Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi all,
Need some help please!
Sorry i havent been back in over a month but for over a month now i have been bleeding on and off ,and for the past 10 days have had back and stomach pains, gp has been trying to get to the bottom of it,blood tests, urine samples etc and am also waiting for a scan to check there was no damage done in the erpc i had in Aug, but during the night last nght went for a wee and something was stuck (down there) and when i wiped it came away with the tissue and it was walnut size, very dark reddish/brown, and hard in places, but not rock hard but there are 2 small stump like things at the bottom of it! The out of hours gp told me it was debris from aug! i was told to put it in something and take it to my gp on monday, and i am freaking out, i have no pain now at all, but my head is all over the place now, i have what could possibly my baby in a sandwich bag in my bathroom cabinet, what the hell? Has anyone experienced anything like this, almost 3 months after their erpc?

Hi gimgams, first of all, sorry you are having to go through all of this :hugs:
After my first loss in April I had an ERPC but still had retained tissue after. From what you are describing in terms of colour my guess would be that what you have in your bag is a big fat clot. Pregnancy tissue and even the sac are supposed to be more of a greyish colour. Clots are dark red/black/brown.
I passed many clots from April until my third ERPC in July and most times the passing was preceded by lower back pains and cramps, just as you described (although my pains usually only started hours before, not days). If you do have retained tissue, this can be diagnosed by a scan. Your body is trying to shift the offending piece (placenta tissue, usually) and the result is that clots come out. Sometimes a repeat ERPC is needed.
Another possible explanation is an infection. Did your GP put you on antibiotics just in case?
I know it's a horrible position to be in and I for one could not rest until I had a proper cycle starting up again. It is highly unlikely that they did not get your baby out during the erpc in August, but in about one in every 200 erpcs they miss a bit of placental tissue and that can cause these problems.
I really hope everything works out for you soon! Please give us an update when you've had your scan or have other news x x x

Hi All,
I saw the gp today and was told they have booked a scan for the 16th nov! but gp today has tried to bring it forward, they will ring me asap, the 'thing in the bag' is some sort of tissue and is being sent to the lab for tests. I was asked if it could of been possible i was carrying twins, my reply, i dont know i'm not a doctor but twins do run in both mine and my husbands family! so its a waiting game now. I did have a course of antibiotics after the erpc as there was some left over tissue which started to come away about 10 days after the erpc. I was also asked if this could of been a new pregnancy, had my husband and i started trying again yet! but can catagorically say definately not that! :nope:
Oh dear, I am sorry to hear you are having such a difficult time :hugs: What an upsetting thought about a twin! Didn't they do a scan to check that the tissue you had coming away after the erpc was gone? If not, that's pretty sloppy on their part, I think. Not sure what the official 'rules' are, but in my personal non-medical opinion they should have checked before giving you the all clear.

Hopefully you'll have the lab results quickly, too, so you know what's what xxxxx
Keep us updated - I'm thinking of you!
Question for you girls...when does your Early Pregnancy Unit start seeing people?

We've moved to a new area and this one won't see anyone til 6 weeks. I've spoken to the previous one and they said I should maybe get GP to do beta HCG at about five weeks then every 48hrs. I had seen the EPU in the old area and I was to go in and get blood done and scan as soon as I got a positive, whereas here they don't.
GP has arranged with the obstetrician that I will get a scan next Tuesday.
(Background: 4 early miscarriages, longest one was 5w1d, tested pos today, CD26, 11dpo). I am now freaking out and wishing I hadn't tested.

I am to take baby aspirin but that's about it for the plan at the minute. Tempted to take to my bed and not get out of it unless it's to eat or use the bathroom!!!! Really don't want to lose this one!
Congratulations Fifi!

I was guessing to be AF on Monday, going off my Ovulation and comparing to cycles before my Miscarriage. Its now tues and still no Af, I have tested also, but its negative.

Its been 5 weeks since my Mc, when should I expect AF, as I did Ovulate on 20/10/10?
Fififolle, congratulations on the bfp! Fxfxfxfxfx for you!
I think most EPUs won't see people before six weeks because they won't be able to see a heartbeat before then. Still, since you have a history of early recurrent miscarriage, it is worth calling in and speaking to them directly (don't forget to cry if you can!). If you don't get anywhere with them, there is always the A&E option "I have a pain in my side and I think I'm pregnant". Be warned, though! That's what I did (with a real pain and on the suggestion of the EPU nurse, might I add) and I ended up spending the night in hospital nil by mouth on suspicion of an ectopic on the list for emergency surgery in the morning :shock: because the scan didn't show anything but a thick lining - I was only 13dpo :dohh: Luckily, I was let out by the consultant in the morning and at six weeks I did have a heartbeat.
I hope they can help you out.
Is this the first pregnancy that you are on aspirin, by the way?

Baby2loss, I'd expect the witch to turn up around 14 days after ovulation. The timing might be a bit off post-mc so give it a little before you get too worried (or test if you were back to ttc-ing).
Mine came 8 days after ovulation, which was weird, but I wasn't expecting that cycle to be normal so it didn't freak me out too much. xxxxxx
Thanks for your advice. MY GP got on the case and spoke to the on call obstetrician who has made an appointment for me to go in for a scan next tuesday (if I make it that far I will be 4w5d) and will ask for bloods to be done too. It helps that GP saw my letter from RMC where I used to live who stated I was to get scanned and tested asap. So grateful for them taking me seriously. I also phoned the EPU I used to go to who gave great advice and said I could go to them if I was having no joy. Didn't need to cry once either!! Well not til I got off the phone!
As for going in with abdo pain, I wouldn't be lying either, endo causes me constant pain anyway, and seem to be having more pulling of adhesions at the mo. I've not checked out the gynae wards up here though!!!
PS Yes this is my first aspirin pregnancy. With the option of adding in heparin if they think it's appropriate.
Hi fififolle, I remember you as I think you were around on forum when I lost my last one too. Now I am over 11 weeks pg- 12wk scan on thurs after 3 mmc. I just wanted to say that your consultant should really look after you now. I had scans at 5,6,8 and 10 weeks. I would start taking baby aspirin right now. I was put on heparin at 6wk after seeing a heartbeat on ultrasound. Its a scary place to be and ive had all the scares, spotting, cramping but I certainly got up to 10 wk and well see how tomorrow goes. All the very best to you xx
Hi There,

Sadly I find myself joining this thread but I hope to be able to talk to other ladies who understand the pain and frustration of RMC.

I am going through my 3rd MC this year. I am 35 and feel my time is running out. Very scary thought as I have no children :cry:

I am going to hospital for medical management tomorrow as I cannot face another operation. I should be 10 weeks and after seeing another heartbeat, baby has passed away. Its not fair. Why cant I keep a baby and why does it happen once I see its heart beating, its torture.

My GP will refer me for tests as soon as I have a negative preg test and I hope I find some answers.

Can anyone tell me what happens with the referral? is it just basic bloods and scan?

sorry for your loss. You should make sure you're referred for blood tests for recurrent miscarriages. I had mine after 2 miscarriages as I was over 35 - I was 39 for both of them. Fortunately for me I got pregnant in July - and am now 16 weeks pregnant (and now 40) and I too was worried I was going to run out of time, but fingers crossed, all going well so far.

I do totally agree with you about seeing the heartbeat. My first was a missed miscarriage where I saw the heartbeat at 8+4 and then started spotting at 10 weeks. Everyone says if you see the heartbeat your changes of miscarriage drop, but I don't believe it.
Hi fififolle, I remember you as I think you were around on forum when I lost my last one too. Now I am over 11 weeks pg- 12wk scan on thurs after 3 mmc. I just wanted to say that your consultant should really look after you now. I had scans at 5,6,8 and 10 weeks. I would start taking baby aspirin right now. I was put on heparin at 6wk after seeing a heartbeat on ultrasound. Its a scary place to be and ive had all the scares, spotting, cramping but I certainly got up to 10 wk and well see how tomorrow goes. All the very best to you xx

That's fantastic Poisonwood! It's good to hear positive stories. Thank you for sharing your story.
For me the difficulty is that we moved house in July so I am going through all the referrals again. I've seen my new gynae, had bloods done again, had an u.s last cycle to check for cysts, and have an appointment with the RMC up here on 17th which I am not going to cancel (does that sound pessimistic?) The scan next week is at the hospital where I should give birth so I should at least be known to them from the start. It's so hard to be optimistic though. I have miscarried generally 2/3 days after AF is due (one time I made it to 6 days after AF due) so if I make it through the weekend I will feel a bit less worried.
I know what you mean it is hard to be positive I am the same even now as always wondering what will happen at the next scan but I have made a really big effort to relax this time, have a nap when needed, read books and made myself be as chilled as possible. Then every new week is a new milestone passed. I cant believe your results couldnt get tranferred form one hospital to another!I wouldnt cancel RMC appointment as I am still under RMC clinic now - it was this consultant who put me on heparin. Am alo on progesterone. So they will know what drugs/care you need while pg and hopefully by 17th you will be 6 wks pg!Let us know how you get on xx
I know what you mean it is hard to be positive I am the same even now as always wondering what will happen at the next scan but I have made a really big effort to relax this time, have a nap when needed, read books and made myself be as chilled as possible. Then every new week is a new milestone passed. I cant believe your results couldnt get tranferred form one hospital to another!I wouldnt cancel RMC appointment as I am still under RMC clinic now - it was this consultant who put me on heparin. Am alo on progesterone. So they will know what drugs/care you need while pg and hopefully by 17th you will be 6 wks pg!Let us know how you get on xx

the further you get along, the more relaxed you can get. I was scanned at 6,8,10 & 12 weeks. At the 8 week scan my consultant said I could relax now - but having had a missed miscarriage after an 8 week scan I couldn't relax, and am now getting better after 12 week scan and also this week (16 weeks) hearing heartbeat twice.

I was on steroids & projesterone (both now stopped) and still on heparin and aspirin.
lightweight so nice to hear a positive story. I've had 2 mc's this year and going to see an ob on the 22nd. Both mc's were very early 5 weeks so I never got very far. I'm too scared becasue I'm 35 that I've missed my window of opportunity. Take care and good luck!
Congrats Fifi-folle I hope this is a sticky one for you.

Poisonwood and Lightweight I agree with Mpepe hearing how great you ladies are doing really does give everyone else hope.

AFM, my first appointment with Mr Rai at St Mary's is tomorrow, I really hope it goes well. DH and I were supposed to think of questions to ask him last night but we were too tired and I know DH is home late tonight, could anyone share any questions they asked at their RMC appts? Just want to make sure I'm not missing anything. My biggest question is what will my care be once pregnant...
Good luck rabbitchild! I'm too trying to think of what to ask the dr when I go on the 22nd!

thank you so much for sharing your stories.

It has shown that i am not alone in what i am going through and has provided a huge amount of support knowing there are people out there who understand.

i am TTC no1 after 2 miscarriages within a 7 week period (the most recent 2 weeks ago).

I had a natural miscarriage at 6 + 2 and then became pregnant next cycle only to miscarry again at approx 5 1/2 weeks. I am now waiting to ovulate for the first time since the last miscarriage. I have convinced myself that becoming pregnant so soon had no influence - i believe that you re body only accepts a pregnancy if it is ready and know of people that have become pregnant immediately afterwards and gone on to have a healthy pregnancy.

I have managed to persuade my doctor to refer me and i have an appointment next week. I know i have high prolactin levels from previous fertlity tests however from what i understand this only can affect things if you have a short luteal phase (mine has always been around 16 days) so i dont know if this has affected anything... the hard part is the not knowing if there is a problem - if there is hopefully it can be treated ...

i plan to try again this cycle - i know i shouldnt but i cannot bear to wait until next cycle. the only way for me to get over what has happened is to become pregnant again (and keeping everything crossed i will be 3 rd time lucky..)

take care

Hiya all lost ,y first at 6and a half weeks it was a twin to my son 7years ago this Monday lost baby no2 at over 13 weeks. It's sad to see so many people having mc over and over again! I'm trying to make sense of it all! Will it happen again and why did it happen to me? I'm so scared to ttc again I feel put off after my experience on Monday

Love to u all and ur angels

To the new girls, so sorry for your losses, really hope you get the help you need.

Thanks everyone for the best wishes, tested again today and the lines are getting darker (and are darker than any of my previous BFPs so having occasional bouts of optimism!!!)

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