Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Yeah Lee, life does suck :( I'm currently draining the bottom of my bottle of wine, it helps! Til u wake up with a raging headache tomro :(
Lee...I am so very sorry to read this devastating news. I just wish there was something I could say. :hugs:

what a crappy time we are all having right now. when will it ever end happily!

AFM....I am cd16 after having a mc 2 weeks ago. :sex: yesterday but not using my monitor until my AF comes. We are hoping we might get lucky but without monitoring ov its quite hard. I think I am approaching it though. ewcm and twinges. SOOOOO FED UP!!
Lee, do so sorry honey! Wish I could give you a big fat hug in person, but that would probably make you sore so I will do it in spirit only xxx

I am going to do a little ovulation dance for all those waiting for an eggy to pop. As long as you do me a snow dance in exchange because it's super icy here and I want to build a snow bear.
AFM, my temp is slowly dropping which is probably good as that means the professor won't shout at me in ten days time.
Just got the super dark positive ovulation test! guess I gotta go :sex: now! ***chore*** :rofl:

petitpas....sending you warm hug, ooh I dont like the cold weather, its taken a cold turn here. well nothing to where you are I am sure!! where are you again?
Right now I'm in a ski resort in the French alps, so send me a cold snowy hug :D
awww Leec..... so sorry you are going through this yet again....((hugs))...

Yay for wine... and chocolate... keeps me going!

Chilli chick... at least we have some lovely news with your BFP!
LeeC - you are having such a rotten time babe - I wish I could make it all better for you! Thanks for thinking of me even at this horrible time.

Thanks for all your good wishes - I'm very sick, very nervous and not enjoying the residue left by the progesterone suppositories, but as I told a colleague today I would remove a limb if it meant I will get my forever baby...

Enjoy the wine chocs and skiing girls
chilli, I feel the same I would give up anything to have a baby right now.

Just wanted to check in my CBFM as FINALLY given me a high, CD17 so maybe I will ov soon hopefully - now just need to get DH onboard. I know I'm unlikely to be pregnant this cycle but I just need to try you know, to give me some hope. WTTC just drives me mental and will only make me dwell on my mcs.

I hope everyone is doing ok :hugs:
Morning Ladies!!

Lee, I am so, so sorry!!! I honestly dont know what to say, but you are in my thoughts and prayers.

Chilli, congrats!! Praying for a sticky bean for you!!

AFM - well, I spotted all last week and it seriously didnt amount to anything more than pink with a small amount of reddy/brown on friday night (TMI sorry). I vomited on Friday night too and for the past 3 days have felt as sick as a pig and can't stop wee'ing. My bbs are slightly sore but only when i poke them! lol. I took a test yesterday and I swear I can see a faint line on it but it could be my eyes playing tricks on me. I'm also having that pulling sensation in my lower abdomen. I swear I am pregnant but don't want to get my hopes up. At the same time though i'm trying to keep a PMA. Got a doctors appointment on Friday as they want to discuss my u/s with me. Still not sure why i'd be having all these symptoms when the sonographer said I wasn't ovulating... maybe she didn't look hard enough?? According to my chart I ovulated on day 33/34 and I had a dip at 4, 8 and 10dpo - didn't temp this morning though.

I really, really hope we all get our BFPs and sticky beans soon and for those of you still having a rough time, I wish you the strength and courage to cope and get through this. I've got 5 angels already, I know all your pain!

Love Lala xx
Hello everybody

Can I come in please? I have been reading back a few posts and I realise that there are so many of you poor people who are in a worse situation than me. I'm really lucky in that I have a wonderful daughter born in 2009 but nevertheless I'm feel pretty sh** at the moment. On Friday I had a second ERPC in 5 months having had the first one in the summer after the routine 12 weeks scan revealed the baby had died at 11 weeks. This time I'd got to 9 weeks, no spotting or anything, but just had a feeling something was wrong. This baby had barely got off the starting blocks - 4-5 weeks. Why does my body have to hang on to these pregnancies for so long after they've failed? Talk about bringing false hope.

For some reason this time the ERPC has really got to me. It's so horrible with the pessary and the general anaesthetic and those doctors for whom it's such an every day occurence poking around inside you. Still, it's probably preferable to a natural miscarriage. The one of those I had in 2008 dragged on for 6 weeks with an infection etc.

I don't qualify for testing on the NHS because it's not 3 consecutive miscarriages. But we could just about afford to get some private tests.

What do people think? The docs have just told us to keep trying and that the tests just cause more stress and we should wait for another miscarriage (please god no!) before going down that route. On the other hand, I'd kick myself if we had to go through this again when there was some medicine I could have taken to stop it.

What would you advise?

I really hope we all get a baby to take home and love soon soon soon.

Becca X
I just wanted to give big hugs to all those who lost babies in this thread!!
I am going through a tough time, and I dont really know the words to help many of you. but I am so sorry!!
My husband might have given up on having any kids anytime soon, so I am just about ready to have a mental breakdown.
Hi Becca

Sorry you are going through a loss.. I don't understand why our bodies don't let go of a failed pregnancy (I am now supposed to be 14 weeks and the baby stopped at 7 weeks and have had no progress in the MC - I am going to start cytotec tomorrow)..

That's really unfortunate that you can't get any additional help until after 3 MC's - how stressful :(

I did a lot of research on the internet, and there are so many conflicting things about TTC and Fertility and Pregnancy that I decided that before we try again I am going to try to cleanse myself and my DH of all those vitamins/ supplements/ fertility aids/ conception aids we'd been taking/ using, aside from the Prenatal vitamin, and just go completely natural..

Hope you have some good support to help you, but everyone here is good at listening too!!
Hi Becca, I'm sorry you've had to find your way to this thread :( and for what you're going through at the moment.

I had my testing done in November and I didn't find it stressful, I only had blood tests and a pelvic ultrasound so wasn't too bad for me and I felt better because I was doing something positive. I suppose it's different for everyone but I didn't find it stressful. I hope you can find some help to get through this difficult time. x

9babies - i wish things were easier for you, so much harder when our DH's decide to give up/stop ttc and i know I find that this drive me insane. I think they're just trying to protect us and in their heads, sex=pregnancy=miscarriage=upset and distraught wife so they think they're helping. Maybe try explaining it to him, that you want to keep trying, if you do. Did you say before that you're getting tested?

:hugs: to all who're feeling in need tonight, I know how lonely this all can be.
Hi Becca - sorry you're here but we all know your pain.

It's horrible that you can't be tested yet but my experience has been one of angst and frustration around testing -waiting is a killer (especially when you're my age) and chasing people up drove me mad. And then I was told to take aspirin but still lost a perfectly healthy girl next time round. My story isn't a great one and I don't want to put you off - the decision has got to be your own and my feeling was always that I needed to be able to look back and know I'd tried EVERYTHING! It's hard, but nothing about pg is easy once you've suffered a loss. Good luck with that decision.

9babies - it's hardly surprising that you feel the way you do, I have often felt that way over the past 2 years. I know I can't make it any better, but I do understand.

Hugs to you all
Hi ladies,

Feel really gutted that I have to be posting in here but Im just starting to have my 3rd miscarriage. First 2 were both at 5w+4 and this one is 4w+2 with not very strong pg tests but clearly positive. This is just another blow to our never ending ttc journey. We have been trying for 3 years and I had tubal surgery in March last year for blocked tubes. Thought once they were unblocked that would be the end of our troubles as i have a 10 year old from a previous relationship.

Going to go to the doctors tomorrow as he promised me if it happened a 3rd time then he would refer me back to my consultant for it to be investigated. Just cant believe this keeps happening to us, I feel like such a failure. :(:(

Can anyone tell me what sort of tests they might do for us?
Hi C&J am so sorry to hear about your losses. With regards to tests I've copied this from the list Widger posted early in this thread:

*Chromosome studies - this is based on a blood test, and both partners are tested.
Specific immunological testing (conducted as part of our on-going research programme)
Natural killer cells - numbers and activation Cytokines - especially MIC-1and Th1 and Th2 cytokines
Auto-immune screen - includes anti-nuclear antibodies, and anti-dsDNA antibodies
Infection screen - a vaginal swab for bacterial vaginosis, and cervical swab for Chlamydia
* Primary antiphospholipid syndrome (so-called "sticky blood syndrome") screen - including anticardiolipin antibody and lupus anticoagulant.
* Full thrombophilia screen (including Factor V Leiden mutation)
* Pelvic ultrasound scan - usually transvaginal
Day 3-4 blood test for a hormonal profile to include luteinising hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), prolactin, testosterone and sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG), and thyroid function.
A biochemical profile to include a blood sugar, kidney and liver function.
HSG - (Xray contrast dye flushed through uterus and fallopian tubes to test for blockages)
*Thromboelastograph/gram - tests for general clotting issues.

can anyone think of anymore?

The ones with the * are the ones I had done at St Mary's before Christmas, I guess that based on our history we didn't require the other tests.

I hope that your Dr can help you out and hope you get that sticky LO, it's so hard when you think you have your problem cracked only to be hit with something else. x x x x
Can I join you girls please

I have just gone through my second miscarriage, the first ended at 9+5 in June last year & this one at 7+4, although I had been bleeding on & off for the previous two weeks with both. I went to the EPU yesterday & they confirmed I've had a compelete miscarriage, which is good news in a strange way. And instead of waiting for me to miscarry again they are starting tests now to figure out if there's any reason why I keep miscarrying. Hubby & I have to go back next Monday for blood tests to check for chromosomal abnormalities & I'm also being tested for lupus anticoagulant, anticardiolipin antibodies, antithombin III, protein S, protein C, activated protein C resistance, factor V Leiden and prothrombin gene testings. I will be having another u/s probably in about 6 weeks, they want to wait until I've had a period first. Dependent on those results I may have to have a Hysteroscopy too, but hoping I don't as I don't really fancy having a procedure that doesn't really need to be done & can result in damage to my uterus and/or cervix, but saying that I'm getting to the point when I'll do almost anything to have a baby.

Not too sure why I'm being tested after only two miscarriages instead of the required three, but what ever the reason I'm really grateful & feel better knowing that something is being done.

Hope we all get a sticky LO soon

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