What a busy day yesterday but, after circling the drain of PND, I think I might be on the up.
First we went to the GPs to pick up a referral letter for the specialist. Then on to the local childrens centre for a 1 to 1 session with one of the health visitors to learn some baby massage techniques especially for reflux symptoms.
Raced out of there and on to the private hospital to see the paed. Stewart did his normal trick - after days and days of crying and fussiness was either sleeping peacefully or quiet alert and smiling!

I was worried the doctor might think I was neurotic and insane saying he was poorly when he wasn't.
Anyway, he was very thorough and was able to put my mind at rest that, although the refulx is very severe, he doesn't have anything more serious like pyloric stenosis.
He weighed S and he is now up to 12lbs 13oz which was 7oz up from when he was weighed 6 days ago. That means he has just over doubled his birthweight in 8 weeks 4 days!!! That has often been my problem getting his reflux taken seriously because he does gain so well but that is because I spend my whole life feeing and re-feeding him!
So the plan is - 1.5ml Domperidone 4 times a day 1/2 hour before a feed and 1 sachet of Gaviscon after every feed. We try this for 4 weeks and get reviewed again. He said he wouldn't give Omeprazole to a child as young as him

He noticed that S is quite mucousy and has some eczema so he says there might be a slight cows milk protein allergy. Since the symptoms are only slight, he wants to see how he gets on with the new meds first before he puts me on any restrictive dairy free diets. Thank goodness because I would really miss dairy! Chocolate especially!
Lastly, I have to take a fresh stool sample to have him tested for Lactose intolerance. It has to get to the hospital in 4 hours which should be interesting. Not as tricky as getting a sperm sample to the hospital in 45 minutes though!!!
Paed wrote a letter back to my GP so I could get the prescription and tests done on the NHS. He said I would have had a 10 week wait to see him on the NHS! Glad I didn't just sit about and wait for that - Stewart would have outgrown the reflux but I would have gone mental in the process by then.
So I have his new medicine and gave him the first dose this morning. He wasn't too thrilled but we got it down. The challenge was to wake him, give him something yucky and then tell him to wait a WHOLE 30 minutes for food! I distracted him by giving him a bath (I have decided to switch his bath to the morning because it wakes him up and he is often more covered in puke in the morning than at the end of the day). After his bath this morning I tried out the massage. He cried at first and then really seemed to enjoy it.

He is napping now so I have to go off and mix up his batch of Gaviscon for the day...