am just heartbroken.
Thanks Mini im hoping ur right :) i've come to terms with the fact im not gonna be a 2010 mummy although i might have a 2010 bump?? FX'd.
Anyway back to u hun, i cant believe what an ordeal u are having its just awful for u babe, to go to scans etc knowing ur still pregnant but bubs isnt as we would want him/her to be its just heartbreaking. I hope you can find peace sweetie and u & ur OH get ur bundle of joy very soon. Have u decided whether or not to take a break from ttc for a while just while ur heart and body heal a little? i have found this 3 month break has done both me and my OH the world of good huny, and i now feel 100% ready to throw myself right back into trying again. I know that every pregnancy i ever experience from now onwards is going to be an ongoing nightmare throughout the 1st trimester and maybe even the 2nd & 3rd i dont know how i will cope but i have to keep trying no matter what & so do u huny with all ur love to give im sure u'll be a fabulous mummy. Thinking of you Mini, pm me whenever u need a shoulder ok Lov Caz xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Cazza and Mini, I know what you are going through believe you me having been through it 5 times (well 6 if you could heterotopic) - I think I am plying to much pressure on myself. I said to hubby today, i had ectopic in November and couldnt try for 3 months so technically I am only on my 2nd month of trying again. I am on Clomid so might try and take them days 3-7 instead.

I have got a deadline of 40 years of age if im not pregnant by my 40th birthday I am giving up, thats 22 months so I am relieving some of the pressure !!
Hello to the new ladies and sorry it is under these circumstances.

Minimin - sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment. Your ectopic will be classed as a loss so your doctor should be refering you for testing. I hope that they get to the bottom of it.

Swanny - You should defo push for testing. A loss is a loss no matter whether you find out at 12 weeks or 5 so I hope you have a sympathetic doctor who will listen to you. Never give in. You deserve to know xx

Cazza - I know all too well that feeling of being relieved that there is 'nothing' wrong, but at the same time frustrated that it mcs keep happening. I'll never know why it kept happening but luckily it was 4th time lucky for me. I took aspirin this time and it worked for me although it doesn't always work for all. I should have been on the pessaries too but my consultant went away on holiday in the early stages and I got to see him at 10 weeks when it was too late to take.

Fluffyb - Good luck with TTC again. I know things have been incredibly tough for you and I admire your courage and determination xx

Chilli - I hope all went well at your appointment at St. Mary's xx

Fifi - Aspirin worked for me this time (low dose) but you should get professional advice from your doctor/consultant.

Lisa-lovelife - Are you being tested now? :hugs:

WannaB - I hope your bfp is a sticky one this time :hugs:xx

If all of you ladies look back at the beginning of my original thread on page one or two there should be a list of all the tests I was given to check why I kept having mcs. I also think that Smiler posted a recurrent miscarriage tests and treatment thread that we posted everything on to if you search for it.

I just want to say never ever give up girls on getting answers. For me it was "bad luck", for others there have been answers like Natural Killer Cells.

:dust: and :hugs: to you all xxx
Just touching on what Widger was saying, I also had tests done....not sure if I have ever posted what on this thread specifically, but the ones I had done was:
blood - ALL, literally
I had a hysterscopy
I had a D&C
I had a lap
No reason was ever found with me...I was even ovulating on my own from both ovaries (I had infertility too)

My husband was finally tested after four years, and it turned out he had:
low testosterone
high FSH
thick visocity
only 3% normal sperm

So, my advice is make sure they check OH no matter what. The reason why it took so long for them to test my OH was because we already had two children together, and we got pregnant 3 times after our two children (all miscarriages - one was a set of twins using Clomid). They said that since we were able to get pregnant, it wasn't hubby, but it was in the end...and never me.
Thank you Widger! I know I should get the OK from the docs, I will ask on Monday when we see the consultant. I just noticed you are in the 3rd trimester, so it certainly did the trick for you!
Just touching on what Widger was saying, I also had tests done....not sure if I have ever posted what on this thread specifically, but the ones I had done was:
blood - ALL, literally
I had a hysterscopy
I had a D&C
I had a lap
No reason was ever found with me...I was even ovulating on my own from both ovaries (I had infertility too)

My husband was finally tested after four years, and it turned out he had:
low testosterone
high FSH
thick visocity
only 3% normal sperm

So, my advice is make sure they check OH no matter what. The reason why it took so long for them to test my OH was because we already had two children together, and we got pregnant 3 times after our two children (all miscarriages - one was a set of twins using Clomid). They said that since we were able to get pregnant, it wasn't hubby, but it was in the end...and never me.

Wow Jazmak thankyou for that about OH, i assumed it would be me due to me getting caught easily but after you saying that it has made me wonder if maybe it could be OH? he had his bloods done for the chromosomal testing but we both came back fine for that, but they defo havent checked his sperm. Hmmmmm i wonder if that could be it? Well i am starting my pprogesterone pessaries and asprin next ovulation so we'll give it another shot 1st to rule out low progesterone n hope & pray we get a sticky bean :baby:. Hopefully like Widger i'll be 4th time lucky? FX'd xxxxxxxxxxxx Good luck with the rest of your pregnancy hun & try n enjoy every second of it, i cant wait to be where you are Jaz xxxxxxxxx Lov Caz xxxxxxxxxxxx
Well saw FS today, there's nothing she can do as we can conceive ok so waiting for another referral this time to a miscarriage specialist. Had RPL bloods done today though, well at least some of them I think, mainly clotting as far as I understand. No idea when we'll get the referral or the blood results. Not feeling great about it all. But at least we're getting there.
Just popping in to see how all my lovley ladies are doing.:hugs: Thought I would add some more food for thought, as if we all dont have enough to think about! I have been reading endlessly, as you do, and what does pop up is CoQ10, ladies who have had a mc and do so often are found to be low in this and it is a very important substance to our health. I had started taking it this current cycle at the start, no idea if it has made a difference or not, would be nice if our bodies could drop us a note and let us know what was the magic ingredient! In any case in cant hurt from what I have read, but might go along way in helping.
Hello everyone :thumbup:

Not logged on for ages, been away for a holiday and also been feeling very sick and yukky so just keeping my head down and ploughing on! I am 12 weeks this weekend! :flower: I have booked my private nuchal scan for monday, am very nervous.

Hope you are all ok xxxxxxxx
Hello to the new ladies and sorry it is under these circumstances.

Minimin - sorry you are going through a rough time at the moment. Your ectopic will be classed as a loss so your doctor should be refering you for testing. I hope that they get to the bottom of it.

Swanny - You should defo push for testing. A loss is a loss no matter whether you find out at 12 weeks or 5 so I hope you have a sympathetic doctor who will listen to you. Never give in. You deserve to know xx

Cazza - I know all too well that feeling of being relieved that there is 'nothing' wrong, but at the same time frustrated that it mcs keep happening. I'll never know why it kept happening but luckily it was 4th time lucky for me. I took aspirin this time and it worked for me although it doesn't always work for all. I should have been on the pessaries too but my consultant went away on holiday in the early stages and I got to see him at 10 weeks when it was too late to take.

Fluffyb - Good luck with TTC again. I know things have been incredibly tough for you and I admire your courage and determination xx

Chilli - I hope all went well at your appointment at St. Mary's xx

Fifi - Aspirin worked for me this time (low dose) but you should get professional advice from your doctor/consultant.

Lisa-lovelife - Are you being tested now? :hugs:

WannaB - I hope your bfp is a sticky one this time :hugs:xx

If all of you ladies look back at the beginning of my original thread on page one or two there should be a list of all the tests I was given to check why I kept having mcs. I also think that Smiler posted a recurrent miscarriage tests and treatment thread that we posted everything on to if you search for it.

I just want to say never ever give up girls on getting answers. For me it was "bad luck", for others there have been answers like Natural Killer Cells.

:dust: and :hugs: to you all xxx
went to see my doc and he is gonna send me for testing once ive had my final scan ,he did say there is a chance they wont find anythin wong cos there is no pattern to my losses..... not sure how i feel a about that ..

Just thought I'd pop in and say Hello.

I think I have what's called secondary infertility, which is where I've had one normal pretty uneventful pregnancy which resulted in my gorgeous son who is now 22 months old.

I've had 2 MMC in the last 4 months, one at xmas which resulted in a D&C on the 7th Jan, and I found out on tuesday that I've just had another one. The doctors have said that I should try and pass the baby naturally, so that is what i'm doing. In 10 days I'm to go back to the doctors and if nothing has passed then I'll have another D &C.

I'm very scared that once we start trying again in Aug/Sept time (want to give my body time to heal) that this will happen again.

Thanks for reading my moan...

Hey ladies, just stopping by, i've been away for a bit. I see lots of new ladies on here. Glad you were able to find the forum, there is lots of great info, so definitly don't hesitate to take your time and back read.
Hi One and All

Been away for a while - just trying to get on with life and put the pain behind me. Doesn't always work though :-(

This week is my due date and it's been really hard. It was also the week where I got all my results from St Marys RMC.

Everything was normal bar a slightly elevated TEG. They said I should take Aspirin again if I get pregnant.

Thing is - my husband doesn't want to go through it all again and even I am pretty scared to get pregnant.

So I'm here - remembering the baby that wasn't meant to come to me this week, as well as the two that weren't meant to be from before...

Take care
Hi ladies...
some truely heart wrending stories and some inspirational ones too...

Think I should be here... have had 2 m/c's (one was twins) and am currently technically pregnant... had my scan last Monday and they said that the sac was an odd shape and the baby was very small. They kept asking if I was bleeding or had pain, which I haven't and they are obviously expecting me to lose it. They want me back next Monday for another scan... am dreading it... still hanging by a thread of hope that all is OK and alternating with 'well the other 3 babies all died so what makes you think it will be Ok this time? You are destined not to ever have children' thoughts...

Feel like I am in limbo, no belonging anywhere... not lost it yet, but not safely pregnant either as there was no heartbeat...

Have been reading up on odd shaped sacs and it seems to be 50/50.. some go on to have healthy children and others m/c... staying positive is hard...

The hospital has said if I lose this one they will start testing me... small comfort though.

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