Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Hi To all the new ladies that have joined us, so sorry its in these awful circumstances. our group are all very supportive and if ever we need a question answered, someone here knows the answer hehe.

Chilli, glad you are feeling better about taking the meds, just what you didnt need is a pharmacist adding confusion to the matter in hand. I for one will take anything they will give me as after 4 losses now I think that it just cant hurt right?

Can I just ask if anyone has any thoughts on asprin, I was told that one of my blood results was positive to the blood clotting (sticky blood) I am waiting to see the consultant officially with the other tests but when i was pregnant last time, i was on prog, clexane injections and the asprin, once I miscarried I stopped it all but I read that some ladies stay on the asprin while ttc? I really cant be calling up the hospital as I am sure they will say to wait until after my app to start ttc but I just want to try now (infact I am in the 2ww)

thanks in advance for any help or advice peeps.
I have a short letual phase of 10day and progesterone of 23- 7 dpo the Dr didn't make much of this said it was normal I have heard vitamin B can help with this any experience anyone ? can you take it on top of pregnacare which already has B6 in it but prob not enough ??

I'm trying to get my LP above 10 days and am taking Vitamin B Complex and Red Raspberry Leaf tablets, this is the second full month of taking both these. I had a short LP due to an untreated underactive thyroid (which is now being treated). I'm in my fourth month of Levothyroxine treatment so I'm hoping my LP will increase a little soon. The Vit B Complex I'm taking has 2mg of B6 and the bottle says this is 100% RDA.
Hi To all the new ladies that have joined us, so sorry its in these awful circumstances. our group are all very supportive and if ever we need a question answered, someone here knows the answer hehe.

Chilli, glad you are feeling better about taking the meds, just what you didnt need is a pharmacist adding confusion to the matter in hand. I for one will take anything they will give me as after 4 losses now I think that it just cant hurt right?

Can I just ask if anyone has any thoughts on asprin, I was told that one of my blood results was positive to the blood clotting (sticky blood) I am waiting to see the consultant officially with the other tests but when i was pregnant last time, i was on prog, clexane injections and the asprin, once I miscarried I stopped it all but I read that some ladies stay on the asprin while ttc? I really cant be calling up the hospital as I am sure they will say to wait until after my app to start ttc but I just want to try now (infact I am in the 2ww)

thanks in advance for any help or advice peeps.

Hey stardust. I have been told so many things about aspirin my head is in a spin. The most recent (from Mr Rai at St Mary's) was that unless you have any clotting issues, aspirin will do you more harm than good. Apparently it can delay ovulation if taken pre-ov (I took it the whole cycle once and o'd a week late), and that if taken before a BFP it can cause implantation problems. However, as you have a clotting issue you'd perhaps be better off taking it. Ultimately, I don't know sweets - it is so confusing! When is your appointment?

As for me, I have my follow-up appt at St Mary's tomorrow and am dreading it as I am confident he will say "there is nothing wrong with you so don't take anything and keep trying". I want to be fixed, not told to do nothing/take nothing. I have clexane, aspirin, progesterone and prednisolone at home so might conduct my own experiements if I ever manage to get pregnant again!!
Stardust - I've been told to take 150mg of aspirin only from when I get a positive bfp, which must be when/after af is due, as they think it might interfere with implantation. I know there is lots of controversy about this but this is what they're saying at St Mary's.

ETA: What Lambs said!
really? I was thinking you put it better :rofl:

BTW good luck with your appt tomorrow with Mr Rai x
Thanks lovely. Any messages for the kooky Mr Rai?

Dh hasn't met him yet - I've warned him that he is a bit eccentric but in a good way! (Mr Rai that is, not my DH!)
Thank you girls, i was in 2 minds so I will just wait if/when I get my BFP and when I get to ask more questions!!! I am waiting for an app and hoping that is going to be in the next 4-6 weeks. My recurrent miscarriage clinic is at my local hospital but I guess if he feels I need more he will refer me to London.
Thanks lovely. Any messages for the kooky Mr Rai?
Dh hasn't met him yet - I've warned him that he is a bit eccentric but in a good way! (Mr Rai that is, not my DH!)

My DH came out completely bemused after meeting him, he also was obsessed with him being of italian heritage, which he isn't :rofl:

No messages ;), he was bloody lovely to have phoned me at 2030 on a Friday after my mc though, I could have hugged him! Hopefully I'll get to phone him soon with a "yay I'm pregnant"
That aspirin bit has me in a bit of a panic now. I didn't test positive for any clotting disorders, but I had blood clots in my uterus with 2 of my 3 pregnancies. I have the heterozygous MTHFR gene mutation but so does 50% of the population. My homocysteine levels were normal. I decided to self medicate with aspirin for fear of another clot. I take it every day of my cycle. I hadn't heard about it interfering with implantation.

What I've been told about my clots is that they developed during implantation which is why I wanted to take the aspirin beforehand. Now I'm so confused.

I have told my docs I'm taking it and none of them have told me to stop.
Hi LynnB - Sorry for your losses. I am in Burnham (not far from you) so I imagine the tests will take about 4 to 6 weeks to come back. I went to Heatherwood for the tests(the EPU is much quieter than at Wexham) but they send all the tests to Wexham anyway. I've got a load of helpful numbers and names for both hospitals in case you need to pester people. PM me if you'd like them. If it helps, I have now had 4 miscarriages and have found the people at Heatherwood (Jane) and Wexham (Mandy) to be absolutely fabulous. I'm sure you'll get there soon lovely.

I was sent to Heatherwood for my scans last time & requested to be sent back there this time, I agree Jane is fabulous but just wish I'd got to know her in better circumstances. Not been to Wexham but Jane gave me the number just in case.

I can't imagine going through this again let alone another 2 times, you must be so brave & strong. I hope you get your sticky LO soon.

Hi Lynn - I can assure you I am neither brave nor strong and have been pretty close to having some sort of mental breakdown over the last few days. Feeling a bit brighter now, but it is hard and doesn't get much easier. I am just desperate to get pregnant again so I can at least try and keep the next one. It is the waiting and not knowing what the f*** my body is doing which is killing me.

I know what you mean about the not knowing, just knowing that the tests are going to be done has kept me sane since Friday but not sure what I'll be like after Monday. Sometimes feel like I just want to lie down & give up but then I remember why I'm doing this.

I have been reading a leaflet from The Miscarriage Association about the treatments for the different things I'm being tested for & aspirin is recommended for a couple of the causes - '75mg starting before conception or early in pregnancy', I don't think they'd write this in the booklet unless is was safe. I did take it for a couple of months after my last m/c & as DH & I want to ttc after my first period I'm thinking of asking about taking it anyway just incase we get pregnant before we get the results of the tests.

I also have to ask my Dr about other hormone and endocrine testing, the EPU aren't testing my LH or my thyroid so hoping my Drs will.
Having a very hard day, energy wise, went out with my mother ,and the kids, and I feel ike I am falling asleep now, and My life is just becoming really crappy!! I woke up today and just wanted my baby back. and I couldnt explain it!!! : (

dont know why I am so upset. I just am.
9 babies - you have every reason to be upset my darling - allow yourself to grieve. We all ahve good days and bad and we've just got to ride them out. If it goes on to long go and speak to your doc. I had counseling and started doing yoga as didn't want to take any meds. let off steam here too:hugs:
I agree with Chilli 9babies, there are the better days and the shitty ones and we're all here for you.

Is there anyone you could speak to? my Dr at EPU referred to the support midwife who is going to have a chat with me in a couple of weeks, might be worth seeing if there is something like that. Just someone acknowledging what you're going through helps me x
Just popping by to send :hugs:

I never forget about how hard it was to have a baby. I hope that I give you some hope that it will happen for you lovely ladies. I too 9babies had really dark days/moments. You need to allow yourself time to grieve. Things will get better I promise.

Stardust - I took aspirin before I got pregnant and during it. Only 75mg. It worked for me and I now have a 8 month baby boy that I seriously thought would never happen. I was found to have been one of the 'unlucky' ones when all my tests came back clear. I was told that as a matter of course they would give me the apirin anyway.

Chilli - Keeping everything crossed for you xxxx
9 babies - you have every reason to be upset my darling - allow yourself to grieve. We all ahve good days and bad and we've just got to ride them out. If it goes on to long go and speak to your doc. I had counseling and started doing yoga as didn't want to take any meds. let off steam here too:hugs:
thank you. I dont really have very supportive doctors at all. the one that gave me my clomid for ttc, didnt seem to care much about my miscarriage and just wanted to hurry me along. : (

I agree with Chilli 9babies, there are the better days and the shitty ones and we're all here for you.

Is there anyone you could speak to? my Dr at EPU referred to the support midwife who is going to have a chat with me in a couple of weeks, might be worth seeing if there is something like that. Just someone acknowledging what you're going through helps me x
I dont have any supportive doctors. I really could use one right now but I am so done with doctors and their crappy attitudes and heartless towards me and my losses. I just feel upset and it doesnt help that I only got 2 hours of sleep last night.

Just popping by to send :hugs:

I never forget about how hard it was to have a baby. I hope that I give you some hope that it will happen for you lovely ladies. I too 9babies had really dark days/moments. You need to allow yourself time to grieve. Things will get better I promise.

Stardust - I took aspirin before I got pregnant and during it. Only 75mg. It worked for me and I now have a 8 month baby boy that I seriously thought would never happen. I was found to have been one of the 'unlucky' ones when all my tests came back clear. I was told that as a matter of course they would give me the apirin anyway.

Chilli - Keeping everything crossed for you xxxx

thanks so much widger I Need hope! i Just feel liek at times I dont think I have anymore to give.

:hugs: to all of us!!!
Hi ladies, feeling cr*p today, its been 4 days since my faint positive and spotting. Just had results from doctor which showed a negative result and he is now doing a referal back to my consultant. (3rd early miscarriage in 7 months)

Still havent started bleeding properly yet, pg tests have still got a faint line on. Since wednesday every afternoon ive been getting horrendous cramps like contractions and a tiny bit of blood but then by evening they disappear and the discharge returns to dark brown. I just want it over now, I know its all over it just makes it harder to deal with when my body is just clinging on to it. Just want to be able to move onto a new cycle but am stuck in limbo. Dont even want to go out because im scared the bleeding will quick in whilst i am and ill probably flood every where.
Hi ladies, feeling cr*p today, its been 4 days since my faint positive and spotting. Just had results from doctor which showed a negative result and he is now doing a referal back to my consultant. (3rd early miscarriage in 7 months)

Still havent started bleeding properly yet, pg tests have still got a faint line on. Since wednesday every afternoon ive been getting horrendous cramps like contractions and a tiny bit of blood but then by evening they disappear and the discharge returns to dark brown. I just want it over now, I know its all over it just makes it harder to deal with when my body is just clinging on to it. Just want to be able to move onto a new cycle but am stuck in limbo. Dont even want to go out because im scared the bleeding will quick in whilst i am and ill probably flood every where.

C&J, so sorry you're going through this again :hugs: Can't offer you any advice as my body seems to be an expert at getting rid of everything but hope it all starts soon so you can start a new cycle :hugs:
Hi ladies, feeling cr*p today, its been 4 days since my faint positive and spotting. Just had results from doctor which showed a negative result and he is now doing a referal back to my consultant. (3rd early miscarriage in 7 months)

Still havent started bleeding properly yet, pg tests have still got a faint line on. Since wednesday every afternoon ive been getting horrendous cramps like contractions and a tiny bit of blood but then by evening they disappear and the discharge returns to dark brown. I just want it over now, I know its all over it just makes it harder to deal with when my body is just clinging on to it. Just want to be able to move onto a new cycle but am stuck in limbo. Dont even want to go out because im scared the bleeding will quick in whilst i am and ill probably flood every where.

C&J, so sorry you're going through this again :hugs: Can't offer you any advice as my body seems to be an expert at getting rid of everything but hope it all starts soon so you can start a new cycle :hugs:

Thank you,

Dont want to tempt fate but I think things may be happening, been to the loo and there is blood which looks more like period blood and there was some clots (albeit small ones). I know must seem like Im happy about it, but thats not the way it is, it is just a relief that I can now start to move on. I had excepted it from the very start that this 1 was never to be, I never had any false hope like the other 2. Ive already got my new batch of ov tests for another cycle. Im going to take low dose aspirin from 7dpo and see what happens if it doesnt happen then hopefully we will start getting some answers soon.
Hi ladies, feeling cr*p today, its been 4 days since my faint positive and spotting. Just had results from doctor which showed a negative result and he is now doing a referal back to my consultant. (3rd early miscarriage in 7 months)

Still havent started bleeding properly yet, pg tests have still got a faint line on. Since wednesday every afternoon ive been getting horrendous cramps like contractions and a tiny bit of blood but then by evening they disappear and the discharge returns to dark brown. I just want it over now, I know its all over it just makes it harder to deal with when my body is just clinging on to it. Just want to be able to move onto a new cycle but am stuck in limbo. Dont even want to go out because im scared the bleeding will quick in whilst i am and ill probably flood every where.

C&J, so sorry you're going through this again :hugs: Can't offer you any advice as my body seems to be an expert at getting rid of everything but hope it all starts soon so you can start a new cycle :hugs:

Thank you,

Dont want to tempt fate but I think things may be happening, been to the loo and there is blood which looks more like period blood and there was some clots (albeit small ones). I know must seem like Im happy about it, but thats not the way it is, it is just a relief that I can now start to move on. I had excepted it from the very start that this 1 was never to be, I never had any false hope like the other 2. Ive already got my new batch of ov tests for another cycle. Im going to take low dose aspirin from 7dpo and see what happens if it doesnt happen then hopefully we will start getting some answers soon.

I know, as hard as it is to lose a baby, it can be a bit of a relief to be able move on to the next cycle/testing. When I went for my scan on Tuesday I told my mum that the best news they could give me was that it was a complete miscarriage. My mum told me she was so proud of me for looking at it that way.

It may sound strange but I'm not sure if I'm hoping for something to show up on the tests or not :wacko: If something is wrong then there may be something they can do about it but if nothing shows up then it's just down to me & mother nature. Only 6-8 weeks before I find out.

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