Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

i'm so sorry for all of your losses.
I had a miscarriage when i was 20. At the time i had no idea what was happening as i was on the pill, but after 3 weeks in bed i knew something was up. At the time (i know this sounds awful) but i was relieved, i was young and still in my final year of uni, my now husband and i hadnt been together long, it just wasnt the right time. I never really thought about it much untill we started TTC, it was then i realised i had bottled up so many emotions about it and hadnt realiesed. Now i just feel sadness and a little empty, especially after years of trying and nothing :( I worry as i also have coeliac which is fairly controlled but i know that recurrant miscarriages are a common problem.
I'm sorry if i sound selfish in any way, i've just never really been able to talk to anyone about it :( i'm sending out lots of hugs to you all and hope all your pain eases soon xx
Hi guys,
been to the docs today, they havent had the lupus blood tests from the lab yet, slightly concerned over 2 weeks now. But blood count thyroid etc normal, the only thing that came back is slightly above average testosterone, she said its not a problem, should I be worried??

Also asked about when they said I didnt ovulate the month before i conceived but LH surge that same morning, becos their tests are testing for pregestorone, and the OPK test for LH hormone. The progestone is when you have ovulated, and going off the LH surge I wasnt due to ovulate until 24-36 hours after, so they prolly tested too early. She just kept sayin no-one ovulates every month, but I have peace of mine now, as to why the two tests conflicted....

Just worrying about this testosterone, its like 0.3 above the average for 90% of the population, does anyone have any advice on this??
baby2loss - I have no advice but just wanted to sending my:hugs: and :dust:

muffin- sorry for your loss

AFM :witch:is here so onto a new cycle
Just thought I'd pop on and say hi to all - hope everyone is okay as can be.

Nothing major going on with me ATM. Been on the Levothyroxine for nearly 2 months now and am noticing major differences :) - I get bloods taken on the 10th then back up the hospital on the 17th to find out how my levels are reacting. Fingers crossed there's a nice drop in TSH and similarly nice rise in FT4 :)
Baby2loss, my lupus test took six weeks to get back. Holly, may i ask what that levo stuff is?
It's basically to replace the hormone thyroxine in my system as I have an underactive thyroid
Hey gals :). I had my HSG today and it went very well! Didn't even hurt 1 bit! My new doc is amazing :). Uterus and tubes are great! So relieved. He said I did have some hormone issues that can be easily worked out and we are on our way to making a baby in 2 weeks!!! We still have to consult on what's the game plan, but im super stoked and so relieved!
Today is the 2nd anniversary from my 1st mc. Im glad now this day can be a happy 1 too :)! Hope u all are doing great!
Awesome news kat! and thanks for the reassurance about the hsg not hurting.

I'm going to see an OB on the 22nd and am terrified of tests. I was contemplating changing my appointment I have in November to January and give myself a few months more of ttc hoping it would not end in a mc. Luckily, spoke to the nurse, very sympathetic and told me to come in on the 22 and talk to the dr. The doctor would rather me have testing and hold on ttc to find out if something is wrong rather than having me suffer another loss. The nurse said how devastating it is to have a mc. No one else has really acknowledged this is it was comforting to hear someone esle beside me realize that. I'm so used to people's opinions of just "try again" They won't do genetic testing but will do other tests after 2 mc's.
That's great that they are sympathetic. Its always nice to hear that someone else knows how you feel.
I wasn't scared of the physcial side of the tests, mainly the emotional. When I had my 1st mc, it was a natural 1 and that was like my inside ripping out! So this was nothing. Really just felt like a pap, but I feel that I do have a high pain tolerence.
I think u should go consult with ur doc. Couldn't hurt. This will send u on the right path and give u a peace of mind. Any amount of pain will be worth it when ur holding ur babe!
Good luck with the tests ppl!

Just had my clearblue fertility monitor delivered, cant wait to try it out, and expensive but hopefully worthwhile investment. Lets see if I can get pregnant in under 14 months this time.....
Hi There,

Sadly I find myself joining this thread but I hope to be able to talk to other ladies who understand the pain and frustration of RMC.

I am going through my 3rd MC this year. I am 35 and feel my time is running out. Very scary thought as I have no children :cry:

I am going to hospital for medical management tomorrow as I cannot face another operation. I should be 10 weeks and after seeing another heartbeat, baby has passed away. Its not fair. Why cant I keep a baby and why does it happen once I see its heart beating, its torture.

My GP will refer me for tests as soon as I have a negative preg test and I hope I find some answers.

Can anyone tell me what happens with the referral? is it just basic bloods and scan?
Hi all,
Need some help please!
Sorry i havent been back in over a month but for over a month now i have been bleeding on and off ,and for the past 10 days have had back and stomach pains, gp has been trying to get to the bottom of it,blood tests, urine samples etc and am also waiting for a scan to check there was no damage done in the erpc i had in Aug, but during the night last nght went for a wee and something was stuck (down there) and when i wiped it came away with the tissue and it was walnut size, very dark reddish/brown, and hard in places, but not rock hard but there are 2 small stump like things at the bottom of it! The out of hours gp told me it was debris from aug! i was told to put it in something and take it to my gp on monday, and i am freaking out, i have no pain now at all, but my head is all over the place now, i have what could possibly my baby in a sandwich bag in my bathroom cabinet, what the hell? Has anyone experienced anything like this, almost 3 months after their erpc?
Hi all,

I'm so sorry to everyone for all your loses. Too many sad stories. I really wish none of needed to be here.

However, looks like I'm here now too. Had a MMC in March and another one this week. With a chemical in between.

I've got a DD - I had absolutely no problems with her pregnancy. I'm quite shocked to say the least to be where I am at right now.

After having DD, I participated in a random study they were conducting at the hospital. Turned out that I tested positive for hetrozagenous prothrombin gene. I also have CREST, an autoimmune disease and I have a slightly underactive thyroid which I take medication for.

My questions are.....first does anybody else have any of the same medical issues? If so, are your doctors still saying your m/c's are 'bad luck'? What treatments should I be asking for? Currently, I'm taking baby asprin and high does folic acid when pregnant.
:hugs: to all especially the new ones - I so wish you didn't have to be in here

Round2: I was found to have a problem with my thyroid back in January, after my 2 losses but before I got pg with #3. My TSH was just over 10 and FT4 was still in normal range so my GP refused treatment and diagnosed me as subclinical, was told to go back in 6 months for another TFT however keep trying. I finally got a BFP in April after 11 months of trying again but lost her at 10 weeks. My consultant had ordered another TFT at 7 weeks which came back as a higher TSH again and FT4 dropped to just 10, so still in theory subclinical however this isn't good for pregnancy so he referred me to an endocrinologist. I saw him in early september and I've been on 50mcg Levothyroxine for nearly 8 weeks now and it's doing the trick :). We're banned from TTC until my levels return to normal.

As soon as I get another BFP my consultant is going to give me prednisolone, heparin injections, Cyclogest, aspirin then as soon as the pg is confirmed as intra-uterine I'll be on hcg injections too. I've not been diagnosed with any clotting disorders or high NK cells however my consultant believes anything is worth a try.
Hi There,

Sadly I find myself joining this thread but I hope to be able to talk to other ladies who understand the pain and frustration of RMC.

I am going through my 3rd MC this year. I am 35 and feel my time is running out. Very scary thought as I have no children :cry:

I am going to hospital for medical management tomorrow as I cannot face another operation. I should be 10 weeks and after seeing another heartbeat, baby has passed away. Its not fair. Why cant I keep a baby and why does it happen once I see its heart beating, its torture.

My GP will refer me for tests as soon as I have a negative preg test and I hope I find some answers.

Can anyone tell me what happens with the referral? is it just basic bloods and scan?

:hugs::hugs::hugs: so sorry friend. I've had 2 losses this year and am going to see an OB this month (referral from my family dr.) so I really don't have much info to offer but just wanted to send my hugs and to reassure you that you're not alone. I'm 35 also with no children. Take care
Originally Posted by stardust22 View Post
Hi There,

Sadly I find myself joining this thread but I hope to be able to talk to other ladies who understand the pain and frustration of RMC.

I am going through my 3rd MC this year. I am 35 and feel my time is running out. Very scary thought as I have no children

I am going to hospital for medical management tomorrow as I cannot face another operation. I should be 10 weeks and after seeing another heartbeat, baby has passed away. Its not fair. Why cant I keep a baby and why does it happen once I see its heart beating, its torture.

My GP will refer me for tests as soon as I have a negative preg test and I hope I find some answers.

Can anyone tell me what happens with the referral? is it just basic bloods and scan?

I am so sorry for you losses I have recently suffered a third loss and have no children either I turned 30 this aug and my hubby will be 40 next year. I cant give much advice on what happens with regard to refferal as this is all sadly new to me but what I do know is that my husband and I have an appointment on the 1st Dec to have blood work done and that after having an erpc done last week my baby has been sent for further testing. i dont think I will have a scan done as they had a good look when I was pregnant and between my second and third loss I had an u/s done as I was having problems with my periods everything was ok so I dont think they will do another one but that doesnt mean you wont have one done. It is a heartbraking time I am taking one day at a time as three loss in 10 months is a lot to cope with as sadly you know. I hope you have a good support network around and here for you if theres anything you need :hugs:
hi all i also have previously had a stillbith at 28 weeks 14 years ago a miscarriage at 13 weeks 1 at 15 weeks and 1 at 9 weeks i now have a gorgeous little boy who is 7 months old to keep him where he was i was put on baby aspirin and clexane injections after a referal to st marys hospital in london ladies please dont give up there is hope huge hugs going out to all of u who have experienced losses xxxx
:hugs: to all especially the new ones - I so wish you didn't have to be in here

Round2: I was found to have a problem with my thyroid back in January, after my 2 losses but before I got pg with #3. My TSH was just over 10 and FT4 was still in normal range so my GP refused treatment and diagnosed me as subclinical, was told to go back in 6 months for another TFT however keep trying. I finally got a BFP in April after 11 months of trying again but lost her at 10 weeks. My consultant had ordered another TFT at 7 weeks which came back as a higher TSH again and FT4 dropped to just 10, so still in theory subclinical however this isn't good for pregnancy so he referred me to an endocrinologist. I saw him in early september and I've been on 50mcg Levothyroxine for nearly 8 weeks now and it's doing the trick :). We're banned from TTC until my levels return to normal.

As soon as I get another BFP my consultant is going to give me prednisolone, heparin injections, Cyclogest, aspirin then as soon as the pg is confirmed as intra-uterine I'll be on hcg injections too. I've not been diagnosed with any clotting disorders or high NK cells however my consultant believes anything is worth a try.

I need to find out exactly what my thyroid numbers are. I just know that I'm slightly under. My doctor doesn't think I need heparin - just baby asprin. It sounds like in Canada, doctors take miscarriages much less seriously.

Because I've had a live birth, my doctors seem to be ignoring me. They just keep saying 'bad luck'....but what if I just got 'lucky' my first time? So upsetting.
Hi all,
Need some help please!
Sorry i havent been back in over a month but for over a month now i have been bleeding on and off ,and for the past 10 days have had back and stomach pains, gp has been trying to get to the bottom of it,blood tests, urine samples etc and am also waiting for a scan to check there was no damage done in the erpc i had in Aug, but during the night last nght went for a wee and something was stuck (down there) and when i wiped it came away with the tissue and it was walnut size, very dark reddish/brown, and hard in places, but not rock hard but there are 2 small stump like things at the bottom of it! The out of hours gp told me it was debris from aug! i was told to put it in something and take it to my gp on monday, and i am freaking out, i have no pain now at all, but my head is all over the place now, i have what could possibly my baby in a sandwich bag in my bathroom cabinet, what the hell? Has anyone experienced anything like this, almost 3 months after their erpc?

Hi gimgams, first of all, sorry you are having to go through all of this :hugs:
After my first loss in April I had an ERPC but still had retained tissue after. From what you are describing in terms of colour my guess would be that what you have in your bag is a big fat clot. Pregnancy tissue and even the sac are supposed to be more of a greyish colour. Clots are dark red/black/brown.
I passed many clots from April until my third ERPC in July and most times the passing was preceded by lower back pains and cramps, just as you described (although my pains usually only started hours before, not days). If you do have retained tissue, this can be diagnosed by a scan. Your body is trying to shift the offending piece (placenta tissue, usually) and the result is that clots come out. Sometimes a repeat ERPC is needed.
Another possible explanation is an infection. Did your GP put you on antibiotics just in case?
I know it's a horrible position to be in and I for one could not rest until I had a proper cycle starting up again. It is highly unlikely that they did not get your baby out during the erpc in August, but in about one in every 200 erpcs they miss a bit of placental tissue and that can cause these problems.
I really hope everything works out for you soon! Please give us an update when you've had your scan or have other news x x x

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