Recurrent Miscarriage Thread

Lace I know that feeling. I always felt like everyone was getting a rainbow and u kept losing. I did go vegan for quite a while and lost weight but it was only wright I gained during the pregnancies. I felt like maybe my immune system was over reacting. As well as I maybe I over ovulate. I could get pregnant but couldn't stay. I'd usually measure behind a little as well and it took forever to see a hb (when we did). My on also thought maybe we were just catching bad eggs as this preg has tested negative for everything. Did you get pgs testing with ivf?
floridamomma - we did PGS with one round of IVF. But I can't afford any more - it's not worth it since I get very very poor response to stims, and the only way we'd get enough embryos to be worth the PGS fee would be to batch at least 10-12. I'm assuming that a higher-than-normal percentage will be aneuploid for us, so it makes no sense going to PGS with only 3-4 embies when it's very likely they'll all end up abnormal.

We have one round of IVF covered by OHIP (our govmt health insurance). OHIP pays for ICSI, but not for PGS. After that round we're done, we can't afford any more IVF.
hope2016-I am sorry I didn't reply sooner. I think we cross posted. I don't know of any people personally who have had that happen and had a successful pregnancy but what I do know is you are in a situation that has strong indications of an ectopic pregnancy. There is a chance that you could have had a vanishing twin and that accounts for the spotting/weird hCG fluctuations but I would caution you to be VERY watchful for signs of ectopic pregnancy. If you are over 6 weeks now, I would demand an ultrasound to see if there is a viable pregnancy in there or to see if it's ectopic. Repeat bloods won't necessarily show what's going on either. I've had blood tests with phenomenal hCG numbers and rises only to miscarry and I've had bloods that have shown my hCG/progesterone levels are on the low end of normal with slower rises and had a rainbow in the end. For your peace of mind, I'd get an ultrasound.

LacePrincess My Dr knows MTHFR can cause clotting but he doesn't think it's causing my m/c. Yet when I talked to my hematologist about clottign stuff, MTHFR was the FIRST thing he looked at and he said it most certainly is my issue. I honestly think I need steroids as well because there are several autoimmune disorders that run in my family tree but neither of my drs will prescribe them. The blood doc won't do it because he's convinced I'm low in calcium and steroids would deplete me further and my OB won't prescribe them without the hematologist's say-so. :dohh: But it does sound like you've had the full gamut of tests and hopefully the remaining tests you have done will yield an answer.
dairymomma - gosh I sure hope they find some new information in the few tests we have left. After that I have no clue......!

My clinic is really conservative. They won't do steroids (though that does seem more popular in the US than in Canada), and they won't do blood thinner shots without a clear clotting disorder dx and even then they refer to a hematologist. I actually did get an appt with the hematologist just to see if he thought it would help, and he said absolutely no way, risks far outweigh any benefits with no clotting disorder. I just have to trust they know best.

In a way, it is reassuring that we're doing all we can. Frustrating that it's not enough, but otoh we didn't need aspirin or Femara or Lovenox or steroids or progesterone to conceive and have our sons. So it probably will work - eventually. Well, that's about the only hope I have now.
Lace I really do hope it all works out. I was actually able to get things from my ob. She said I didn't need it but we were throwing everything at the wall to see if it sticks.
floridamomma - I'm willing to throw everything at the wall too! LOL Oh gosh the amount of $$$ I've spent on specialty supplements, like $200 a month. So much money. Didn't do a danged thing.

Unfortunately the only thing my RE will let me have is progesterone. Sigh.

Well we're going back to basics. No name prenatal vits, Centrum multi for DH, and B vits. At least I'll save some money! And maybe my body will like not being chemically screwed around with. Plus with the hundreds I'm saving NOT peeing money down the drain, we're gonna get another dog. :thumbup: Yes, we want a little lap dog so I can be one of those crazy people that dress up their dogs. Who knows I might go all the way and carry it around in a sling too!
Lace- I have a little lap dog and she is my baby! I dress her up and she will snuggle on demand lol. Yes we did the same with our med regime. I did take some supplements from acupuncturist. I only took them a few months but I actually passed clots and other things during af that I didn't know we're even in there. Literally it looked liked I was mc(sometimes felt like it). I also really begin to feel ovulation as well. I didn't know what the pain was. The month we got preg I knew it to the day as it was quite painful. I only took b12, liquid folate, and a vegan multi vitamin from the health food store. And lots of prayer. That's it. None of those steroids, blood thinners, etc worked in my case because there was just nothing explainable. I also saw a chiropractor. I was have back issues due to carrying heavy crap all day. One other person who lost 3 before their rainbow told me that what she did but I just went for my bad back :hehe:
floridamomma - keep your fingers crossed for us, DH is driving 2 hours to check out a shelter dog today, I hope we get him. He's a little traumatized maltese mix, very shy and scared, really cute but really anxious. I kind of feel like it might be a good fit, both of us traumatized now, maybe we can heal each other. I really want a little doggy baby but I'm also nervous about the toy breeds, as we have a big dog (golden) and our boys and I wouldn't want a tiny dog to be hurt accidentally by my rough and tumble household.

My regular AF is actually quite clotty. I've found my m/c bleeds to be very similar to my AF, and I thought that maybe I have very light m/c but actually I think I just have very clotty periods. I tested neg for all the clotting factors though and I tried taking baby aspirin on my own but it didn't make a difference. I still think our problem is just hyperfertility and implanting defective embryos.

Well good news. I picked up my misoprostol (Cytotec) prescription yesterday, I had intended to start on Sat, but it looks like I'm starting to bleed on my own this morning. So hopefully it'll all pass naturally and quickly which is always for the best.
So sorry lacexx. Have you considered counseling at all. It was very useful after our losses
floridamomma - thanks. :) I've had counselling myself, but they really didn't tell me what I didn't already know about myself, lol. I'm pretty overanalytical and pragmatic. I actually get more therapeutic benefit from connecting with other women who've been through the same stuff, sharing our experiences and just commiserating and knowing I'm not alone. That helps immensely.
Coming up on 7 years since my first m/c. It was a mmc at 15 weeks. Only found out I was pregnant at thirteen weeks. But anyways, coming up on 7 years to the day and I'm feeling completely crappy about it.
I've just started a new relationship and I don't know if I can talk to him properly about it yet... Like I know he'd listen and such but I don't know if I'm ready to talk about it with him properly yet.. He knows about it but I've not spoken in any detail about it, if that makes sense. I'm getting lower and lower in my mood as the day approaches and I don't know what to do. The pain is as real as it was the day it happened.

Sorry just needed to vent I suppose. X
floridamomma - I spoke to my best friend about it a bit tonight. And I did speak to my OH about it a little bit but not as much as my best friend.
So, another early loss.

Really thought this one was going to take as I started my steroids early this month and everything seemed to be progressing normally.

Levels dropped really rapidly and bleeding started today. First real loss since Grace; the month before I'm assuming was a CP as my levels never tried to rise.

I thought that 30 was the magic number for the steroids.

I'm crushed. I was really excited to think we had figured out and managed the problem but now I feel like we are back to square one and I'm heartbroken to think that we may have to suffer through another 15 losses to have another baby.

Ladies using the steroid protocol, did you go on to have multiple successful pregnancies with it or did you have to bump your steroids each go?
So sorry Stuck! For your sake I hope there are no more losses. I think you have dealt with enough.
stuck- if I ttc again, i have to have another surgery because of my septum removal 6 years ago, i guess things don't stay put like they should and i need another laporascopy/hysteroscopy and then hope i can still get pregs and then that i don't miscarry (and i'm 41 now, used to get pregs easily in my mid 30s). i thank god i got the twins but it will take a miracle if i want more (I also did steroids, lovenox, baby asp, injectibles, IUI, etc etc). I'm super happy for but a little jealous of the girls that went on to just keep having kids like normal girls after they finally had their first. i was really hoping that would be my case too but it just isn't. i only had 4 prior early losses though, but, it is easier now being i actually got to have a successful pregnancy so I won't feel like my world is ending if i don't get to have more. thinking that you will never be able to have kids your entire life is one of the worst feelings in the world.
girls trying for your first, keep trying as long as you can. fortunately many of us that have been on here actually got to finally have kids. and the girls who had to quit trying, I feel so absolutely crushed for.
stuck - i really hope you get to have another one, I wish it could be just easy for us. can't we get just 1 pregnancy like a normal person? nope, we can't :( but, we can sure as hell try our hardest to throw everything we have at it and hope for the best
^^ yes! I was so hopeful that the successful pregnancy would just magically reset my crappy body and I'd go on to have lots of babies. Obviously that won't be the case here.

I'm crushed as I had just started being happy that they would be so close in age.

Maybe next time. It's so hard to keep going and I am so so so so thankful for my baby girl but it's an ugly wake up to think I wanted a house full of babies and this may be it for us as I don't know how long I'll be able to keep t up emotionally.
Stucki - I got pregnant by accident back I PM August, I didn't find out till I was 5 weeks so I started the steroids then but sadly miscarried

I originally took the steroids because of high nk cells but my nk cells were actually well within range this time so god knows why I miscarried

Aww stuck. I'm so sorry to hear that. :hugs:

Since my doctors will prescribe everything BUT steroids, I'm not much help with your question. But I can tell you that the 'tried and true' doesn't hold true for me. I've yet to carry to term without at least one miscarriage between pgs and we've had to change my treatment plan for every rainbow pg. It's like adding something new is the ticket but it's only good for one try. :wacko:

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