Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

I am very sorry to hear you're having such a tough time. Don't give up. I have a friend who has had 4 m/c at the end of the 1st trimester for no known reason. 5th try went well, her due date is next week. With a little math: for all I know the risk of m/c in the first trimester is between 1/8 and 1/5, depending on where you look, numbers seem to be uncertain. This means even if there's no underlying cause and the m/c are uncorrelated, chances are one in 5000 pregnant women will have 4 miscarriages in a row. That's a frustratingly high rate, but means that there's not necessarily anything wrong with you, it's possibly just bad luck.

Thanks Below Zero... maybe it is just bad luck... you have def given me some much needed PMA... was def feeling the world was conspiring against me and my body is having a giant joke on me!... which is not funny body.. so stop it!:wacko:
Well I don't know where to start......... I am so glad I found this forum as I was beginning to feel so alone and have spent the past couple of hours crying when reading everyone elses posts. We lost our 4th baby last month and after having a couple of tests done the recurrent miscarriage clinic have just closed my case and said I am 'unlucky'. I just can't believe there is no reason for this happening!
I lost our 1st baby in March last year at 12 weeks and they diagnosed it a blighted ovum and I miscarried naturally. We were devastated but they told us it was probably a one off so we tried again.
Fell pregnant 3 months later but it didn't feel right and although I shared my concerns with the dr I was told I was being paranoid. Even when I doubled up in pain at 7 weeks I was told to lie down with a hot water bottle. Ended up in A&E that night and they dicovered it was ectopic and it had ruptured. As a result had to have the tube removed through keyhole surgery.
Was told it was different than the first miscarriage and to start trying again straight away. Fell pregnant again 3 months later and because I'd had the ectopic they took me in for early scans to rule it out again. Had several weeks of blood tests every 2 days and scans every week to be told the pregnancy sac was developing but no baby. At 8 weeks they gave me a D&C and referred me to multi-miscarriage clinic because we had lost 3 babies.
We had tests to check our chromosomes and a blood clotting disorder and before the results came in I was pregnant again
Once again the scans and bloods started........3 awful weeks passed of them telling us they weren't sure if it was ectopic again and not finding anything on the scans - they even thought at one point I had a heart shaped uterus but then at 6 weeks we had a sac in the right place, an egg sac and a fetal pole! The week later we had a heart beat and at 8 weeks we still had a strong heartbeat! We were over the moon and they told us we were 90% chance of having a healthy baby. They wanted us to wait 2 weeks till the next scan but then there was no heartbeat. I have never hurt so much in my entire life when they told me the baby had died. They sent it away for testing after I pushed for it but the results came back yesterday and they have said everything was fine and there is nothing else they can do for us - they have said we have a 75% chance of having a normal pregancy next time - not sure where they got that figure as I'm sure with only having one tube reduces my chances lower than that!
I have so much going round in my head - for example I flew down to London the week before I lost the last 3 babies........ has that got something to do with it? I've read that having too much of a certain antibody can cause miscarriage but the hospital haven't tested for that! I'm sure there are more tests they can do - am thinking about moving to a different hospital for another opinion.
People keep telling me that I'm lucky as I have gotten pregnant quite quickly each time...... I certainly don't feel lucky!!! I'm sure if I had struggled to get pregnant instead of losing my babies the hospital would have done more for us by now! I put on a brave face every day and people think I am coping really well because I'm a strong person but inside it's tearing me apart....... have had my first period since the d&c so we have started trying again but I am so scared of it happening again. Getting a positive test result should be a happy time, seeing the baby's heartbeat on a scan should be a happy time but I don't think I'll ever be able to relax. Friends and work colleagues all seem to be falling pregnant........ actually every time I lose a baby someone at work tells me they're pregnant....... beginning to wonder when it's my turn
I keep reading other peoples posts and it sounds so common - I just feel there has to be a reason and there have to be more tests that the hospital can do for us.
People try so hard and it must be hard for them to know what to say but if I hear once more 'it'll happen' or 'don't worry you're still young' I think I'll scream! Nobody knows that it'll happen ......... how many more times will it happen before the hospital stop saying it's just bad luck???
Vicky x
Oh hunni your story is so sad to read and I completely understand, having had 5 miscarriages and an ectopic pregnancy I feel it with you.

I maybe am a lucky one they diagnosed me with a blood clotting disorder but this was after the ectopic and said that the ectopic was a "freak of nature" as it cant be directly linked to recurrent miscarriage.

I presume you have been down all the genetic testing etc route and its come back normal. Have you been tested for NKC - natural killer cells.

I know how much it hurts I went to B&Q today and Im not joking if I saw one pregnant woman I was 40 more in the same shop at the same time. I just kept saying to hubby its not fair it should be me.

Im now worried I have fertility probs and am under a fertility specialist.

I do have the belief it will happen - I know that isnt what you want to here and you probably think it wont.

Two ladies on here - MrsJD she has 6 miscarriages and is now ready to give birth in May and Lauraperrysan had 5 early miscarriages and bam she is now 24 weeks. Another couple have already given birth. These are all ladies who posted on this thread and took advice and went back and forwards to the docs determined to find that problem.

Chromosomal testing should be done as a matter of cause as part of the recurrent miscarriage testing along with special genetic testing. We had all done at the outset. Also we were offered scans to rule out PCOS etc and uterine abnormalities. The only thing we havent had done is a HSG to rule out adhesions, blockages of the tubes etc. I have had 3 D&C and ERPC done so goodness knows whats in there !!.

I know it might take a while but try and read this thread as the lady who started this thread is also ready to give birth as well so there is some hope, just keep believing hunni.
Vic... firstly I am so sorry for your losses... i too have just lost my 4th baby and have just been referred to the recurrent m/c clinic for tests. I went 3 years since my last m/c to losing this baby on Tuesday.

I also wonder if I will ever be the pregnant one who gets to actually have a healthy and well baby.

This thread teaches you that you are not alone, that others have also reached the brick wall the cash strapped NHS throws up and have managed to climb over it. It is really hard... I know, it has taken us 3 years to concieve baby no 4 which we lost and no body medically cared.

There is loads of information here as well... but most importantly there is loads of support and even if it is chance to rant there is alway someone here to rant to x
You are definitly not alone and I'm glad you ladies had the guts to seek out this thread and not just share your story but look for answers. I've had 3 m/c's, then I lost my right tube and finally after the tears, disappointments, self doubt, even self hatred at times I'm 6 months pregnant. Its been a ridiculous journey that I would never wish on anyone, it definitly isn't as easy as the movies! But in the process I met encouraging people, and learned through trial and error what my issues were from ideas on here! So definitly listen, and definitly take that list to the doctor. My doctorS (i've had like 5) were all good for like 1 or 2 tests then it was like sorry honey, or we're out of ideas check back with me in 6 months, and more nonesense. and honestly if I wasn't feeling there knowledgeable support I moved on, so don't be afraid to seek out new ideas and new professionals. I eventually found a dr who tested me for Natural Killer cells (which were elevated and his theroy is because of that it fights off pregnancies like foreign bodies such as cancer cells- fight as in kills, causing miscarriages) and I was treated with a steriod and boom, the baby held on. If you are in the NYC area I can definitly refer you to him.

I recommend: Chromosome testing, clotting tests and seeing a reproductive immunologist, thats who did it for me. Everyone's experience will be different, but trust your brain, and just let your emotions drive the desire to keep going but not blurr the facts.

:hugs: and i'm so sorry we had to meet like this.
I can't believe I have to join this thread but I found out yesterday that I've lost my 4th baby (3rd pregnancy).

Baby will be sent off for testing but there could already be a reason.....I hope.

Back in January I went to my GP as my periods were all over the place and I was spotting for a week before AF. I had lots of tests and the only one that came out abnormal was the thryoid function test. However even though I had an elevated TSH (indicative of underactive thyroid) antibodies were normal therefore no treatment. When i saw my consultant 3 weeks ago he ordered more thyroid function tests. So after the trauma yesterday of finding out another baby had died, he explained my TSH level had increased again from the level in January and the T4 level (whatever that is) was at the very bottom range of "normal". So he is referring me to an endocrinolgy consultant to get that sorted as he said he was "not happy" with my levels.

I was on baby aspirin and cyclogest but obviously made no difference :cry:

I was preparing myself for the worst news but I'm still so very gutted.

:hugs: to all
Hey Hollybush. So sorry another Dreamer is on here....

Your story is so similar to mine. I have also lost my 4th baby and I have an underactive thyroid... though they keep refusing to test it whilst I am pregnant.

I am now going to the recurrent m/c clinic - have you been referred too?

I am soooo sorry that you have experienced loss again.
Hey Hollybush. So sorry another Dreamer is on here....

Your story is so similar to mine. I have also lost my 4th baby and I have an underactive thyroid... though they keep refusing to test it whilst I am pregnant.

I am now going to the recurrent m/c clinic - have you been referred too?

I am soooo sorry that you have experienced loss again.

I cannot believe they refuse to test you whilst pg - why oh why would they do that? I'm not sure if I have been referred to the recurrent m/c clinic. Maybe I will ask today when I go over the hospital to start the process. I was in too much shock yesterday to register much of what the consultant said. One thing I do know is that I really have to get this thyroid issue sorted out as, I believe, that's a real concern. :hugs:
Who knows why... I asked the gynae to do it and she didn't ... I don't have much faith in the NHS after my treatment with this m/c.

I am convinced that my thyroid is causing my m/c and it is something I am going to speak to the consultant about. I hope your appt today gives you some answers to your situation. This is what I am hoping for... could not accept that 4 dead babies are dumb bad luck!

Please let me know how you get on today x
Hello to the new ladies and so sorry it is under these circumstances. :hugs:

I, like Vicky, was given the whole - sorry it is just bad luck answer. Although you are grateful that nothing wrong, on the other hand if it was something that you could just take a pill for then you'd almost want something to be wrong that could be fixed. You deal with a mixture of emotions.

At the beginning of this thread I posted on pages 1, 2 or 3 a list of all the tests I had taken. My next port of call would have been NKC as Bklove has suggested. Definatley look into that! There are a number of ladies, like Bklove, that are now into their 3rd trimester - MrsJD has just had her beautiful daughter - after this being the explanation to their problem. I was given a blood test for NKC but not a biopsy of the womb and there is a difference so look it up.

After my last mmc and testing, we started TTC and for us it took longer than it had previously. We used to get the same hurtful comments saying, "oh well, the good news is you can get pregnant". But what use is that if it doesn't ever stick?? I can totally sympathise with you on that one.

TTC in itself got me down, but I kept thinking well if it does take a little longer this time then mabye it will stick. Luckily for me, I am now 38 weeks pregnant and I honestly didn't think it could/would ever happen.

My consultant was great though and I was to take progesterone suppositries and baby aspirin, just as a precaution as my mcs were 'unexplained'. Has your doctor/consultant/hospital told you what next steps would be if you got pregnant? As it happened, I just took baby aspirin before I got pregnant and at the beginning. I didn't get an appointment in time to get progesterone.

I'm not sure why this one has stuck on but hope it gives you some faith in that it WILL happen for you all. You just need to keep pushing for answers.

As the original poster of this thread, I have to tell you all that there were many of us at the beginning that never thought we'd ever get pregnant but as fluffyblue has said there are now a few of us. I hope this gives you all hope. There are times when you feel angry, depressed, tearful etc, but you must never give up on finding answers and if you don't get any, then try and look elsewhere, get another opinion. xxx

:hugs: and :dust: to you all.
Great to have found this thread. Im feeling very isolated and helpless right now.

I have two sons from a previous relationship. Since Jan 09 I have been having chemical pregancies, the first Jan 09 tested positive for a week and a half then bled the NHS dias test in a week if it is negative you have lost it. The same in June. Made two weeks of positive tests in sept time and most recently two weeks ago tested positive for a two weeks then bled. Had a scan and nothing was there. The radiographer said there were three lines inside that showed I was mid-cycle.

I have been to the clinic for all the recurrent mc tests, all of which can back negative.

I brought up the subject of low progesterone, but the dr said that was a myth. I just feel in myself that something must be wrong, the Dr said its just bad luck, and another said my age (28 btw).

Is the Dr correct in saying they would not precribe progesterone. My friend is having IVF just now and she said that some types of fertility treatment may help. We would not be entitled to any as I have two sons (hubby has no kids), but I have found a clinic about 100 miles from my home which is reasonably priced. They only accept people after referral from Dr. Would a Dr refer outwith their local authority?

PADBRAT: I didn't ask about the recurrent m/c clinic today as the doc who saw me at hospital to administer the tablet today was assisting the consultant when I was there yesterday. She told me the consultant took my file home last night to ensure he contacted the endo consultant today :yay: and she also told me that my consultant will want to see me again after this is all over with. The baby is going for genetic testing/fetal karotypes so I will definitely go back and see Mr W for the results of that regardless and will probably discuss any further processes/procedures at those appointments.

WEENI: Whereas I can't say why your doc wouldn't prescribe progesterone, my consultant prescribed it at the start of this pregnancy as a "just in case" back up even though my levels were never tested.

:hugs: to all
Hi Girls, i'm pretty new here so hi,

My story is.. 3m/c, first last Aug mm/c at 10 weeks baby stopped growing at 6,
m/c at five weeks in April and now probably what you would describe as a chemical pregnancy last week at 4+3, i'm really beginning to wonder if our 4 year old was just a lucky fluke?

I've seen 2 GPs in the past week, first one didn't seem to believe i could have been pg so soon after m/c, when i mentioned chemical pregnancy she'd never heard of it and sent me away with advice to not try so hard and just bd 3-4 times a week, i was in such a state at the time i couldn't argue.

Soooo... after time to gather my thoughts i went to see another GP who was slightly more helpful, she has agreed to basic bloods to be done but apparently we don't fit the criteria for being sent for anything more than that as my last 2 m/c were so early, i need to have another at at least 6 weeks to qualify? she couldn't even send us privately? When i mentioned possible thyroid problems, as thats often mentioned on here she said she didn't believe thyroid had any connection to m/c's, i'm concerned at their lack of concern if that makes sense, does anyone have any advice, i'd be grateful to hear your thoughts

Thanks for reading, none of us should be here,its just not right-Good luck ladies x

When i mentioned possible thyroid problems, as thats often mentioned on here she said she didn't believe thyroid had any connection to m/c's, i'm concerned at their lack of concern if that makes sense, does anyone have any advice, i'd be grateful to hear your thoughts

Thanks for reading, none of us should be here,its just not right-Good luck ladies x


First of all so sorry for all your losses

I am rather concerned that the GP said that. I have issues with my thyroid which are not resolved. I hope you see from my post that these are being dealt with but my GP refused to treat me for my elevated TSH levels. I've joined a thyroid help group and have just been told that it is shocking that I was never treated for my elevated levels. There IS a strong link between hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and miscarriage. The way I look at it, if my body is working overtime to produce enough thyroid hormone to keep me functioning then no way in the world is it going to make more to keep me AND a baby going. I have also ready that hypothyroidism can cause severe neurological defects to a growing baby.

I just don't believe how some GP's can be so ignorant.

Can you afford to go private for thyroid function testing if your GP refuses to do it?
Hi everyone.

It looks as though I am having my 3rd miscarriage, I have a scan tomorrow to confirm that there is still no fetal pole (I will be nearly 7 weeks), and there has been no growth in 10 days.

Before I found out I was pregnant we were having tests done at St Mary's with Dr Rai (privately, as I am too old to get it on the NHS).

I had been tested for thrombophilia and TEG.

I'd be really grateful if you could let me know what else I should be asking to be tested for (the first consultation I had, I became very tearful and wasn't able to take anything in, as unfortunately I was on my own) as I don't think he wanted to do anything further, but I'm desperate to get everything done to at least rule anything out.... if ultimately it is just my age that is causing this then at least I will know I did everything I could.

Is there a list anywhere that I could print off, with the tests I should be asking for?

Any advice would be gratefully received... thank you in advance.

Rach x
When i mentioned possible thyroid problems, as thats often mentioned on here she said she didn't believe thyroid had any connection to m/c's, i'm concerned at their lack of concern if that makes sense, does anyone have any advice, i'd be grateful to hear your thoughts

Thanks for reading, none of us should be here,its just not right-Good luck ladies x


First of all so sorry for all your losses

I am rather concerned that the GP said that. I have issues with my thyroid which are not resolved. I hope you see from my post that these are being dealt with but my GP refused to treat me for my elevated TSH levels. I've joined a thyroid help group and have just been told that it is shocking that I was never treated for my elevated levels. There IS a strong link between hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and miscarriage. The way I look at it, if my body is working overtime to produce enough thyroid hormone to keep me functioning then no way in the world is it going to make more to keep me AND a baby going. I have also ready that hypothyroidism can cause severe neurological defects to a growing baby.

I just don't believe how some GP's can be so ignorant.

Can you afford to go private for thyroid function testing if your GP refuses to do it?

Hey Hollybush, thanks for your reply, i've had 5 lots of bloods taken yesterday and i'm hoping one of them was for thyroid function, i know she mentioned "sticky blood" as i know it and fbc but she handed me the sheets and i didn't look properly, yes i'd pay privately if i have too,I would pay for further genetic testing if she'd refer me( whether we can afford its another matter) i need peace of mind, does under active thyroid give many symptoms if you don't mind me asking?

I'm sad for your losses too,thanks again x
Hi everyone.

It looks as though I am having my 3rd miscarriage, I have a scan tomorrow to confirm that there is still no fetal pole (I will be nearly 7 weeks), and there has been no growth in 10 days.

Before I found out I was pregnant we were having tests done at St Mary's with Dr Rai (privately, as I am too old to get it on the NHS).

I had been tested for thrombophilia and TEG.

I'd be really grateful if you could let me know what else I should be asking to be tested for (the first consultation I had, I became very tearful and wasn't able to take anything in, as unfortunately I was on my own) as I don't think he wanted to do anything further, but I'm desperate to get everything done to at least rule anything out.... if ultimately it is just my age that is causing this then at least I will know I did everything I could.

Is there a list anywhere that I could print off, with the tests I should be asking for?

Any advice would be gratefully received... thank you in advance.

Rach x

Hi, Rach- sorry i can't be of any real help as i'm pretty much in the same boat as you only i can't be referred as i don't fit the criteria, i'm having bloods done at the moment, i hope someone with better knowledge will help you, what is TEG? i'd be interested to know?

Best wishes and sorry for your losses,Rach (really!) x
Thyroid is one of the main blood tests requested by our fertility clinic, along with liver function, progesterone, oestrogen, I'll check my letter if I can find it.
Roonsma - That's a shame that they won't refer you because your losses have been too early, a loss is a loss in my eyes. All our losses have been less than 6 weeks and when we saw my gynae in the fertility clinic she referred us straight away to the recurrent m/c clinic (although with my endo time is of the essence before it gets so bad we can't conceive at all).
I hadn't heard anything about the RMC clinic so I phoned the hospital and got through to the clinic's secretary who was lovely and investigated for me and actually phoned me back. Apparently the head consultant has seen my notes and personally wants to see me as soon as possible. The next clinic isn't until 11th of June so she's hopefully going to be able to squeeze me in. Bit worried as not all my results were in the last time I was at the doctors so I know one of the clotting proteins was elevated but don't know about the tests which take longer to come back. Hoping there's something simple to sort!
Thyroid is one of the main blood tests requested by our fertility clinic, along with liver function, progesterone, oestrogen, I'll check my letter if I can find it.
Roonsma - That's a shame that they won't refer you because your losses have been too early, a loss is a loss in my eyes. All our losses have been less than 6 weeks and when we saw my gynae in the fertility clinic she referred us straight away to the recurrent m/c clinic (although with my endo time is of the essence before it gets so bad we can't conceive at all).
I hadn't heard anything about the RMC clinic so I phoned the hospital and got through to the clinic's secretary who was lovely and investigated for me and actually phoned me back. Apparently the head consultant has seen my notes and personally wants to see me as soon as possible. The next clinic isn't until 11th of June so she's hopefully going to be able to squeeze me in. Bit worried as not all my results were in the last time I was at the doctors so I know one of the clotting proteins was elevated but don't know about the tests which take longer to come back. Hoping there's something simple to sort!

Hi fifi, its really good that they are being so thorough with you

My last loss was at 4+4 and my hpt turned neg at 4+1 so they don't seem to give it much relavance to my other m/cs, i can see where she is coming from as CPs are so common-however should it happen again no matter how early i WILL be referred!!! TBH i'm still hoping its all just really bad luck and coincidence, only time will tell i suppose, maybe i don't really want to accept there may be a real problem

Good luck with the specialist, hoping its something simple for you too, i'd love to know how you get on :hugs:

Thanks, Rach xx
Rach my gynae said it could just be bad luck. And my Mum has commented that if there were chromosomal problems or such like it's better to lose the baby earlier than later (she was a midwife and midwifery tutor). These are two of the things that you don't want to hear but they are true. Although I'm a bit sceptical of my gynae as she didn't seem to know that endo can contribute to miscarriages (I've obviously read more medical journals on the topic than her!)

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