Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hopefully the aspirin and progesterone will do the trick WannaB!!! If a couple of little pills can keep that baby in there it's worth giving it a go! Although not keen on taking Progesterone tablets personally, I tried Provera to stop the endo and it turned me into a different, not very nice/happy person, I kind of knew that would happen as the Pill does that to me too.
The NHS drives me mad, how can they be so incompetent? Well I know how, they spend too much money on managers and managing waiting lists rather than on staff who do the work. (Sorry my Mum was a midwife and then a midwifery lecturer so have heard a lot about the failings of NHS)
Our appointment is on 12th April, 3 weeks and 6 days time. It is with my new gynae who I saw in December for the first time, she is a specialist in endometriosis, my previous gynae was private but he didn't seem to know much about endo. Anyway when I saw her in Dec there was a 4wk pregnancy on my scan so she said if we lose it she would see us in her fertility clinic. She was great. I think the fact I went in with three printed sheets of my medical history, symptoms, possible treatments etc made her realise I was serious, she even appreciated the bbt charts!!! Can't wait til the appt, trying to decide whether to take another month off so we are not preg when we see her. Part of me just wants to get back to trying. Who knows, still got to wait for AF to arrive which is already causing me a lot of pain.
Sorry for the essay!!!
Hey girls - been oof line for a while...

Just got back and I'm in a quandry as I know that I will have appt at St MAry's in next few weeks hopefully to do more inbvestigations and then should wait for results etc but the way I'm feeling I can't even wait the few weeks - time is ticking on and I am running out - should I waste a month or 2 of possible conception (and then possible loss) or should I wait til have done all tests - I don't wanna wait!!!!! Head not ruling heart right now? What would any of you advise?
Chilli personally I wouldnt waste a couple of months, who knows they may be the ones that stick!:hugs: But thats just me, I guess you would have to ask yourself the worse possible question, if you did fall pregnant and mced again could you handle that, or would you rather wait and see if anything comes from your tests. I dont know the results of my bloods yet and Im still trying, my case is probably different to most on here given my age, I think thats the cause of my mcs, just happens more in my age bracket!

Fifi glad you found a fab doctor, really makes all the difference to know there is someone on your side! Hopefully the 3 weeks fly past in no time!:hugs:
Hi girls just wanted to let you know I had my scan today and I have a little bean with a heartbeat :thumbup:

I didn't get this far with the previous 3 m/c's so I have to have hope xxxxx
eeek wannaB when you put it like that it makes sense to wait! How old are you? I'm 39 in next couple of months?

Congrats Nicky!
I will be 42 in a few months Chilli, I went to see my GP on Wednesday and she had a copy of all my tests that the gyno sent me for and I am all clear, first time you kind of want something to be wrong!:haha: Oh well, onwards and upwards! Knowing that the statistics are higher for over 40's when it comes for mcs I just will have to keep going to I get that sticky baby!

Congrats on seeing a lovely heartbeat Nicky, thats totally fab for you hun!:hugs:
I agree with WannaB in one sense but after having 3 m/cs in a row (Dec, Jan and Feb) I would say take a month off to give your body a chance to recover. My lining was really thin by the time I was preg in Feb and it was probably due to being preg over and over. We will wait and see what the consultant says. Then again every month is a chance to conceive and you don't really want to miss a chance.
As for age I will repeat something I read in one of the books, an't remember which one, might have been the Fertility Plan, when you are a more mature mother to be you are generally much healthier than you were in your teens and twenties, you want to get preg so badly you stop all things that might harm conception, you tend to exercise more regularly, drink less etc etc. Then chances of any of us getting pregnant then getting really drunk before finding out is so slim it's almost impossible!!!!
That's my positivity for the day. AF finally arrived 4 days late and I hurt like h3ll. We'll need to decide if we are going to try this cycle, might just play it by ear.
Hey girls - been oof line for a while...

Just got back and I'm in a quandry as I know that I will have appt at St MAry's in next few weeks hopefully to do more inbvestigations and then should wait for results etc but the way I'm feeling I can't even wait the few weeks - time is ticking on and I am running out - should I waste a month or 2 of possible conception (and then possible loss) or should I wait til have done all tests - I don't wanna wait!!!!! Head not ruling heart right now? What would any of you advise?

Hi Chilli, it is a very personal decision, but other ladies on here and Mumsnet have said that if you become pregnant before your first appointment at St Mary's they won't see you at that time and you have to start the waiting process again if you miscarry again - or maybe that's wrong. Most of the blood tests can still be done if you are pregnant, as can an ultrasound scan to look at your ovaries etc.

They cannot, however, do more invasive tests if you are pregnant. I was personally keen to have the hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test, to check for any uterine adhesions ("Asherman's syndrome") or anatomical abnormalities (e.g. a "septum"). They often do this test if you have any history of ERPC, C-section or other gynae surgery.

I was in this position last summer and chose to wait until I'd had the tests, as I needed to know that I'd done everything I could to get checked out before trying again. In the event, they found something wrong and suggested treatment, so I was glad I waited, though at the time it was frustrating.
Thanks Smiler - the fantastic girl at St Mary's has got me an appt next month 9only 3 1/2 weeks to go, which is only 1 cycle and as have just had AF I've decided to be sensible and wait. Getting pg has never been the prob so best to wait until get to the bottom of it all. Takes the pressure off my relationship with OH too for a while which must be a good thing!!
hiya i dnt no if im miscarried yet i phoned nhs direct because i was 5-6 weeks pregz and i have mild cramps not backpain and i have bleeding without clots which is light to med flow, and i have had the bleeding for about 7 and half hours and only had to change my pad once. do u think theres a little bit of hope for me going for a scan on monday its killing me im so upset really fought this was my time and sorry for every1s loss big hugs xx
Hi Ladies i think i belong in here :hugs:. I no my siggy wont show on this thread so i'll tell you all a little about myself, Im Caz 26 & OH is 26 we have been together since we were kids & he is my soulmate. We decided 3 years ago that we wanted to start ttc thinking it would just happen as we all do. Anyway 2 1/2 years on and we still hadnt got caught not even a scare :shrug: then in May last year we finally fell pregnant and to add to our excitement we found out we were expecting twins :cloud9: (i had to go for an early scan @ 7 weeks due to pain in my side which i found out was a cyst on my ovary & nothing to worry about). We thought everything was fine i was feeling totally pregnant sickness tired massive sore boobs but then at our scan we were told the bad news our babies had no heartbeats & had stopped growing at around 10 1/2 weeks :cry: our world came crashing down, all this waiting and to be given something so precious to then have them taken from me it was just heart wrenching :nope:, i had a D&C 3 days after finding out and that was in July. We got back on the ttc bandwaggon after 1st AF and concieved again thanks to OPK's in the September but lost my bean @ nearly 6 wks :cry:. I then unbelievably fell pregnant again in Dec we were shocked and over the moon and sure this time was the one to be as we werent trying it had just happened but history repeated itself and after 2 weeks of spotting brown discharge (sorry tmi) i found out at my 10 weeks scan that i had lost my 4th bubs again those dreaded words "No Heartbeat" :cry:. There and then i demanded to see someone i couldnt leave without answers i was angry & distraught. The head of fertility spoke with me and we both had bloods taken from us there and then which helped me as i felt i was taking a step forward to find out why my body has let me and my 4 angels down :cry:.
Anyway girls i have my appointment on the 6th April with all our blood results and plans for future pregnancys, providing theres nothing terribly wrong with us which i am praying with every cell in my body theres not, i want my partners babies so badly i long to give him our child, we will be so complete.
I am absolutely Crapping myself and wondered if any of you ladies have any idea what i have to expect from these results??? My FS said im over the biggest hurdle which is concieving but now we need to know whats going wrong once i am pregnant :shrug:. Can anyone share their experiences with me please? Sorry for the essay and thanks for reading. Sticky baby dust to each & every one of you ladies xxxxxxxx:hugs:xxxxxxxxx Lov Caz xxxxxxxxx
Caz I am sorry for your losses. I understand your fears but it is a positive thing that you are getting tests done and hopefully at your appt they will be able to suggest a way forward. There are many reasons for miscarriage and some can be effectively treated with tablets.

My question is: Has anyone self medicated with baby aspirin? After 3 m/cs I want to do something, we are seeing my consultant but not until CD26. I have read up on endo and m/c and aspirin seems to be quite effective at stopping the process caused by endo which causes m/c (prostaglandins released when they shouldn't be which tell the body to shed uterine lining, with embryo). Any thoughts? Also posted on LTTTC.
Fifi I used to be one to say dont self medicate especially with the aspirin, but have had a total turn around. I would say go for it, the docs dont seem to bat an eyelid at it and it has no ill effect on yours or your babies health if taken it so rip into it I say! Mine put me on 100mg a day without even any test results for blood clotting etc, so I would say its just a standard thing they do anyway. Just as long as your not taking any other meds that it could muck with and be sure you dont add any more blood thinners to your diet like grapefruit for cm etc. Im currently sitting on a bfp and waiting to see if anything Im taking will effect the outcome this time, found out at only 8dpo though so the wait is killing me!!!:rofl:
OOOOHH WannaB!!! Congrats! Got fingers, toes and eyes crossed for you! That's really early so hopefully that means it's a strong one!

As for drug interactions I have a copy of the drugs handbook used by doctors from when I worked in the NHS doing data entry, it was an awful job so glad I came away with something useful (they were being replaced so it would have gone in the bin). Also with my endo I have a disturbing knowledge of painkillers!!! So much so that my Mum, who was a nurse and taught midwifery, asks me about the tablets she's on!!

REALLY hope the aspirin does the trick for you WannaB!
Hey Caz sorry about your experiences so far. I'm glad you demanded more testing. In this process i've found that the more you know and the more you ask the better. I hope your test results bring back helpful news, if it doesn't ask for more testing. Do you know what they tested you for? I think most of us has had a plethora of testing done so it may be helpful to start with that.

Fifi- I was told to try aspirin at one point and it didn't help. It has worked for many other people though and from what I understand it isn't harmful, the low dose aspirin- but ofcourse i'm no doctor:).
i'm only 19 and have had 3 m/c back to back. the first one was on 4-20-09..had to have a D&C. the second one happened on 9-8-09. the third one happened 1-5-10. the first pregnancy was a surprise and my fiance and i were so happy. 3 weeks later i woke up to the worst cramps and bleeding i've ever had. those three weeks were the happiest i have ever been. ever since then we stopped using protection..we weren't purposely trying to get pregnant but if it happened, then it happened. i know its very selfish of me, but every time i hear of a girl getting pregnant, i can never be happy for them. i should have a 4 month old right now but instead i cant have one for some reason. i know its up to God to decide when and if we can have a child. i'm currently a week late for my period, and i'm hoping it comes out positive. and hopefully this time i can carry the baby to term :)
Thanks Fifi & BKlove i'll let you all know how i get on with the FS next Tuesday im sooooooooo scared i cant be fixed :-(. I have no idea really what they have tested for i will ask them for a list when i am there, i am going to do some research this week on everything it could be, and everything i can be tested for so i know what im talking about when i get in there. I do know they were testing for clotting of the blood because that has run in my family in the past, Asprin didnt work for me unfortunately i really wish it was that simple but it must be something more serious as i took it from ovulation a 75mg every day & MC @ just over 9 weeks :'-(. I am hoping for a healthy bubba by summer and determined i will be a mummy this time next year xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Baby dust to all u lovely ladies xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cazza, I feel for you and your losses. Testing is a positive thing though as if most things they may find can be fixed quite easily so stay positive as best you can. Also bear in mind that, as many of us here have discovered, they don't alwyas find anything at all which is truelly frustrating! My advice from my own experience would be gem up on what tests can be done and make sure they've done all poss when you go to see specialist - know what you're talking about and try not to let your emotions take over your clarity of thinking. Or even better inform your OH and bring him with you to be the strong informed one - I was jelly and didn't ask all the things I needed and wanted to.

jen - sorry for your losses too - you're feelings are very normal hun - I still feel like someone's kicked me in the stomach every time I see a pg lady - it just knocks you sideways!

I'm counting down the days to my appt at St M's - still haven't recieved anything in writing which is a bit worrying as it's a week on Tuesday - do you think I should call again to see why not? called just over a wek ago and was told letter was underway but appt booked!!?? It really doesn't help coping with the stress though
hi my name is lisa i have a 9yr old son, i had a very easy time carrying him and a very easy birth . then 5 yrs later i had an ectopic at 12 weeks then 4 mcs at around 5 weeks , a few weeks ago i found out i was pregnant again and was sent to epu my levels were 163 then went up to 425 then 909 but now they have dropped to 709 i know im loosing this baby and it will be my 6th loss but it feels very diff from my other ones . i just dont understand why this keeps happening
hi, I am nearly 37 and dh is 38. We have been pregnant three times in the last 8-9 months and I am in the process of miscarrying again. Just waiting for the brown to turn red :cry:
I just want answers as to why this is happening. As my first as an ectopic and my other two MC I am not sure I am 'classified' as recurrent MC. I am hoping to get in and see my GP this week as I need answers. Due to my age I am hoping she will get the ball rolling on tests.

Emotionally I am shattered and finding it hard to motivate myself to do anything. I dont know how I will move on from this:cry:

lisa-lovelife :hugs: you are going through the same :cry:

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